Monday, September 22, 2014

Google, Kayak, Hipmunk, Skyscanner, Travelzoo, and TripAdvisor attack DOT’s proposed rule, here.

The impact of the development of big data on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of their personal data in the EU

WP29, here.

Bill Introduced in Congress to Let You Actually Own Things, Even if They Contain Software,  here.

The judgment of the EU General Court in Intel and the so-called 'more economic approach' to abuse of dominance

W. Wils, here.

Embracing a new digital era in Europe

E. Schmidt, here.

{"Everything needs to change, so everything can stay the same"}

WIPO Director General Outlines Second Mandate Priorities

WIPO, here.

Innenminister will Persönlichkeitsprofile im Internet verbieten, hier.

[Kommt es auf die Definition von Nutzerprofilen an?]

Amazon kommt Buchverlagen entgegen

DerSpiegel, hier.

S. auch hier

Sharing Economy Faces Patchwork of Guidelines in European Countries

NYTimes, here.

EU's Gazprom antitrust probe suspended, but case not closed, here.

New smartphone app gives sight to the blind, here.

Harper Competition Review Draft Report


A few selected topics:

Taxi industry and disruptive innovation

P.30: "States and Territories should remove regulations that restrict competition in the taxi industry, including from services that compete with taxis, except where it would not be in the public interest.

If restrictions on numbers of taxi licences are to be retained, the number to be issued should be determined by independent regulators focused on the interests of consumers."

P.  139: "Mobile technologies are emerging that compete with traditional taxi booking services and support the emergence of innovative passenger transport services. Any regulation of such services should be consumer-focused and not inhibit innovation or protect existing business models."

IP and competition policy

P.31: "The Panel recommends that an overarching review of intellectual property be undertaken by an independent body, such as the Productivity Commission. The review should focus on competition policy issues in intellectual property arising from new developments in technology and markets.

The review should also assess the principles and processes followed by the Australian Government when establishing negotiating mandates to incorporate intellectual property provisions in international trade agreements.

Trade negotiations should be informed by an independent and transparent analysis of the costs and benefits to Australia of any proposed IP provisions. Such an analysis should be undertaken and published before negotiations are concluded."

{P. 80-87 are already on my students' mandatory reading list.}

RPM and Retail MFN

P. 46 f.: "The Panel considers that there is not a sufficient case at this time for changing the prohibition of  RPM from a per se prohibition to a competition based test. It would be appropriate, though, to allow business to seek exemption from the prohibition more easily. This could be achieved through allowing RPM to be assessed through the notification process, which is quicker and less expensive for businesses than  authorisation. This change would also have the advantage of allowing the ACCC to assess RPM trading strategies more frequently, and thereby provide better evidence as to the competitive effects of RPM in Australia."

P. 234 f.: "Historically, RPM has been considered in the context of ‘bricks and mortar’ retailers. RPM is now emerging as an issue for new models of digital-based retailing. eBay states, based on annual surveys of its sellers, that around a quarter of sellers are instructed by their suppliers to sell at recommended retail prices (...)
RPM in digital markets also recently received significant international legal attention when Apple was found to have breached EU and US competition laws
by fixing the prices of e-books in collaboration with five publishers."

Big Data, Personal Data Protection and Competition Policy

P.129: "Markets work best when consumers are engaged, empowering them to make informed decisions. There is capacity to enhance Australian consumers’access to data on their own usage of utility services in a usable format to assist consumers to make better informed decisions.
in collaboration with fivepublishers."

Thursday, September 18, 2014

The Right to be Forgotten, or the Right Not to Be Gossiped About

Report, BBC Radio 4, Podcast here.

« La calunnia è un venticello , N.Ghiurov, here.

Right to be de-listed : European DPAs agreed on a common tool box to handle complaints

WP 29, here.

Apparently,  the rules won’t be finalized until November. 

Le secteur des autoroutes après la privatisation des sociétés concessionnaires

Autorité de la concurrence, ici.

