A self-proclaimed essential facility.
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
UK Ofcom asks the Competition Commission to investigate concerns regarding the sale and distribution of subscription premium Pay TV movies
press release
Reference Decision
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Concept note on a Digital Clearinghouse 2.0
EDPS, here .
Clara Chappaz, ministre chargée de l'Intelligence Artificielle et du numérique
FranceInter, ici (30:52).
Monopolkommission, hier .
Protecting Democracy in the Digital Era: What Can Competition Law Contribute?
V. Robertson, here .
“Is the “Exclusionary Effects” Filter set out under the Draft Guidelines on Article 102 TFEU an empty one?”
A. Lamadrid, here .
The EU vs. Big Tech: Regulating for innovation and sovereignty
The Sound of Economics, Podcast here .
Une grande soirée festive pour fêter l’entrée dans une nouvelle ère numérique
HelloQuitteX, ici .
CODE and the UK Digital Agenda
Here (Meta, Google etc. as members).
From principles to practice: The case for coordinated international LLMs supervision
O. Borgogno, A. Perrazzelli, here .
Technology is at an Inflection Point. The FTC is on the Front Lines.
FTC, here .