Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Teaching Art. 102 TFEU: Judges

Looking forward to this new experience. I hope we will all have fun working on the self-preferencing case study (here the pdf of the presentation).

Post scriptum: great questions and very constructive atmosphere - I confessed at the beginning that I was very anxious about this class and they were very kind and understanding ❤. 

Thursday, March 31, 2022

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Google enjoys paramount significance for competition across markets

The 173-page decision by the Bundeskartellamt determining Google's status of addressee of Section 19 (a) GWB has been published and even translated into English. The company's "paramount significance for competition across markets" has been confirmed (and accepted by Google itself). Much to read and ponder on (already not clear - at least to me -  how much Google in the end had to pay for the proceedings). 

Antitrust Olympus

Cristina Caffarra of CRA has single-handedly (as far as I "know" her) organized an impressive Conference with the Gods of our field  You can also join it virtually (as I'll be doing, thanks). 

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Habemus the Digital Markets Act


On 24 March 2004 the European Commission fined Microsoft for abuse of dominant position (H/T Lewis Crofts). 18 years (age of maturity) later  on the same day, the Digital Markets Act was conclusively negotiated within the Trialogue. Papers and books will be written. 

In parallel to the final negotiations, a DMA panel was taking place at the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI). With Inge Graef (Tilburg), Silke Hoffenfelder (Bundeskartellamt) and myself (Trento), moderated by Jens-Uwe Franck (Mannheim). The ones on the panel truly enjoyed it, unsure about the audience. A recording will be available soon.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

On the eve of the DMA’s 4th Trialogue: A Twitter 🧵(not for the faint-hearted)


« Wouldn’t it be nice to solve all such problems in one go? »


famously said the former Competition  Commissioner Neelie Kroes in the long aftermath of the EU Microsoft case referring to interoperability issues caused by Big Tech. More than a decade after Kroes expressed that wish, the DMA moves exactly in this direction, with mandated interoperability for ancillary services *and* for so called horizontal interoperability of instant messaging (albeit limited to one-to-one communications with late openings with regard to group chats and calls), as it has been reported by the FT and Politico today.  More could be done, and the devil will likely be in the technical details of the obligations, of course, but it’d be a promising beginning. 

Monday, March 21, 2022

Competition law in war times

 Perhaps due to miopia, this is something we wouldn’t have expected to see in our so far rather peaceful European Union. The European Competition Network has just published a “ Joint statement by the European Competition Network (ECN) on the application of competition law in the context of the war in Ukraine”. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

A patron of digital competition

At the end of January, Google launched a "new dedicated Digital Assets Team". Today, Politico reported that "a group of progressive advocates are pushing Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), the head of the House Financial Services Committee, to hold a hearing on Google’s" new blockchain plans. As reported by Politico, differently from Facebook's grand plan with Libra/Diem, Google "is...looking to create a broader blockchain infrastructure that could be used by a wide variety of cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, and stressed that Google doesn’t “want to take sides in backing any specific currency.” Should we worry? Will the DMA protect us? Antitrust and financial minds in particular will likely need to come together to discuss this. If St. Isidore of Seville (painting: as imagined by Murillo) is the unofficial 
patron saint of the Internet, we could use a patron of digital competition too. Any candidate? 

One step ahead? The Italian Competition Authority sends detailed requests for information to major oil companies


After Germany and other countries, the Italian Autorità aims "to investigate the reasons for these increases and, if so, to assess whether there is scope for possible intervention limited only to the hypothesis of a possible infringement of the rules on abuse of a dominant position or agreements restricting competition"

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Quo vadis, DMA?


Are we fiddling while competition processes in the digital economy are "burning"? Not quite, according to the excellent Speakers at a conference which took place today (also online and for free, many thanks), organized by Concurrences. (BTW, this is not a conference debriefing à la  D'Kart, so don't expect to be informed while being entertained). The urgency we are in, however, was clearly expressed by Andreas Mundt by saying that "we don't have the time to wait for Court decisions". He also expanded on the many ways in which "his" 19a GWB was way better than the DMA. My conference-tweeting as stream of consciousness starts here

Among the many enriching statements and discussions, voilà some points that were particularly dear to me.  

