Tomorrow, Tuesday 6 October at 5.30 PM, I'll record an International Competition Law catch up class (MIM) that I'll then make available to enrolled Students. If you wish to participate in the recording, please go to Moodle to find the Zoom invite for tomorrow- dreading being all alone in the Zoom Classroom and looking forward to your inspiring questions! Today's slides here and also on Moodle!
Monday, October 05, 2020
Message to Enrolled Students (MIM)
Tomorrow, Tuesday 6 October at 5.30 PM, I'll record an International Competition Law catch up class (MIM) that I'll then make available to enrolled Students. If you wish to participate in the recording, please go to Moodle to find the Zoom invite for tomorrow- dreading being all alone in the Zoom Classroom and looking forward to your inspiring questions! Today's slides here and also on Moodle!
FranceInter, ici (30:52).
Monopolkommission, hier .
V. Robertson, here .
HelloQuitteX, ici .
Here (Meta, Google etc. as members).
O. Borgogno, A. Perrazzelli, here .