Tuesday, March 29, 2022
Google enjoys paramount significance for competition across markets
The 173-page decision by the Bundeskartellamt determining Google's status of addressee of Section 19 (a) GWB has been published and even translated into English. The company's "paramount significance for competition across markets" has been confirmed (and accepted by Google itself). Much to read and ponder on (already not clear - at least to me - how much Google in the end had to pay for the proceedings).
Ofcom.org.uk, here .
Computational Antitrust, here .
EC, Conference, Thursday 17 January 2019 , 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CET, here .
L. Khan, here (pp. 99 ff.), here .
Many Authors, here .
Livestream Day 1 here . Livestream Day 2 here.
Foreign Affairs, here .
K. Yeung, here.
FSFE, here .