1) The DMA is already part of a broader picture: this was directly recalled by Thibault Schrepel in the first panel and indirectly in the third panel while discussing the competition issues related to the Internet of Things (see the Data Act in particular).
2) In order to properly enforce the DMA, we need a lot of data scientists. A figure, you ask? Out of the 220 staff suggested by Andreas Schwab, at least 50, proposes Yann Guthmann of the French competition authority (#moretechnologicalapproach as advocated since a famous Munich Conference - not that one). 

3) Almost everybody still wondered what contestability and fairness actually meant. I would have preferred openness instead of contestability, which economically has a very precise and perhaps not very helpful meaning in this context. But, c'est la vie! At any rate, contestability/openness and fairness point to a process rather than to an outcome (e.g., low prices), which is excellent. 

4) Le diable se cache dans les détails of the DMA. Indeed, big date for final negotiations 24th March - lightning speed according to Margrethe Vestager, we'll see...

5) Avis cloud computing of the Adlc: beginning 2023. Competition enforcement only after that date, if necessary? (And: see again Data Act).

6) Lawyers (especially those in private practice) expect aspire to DMA litigations from Day One. This is new stuff, vehemently opposed by some the most powerful  companies in the world.  Along similar lines, Andreas Mundt is already quite concerned about the Court's (only *one* and not too unresponsive, generally) expectations regarding how Sec. 19a should be applied. Google settled, but what about the other gatekeepers potentially in scope? 

7) We need (also) to discuss public interest in the DMA, beyond contestability and fairness. 

8) There might even be court-sponsored spillovers from the DMA to competition law (see the Google Shopping ruling for inspiration). 

We will again be discussing the DMA next week in Mannheim, I am afraid (exactly on the 24th).

Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Teuer, expensive, chère, cara...

Robert Habeck, the German Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate, asked the German Competition Authority (per Tweet?) to assess weather mineral oil companies were behaving abusively ("Could be"). The Bundeskartellamt replied by press release (only in German at the time of writing). The Authority is not concerned with oil price swings per se, but "[I]f crude oil prices now fall again and petrol station prices do not follow suit or even rise further, we have to take a close look. This includes several market levels: from the crude oil market to the refineries and wholesalers to the petrol station operators." How national are these markets (still) today, actually? 

MGM's Bauchschmerzen


The European Commission approved Amazon's acquisition of MGM Holdings Inc. Personally, I felt some Bauchschmerzen

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Monday, March 14, 2022

Net Zero-relevant markets

The CMA has launched a Sustainability Taskforce, namely "a cross-organisational taskforce dedicated to sustainability issues". Among other things, it commits to "launching at least 1 new market study in a Net Zero-relevant market in the next financial year".

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Libra's Post-Mortem - Novi Resuscitati?

The CFPB's Director, Rohit Chopra, gave a TV interview yesterday. While Libra might be no more, he made clear that "cryptocurrencies + Big Tech" might still pose issues and that the Biden administration is getting ready to anticipate them. 

Friday, March 11, 2022

One of Biden Executive Order's Many Sprouts

President Biden's Executive Order on Promoting Competition in the American Economy never stops giving. The US Department of Agriculture has just announced that "[a]s part of its efforts to enhance fair and competitive markets, USDA is requesting comments and information from the public about the impacts of concentration and market power in fertilizer, seeds and other agricultural inputs, and retail" 

Byzantine splits

One of the strangest things about US antitrust policy to my European eyeballs has always been the byzantine split between the FTC and the DOJ on merger enforcement. Interagency collaboration as well as the very hot discussions on modernizing merger guidelines are on the agenda of an upcoming Spring Enforcers Summit (4 April). 

I need that source.

 At a panel organized during the Industrial Organization Meeting, Spring 2022, Carl Shapiro famously called himself a Modernist and others New Brandeisians (see here, fn. 7). While the recordings of the other panels are still available (one click away on the meeting's website), this is not (while it has been for a while: I caught up a few hours after the panel took place). This is a real pity for us interested in following the recent developments in antitrust policy thinking. Please NBER, put it up again. 

Stellar Wars in the Antitrust Sky?

The antitrust news of the day so far (10. 52 AM CET) is the parallel opening of investigations in the UK and the EU into the Jedi Blue allegation. Interestingly, the CMA is signalling again that the DMU politicians' time is up, this time by starting "scrutinising Google’s conduct in relation to header bidding services more widely to see if the firm abused a dominant position and gained an unfair advantage over competitors trying to provide a similar service".

