Thursday, November 16, 2017

Amazon’s exclusive deal with Calvin Klein is about much more than underwear

Quartz, here.

The role of antitrust in the ongoing deregulatory push

M. Delrahim, here

The First Wealth is Health: Protecting Competition in Healthcare Markets

M. Ohlhausen, here

#WatchOut Analysis of smartwatches for children

Norwegian Consumer Council, here

Acquisti discussing privacy at a PwC Event

Video, here

Differential privacy, part 2: It’s complicated

AccessNow, here

Tim Berners-Lee on the future of the web: 'The system is failing'

Guardian, here

Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of Explanation

F. Doshi-Velez, M. Kortz, R. Budish, C. Bavitz, S. Gershman, D. O'Brien, S. Schieber, J. Waldo, D. Weinberger, A. Wood, here

Facebook investor says he wants the company to contact everyone who saw fake news during the election

CNBC, here

Vers la démocratie culturelle

Conseil économique, social et environnemental, Avis ici.
P.37: "Dans son avis Pour un renouveau des politiques publiques de la culture, le CESE s’était exprimé sur le rôle des grandes multinationales de l’industrie numérique dans le financement de la création artistique. La position défendue à l’époque n’a pas changé : « Afin d’associer fiscalement les géants du numérique au soutien de la création et sans préjuger des actions nécessaires pour faire respecter l’ensemble des droits, le CESE est favorable à l’imposition des bénéfices qu’ils réalisent sur le territoire et à la création d’une taxe pour les entreprises qui exercent une forme exclusive de captation des données personnelles ». Afin de compenser en partie les atteintes à la création qu’entraînent l’explosion du numérique et le partage illégal, il pourrait être prévu le fléchage d’une partie des impôts prélevés sur les GAFA vers un fond de soutien à la création musicale, théâtrale et chorégraphique, des arts visuels, du livre."

Data Flows – Future Scenarios

Prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), here

Open Data Maturity in Europe 2017

European Data Portal, here

Streit über Wetter-App: "WarnWetter" des DWD muss Geld kosten, hier

Making human organs through 3D printing

BBC, here.

Data Portability and Data Control: Lessons for an Emerging Concept in EU Law

I. Graef, M. Husovec, N. Purtove, here

Finance's Tech Revolution Risks Being Stymied by Wary Bosses

Bloomberg, here

Data Protection Commissioner raises CCTV concerns with Garda

IrishTimes, here

The ACCC’s approach to colluding robots

R. Sims, here

Algorithmia now helps businesses manage and deploy their machine learning models

TechCrunch, here

Awake on the Autobahn: Academics, algorithms and accountability

S. Venkatasubramanian et al., here

Taming the masters of the tech universe

FT, here

Digital Economics

A. Goldfarb, C. Tucker, here

Wednesday, November 15, 2017



Albrecht: ePrivacy reg will change business models

Iapp, here

Defending access to lawful information at Europe’s highest court

Google, here

Umfrage KI: „ ...dann werden wir abgehängt“

FAZ, hier

Verbraucherschützer: Online-Bezahldienste erheben zu viele Daten

Ausburger Allgemeine, hier

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Rule of Law

The Law Society, here

Facebook Says It’s Policing Fake Accounts. But They’re Still Easy to Spot.

NYTimes, here

Measuring the Information Society Report 2017

ITU, here

"AI: Intelligent Machines, Smart Policies"

OECD, Presentations here

Some EU regulators still don't get internet economics

EUObserver, here

Much ado about endives

CJEU C-671/15, here

"On peut faire beaucoup plus avec les données quand on maitrise le contexte réglementaire"

JournalDuNet, ici

Lead MEP: member states’ slow pace on ePrivacy is unacceptable

Euractiv, here

New legal opinion may have implications for class actions in EU

Iapp, here

Antitrust in a Time of Populism

C. Shapiro, here

Liability for Providing Hyperlinks to Copyright-Infringing Content: International and Comparative Law Perspectives

J. Ginsburg, L. Buduardjo, here


Future of Privacy Forum, here

Google Pays to Put Search Back on Firefox Browser in U.S.

Bloomberg, here.

Regulatory Sandboxes — a Global Stocktake

Latham & Watkins, here.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The role of antitrust law in the context of standard setting organizations

M. Delrahim, here

Democrats Seek Hearings on Trump's Role in AT&T-Time Warner Deal

Bloomberg, here

EU set to rule in favour of speed skaters over ISU ban threat: sources

Reuters, here

The Ivory Tower Can’t Keep Ignoring Tech

NYTimes, here

It’s Time to Tax Companies for Using Our Personal Data

NYTimes, here

The Automated Public Sphere

F. Pasquale, here.

Swiss watchmakers permitted to refuse to supply independent watch repairers

CMS Germany, here

Equifax says it owns all its data about you

The Washington Post, here

Platform Regulation: A Preface

D. Kaye, here

Monday, November 13, 2017

Missourians deserve to know what Google does with their information, here.


