Monday, February 19, 2018

Access to car data – the new battleground that risks consumer choice

Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, here.

Competition in changing times

M. Vestager, here

Terrible Copyright Ruling Over An Embedded Tweet Undermines Key Concept Of How The Internet Works

TechDirt, here

The Tyranny of Convenience

T. Wu, here

Artificial Intelligence and the Good Society

c. Cath, M. Zimmer, S. Lomborg, B. Zegenbergen, here

Third Circuit Says “Umbrella Damages” Bar Does Not Preclude Antitrust Standing Where Product Is Partly Comprised of Materials Not Subject to the Alleged Conspiracy

PBWT, here

Google removes ‘view image’ button from search results to make pics harder to steal

The Verge, here

Only the EU can break Facebook and Google's dominance

G. Soros, here

How to (Re)Use Big Data

S. Leonelli, Video here

Research: A Strong Privacy Policy Can Save Your Company Millions

K. Martin, A. Borah, R. Palmatier, here

Schweppes SA v Red Paralela SL: more details

Marques, here

Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law - BRICS Draft Report

I. Lianos, here

Should the tech giants be broken up?

N. Petit, here

La gran banca engañó a cientos de empresas a lo largo de 10 años

El Mundo, aquì.

Artificial intelligence and privacy

Datatilsynet, here

Saturday, February 03, 2018

Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon want to fix health care

Cnn, here.

Europe’s new data protection rules export privacy standards worldwide, here.

Blockchain to track Congo's cobalt from mine to mobile

Reuters, here.

If You Can’t Take the Heat Map: Benefits & Risks of Releasing Location Datasets, here.

Tech giants go to med school. Apple and Amazon’s moves in health signal a coming transformation

The Economist, here.

Harvard Business Manager berichtet über Studie der Hochschule Koblenz, hier.

Europäer sollten die richtigen Schlachten schlagen

Criteo, hier.

EU schadet mit Datenschutz den Startups, macht aber Google und Facebook stärker

Gründerszene, hier.

Connected compliance

Bakermckenzie, here.

Two Monkeys Were Paid Unequally: Excerpt from Frans de Waal's TED Talk

Video, here.

How critics say drug companies play "games" to stave off generic competitors

CBS News, here.

« Cookies tiers » et protection des données

C. Perrin, ici.

Oracle could prevail in copyright case against Google based on commercial market harm

K. Riley, here.

Die Geoblocking-Verordnung: kleiner Schritt für digitalen Binnenmarkt

K. Künstner, hier.

Doch nicht so einfach mit der Fahrphysik

Zeit,de, hier.

Eric Posner on Cultural Monopsonies and Data-As-Labor

E. Posner, here.

EU – Price Comparison Methodologies (DS516): Challenging the Non- Market Economy Methodology in Light of the Negotiating History of Article 15 of China’s WTO Accession Protocol

W. Zhou, D. Peng, here.

Thursday, February 01, 2018

Competition, Intellectual Property, and Economic Prosperity

M. Delrahim, here.

Antitrust Enforcement in an Interconnected World

R. Alford, here

OLG Frankfurt a.M.: Kaufvertrag über Daten wegen fehlender Einwilligung nach dem BDSG unwirksam

Delegedata, hier

The dreary secrets of Amazon’s success

FT, here

AI offers opportunity to increase privacy for users

iapp, here

Discrimination and Data Ethics

DTL 2017, Video here

Brazilian general Bill on the protection of Personal Data

iapp, here

New China Data Privacy Standard Looks More Far-Reaching than GDPR

CSIS, here

Bundeskartellamt startet Untersuchung der Marktverhältnisse bei Online-Werbung

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Online advertising

Bundeskartellamt, here

EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum

EC, here

Transatlantic Digital Economy Dialogue

CCIA, Video (from 42:10), here

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Antitrust and the Platform Economy

Tech Policy Institute, Video here

Lessons from the EU General Data Protection Regulation to contribute to the global discourse on data protection

AccessNow, here

AmEx Supreme Court Amici Curiae: 28 Profs of Antitrust

Tech Policy: A Closer Look at GDPR

Capitol Forum, here

Germany threatens curbs on Facebook’s data use

Ft, here.