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Message to my Students & Others

 Dear all,

This blog/feed has always been for us to be well informed. Sadly, I'm no longer able to update it - simply too much going on. I might be transitioning it to a real blog. 

Thursday, February 03, 2022

DMA Trialogue -3 February 2022


Satya Nadella: Microsoft has “permission to build the next Internet”

 ArsTechnica, here

Guidelines 01/2022on data subject rights - Right of access

 EDPB, here

Unlocking Your Phone to Digital Competition

 P. Marsden, here

Beyond the dongle: Apple won’t take down Square that easily

 Protocol, here

Are data trusts a suitable stewardship model for the developing world?

 FT, here

Streit um die Autodaten

 Tagesschau, hier


 W. Christi, here

Amazon pays $2.25 million to settle a price-fixing investigation.

 NYTimes, here.

How Apple Locks Out the Competition with Its Digital Key

 Protocol, here

Commission must take urgent action to protect consumers’ data in the automotive sector.

 BEUC, here

The Legal Complexities of Processing and Protecting Personal Data in the Electricity Sector

 S. Lavrijssen et al., here

Data altruism: how the EU is screwing up a good idea

 Algorithm Watch, here

Who owns your address in AR? Probably not you.

 Protocol, here

Web3 ist das Internet, das es zu verhindern gilt

 Spiegel, hier

New approach to enable global leadership of EU standards promoting values and a resilient, green and digital Single Market

 EC, here

Google Vanquished a Rival in Prague. Payback Could Hurt.

 NYTimes, here

A double edged string: APD holds TCF violates GDPR and IAB is responsible

 O. Kagan, here

Book Review: Profit Over Privacy: How Surveillance Advertising Conquered the Internet by Matthew Crain

LSE, here.  

Behavioral ad industry gets hard reform deadline after IAB’s TCF found to breach Europe’s GDPR

 TechCrunch, here

The French Competition Authority recognized for the first time the existence of a market for organic products

 Competition Forum, here

The Unnerving Rise of Video Games that Spy on You

 Wired, here

DATENTREUHANDSCHAFT DURCH INTERMEDIÄRE - Chancen, Herausforderungen und Implikationen

 I. Schneider, hier

Why Decentralised Finance (DeFi) Matters and the Policy Implications

 OECD, here

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

What Studying Consciousness Can Reveal about AI and the Metaverse

 Exponential View Podcast, here

Privacy And Competition Concerns with Google’s Privacy Sandbox

 Brave, here

Hin zu einer Sozial-ökologischen Marktwirtschaft


Jahreswirtschaftsbericht 2022, hier. Video hier. And here.

Establishing a European Declaration on Digital rights and principles for the Digital Decade

 Communication, here. Declaration here. Report on the stakeholder consultation and engagement activities here

Data collaboratives, competition law and the governance of EU data spaces

 N. Zingales, here

The General Court annuls in part the Commission decision imposing a fine of € 1.06 billion on Intel

 Curia, here

Senate committee votes to advance major tech antitrust bill

 CNBC, here

The End of Data Monopolies

 Pool Data, here



Métavers : ce jeu dont qui sera le héros ?

 LINC, ici

Apple fails to satisfy requirements set by ACM

 ACM, here

Google drops FLoC after widespread opposition, pivots to “Topics API” plan

 Ars Technica, here

Japan to flag underpriced IPOs as antitrust law violation

 Kyodo, here.

Google’s Topics API: Rebranding FLoC Without Addressing Key Privacy Issues

 Brave, here

Apple’s cloud gaming restrictions may be biggest news in CMA interim report

 S. Huijts, here

European Parliament approves rights-respecting DSA & proposes ban on use of sensitive personal data for online ads

 EDRi, here

Facebook owner Meta dives into NFT digital collectibles craze

 FT, here

Google's Alleged Scheme to Corner the Online Ad Market

 Wired, here

EU must resist attempts to dilute Digital Markets Act

 Euraciv, here. 

What's the biggest effect the metaverse will have on IoT, or vice versa?

 Protocol, here

Too little competition hurts real people, every day.

 J. Kanter, here

Meta patents suggest biometric data capture for personalized advertising

 BiometricUpdate, here


 Podcast, here

All digital creations are NFTs. We just don’t know it yet.

FT, here.  