Patent right exploitation under antitrust law scrutiny

K. Nejezchleb, T. Kubeša, here.

European Draft Directive on Damages Actions - How to protect leniency incentives without jeopardising the victim's right of compensation

P. Kirst, R. Van den Bergh, here.

The Hidden Costs of Free Goods: Implications for Antitrust Enforcement

M. Gal, D. Rubinfeld, here.

The Internet: Just Another Distribution Channel? EU and U.S. Competition Policy Approaches to E- Commerce

J. Wahl, S. Troost and C. Buts,  here.

Which Patent Systems are Better for Inventors?

J. Bessen, G. Thoma, here.

Analysis of consequences of different VAT scenarios for books

Oslo Economics, Study here. Summary and Conclusions in English here.

Alice is killing the trolls -- but expect patent lawyers to strike back

S. Phipps, here.

El Tribunal Supremo deja en el aire la tramitación de la Ley de Propriedad Intelectual

ABC. es, aquì.

Que faut-il retenir du 80ème congrès de l’IFLA à Lyon ?, ici

Bei Axel Springer liest man jetzt Karl Marx, hier.

NewsCorp: Google is a 'platform for piracy'

BBC, here. Letter here.

"Google is commodifying the audience of specialist publishers and limiting their ability to generate advertising revenue. Data aggregators attempt to sell audiences at a steep discount to the original source, for example, access to 75 per cent of The Wall Street Journal demographic at 25 per cent of the price, thus undermining the business model of the content creator. This process is at a relatively early stage and needs constant monitoring to ensure that abuses are halted and that there is a fair return for newspapers, publishers and other investors in original content."

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

10 Comments on the ECJ’s Judgment in Case C-67/13 P, Groupement des Cartes Bancaire

ChillingCompetition, here.

Top EU Court Checks Expansive Approach to Prohibition on Anti - Competitive Agreements But Uncertainties Remain, here.

Regulation and the sharing economy

Freakonomics, podcast here, transcript here.

South African Competition Commission non - refers Doctors Without Borders complaint

Press Release, here.

The Court of Justice of the EU Judgment on Data Protection and Internet Search Engines: Current Issues and Future Challenges

C. Kuner, here.

Le Conseil d’état veut encadrer l’usage des algorithmes prédictifs, ici.

The "right to be forgotten"

UK Commons Library standard note, here.

Müssen wir Angst vor Google haben?

J. Haucap, here.

Smartwatches and Weak Privacy Rules

NYTimes, here.

German Official: Google Should Reveal Its Ranking Algorithm

SearchEngineLand, here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Judge overturns Uber ride-sharing ban in Germany

BBC, here.

"By Object” Restrictions of Competition Revisited: European Court of Justice Endorses Narrow Interpretation, here.

The Commission Investigation into Pay TV Services: Open Questions

P. Ibáñez Colomo, here.

Groupement des Cartes Bancaires and the resilience of the case law on restrictions by object, here.

IP Markets and Enabling Information Ecosystems

UK IPO, here.

'Mr. Confession' and his boss drive China's antitrust crusade, here.

The Proof of the Pudding is in the Eating: Net Neutrality in Practice, the Dutch Example

N. Van Eijk, here.

Meet Datacoup - the company that wants to help you sell your data, here.

Taking TV and film into the digital age

N. Kroes, here.

Dutch court refers questions to CJEU on e-lending and digital exhaustion, and another Dutch reference on digital resale may be just about to follow

The IPKat, here.

Defining Section 5 of the Ftc Act: The Failure of the Common Law Method and the Need for Formal Agency Guidelines

J. Rybnicek, J. Wright, here.

Apple Watch under scrutiny for privacy by Connecticut attorney general, here.

Fünf Theorien, warum Minecraft 2,5 Milliarden wert sein könnte, hier.

Friday, September 05, 2014

L’Autorité de la concurrence s’inquiète de l’intégration verticale des géants du Web, ici.

«...dans le cas de l’enquête sur et Expedia qui imposent aux hôteliers de ne pas vendre moins cher que sur leurs plateformes, nous nous associons aux autres autorités, car c’est un frein à la concurrence»

Microsoft wades into the Google antitrust fray, here

Wettbewerb: Amazon ist kein Monopolist

J. Haucap, hier.

Wettbewerb im Internet: "Rechtlich muss etwas geschehen"

Interview mit D. Zimmer, hier.

