The cutting-edge CMA just published this Report.
After Germany and other countries, the Italian Autorità aims "to investigate the reasons for these increases and, if so, to assess whether there is scope for possible intervention limited only to the hypothesis of a possible infringement of the rules on abuse of a dominant position or agreements restricting competition"
Are we fiddling while competition processes in the digital economy are "burning"? Not quite, according to the excellent Speakers at a conference which took place today (also online and for free, many thanks), organized by Concurrences. (BTW, this is not a conference debriefing à la D'Kart, so don't expect to be informed while being entertained). The urgency we are in, however, was clearly expressed by Andreas Mundt by saying that "we don't have the time to wait for Court decisions". He also expanded on the many ways in which "his" 19a GWB was way better than the DMA. My conference-tweeting as stream of consciousness starts here.
The European Commission approved Amazon's acquisition of MGM Holdings Inc. Personally, I felt some Bauchschmerzen.
Dear all,
This blog/feed has always been for us to be well informed. Sadly, I'm no longer able to update it - simply too much going on. I might be transitioning it to a real blog.
Interview with Lina Khan, here (an enforcer - and still very much an academic IMHO, not a politician or an activist - she might want to learn a couple of tricks from Margrethe though, if she has the time...)., hier.
Hayek-Vorlesung mit Ernst Fehr, hier.
Subcommittee on Competition Policy, Antitrust, and Consumer Rights, here.
@wavesblog, Study commissioned by MEP Martin Schirdewan, here.
Guest Lecture (online) by Christian D'Cunha
3 December, 9 AM CETExpert Opinion Commissioned by the Landesanstalt für Medien NRW, here.
Video here (@BeterOpDeFiets from 18:27).
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, hier.
Dear Oliver and Juliane Mendelsohn, here.