Preisaufschläge ohne mehr Nachhaltigkeit in der Milchwirtschaft: Bundeskartellamt zeigt kartellrechtliche Grenzen auf

 Bundeskartellamt, hier

Google’s FLoC 2.0, Topics, Trade Effectiveness for Privacy Compliance

 ADWEEK, here

Digital Identity

 ENISA, here

Friday, January 14, 2022

Google Misled Publishers and Advertisers, Unredacted Lawsuit Alleges

 WSJ, here

Apple to allow alternative payment system for 1st time in S. Korea

 The Korea Herald, here

Second time lucky? FTC v. Facebook

 Order here

Votre attention, s’il vous plaît !

 CNN, ici

Google News Showcase – Bundeskartellamt holds consultations on Google’s proposals for dispelling competition concerns

 Bundeskartellamt, here

Policymakers, web3, and the metaverse

 S. Gilbert, here

India’s Aadhaar System: Bringing E-Government to Life

 Chandler Institute, here

Commission prohibits proposed acquisition of Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering by Hyundai Heavy Industries Holdings

 EC, here

China’s New AI Governance Initiatives Shouldn’t Be Ignored

 M. Sheehan, here

The true cost of Amazon’s low prices

 Recode, here

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Interim Report on the Sectoral Survey on Financial Technologies

 HCC, here (DeepL translation).

Francesca Bria on Decentralisation, Sovereignty, and Web3

The Crypto Syllabus, here

ACM obliges Apple to adjust unreasonable conditions for its App Store

 ACM, here

Justice Department and Agriculture Department Issue Shared Principles and Commitments to Protect Against Unfair and Anticompetitive Practices


Alphabet/Google subject to new abuse control applicable to large digital companies – Bundeskartellamt determines “paramount significance across markets”

 Bundeskartellamt, here

Conversation with Ioannis Lianos on His Work at the HCC, DMA Digital Markets Act

 Video here

Cookies : la CNIL sanctionne GOOGLE à hauteur de 150 millions d’euros et FACEBOOK à hauteur de 60 millions d’euros pour non-respect de la loi

 CNIL, ici

Three Amazon Marketplace Sellers Plead Guilty to Price Fixing DVDs and Blu-Ray Discs in Ongoing Investigation

 DoJ, here

Andrés Arauz on CDBCs and Sovereignty

 The Crypto Syllabus, here

Auch Indien geht gegen Apples App Store vor, hier

In welcher Ordnung wollen wir leben?

Ausstellung, hier.  

Money in the Metaverse

 A. Wiener, here

The Sherman Act and Abuse of Dominance in the Age of Networks

 H. Hovenkamp, here

The Rise of NFTs: These Aren't the Droids You're Looking For

B. Bodó et al., here.  

Digital Platforms and the New 19a Tool in the German Competition Act

 J.-U. Franck, M. Peitz, here

Duckduckgo: Google benachteiligt andere Suchmaschinen, hier

My first impressions of web3, here

Platform-based business models and financial inclusion

 K. Croxson et al., here

No pain, no gain? The Digital Markets Act

 Z. Meyers, here

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Biometric identity systems in law enforcement and the politics of (voice) recognition: The case of SiiP

F. Jansen et al., here.  

FTC initiates probe into Meta's $400 mln VR deal for Supernatural - The Information

 Reuters, here

Regulate, but build too: for a European digital sphere

 Social Europe, here

The EU’s digital strategy and what it means for privacy

 iapp, here

Commission approves the acquisition of Suez by Veolia, subject to conditions

 EC, here

We need to talk about consent

 Mydex, here.

Digital Markets Acts update

 I. Brown, here

Six months with Lina Khan's FTC

 Axios, here

Airbnb hosts at the mercy of algorithms

Noyb, here.  

Help! My recruiter is an algorithm!

 Noyb, here

The history of the data economy: Part IV: The future

 T. Harkness, here

Before and after GDPR: tracking in mobile apps

 K. Kollnig et al., here

CFPB Shutters Lending by VC-Backed Fintech LendUp for Violating Agency Order

CFPB, here.  

EU clears Microsoft-Nuance without conditions

 TechCrunch, here

EC Press Release here

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Facial recognition: the CNIL orders CLEARVIEW AI to stop reusing photographs available on the Internet

 CNIL, here

'Capitalism: what has gone wrong, what needs to change and how can it be fixed?'

