Monday, December 04, 2017

10 years on from the Financial Crisis: Co-operation between Competition Agencies and Regulators in the Financial Sector

OECD Background Note, here.

Competition Policy and Sector-Specific Regulation in the Financial Sector

M. Hellwig, here.

How are companies preparing for GDPR?

Computer World, here.

How Can the Data Economy Be Regulated to Promote New Emerging Markets?

J. Drexl, Video here.

Artificial intelligence and behavioral economics

C. Camerer, here.

Ryanair sues Expedia, accusing online travel giant of illegally scraping its site to sell flights

GeekWire, here.

Australia to probe Facebook, Google over media disruption

Reuters, here.

A way to poke Facebook off its uncontested perch

T. Harford, here.

When Our Thoughts Are No Longer Our Own

NYTimes, here.

The right to data portability in the GDPR: Towards user-centric interoperability of digital services

I. Sanchez et al., here.

Australia to legislate to open up access to consumer data across sectors, here.

Praktische Umsetzung des Rechts auf Datenübertragbarkeit

Stiftung Datenschutz, hier.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

False Negatives Can Be a Matter of Life and Death

C. O'Neal, here

Justices Seem Ready to Boost Protection of Digital Privacy

NYTimes, here

Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google should be broken up

                                                                                  S. Galloway, Video here

First Person Extradited From Europe to the United States for Criminal Antitrust Charges—Continued

Orrick, here

Bad Science: Abuse And Effects In Online Markets

Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, here

U.S. Joins Europe in Fighting China’s Future in W.T.O.

NYTimes, here

Behavioural Law and Economics as Litmus Test

P. Cserne, here

Google kämpft nun auch gegen Ticketwucher, hier

Commission sends Statement of Objections to AB InBev for preventing cheaper imports of beer into Belgium

EC, here

Data protection gone digital

G. Buttarelli, here

Section 46 no defence for uncompetitive firms

ACCC, here

UK class action accuses Google of unlawfully harvesting personal data

The Guardian, here

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

How to Tame Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Apple

Bloomberg, here.

The Internet Is Dying. Repealing Net Neutrality Hastens That Death.

NYTimes, here.

Examining the Fintech Landscape


Legal Scholarship on Data Protection: Future Challenges and Directions

L. Bygrave, here

At least one US state is probing Google’s secret tracking of Android users

Quartz, here

Identity Verification in a Post-Breach World

T. Hunt, here

Unlocking the Promise of Antitrust Enforcement

Conference, Washington 
Center for Equitable Growth, here

Interesting Tidbits From FTC’s Antitrust Win Against 1-800 Contacts’ Keyword Ad Restrictions

E. Goldman, here

FCA issues first statement of objections to four asset management firms

FCA, here

An innovative introductory economics course at Stanford is now free online

Quartz, here

The IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems Announces New Standards Projects

IEEE, here

EU regulator spells out license guidelines to prevent patent wars

Reuters, here.
Communication here

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Uber, Tinder, Snapchat and other top apps include trackers that secretly watch everything users do

The Independent, here.

Brüssel setzt Grenzen für das gläserne Bankkonto

FAZ, hier.

Mapping the Real Routes of Trade in Fake Goods

OECD, EUIPO, here.

PSD2: 'screen scraping' ban confirmed in finalised standards

Out-law, here.

Fairness in platform-to-business relations: Feedback Received by the EC

Google in praise of competition policy? "This decision, which hinges on specific facts related to online shopping ads, is under appeal to the European Union General Court. It shows that in situations where ranking is a matter of concern,
competition authorities have the appropriate tools to determine legal compliance
and therefore an additional ex ante regulation is not needed."

Facebook rolls out AI to detect suicidal posts before they’re reported

TechCrunch, here

"Screen Scraping ist nicht tot“

It-Finanznmagazin, hier.

Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft begrüßt Festlegungen der Europäischen Kommission zum PSD2-Kontozugang für Drittdienstleister, hier.

Monday, November 27, 2017

L’économie des plateformes : dissipation ou concentration de la rente ?