Facebook has...questioned the timing of the German authorities’ move, months before the EU implements its General Data Protection Regulation, a law that introduces sweeping data protection rules. Under the GDPR, businesses must give customers more information about which companies their data are shared with and to what end. “With the GDPR, Europe is already putting in place strong enforcement measures that hold Facebook and other companies accountable for privacy and data protection,” Facebook said. “We will comply with these new rules, just as we have complied with existing data protection law in Europe.”

A conversation with regulators on innovation in payment services

Hosted by ESB, here

Fairness, Competition, and Knitting

M. Vestager, here

ASICS dealers allowed to use price comparison engines - Federal Court of Justice confirms Bundeskartellamt's decision

Does it look like a luxury item to you? Where is the aura?
Bundeskartellamt, here.
Decision here

Monday, January 22, 2018


A. Casilli, P. Tubaro, ici

Fusionieren Foodora und Lieferando?

FAZ, hier

Data is power: Towards additional guidance on profiling and automated decision-making in the GDPR

E. Bietti, F. Kaltheuner, here

“BREXIT” passes EU trademark test

WIPO Magazine, here

Algorithms that change lives should be trialled like new drugs

New Scientist, here

Big Tech’s trust issues at the forefront of Davos debate

FT, here

Focus on the User

United States v. Microsoft Corp.

Briefs amici curiae here

The Introduction of Data Breach Notification Legislation in Australia: A Comparative View

A. Daly, here

Ethics, algorithms and self-driving cars – a CSI of the ‘trolley problem’

A. Renda, here

EU antitrust regulators clear Qualcomm purchase of NXP

Reuters, here

The Future Computed - Artificial Intelligence and its role in society

Microsoft, here. See also here.

The quest for truly user centric services

D. Alexander, here

Google, Tencent Agree to Share Patents in Global Tech Alliance

Bloomberg, here

The Right to Privacy, 70 Years On

BSR, here

Wie der Mensch die Kontrolle über den Algorithmus behalten kann

Netzpolitik, hier

Seminario "Economia digitale e Big Data"

Università Bocconi, presentazioni qui.

How to tame the tech titans

The Economist, here

Judgement from the Swedish Patent and Market Court - Nasdaq dismissed of all allegations

Nasdaq, here.
The Decision by the Swedish Competition Authority is here.

Companies race to gather a newly prized currency: Our body measurements

Washington Post, here

Transparency of Automated Decisions in the GDPR: An Attempt for Systemisation

E. Bayamlıoğlu, here

Global antitrust in 2018

Freshfields, here

Is Your Company’s Data Actually Valuable in the AI Era?

A. Agrawal, J. Gans, A. Goldfarb, here

Broken data: Conceptualising data in an emerging world

S. Pink1 , M. Ruckenstein, R. Willim and M. Duque, here

‘We get audience data at virtually no cost’: Confessions of a programmatic ad buyer

DigiDay, here


R. Calo, A. Rosenblat, here

Big businesses band together in urging lawmakers to sell out your privacy

Los Angeles Times, here

Artificial Intelligence is Trade Policy's New Frontier

Cigionline, here

Alexa, What Are You Doing with My Family's Personal Info?

Scientific American, here

Fangt die Internetgiganten ein!

SZ, hier

Terms of service and human rights: an analysis of online platform contracts



K. Williams, here

Fintech, Access to Data, and the Role of Competition Policy

S. Vezzoso (this blog's author), here.

Abstract: The revised EU Directive on payment services in the internal market (PSD2) entered into application on 13 January 2018. The PSD2 introduces a sector-specific data portability rule dubbed access to account, or XS2A. Under the PSD2, specific categories of third parties (“Fintechs”) are allowed to access bank account data to provide payment-related services requested by the customer.
The Paper first outlines how the PSD2 intends to tackle well-known market failures and other issues in the EU payment sector. Second, it discusses the role of competition enforcement in the shadow of the PSD2. Finally, the Paper asks whether the XS2A rule could serve as a template for further access regimes in the data economy.