G. Rostama for WIPO, here.

Web companies should make it easier to make your data portable: FTC's McSweeny

USA Today, here.

From Bayer to Qualcomm, M&A Gets Costlier in the EU

Bloomberg, here.

Public consultation on fake news and online disinformation

EC, here.

Why people ruin others’ lives by exposing all their data online

New Scientist, here.

Dear Wavesblog Reader,

I'm currently revising and updating my "Competition by Design" ASCOLA conference paper to make it fit for publication. Your suggestions, comments, etc. would be much appreciated! Thank you.

New Draft Action Plans On Copyright Limitations And Exceptions At WIPO

IP-Watch, here.

Missouri AG Josh Hawley launches investigation of Google, here.

Use of algorithms must respect competition rules, says EU competition official, here.

Who’s responsible for what happens on Facebook? Analysis of a new ECJ opinion

L. Woods, here.

Report on Artificial Intelligence and Human Society

Japan's Advisory Board on Artificial Intelligence and Human Society, here.

UK competition regulator builds new tech team

UK, here.

Leyes estatales de notarios ganadoras del Premio para identificar el obstáculo regulatorio más absurdo para competir y emprender

Cofece, aquí.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Conference: Antitrust in Developing Countries

M. Delrahim, keynote speech (from 06:21), video  here.; text here. Q&A from 41:42.
Work at the DoJ:
- review of live consent decrees (1400!);
- draft whistleblower legislation: comments provided, good improvement

The feasibility of measuring the sharing economy: November 2017 progress update

UK ONS, here.

Kara Swisher interviews Margarethe Vestager

Web Summit, video here.
"Some of these algorithms will have to go to law school before they are let out. You have to teach your algorithm what it can do and what it cannot do, because otherwise there is the risk that the algorithm will learn the tricks...we don't want the algorithms to learn the tricks of the old cartelists...we want them to play by the book also when they start playing by themselves"

Watch also the press conference, here.
"One of the  discussions I'm trying to enable is the discussion about compliance. Just as much as we hope to see privacy by design I also hope to see compliance by design when we talk about self learning machines... they shouldn't learn the tricks of the old cartelists... they should learn the compliance of the best in the market...we don't propose any rule of that at the moment  but we want the debate to take place  because  it would be sort of paradox when we end up in a situation saying well what happens in the black box remains in the black box...because whatever machine...there is still a business or person who are responsible for what happens..."

Why Blocking the AT&T-Time Warner Merger Might Be Right

T. Wu, here.

AT&T-Time Warner redraws faultlines on antitrust enforcement

FT, here.

Algorithms and Competition at the Websummit

Video, here.


G. Manishin, part 1 and 2.

Competencia se pronunciará sobre el conflicto FIBA-Euroliga,  Aquí

Panel: Pharmaceutical Drugs Prices

H. First summarizes, Video here.
"The invisible hand got stuck in the pocket"

Ist die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung doch schon anwendbar? Zwei Gerichte sagen: ja.

De Lege Data, hier.

Equifax faces hundreds of class-action lawsuits and an SEC subpoena over the way it handled its data breach

Washington Post, here.

ICAP wins fight against EU yen Libor cartel ruling, fine annulled

Reuters, here.
Ruling here.

Facebook, show us your secret recipe

WashingtonPost, here.

Google: Our hunt for hackers reveals phishing is far deadlier than data breaches

ZDNet, hier.

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Sippel: ePrivacy reg should 'abolish surveillance-driven advertising'

iapp, here

Diagnosing the Treatments: Issues in Post-Patent Pharmaceutical Markets

M. Ohlhausen, here.

The fight over antitrust’s soul

A. Ezrachi, M. Stucke, here

Berlin court rules Facebook data transfers to third parties violate data protection law

TelecomPaper, here

How Facebook Figures Out Everyone You've Ever Met

Gizmodo, here

Recent Data Protection Developments in Brazil and Latin America

Linked In, here

Datenschützer kritisieren jahrelange Speicherung von Fluggastdaten, hier

The Pulse of Fintech Q3 2017

KPMG, here

This stupid patent was going to be used to sue hundreds of small businesses

ArsTechnica, here

Blocked: Why Some Companies Restrict Data Access to Reduce Competition and How Open APIs Can Help

Center for Data Innovation, here


Wired, here

Supreme Court to Decide First Antitrust Case in Two Years

Antitrust Advocate, here

Margrethe Vestager, Wise Digital Hygienist

Politico, here

US: Sen. Klobuchar urges probe for online travel agencies

competitionpolicyinternational, here.

Innovationen – Herausforderungen für die Kartellrechtspraxis

Bundeskartellamt, hier.