F. Marty, ici


Video Startup Can’t Outspend YouTube, So It Created a New Currency to Pay Creators

Bloomberg, here

Le numérique et la concurrence dans une économie et une société en transformation

J. Laitenberger, ici

German Kid Smartwatch Ban Opens Voice-Activated Privacy Debate

BNA, here

The Purchase Data Playbook For Marketers

AdExchanger, here

Algorithms: How Companies’ Decisions About Data and Content Impact Consumers

House of Representatives, COMMITTEE ON ENERGY AND COMMERCE, Hearing Info  here.
Testimonies and Video available here.
The following issues may be examined at the hearing:
• How is personal information about consumers collected through the Internet, and how do companies use that information?
• How do companies make decisions about content that consumers see online?
• How effective are current policies and communications with consumers regarding the collection and use of personal data?   

Payment services: Consumers to benefit from safer and more innovative electronic payments

EC, hereRegulatory Technical Standards here.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Blocking the AT&T-Time Warner merger is good antitrust economics and law

S. Salop, here


Fink, hier

CJEU on commitment decisions

C‑547/16, here.

28      It follows that a decision taken on the basis of Article 9(1) of Regulation No 1/2003 cannot create a legitimate expectation in respect of the undertakings concerned as to whether their conduct complies with Article 101 TFEU. As the Advocate General observed in point 39 of her Opinion, the commitment decision cannot ‘legalise’ the market behaviour of the undertaking concerned, and certainly not retroactively.
29      Nonetheless, national courts cannot overlook that type of decision. Such acts are, in any event, in the nature of a decision. In addition, both the principle of sincere cooperation laid down in Article 4(3) TEU and the objective of applying EU competition law effectively and uniformly require the national court to take into account the preliminary assessment carried out by the Commission and regard it as an indication, if not prima facie evidence, of the anticompetitive nature of the agreement at issue in the light of Article 101(1) TFEU.
30      In those circumstances, the answer to the first question is that Article 16(1) of Regulation No 1/2003 must be interpreted as meaning that a commitment decision concerning certain agreements between undertakings, adopted by the Commission under Article 9(1) of that regulation, does not preclude national courts from examining whether those agreements comply with the competition rules and, if necessary, declaring those agreements void pursuant to Article 101(2) TFEU.

In charts: how US retailers fared as Amazon powered ahead

FT, here

Making globalisation work for Europeans

M. Vestager, here

Challenges For Me of Discussing the Google Comparison Shopping Decision With My Students Without the Decision

Challenges for Competition Law Enforcement and Policy in the Digital Economy

A. Capobianco, A. Nyeso, here (and here). 

Facebook will help some users figure out if they saw Russian propaganda during the 2016 U.S. presidential election

Recode, here

ICO backs development of medical data sharing tool

UKAuthority, here

Tracking Walls, Take-It-Or-Leave-It Choices, the GDPR, and the ePrivacy Regulation

F. Borgesius, S. Kruikemeier, S. Boerman, N. Helberger, here

ESMA Provides Further Clarity on Initial Coin Offerings in Europe

Latham Watkins, here

Germany’s Cyber Valley aims to become leading AI hub

FT, here

What’s Next for SWIFT? APIs, Realtime Payments, and Cryptocurrency

BankInnovation, here.

Will online platforms be able to access your bank data?, here

Uber's data breach handling provides lessons for others ahead of GDPR, here

Economic Analysis of Network Effects and Intellectual Property

P. Menell, here

EU-Abgeordnete stimmen für Rückgaberecht auch bei "kostenlosen" Apps und Online-Diensten, hier

E-Books: Börsenverein begrüßt Einigung zum Geoblocking

Presse-Information, hier

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Uber Concealed Cyberattack That Exposed 57 Million People’s Data

Bloomberg, here.

A state Supreme Court justice’s open letter to AI

Quartz, here.

Algorithms as culture: Some tactics for the ethnography of algorithmic systems

N. Seaver, here

Google collects Android users’ locations even when location services are disabled

Quartz, here. 

Linky, Gazpar : quelles données sont collectées et transmises par les compteurs communicants ?