Alice v. CLS Bank: United States Supreme Court Establishes General Patentability Test

J. Powles, here


TheEconomist, here

Is There a George Mason School of Law and Economics?

T. Zywicki, here

Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Auditing Algorithms: Research Methods for Detecting Discrimination on Internet Platforms

C. Sandvig, K. Hamilton, K. Karahalios, C. Langbort, here

Value of a Platform to a Seller: Case of American Airlines and Online Travel Agencies

V. Bilotkach, N. Rupp, V. Pai, here

Hoteliers react to sharing-economy competition, here

The Folklore of Informationalism: The Case of Search Engine Speech

O. Bracha, here

El cártel de los extintores (I): La CNMC apaga el fuego de la disuasión anti-cartel en España

F. Marcos, aquì

The Role of 'Big Data' in Online Platform Competition

A. Lerner, here

'Piracy sites don't love music - they love money', here

Taxi-Konkurrenz: Gericht verbietet Uber deutschlandweit

FAZ, hier.

Update: "Uber wird seine Tätigkeit in ganz Deutschland fortführen und wird weiterhin seine Dienste über die Uber App anbieten."

Zuletzt hatte sich auch die Monopolkommission zu den Wettbewerbsverhältnissen auf den Taximärkten  geäussert.

Friday, August 29, 2014

IFLA 2014 : Les bibliothèques et le piège de la stratégie des exceptions, ici

It’s Over: The Rise & Fall Of Google Authorship For Search Results, here

Un "principe d'innovation" réclamé à l'Europe par les industriels et FAI, ici

The ALS Association wants to trademark ‘ice bucket challenge.’ An attorney says that’s ‘shameful.’, here.

Update here.

Japan publishers lash out at new Amazon rules, here

Holidaycheck beschwert sich bei EU-Kommission über Google, hier

Smart Watches: Ravishing, and Creepier than Google Glass, here

July 2014 Author Earnings Report, here

Internet Law:Cases & Problems

J. Grimmelmann, here

Rechtskräftiges Urteil: E-Book-Anbieter dürfen Weiterverkauf der Dateien untersagen, hier

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

This is Uber's playbook for sabotaging Lyft

TheVerge, here

Gendarmería, nuevo cuerpo policial de México, aquì

Amazon: Not an E-Commerce Company

Stratechery, here

Chipmaker Qualcomm may face EU antitrust probe, here.

Competition Commission of India: ruling against 14 carmakers (spare parts)


Amazon Pounces On Twitch After Google Balks Due To Antitrust Concerns

Forbes, here.

Consumer Protection and the Collaborative Economy, here

AU Taxi Industry Association's Submission to the Competition Policy Review


Thursday, August 21, 2014

CADE’s General Superintendence concludes investigation of sham litigation cases, here

Facebook forced to respond to privacy complaints of 25,000 Europeans, here. Vienna court's order here.

Compendium of U.S. Copyright Office Practices

US Copyright Office, here.

Vertikale Beschränkungen und offene Online- Marktplätze

A. Beil, I. Hohmann, M. Kullas, hier.

How Canada Shaped the Copyright Rules in the EU Trade Deal

M. Geist, here.

Libraries and archives need an international solution for today’s copyright problems

IABD, here

Google processes 1 million removal requests per day for alleged copyright infringement, here

Müssen Google und Facebook gezähmt werden?

FAZ, hier.

"betont das Bundeskartellamt in einem internen Bericht, der dieser Zeitung vorliegt". Gerne der breiteren Öffentlichkeit bekannt machen!

Survey: Half Of Shoppers Don’t Want Their Smartphones Tracked, here

Digitale Agenda: Bundesregierung legt Pflichtenheft für die digitale Gesellschaft vor, hier. Agenda hier.

"Spezifisch" zum Urheberrecht:

S. 15:
rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen anpassen"; Haftungsprivileg bändigen;  kollektive Rechtewahrnehmung stärken; an der  Überprüfung des europäischen Urheberrechts aktiv

S. 27:
"Um die Potenziale für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Bildung
voll zu nutzen, werden wir die urheberrechtlich
zulässige Nutzung von geschützten Inhalten zu diesen
Zwecken verbessern. Insbesondere soll eine Bildungs- und
Wissenschaftsschranke eingeführt werden". 

