Monday, May 15, 2017

Sorry, Dave, I can't code that: AI's prejudice problem

TheRegister, here

Designer l'absence

V. Duchatelle, ici

Big Data and Competition Law, here

Privacy in Automation: An Appraisal of the Emerging Australian Approach

A. Daly, here

“Be Careful; Things Can Be Worse Than They Appear” — Understanding Biased Algorithms and Users’ Behavior Around Them in Rating Platforms

M. Eslami, K. Vaccaro, K. Karahalios, K. Hamilton, here

E-commerce Sector Inquiry Final Report Heralds Renewed Enforcement by the Commission

Cooley, here


AEPD y ISMS Forum Spain, here

Automated Machine Learning — A Paradigm Shift That Accelerates Data Scientist Productivity @ Airbnb

Airbnb, here

The Uber electronic platform, whilst innovative, falls within the field of transport

AG, Case C-434/15, here

Thursday, May 04, 2017

The data economy demands a new approach to antitrust rules

TheEconomist, here.

Algorithms and Markets: Virtual or Virtuous Competition?"

90th GCLC Lunch Talk, Slides here

Price-bots can collude against consumers

TheEconomist, here.

Data is giving rise to a new economy

TheEconomist, here.

The state of privacy 2017: mid-mandate report

G. Buttarelli, here.

New Seattle cable rule to protect internet data privacy

SeattleTimes, here.

EDPS Annual Report 2016


The many dividends of keeping markets open, fair and contestable

J. Laitenberger, here.

Sektoruntersuchung Submetering

Bundeskartellamt, hier.

EC accepts commitments from Amazon on e-books

Press Release, here.

L’Antitrust si schiera con Uber Taxi in rivolta: «Vergognoso», qui.

Monday, May 01, 2017

Someone scraped 40,000 Tinder selfies to make a facial dataset for AI experiments

TechCrunch, here.

Amid Brick-and-Mortar Travails, a Tipping Point for Amazon in Apparel

NYTimes, here.

Un logiciel pour aider les juges à décider

LeParisien, ici.

Social and Ethical Behavior in the Internet of Things

F. Berman, V. Cerf, here.

Facebook helped advertisers target teens who feel “worthless”

ArsTechnica, here.

Uber, les gouvernances fantômes, ici

The mind in the machine: Demis Hassabis on artificial intelligence

FT, here

What You Need to Know Before Starting a Platform Business

Interview with R. Schmalensee and D. Evans, here and here.

Artificial Intelligence Pushes the Antitrust Envelope

BNA, here

The Risks of Businesses Learning How Consumers Think

C. Sunstein, here

Algorithmic accountability

TechCrunch, here

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Sharing Economy Meets the Sherman Act: Is Uber a Firm, a Cartel, or Something in Between?

M. Anderson, M. Huffman, here

Mylan Tried to ‘Squelch’ EpiPen Rival, Sanofi Says in Lawsuit

Bloomberg, here

Hell: Gonzales v. Uber

Gonzales v. Uber Technologies Inc., 17-cv-02264, here.

Swedish Carriers Raided by EU Over Anti-Competition Concerns

Bloomberg, here.

Microsoft's Nadella banks on LinkedIn data to challenge Salesforce

Reuters, here

Machine learning: the power and promise of computers that learn by example

The Royal Society, here.

Facebook kommt vorerst nicht an Whatsapp-Daten

FAZ, hier.

Can Facebook Fix Its Own Worst Bug?

NYTimes, here

EDPS Opinion on the Proposal for a Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications (ePrivacy Regulation)

EDPS, here

Tech companies need to move less fast and break fewer things

Wired, here.

Interview with Professors Eleanor Fox and William Kovacic

Antitrust, here

The evidence is piling up — Silicon Valley is being destroyed

BusinessInsider, here

It’s This Easy To Look Inside An Algorithm

Fastcodesign, here

'The Handmaid's Tale' And Surveillance: Silicon Valley Acts As Trump's Eyes, Whether Willing Or Not

Forbes, here

WIPO Cybersquatting Cases Hit Record in 2016, Driven by New Top-Level Domain Names

Press Release, here

Uber broke Apple’s iOS privacy rules and Tim Cook wasn't happy about it

TheGuardian, here

Three Hard Lessons the Internet Is Teaching Traditional Stores

WSJ, here.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Complex Antitrust Harm in Platform Markets

J. Newman, here

Machine intelligence is the future of monetization for Facebook

TechCrunch, here

Fan-made subtitles for TV shows and movies are illegal, court rules

ArsTechnica, here

Should Antitrust Regulators Stop Companies from Collecting So Much Data?

HBR, here

Uber Shows How Not to Apply Behavioral Economics

HBR, here

From publishers to self-publishing: The disruptive effects of digitalisation on the book industry

M. Hviid, S. Jacques, S. Izquierdo Sanchez, here

Algorithmic Decision-Making and Human Rights

HRSEssex, here

Truyes (Indre-et-Loire), 1433 électeurs: 0% d'abstention

How Online Shopping Makes Suckers of Us All

The Atlantic, here.