 Video here



Deutsche digitale B2B-Plattformen

 BDI, hier

UK antitrust regulator looks into Microsoft's $16 bln Nuance deal

 Reuters, here

Sanzione di oltre 1 miliardo e 128 milioni di euro ad Amazon per abuso di posizione dominante

 AGCM, qui. Provvedimento qui

Bundeskartellamt sieht Anmeldepflicht der Fusion Meta / Kustomer


Commission invites comments on draft Guidelines about collective agreements regarding the working conditions of solo self-employed people

 EC, here

Parliament's negotiating position on the digital markets act

 EPRS, here

In South Korea, Big Tech’s power struggle with regulators is way ahead of the U.S.

 RestofWorld, here

Apple and Google duopoly limits competition and choice

 CMA, Interim Report here; Appendices here

CFPB Calls Tech Workers to Action


Telekommunikation 2021: Wettbewerb im Umbruch


Monopolkommission, hier

Protecting competition and innovation in the Internet of Things : Towards an Integrated Approach ?

Some slides, here.  

When ‘the’ market loses its relevance: an empirical analysis of demand-side linkages in platform ecosystems

 JRC Technical Report, here

Business Data Sharing through Data Marketplaces: A Systematic Literature Review

 A. Abbas et al., here

Feminist data protection

 IPR, here


 Greens, here

EU-US launch Joint Technology Competition Policy Dialogue to foster cooperation in competition policy and enforcement in technology sector

 EC, here

Interoperabilität zwischen Messengerdiensten: Überblick der Potenziale und Herausforderungen

 Bundesnetzagentur, hier

The Profit Paradox — why high profits are bad for the economy

 J. Eeckhout, TedTalk here

15 Visionen für eine gerechte, soziale und nachhaltige Digitalisierung, hier

Digital regulation: joined-up and accountable

 House of Lords, here

Crouching tiger, hidden dragons

IIPP report, here

Three proposals to strengthen the EU Artificial Intelligence Act

ALI, here.  

How to Fix the Courts’ Misuse of Economics

 M. Katz, here

Competition & Privacy: It's Both Or Nothing

 R. Berjon, here

What if the single most important idea in economics no longer works?

 J. Plunkett, here

From an Hayekian perspective, here

Germany’s data strategy for growth and innovation

 World Bank, here

DSA milestone: EU lawmakers have responded to our calls for meaningful transparency for big tech

 Algorithm Watch, here

Dans le cadre de l’instruction au fond du dossier sur les droits voisins, Google propose des engagements. L’Autorité les soumet à consultation publique

 Adlc, ici

Ökonomie als Wissenschaft der Präferenzentstehung und Charakterbildung

 Hayek-Vorlesung mit Ernst Fehr, hier.

FTC may consider rule curbing algorithmic discrimination and ‘commercial surveillance’

 TechCrunch, here

Grindr hit with € 6.2 million fine in response to complaint from the Norwegian Consumer Council

Forbrukerradet, here

Pas un Gaia-X 2.0

 Euractiv, ici

The Impact of Consolidation and Monopoly Power on American Innovation

 Subcommittee on Competition Policy, Antitrust, and Consumer Rights, here

Friday, December 10, 2021

Friday, December 03, 2021

Digital Markets Act latest: IMCO vs Council

 I. Brown, here.

The ruling of the EU General Court in Google Shopping: An endorsement of the EU Commission antitrust enforcement policy in digital markets”

 M. Botta, here.

Regulate to innovate

 ALI, here.

The pros and cons of decentralized platforms

 A. Hagiu et al., here,

Promoting data sharing: presidency reaches deal with Parliament on Data Governance Act

 The Council, here.

Bundeskartellamt imposes fine on audio equipment manufacturer Bose


Le GESTE dépose plainte contre Apple devant l’Autorité de la concurrence

 Le Geste, ici.

FTC Sues to Block $40 Billion Semiconductor Chip Merger

 FTC, here.

Google exec on company's privacy philosophy: ‘FLoC will evolve – there will be other birds’

 The Drum, here.

Commission fines UBS, Barclays, RBS, HSBC and Credit Suisse € 344 million for participating in a Foreign Exchange spot trading cartel

 EC, here.

Deutsche digitale B2B-Plattformen

 BDI, hier.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

EU Parliament’s key committee adopts Digital Markets Act

 Euractiv, here

Big Business Declares War on Lina Khan

 M. Stoller, here

Andreas Schwab - Digital Markets Act Version of 18-11-2021 - Compromise Amendments



Press Conference, Video here.