S. 29:
"Wir stellen – soweit urheberrechtlich zulässig – digitalisierte
Kulturgüter und deren Metadaten offen und
möglichst unentgeltlich zur Verfügung."

Zum Kartellrecht:

S. 15:
"Wir werden sicherstellen, dass Innovationen und Wettbewerb
nicht durch missbräuchliches Verhalten marktbeherrschender
Internetkonzerne behindert werden. Wir
setzen uns für eine strikte Anwendung nationaler und
europäischer kartellrechtlicher Vorschriften ein und prüfen,
inwieweit diese unter den sich dynamisch entwickelnden
technologischen und wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen
der globalen Datenökonomie fortzuentwickeln sind. Insbesondere
prüfen wir, wie die Nichtdiskriminierung von
Wettbewerbern durch marktbeherrschende Plattformbetreiber
und ein diskriminierungsfreier, neutraler Zugang
zu Distributionswegen und Inhalten sichergestellt werden
können. Internetspezifische Kartellrechtsfragen werden
durch Fachgutachten aufgearbeitet."

Florida Polytechnic University opens with a bookless library, here

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Delaware becomes first state to give heirs broad digital assets access

ArsTechnica, here

The Internet's Original Sin

E. Zuckerman, here.

Certification Allows US Trade Negotiators to Rewrite TPP Copyright Rules, here

Octane Fitness May Require a Summary Judgment Motion for an Exceptional Case Findings, here

Deux décisions relatives à des refus d’accorder des licences dans des conditions équitables, raisonnables et non discriminatoires dans le domaine de la téléphonie mobile

F. Marty, ici (p.8-9).

This Is YouTube Music Key, Google's Upcoming Subscription Service With Offline Support, Background Audio, No Ads, Free Play Music Key, here

The war between Uber and India’s taxi operators is hotting up, here

Patent Trolls: Evidence from Targeted Firms

L. Cohen, U. Gurun, S. Duke Kominers, here

The right to be forgotten and the EU data protection reform: Why we must see through a distorted debate and adopt strong new rules soon

M. Reicherts, here

At the Edge of the License: Where the ODbL Ends and the Community Guidelines Begin, here.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Federal Circuit upholds a Walker Process claim

OrangeBookBlog, Here.

Do ask, do tell, do nothing: the EU Commission and all those copyright consultations

The1709blog, here.

Stalled Gazprom Antitrust Case May Suggest Unease for Energy Sanctions

NYTimes, here.

NCAA Found To Violate Antitrust Laws In Preventing Schools From Sharing Licensing Revenue With Student Athletes, here.

Google’s "Tough" European Summer, here.

China’s Energetic Enforcement of Antitrust Rules Alarms Foreign Firms

NYTimes, here.

Update on our response to the European Google judgment

Iconewsblog, here.

CIA infosec guru: US govt must buy all zero-days and set them free

TheRegister, here.

Google's responses to the Article 29 Working Party concerning the right to be forgotten

The Cult of Sharing, here

Die Google Republik

ARD, Plusminus, hier

Facebook invades your personality, not your privacy

E. Morozov, here

Hachette CEO: “More than 80% of the ebooks we publish are priced at $9.99 or lower”, here

Friday, August 08, 2014

Science research grants awarded on the basis of patents is patently wrong, here.

Entertaining Summer Reading Re MFNs

"THE CHAIRMAN:  We saw from Mr Italianer's speech at Innsbruck that the CMA could have followed the German approach and actually tackled the rate parity issue head on, but it chose not to do that? MISS BACON:  The German approach was to attack the MFN provision, the OFT's Approach was to look at the discounting restriction.  So there are two different mechanisms of addressing the issues in this market place.  This is not a challenge to the OFT ---- THE CHAIRMAN:  It is not a competition between competition authorities, I know that. MISS BACON:  This appeal is not a challenge to the scope of the CMA's investigation. THE CHAIRMAN:  I know that too. MISS BACON:  I am simply answering the question as to why they were.  As I have pointed out, it is in Mr Rasmussen's evidence. MR WILKS:  Although MFNs were highlighted in the Statement of Objections. MISS BACON:  I am going to come to that.  They were highlighted in the Statement of Objections as part of the relevant context which was why the OFT was opening in this investigation.  What the OFT said in the Statement of Objections was that it was not, it had not investigated the extent to which MFNs did exacerbate these restrictions of competition, and it is common ground, undisputed, that the focus of the OFT's investigation was not on MFNs, it was on the discounting restrictions, it was on what was regarded as RPM."