Alternative title: The Devil in Data Access Regimes

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Social Contract at the Basis of Competition Law: Should we Recalibrate Competition Law to Limit Inequality?

M. Gal, here.

How the Uber & Lyft case provides an impetus to re- examine buyer power in the world of big data and algorithms

I. Herrera Anchustegui, J. Nowag, here.

Why the future of social data is partnering with your users, here.

Wettbewerbskommissarin: "Die Menschen müssen sorgsamer werden"

Der Standard, hier.

Researchers develop data portability recommendations for the cloud

Iapp, here.

Uber’s Secret Tool for Keeping the Cops in the Dark

Bloomberg, here.

Notes on attention, fake news and noise #1: scratching the surfaces

Perscrutor, here.

Richard Smith: A Big Brother future for science publishing?, here.

ePrivacy Verordnung: Mitgliedstaaten sollen über opt-in oder opt-out für den Einsatz von Cookies für Werbezwecke entscheiden

Delegedata, hier.

AI trust and AI fears: A media debate that could divide society

V. Polonski, here.

Techmate: How AI rewrote the rules of chess

FT, here.

Thursday, January 11, 2018

XXXLutz verzichtet auf rückwirkende Hochzeitsrabatte

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Qualcomm Set to Win European Backing for $39 Billion NXP Buy

WSJ, here

Canada's competition watchdog settles with HarperCollins

Reuters, here

About the ISU decision: a policy perspective

Chilling Competition, here

Bundeskartellamt sends preliminary assessment to Facebook

S. Heinz, here

A letter about Google AMP


The New Digital Wild West: Regulating the Explosion of Initial Coin Offerings

R. Robinson, here

Baidu Sees Maps for Self-Driving Cars as Bigger Business Than Web Search

Technology Review, here

The Alice Drizzle—Barely Even Noticeable

PatentProgress, here

Trucks Cartel

CDC, here

Facebook and Google’s Dirty Secret: They’re Really Junk Mail Empires

TheDailyBeast, here

Connected Cars Workshop

FTC STaff, here

Amicus Briefs support Arista in Cisto Litigation

J. Band, here

Enhancing Fairness in Platform-to-Business Relations in the EU Through a Change of Legal Landscape

Orrick, here

Digital 'Mash-Ups,' Patents, and Copyright

E. Boudreau, L. Jeppesen, M. Miric, here

Monologue of the Algorithm: how Facebook turns users data into its profit

Panoptykon Foundation, Video here

EU privacy boom’s a business bust, here

Tuesday, January 09, 2018

MEO – Serviços de Comunicações e Multimédia SA contre Autoridade da Concorrência


Non-price competition and 'witches' persecution

The Guardian, here

VW verbündet sich mit dem Chiphersteller der Künstlichen Intelligenz

FAZ, hier

Internet Users in China Expect to Be Tracked. Now, They Want Privacy.

NYTimes, here

Horizontal Mergers, Innovation and the Competitive Process

G. Federico, here

‘It Can’t Be True.’ Inside the Semiconductor Industry’s Meltdown

Bloomberg, here

La vie numérique bientôt protégée comme le corps?

20 Minutes, ici

Israel's anti-trust regulator to look at internet giants

Reuters, here

How to Fix Facebook—Before It Fixes Us

R. McNamee, here

Why Are We Paying Different Prices? Hint: Artificial Intelligence is Learning What You’re Willing to Pay

T. Gaubert, here

Open banking’: radical shake-up, or a threat to your private data?

The Guardian, here

Improving Ourselves to Death

NewYorker, here

Oracle v. Rimini Street

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, here

Zuckerberg Money Manager Iconiq Bets on European Data Startup

Bloomberg, here

The personal data of many of India's citizens is for sale on WhatsApp for less than $10.