Italy fines Amazon and Apple $230M over antitrust charges

 TechCrunch, here.

The Italian decision qui

Merger control and FDI interplay: Article 21 as a potential tool towards further convergence in FDI rules

 Clifford Chance, here


 Expert Opinion Commissioned by the Landesanstalt für Medien NRW, here

Google v Commission (Google Shopping): A Case Summary

 N. Moreno Belloso, here

Epic CEO Tim Sweeney calls for a universal app store to combat tech monopolies

 Protocol, here

EU Shopping judgment: what does equal access to Google's general results pages mean?

 Hausfeld, here

Stream your brain! Speculative economy of the IoT and its pan-kinetic dataveillance

 S. Ahn, here


 Competition Commission of India, here

WhatsApp privacy policy tweaked in Europe after record fine

 BBC, here

Noyb files another complaint against Amazon Europe – black box algorithm discriminates customers

 Noyb, here

Apple’s concession on the right to repair

 FT, here

Small business holds key to tech's antitrust fate

 Axios, here

The Future of Digital Spaces and Their Role in Democracy

 Pew Research Center, here

Synergies between Data protection law and competition law

W. Kerber, L. Specht, here

Wettbewerb und Datenschutz: Wie Kastor und Pollux, hier.

Coalition for App Fairness Statement on Digital Markets Act (DMA) Vote by European Parliament


Wednesday, November 17, 2021


 OECD Background Note by S. Roberts, here

Bundesrat verbietet Knebelverträge bei Hotelbuchungen

 NZZ, hier. [Gut - Meine Erklärung here]                          

Competition issues concerning news media and digital platforms

 OECD, Background Paper, here

Ex ante regulation of digital markets

OECD, Background Note here.  

Environmental Considerations in Competition Enforcement: Legal Assessment

 OECD Background Note, here

Joe to Lina re oil prices


Big Tech as Global Problem

The Grande Dame of Antitrust Law, Video here.  

CMA to open up electric vehicle charging competition on motorways

 CMA, here

7th CUTS-CIRC Biennial Conference on Competition, Regulation and Development-Day 01

 Day 01, Video here

Day 02, Live here

In Moscow’s Technological Advances, a ‘Double-Edged Sword’

NYTimes, here.  

Support study accompanying the Commission Notice on the evaluation of the definition of relevant market for the purposes of Community competition law

For the EC, here

Facebook goes after the creator of InstaPy, a tool that automates Instagram likes

 Algorithm Watch, here

Facial recognition: Huge risks for our societies

 EDPS, Video here

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Judge Ginsburg: On the Proposed Digital Markets Unit and the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority

 An American Friend, Here

Privacy as code: A new taxonomy for privacy

 iapp, here

Marktmacht und Ohnmacht – Wettbewerbsrecht hält mit Oligopolen nicht Schritt

 I. Lianos, hier

You Are the Object of a Secret Extraction Operation

 S. Zuboff, here

When do consumers prefer algorithmic versus human decisionmakers?

 Brookings, here

Everything You Need To Know About The Metaverse

 Protocol, here

Lessons from the Past? How Ordoliberal Competition Theory Can Address Market Power in the Digital Age

 I. Oakes, A. Küsters, here

Q&A: How the EU’s Flawed Artificial Intelligence Regulation Endangers the Social Safety Net

 Human Rights Watch, here

Industry concentration and competition policy

 EC, here


 MyData, here

Datenlieferant Auto: Hersteller wollen Informationen zentral vermarkten

 Handelsblatt, hier

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Google’s Anti-Competitive Search Manipulation Practices

 Foundem & SearchNeutrality, here

Commission to invest nearly €2 billion from the Digital Europe Programme to advance on the digital transition

 EC, here

From ‘walled gardens’ to open meadows

 I. Brown, here

Apple told to comply with order to open up App Store

 FT, here

The New Frontier: Artificial Intelligence at Work

  APPG, here

COP26: To fix the climate, we must fix the economy. Here’s why.

 Circularonline, here

Unzureichende digitale Souveränität gefährdet die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit deutscher Unternehmen

 ZEW, hier

The Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum: working for greater cooperation in regulating online platforms

 Ofcom, here

Want your Grindr data? Show your ID and take a selfie!

