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Friday, May 04, 2012
America’s First Patent Thicket: Sewing Machine War of the 1850s
A. Mossoff,
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Clara Chappaz, ministre chargée de l'Intelligence Artificielle et du numérique
FranceInter, ici (30:52).
Monopolkommission, hier .
Protecting Democracy in the Digital Era: What Can Competition Law Contribute?
V. Robertson, here .
“Is the “Exclusionary Effects” Filter set out under the Draft Guidelines on Article 102 TFEU an empty one?”
A. Lamadrid, here .
Une grande soirée festive pour fêter l’entrée dans une nouvelle ère numérique
HelloQuitteX, ici .
CODE and the UK Digital Agenda
Here (Meta, Google etc. as members).
From principles to practice: The case for coordinated international LLMs supervision
O. Borgogno, A. Perrazzelli, here .
Technology is at an Inflection Point. The FTC is on the Front Lines.
FTC, here .
Amazon AI deal leaves ‘zombie’ start-up in its wake, whistleblower says
WP, here .
FTC Surveillance Pricing Study Indicates Wide Range of Personal Data Used to Set Individualized Consumer Prices
FTC, here .