A Letter to Our Readers, here.

Global Coalition of Access to Research, Science and Education Organizations calls on STM to Withdraw New Model Licenses, here.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Copia privata: la Siae gioca a babbo natale contro la Apple

G. Scorza, qui.
Consumatore italiano ben più "tollerante" di quello britannico (e la buffonata dell'acquisto ed elargizione di telefonini difficilmente immaginabile oltremanica):
"The Government do not believe that British consumers
would tolerate private copying levies. They are inefficient,
bureaucratic and unfair, and disadvantage people who
pay for content."

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The HathiTrust Decision

R. Picker, Presentation, here

El debate sobre la interoperabilidad informática en el derecho de autor comunitario

B. González Otero, aquì.

Like clueless guinea pigs

E. Morozov, here

Indemnización de daños y perjuicios por boicot a raíz cártel del seguro de daños decenal (SDD): Notas a propósito de la sentencia del juzgado mercantil no 12 de Madrid de 9 de mayo de 2014 (MUSAAT v. ASEFA, CASER y SCOR)

F. Marcos, aquì.

Exclusivité des droits de diffusion des matches de rugby: accord suspendu

Autorité de la concurrence, Décision n° 14-MC-01 du 30 juillet 2014, ici; communiqué de presse ici.

Alinéa 234: "Une pratique consistant à réserver l’attribution de droits attractifs à l’opérateur dominant est donc susceptible de contribuer à la fermer le secteur de la télévision payante en France.
Comme le souligne le CSA, cette atteinte au marché serait d’autant plus néfaste que les pratiques dénoncées interviennent alors que le principal concurrent de l’entreprise dominante, la société beIN Sports, n’est actif sur le marché que depuis deux ans, et qu’il
est encore en phase de conquête d’abonnés."

FSF congratulates UK Government on choosing Open Document Format, here

UK Private Copy Debate

House of Lords, Official Report, here (pp. 1553-1582).

UK Goverment: "The presence of the contract override
clause gives users, consumers and businesses certainty
and clarity that the exceptions apply in all circumstances
regardless of the detail of a contract. Without such
clauses restrictive contract terms could prevent the
uses permitted by the exceptions, thus preventing benefits
from being realised. This is not merely a hypothetical
fear. Many responses to the various consultations have
told us that contracts permitting access to copyright
works frequently contain terms that prevent users
from carrying out activity that otherwise would be
permitted by law (...). The law will apply to contracts regardless of
the date on which they were formed but will take effect
only after the new law comes into force. The contract
override provisions simply ensure that, where the law
provides for an exception to copyright, people are able
to rely on that law without having to work out whether
there is a contract term to the contrary creating a
whole patchwork of different legal situations.
Ensuring that the personal copying exception cannot
be overridden by contract terms will mean that consumers
are given clarity and certainty over what they can do
with the media they buy. Most people assume that the
law already allows them to make the type of personal
copies covered by our legislation. Very few people read
the detailed licensing terms that accompany digital
downloads. We want the goods so we just tend to
accept the terms. Ensuring that the new law on personal
copying applies in all circumstances, regardless of
contract and licensing terms, will bring much needed
clarity to the law and fairness for consumers, which I
welcome" (p. 1575).
 "The Government believe that the copyright system has not
kept pace with the digital revolution. As a result, a
great many intuitively acceptable activities are illegal
or uncertain. These changes relating to private copying,
parody and use of quotations form part of a package
that should make copyright works more valuable to
all, give users clarity about their rights and build
respect for copyright in the process. They will contribute
to a more modern statute book that meets the challenges
of an increasingly digital and changing world" (p. 1580).