MotherBoard, here

Lufthansa räumt Einfluss auf höhere Flugpreise ein, hier

The Concept of Fairness: Linking EU Competition and Data Protection Law in the Digital Marketplace

H. Kalimo, K. Majcher, here

Friday, January 05, 2018

Could New York City's AI Transparency Bill Be a Model for the Country?

GovTech, here

Apple Says Developers Earned 30% More From App Store in 2017

Bloomberg, here

Tough new German law puts tech firms and free speech in spotlight

TheGuardian, here

Exploitative abuse and abuse of economic dependence: What can we learn from the industrial organization approach?

P. Bougette, O. Budzinski, F. Marty, here

Southwest Airlines to pay $15 million to settle price collusion lawsuit

Reuters, here

Drei Monate Hölle

SZ, hier.

Versicherungen aus dem Netz

FAZ, hier

Data take centre stage as Ant Financial fails in MoneyGram bid

FT, here

Fintech leads the way as investment in UK tech firms doubles in 2017

FinExtra, here

Why Google's And Facebook's Dominance Is Normal Market Evolution

AdExchanger, here

Germany vs Elsevier: universities win temporary journal access after refusing to pay fees

Nature, here

How the FTC keeps up on technology

FTC, here

Can This App That Lets You Sell Your Health Data Cut Your Health Costs?

FastCompany, here

EU Copyright Law and the Cloud: VCAST and the intersection of private copying and communication to the public

J.Quintais, T. Rendas, here

The economics of the Bitcoin payment system

VOXEU, here

What Is at Stake with Supreme Court Review of United States v. American Express Co.?

A. Shampine, here

EBA's finalised guidance for banks on outsourcing to the cloud lacks detail, here

Gartner Highlights 10 Uses for AI-Powered Smartphones

Gartner, here

Data aggregators: a solution to open data issues, here

Thursday, December 21, 2017


Wired, here

The price of the bitcoin bubble: Patent trolls are digging into the blockchain

CNBC, here

Brenntag sanctionnée à hauteur de 30 millions d'euros pour obstruction à l'instruction.

Autorité de la concurrence, ici

Apple confirms iPhones with older batteries will take hits in performance

The Verge, here

21st Century Competition Commission Act, here

ECJ puts some fizz in German retail market with ‘Champagner Sorbet’ decision

FT, here

Barclays begins preparations for Open Banking

FinExtra, here

Consumer Watchdog Asks FTC to Act Against Google Home; Amazon Echo Digital assistants for Deception, COPPA Violation

PRNewswire, here

Gemeinsam gegen das Lastwagen-Kartell

FAZ, hier

La banca teme nuevos conflictos con los clientes ante la futura regulación de pagos

CincoDias, aquì

Platform Regulations How Platforms are Regulated and How They Regulate Us

L. Belli and N. Zingales (Eds), here

Génériques de Durogesic: arrivée sur le marché retardée, développement freiné

Autorité de la concurrence, ici

We Can't Find Your Data, But a Hacker Could: How 'Privacy by Design' Trades-Off Data Protection Rights

M. Veale, R. Binns, J. Ausloos, here

Uber Dealt Setback After European Court Rules It Is a Taxi Service

NYTimes, here

Here’s What Happens to a Startup When Google Gets All Up in Its Business

Bloomberg, here

Facebook wants your face data — in the name of privacy, it says

The Washington Post, here

Digitale Handelspolitik: Datenschutz gegen Bananen?, hier

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Fintechs in het betalingsverkeer

ACM, hier (Google translation here; as some of the footnotes got lost in translation, I collected them separately here; for any remaining doubt ask your spouse - if he/she happens to be Dutch or at least Flemish).

Konditionenmissbrauch durch Ausplünderung von Plattform Nutzerdaten

S. Telle, hier

Preliminary assessment in Facebook proceeding: Facebook's collection and use of data from third-party sources is abusive

Bundeskartellamt, here. See also Background information on the Facebook proceeding, here and hier.