 Noyb, here

Data and Democracy


Thursday, November 04, 2021

Ddl Concorrenza


The Cost of Data

G. Neff, Video here (from 5:50). 

Google plans to allow third party payments systems in South Korea

 Economic Times, here

The battle to control the metaverse: Microsoft vs Meta

 FT, here

Vertical Agreements Block Exemption Regulation:CMA’s recommendation

CMA, here

"It’s interesting how familiar [some of] these issues are"

 M. Vestager, here

Sektoruntersuchung Messenger- und Video-Dienste

 Bundeskartellamt, hier

Should competition authorities intervene in digital markets?

 M. Grenfell, here

Press publishers’ right: social media enter the stage

 U. Furgal, here

Moderne Messenger – heute verschlüsselt, morgen interoperabel?

 Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, hier

Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Google News to relaunch in Spain after mandatory payments to newspapers scrapped

 The Verge, here.

Facebook, Citing Societal Concerns, Plans to Shut Down Facial Recognition System

 NYT, here and here (pdf).

The European Union’s Big Policy Bet Against the Tech Giants

 P. Hanspach, N. Petit, here

Fixing Digital Capitalism: Learning from China’s Playbook

 Bot Populi, here

Europe’s Digital Decade and Autonomy

 Study requested by the EP ITRE, here

Justice Department Sues to Block Penguin Random House’s Acquisition of Rival Publisher Simon & Schuster

 DOJ, here

And the UK decision here

Draft impact assessment sheds some light on upcoming Data Act

 Euractiv, here

Clearview AI breached Australians’ privacy

 OAIC, here

Facebook says it will delete facial recognition data on more than a billion users

 TechCrunch, here

Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Meta to Meta (Sudans)


Report on Stablecoins

 Federal Reserve, here

China’s new platform guidelines translated

 H/T I. Brown, here.


 D'Kart, here

Leitlinien für die Vereinbarkeit des Genossenschaftswesens mit dem Kartellrecht

 Bundeskartellamt, hier

La mia "Cooperativa di fronte al diritto antitrust" qui (*2008*) : chissà cosa scriverei di diverso? 

Artificial Intelligence Systems as Inventors?

 J. Drexl at al., here


 N. Agarwal, E. Budish, here

Regulating platforms and ecosystems: an introduction

 M. Jacobides, I. Lianos, here

Smart Contracts and the Digital Single Market Through the Lens of a 'Law + Technology' Approach

 T. Schrepel, here

Truck cartel in Spain: Advocate General Rantos clarifies the temporal scope of the directive on the compensation of victims of anti-competitive practices

 CJEU, here

Open Logistics Foundation gegründet

 Frauenhofer, hier

AI and Governance

 DigitalEU, here

Completed acquisition by Facebook, Inc. of GIPHY, Inc.

 CMA, the decision here.

Pomodoro costoluto fiorentino salvato dai cinesi grazie al “Golden Power” di Draghi

InToscana, qui.  

Italy vetoes sale of seed producer to Chinese-owned Syngenta, officials say

 CNA, here

Australia also wants Google to unbundle search from Android

 ArsTechnica, here

The Interim Report, here

Computational Competition Law and Economics

 Hellenic Competition Commission, here

Easier cartel rules for packaging, logistics companies, EU's Vestager says

 Reuters, here

Digging into Google’s push to freeze ePrivacy


Natasha the Great (TechCrunch), here

Artificial Intelligence and Intellectual Property: copyright and patents

 UK Gov, here

Why are you on Facebook?

 S. Vergnolle, here

Monday, October 25, 2021

Democratic values in a digitalised Europe

 M. Vestager, Video here

Big Tech platforms stifle innovation through anticompetitive conduct

 A. Harman, here

A coordinated approach to overseeing modern digital markets

 CMA & Friends, here

DMA: A side-by-side comparison of the Commission and Council proposals


"Black box" Amazon: algorithm discriminate customers

Noyb, here.  

The future is in your hands - Let's Organize a Conference on the Future of Europe!

 EC, Here

Interview with Joe Turow

 Here. "Where do we go next?" It shouldn't be left to them.

Antitrust battle latest: Google, Facebook 'colluded' to smash Apple's privacy protections

 The Register, here

Labour union urges European authorities to widen Amazon antitrust probe after Reuters story

 Reuters, here

La commissaria Vestager: “Democrazie alleate contro i giganti del web”


Message to MIM Students: We'll talk about it this week...