Bin mir nicht sicher, ob die Uebersetzung hier überhaupt stimmt:

 Der Bundesgerichtshof hat hier eine Rechtsprechung entwickelt, wonach die Unangemessenheit von Konditionen auch anhand von Wertungen des Zivilrechts, etwa des AGB-Rechts, oder anhand einer grundrechtlichen Interessenabwägung überprüft werden kann. Dies gilt für alle gesetzlichen Wertungen, die den Schutz einer Vertragspartei in einer ungleichgewichtigen Vertragsposition bezwecken. Hieran anknüpfend prüft das Bundeskartellamt die Vertragskonditionen Facebooks anhand datenschutzrechtlicher Wertungen. Denn auch das Datenschutzrecht bezweckt den Schutz des Betroffenen vor ungerechtfertigten Datenverarbeitungen seiner personenbezogenen Daten durch die Marktgegenseite. Es soll gewährleisten, dass ein Nutzer selbstbestimmt und freiwillig über den Umgang mit seinen personenbezogenen Daten entscheiden kann.

According to the case-law of the German Federal
Court of Justice, civil law principles can also be
applied to determine whether business terms are
exploitative. On principle, any legal principle
that aims to protect a contract party in an
imbalanced negotiation position can be applied for
this purpose. Often, such principles stem from the
legislation on unfair contract terms or the German
Basic Law. Following the Federal Court of Justice's
approach, the Bundeskartellamt also applies data
protection principles in its assessment of
Facebook's terms and conditions. In this regard,
data protection law has the same objective as 
competition law, which is to protect individuals
from having their personal data exploited by the
opposite market side. Data protection legislation
seeks to ensure that users can decide freely and
without coercion on how their personal data are

Hier nicht falsch aber zu unpräzis (Selbstbestimmung=rechtlicher Begriff):

"Der Schaden liegt hier vielmehr in einem Kontrollverlust für den Nutzer: Er kann nicht mehr selbstbestimmt über seine persönlichen Daten verfügen."

" The damage for the users lies in a
loss of control: they are no longer able to control
how their personal data are used."

Monday, December 18, 2017

New letter: Top Uber officials engaged in illegal wiretapping, shady spycraft

ArsTechnica, here

Transmission de données de WHATSAPP à FACEBOOK : mise en demeure publique pour absence de base légale

CNIL, ici

Disney Files Lawsuit Against Redbox Claiming Copyright Infringement

IP Wire, here

How to Build a Better Antitrust Policy

H. Hovenkamp, Podcast and Transcript here

Google Search (Shopping)

CASE AT.39740, here

Can Facebook and Google Be Disrupted?

E. Chiel, here

Chinese tech groups look for edge in using artificial intelligence

FT, here

Netflix and Spotify Ask: Can Data Mining Make for Cute Ads?

NYTimes, here.

Expedia,,, Kayak : comment les Américains imposent leurs lois aux hôtels, restaurants, compagnies aériennes et commerces français?

France Culture, Podcast ici

If you go down to the mall today, you're watched by a thousand eyes

TheAge, here

Pourquoi Bercy assigne Amazon en justice

Le Parisien, ici

La CNIL se prononce sur l'éthique des algorithmes et de l'intelligence artificielle, ici

Europe gears up to play pivotal role in ‘internet of things’

FT, here

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Berlin regrets EU decision on airline Niki as insolvency looms

Reuters, here.

Guidelines on Consent and transparency

Art29WP, here and here.

Validating scraped data using goodtables

Ofnlabs, here.

Bundeskartellamt will Lufthansa-Preise prüfen

FAZ, hier.

The Consumer Welfare Standard in Antitrust: Outdated or a Harbor in a Sea of Doubt?

US Senate, here.

Demain ce sera: à. Chacun son prix !

E. Combe, TEDxMarseille, ici.

Connected Cars: What Happens To Our Data On Rental Cars?

Privacy International, here.

ICANN; No, you can't

Article 29WP, here.

33 Theses for an Economics Reformation

Rethinking Economics, here.

Der Todes-Algorithmus

Tagesschau, hier.

The Rhetorical “We” and the Ethics of Technology

M. Sacasas, here.

Bing soll schlauer suchen – dank KI und Reddit, hier.

Wiedergabe von Vorschaubildern in Google-Bildersuche

BGH I ZR 11/16, hier.

Mytaxi pide flexibilizar horarios y tarifas para dinamizar el taxi

CincoDías, Aquí

Competition policy in the digital era (with a special focus on the challenges raised by algorithms)

A. Capobianco, Presentation here

"Unfaire Praktiken": Spotify, Deezer & Co. beschweren sich über Apple bei der EU, hier

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Artificial intelligence is guiding venture capital to start-ups

FT,  here.

Federal Advisory Committee on the Development and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence

A Bill, here

Google is opening a China-based research lab focused on artificial intelligence

TechCrunch, here

EBay acquires Terapeak to provide more analytics to marketplace sellers

TechCrunch, here


Wired, here

Lufthansa zieht Angebot für Niki zurück, hier

Amazon is coming. Game over for the insurance industry?

InsurTechNews, here

10 Things you wish you didn't know about elections (and what to do about them), here.

What Would You Pay to Keep Your Digital Footprint 100% Private?

HBR, here

ICN Merger Workshop 2017

COFECE, Videos here

Monday, December 11, 2017

Comment on Canada's Big Data and Innovation White Paper

Antonin Scalia Law School, here.

A different model for personal data

D. Alexander, here

Birkenstock beliefert Amazon nicht mehr

FAZ, hier

Platform Market Power

K. Bamberger, O. Lobel, here

Brits flock to digital-only banks

FinExtra, here

Merger and national security concerns

City of London Law Society, here


K. M. Künstner, hier

Mercedes: „Datenschutz ist für uns ein Vorteil“, hier

Patents and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

EPO, here

In Your Face: China’s all-seeing state - A Must Watch

BBC, here

Antitrust Examining Google Dominance on Web Advertising

Haaretz, here

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Monday, December 04, 2017

10 years on from the Financial Crisis: Co-operation between Competition Agencies and Regulators in the Financial Sector

OECD Background Note, here.

Competition Policy and Sector-Specific Regulation in the Financial Sector

M. Hellwig, here.

How are companies preparing for GDPR?

Computer World, here.

How Can the Data Economy Be Regulated to Promote New Emerging Markets?

J. Drexl, Video here.

Artificial intelligence and behavioral economics

C. Camerer, here.

Ryanair sues Expedia, accusing online travel giant of illegally scraping its site to sell flights

GeekWire, here.

Australia to probe Facebook, Google over media disruption

Reuters, here.

A way to poke Facebook off its uncontested perch

T. Harford, here.

When Our Thoughts Are No Longer Our Own

NYTimes, here.

The right to data portability in the GDPR: Towards user-centric interoperability of digital services

I. Sanchez et al., here.

Australia to legislate to open up access to consumer data across sectors, here.

Praktische Umsetzung des Rechts auf Datenübertragbarkeit

Stiftung Datenschutz, hier.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

False Negatives Can Be a Matter of Life and Death

C. O'Neal, here

Justices Seem Ready to Boost Protection of Digital Privacy

NYTimes, here

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google should be broken up

                                                                                  S. Galloway, Video here

First Person Extradited From Europe to the United States for Criminal Antitrust Charges—Continued

Orrick, here

Bad Science: Abuse And Effects In Online Markets

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, here

U.S. Joins Europe in Fighting China’s Future in W.T.O.

NYTimes, here

Behavioural Law and Economics as Litmus Test

P. Cserne, here

Google kämpft nun auch gegen Ticketwucher, hier

Commission sends Statement of Objections to AB InBev for preventing cheaper imports of beer into Belgium

EC, here

Data protection gone digital

G. Buttarelli, here

Section 46 no defence for uncompetitive firms

ACCC, here

UK class action accuses Google of unlawfully harvesting personal data

The Guardian, here

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

How to Tame Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple

Bloomberg, here.

The Internet Is Dying. Repealing Net Neutrality Hastens That Death.

NYTimes, here.

Examining the Fintech Landscape


Legal Scholarship on Data Protection: Future Challenges and Directions

L. Bygrave, here

At least one US state is probing Google’s secret tracking of Android users

Quartz, here

Identity Verification in a Post-Breach World

T. Hunt, here

Unlocking the Promise of Antitrust Enforcement

Conference, Washington 
Center for Equitable Growth, here

Interesting Tidbits From FTC’s Antitrust Win Against 1-800 Contacts’ Keyword Ad Restrictions

E. Goldman, here

FCA issues first statement of objections to four asset management firms

FCA, here

An innovative introductory economics course at Stanford is now free online

Quartz, here

The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Announces New Standards Projects

IEEE, here

EU regulator spells out license guidelines to prevent patent wars

Reuters, here.
Communication here

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Uber, Tinder, Snapchat and other top apps include trackers that secretly watch everything users do

The Independent, here.

Brüssel setzt Grenzen für das gläserne Bankkonto

FAZ, hier.

Mapping the Real Routes of Trade in Fake Goods

OECD, EUIPO, here.

PSD2: 'screen scraping' ban confirmed in finalised standards

Out-law, here.

Fairness in platform-to-business relations: Feedback Received by the EC

Google in praise of competition policy? "This decision, which hinges on specific facts related to online shopping ads, is under appeal to the European Union General Court. It shows that in situations where ranking is a matter of concern,
competition authorities have the appropriate tools to determine legal compliance
and therefore an additional ex ante regulation is not needed."

Facebook rolls out AI to detect suicidal posts before they’re reported

TechCrunch, here

"Screen Scraping ist nicht tot“

It-Finanznmagazin, hier.

Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft begrüßt Festlegungen der Europäischen Kommission zum PSD2-Kontozugang für Drittdienstleister, hier.

Monday, November 27, 2017

L’économie des plateformes : dissipation ou concentration de la rente ?

F. Marty, ici


Video Startup Can’t Outspend YouTube, So It Created a New Currency to Pay Creators

Bloomberg, here

Le numérique et la concurrence dans une économie et une société en transformation

J. Laitenberger, ici

German Kid Smartwatch Ban Opens Voice-Activated Privacy Debate

BNA, here

The Purchase Data Playbook For Marketers

AdExchanger, here

Algorithms: How Companies’ Decisions About Data and Content Impact Consumers

House of Representatives, COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE, Hearing Info  here.
Testimonies and Video available here.
The following issues may be examined at the hearing:
• How is personal information about consumers collected through the Internet, and how do companies use that information?
• How do companies make decisions about content that consumers see online?
• How effective are current policies and communications with consumers regarding the collection and use of personal data?   

Payment services: Consumers to benefit from safer and more innovative electronic payments

EC, hereRegulatory Technical Standards here.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Blocking the AT&T-Time Warner merger is good antitrust economics and law

S. Salop, here


Fink, hier

CJEU on commitment decisions

C‑547/16, here.

28      It follows that a decision taken on the basis of Article 9(1) of Regulation No 1/2003 cannot create a legitimate expectation in respect of the undertakings concerned as to whether their conduct complies with Article 101 TFEU. As the Advocate General observed in point 39 of her Opinion, the commitment decision cannot ‘legalise’ the market behaviour of the undertaking concerned, and certainly not retroactively.
29      Nonetheless, national courts cannot overlook that type of decision. Such acts are, in any event, in the nature of a decision. In addition, both the principle of sincere cooperation laid down in Article 4(3) TEU and the objective of applying EU competition law effectively and uniformly require the national court to take into account the preliminary assessment carried out by the Commission and regard it as an indication, if not prima facie evidence, of the anticompetitive nature of the agreement at issue in the light of Article 101(1) TFEU.
30      In those circumstances, the answer to the first question is that Article 16(1) of Regulation No 1/2003 must be interpreted as meaning that a commitment decision concerning certain agreements between undertakings, adopted by the Commission under Article 9(1) of that regulation, does not preclude national courts from examining whether those agreements comply with the competition rules and, if necessary, declaring those agreements void pursuant to Article 101(2) TFEU.

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FT, here

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