CNIL, ici

Enquête sectorielle sur le fonctionnement de la concurrence dans le secteur du médicament et de la biologie médicale

Autorité de la concurrence, ici. Saisine d’office pour avis ici

China: Police ‘Big Data’ Systems Violate Privacy, Target Dissent

Human Rights Watch, here

Tech Leaders Dismayed by Weaponization of Social Media, here

The Department of Justice's Long-Awaited and Much Needed Course-Correction on FRAND-Assured Standard-Essential Patents

D. Ginsburg, K. Wong-Ervin, here

U.S. Sues to Block AT&T-Time Warner Merger

NYTimes, here

Over 400 of the World's Most Popular Websites Record Your Every Keystroke, Princeton Researchers Find

MotherBoard, here

This AI Can Spot Art Forgeries by Looking at One Brushstroke

MIT Technology Review, here

Senate Once Again Passes Antitrust Whistleblower Bill

Biglawbusiness, here

Use GDPR to future-proof business models

ComputerWeekly, here

UK regulator accuses Concordia of abusing position with 5700% drug price hike

FT, here

Digital Single Market: EU negotiators agreed to end unjustified geoblocking

EC, here

Helping people cope with technological change

M. Vestager, here

Monday, November 20, 2017

Legal and Regulatory Challenges Facing Platforms in Europe

Conf call with Alec Burnside, Transcript here.

The Next Frontier of Antitrust?

K. Christensen, here

Shifting the Dial

Productivity Commission, Chapter 5 here

DOJ bucks China, urges SCOTUS to hear case against vitamin cartel

Reuters, here.

Blablacar Wants to Become a Car Insurance Broker

Bloomberg, here.

Payment systems

Autoritat Catalana de la Competència,  here.

Intangible Capital in Global Value Chains

WIPO, here.

How much …? The rise of dynamic and personalised pricing

The Guardian, here

A practical approach to rebates

BakerMcKenzie, here

Bundesnetzagentur geht gegen Kinderuhren mit Abhörfunktion vor

Bundesnetzagentur, hier

Japanese regulators raid Airbnb over suspected antitrust practices

Reuters, here

AI Can Be Made Legally Accountable for Its Decisions

MIT Technology Review, here

Régulation économique : quels secteurs réguler et comment ?

M. Bacache-Beauvallet, A. Perrot, ici

Here’s what we learned from ordering 213 curries at Wetherspoons

FT, here

Commission and China start new dialogue on State aid control and discuss competition policy

EC, Press Release here.

"The European Commission and the three Chinese competition agencies confirmed their readiness to develop closer cooperation on the enforcement of their respective competition laws in the fields of antitrust, mergers and State aid enforcement".

L’autorité de la concurrence pas assez indépendante, selon un rapport

Euractiv, ici

Companies face high cost to meet new EU data protection rules

FT, here.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Amazon’s exclusive deal with Calvin Klein is about much more than underwear

Quartz, here.

The role of antitrust in the ongoing deregulatory push

M. Delrahim, here

The First Wealth is Health: Protecting Competition in Healthcare Markets

M. Ohlhausen, here

#WatchOut Analysis of smartwatches for children

Norwegian Consumer Council, here

Acquisti discussing privacy at a PwC Event

Video, here

Differential privacy, part 2: It’s complicated

AccessNow, here

Tim Berners-Lee on the future of the web: 'The system is failing'

Guardian, here

Accountability of AI Under the Law: The Role of Explanation

F. Doshi-Velez, M. Kortz, R. Budish, C. Bavitz, S. Gershman, D. O'Brien, S. Schieber, J. Waldo, D. Weinberger, A. Wood, here

Facebook investor says he wants the company to contact everyone who saw fake news during the election

CNBC, here

Vers la démocratie culturelle

Conseil économique, social et environnemental, Avis ici.
P.37: "Dans son avis Pour un renouveau des politiques publiques de la culture, le CESE s’était exprimé sur le rôle des grandes multinationales de l’industrie numérique dans le financement de la création artistique. La position défendue à l’époque n’a pas changé : « Afin d’associer fiscalement les géants du numérique au soutien de la création et sans préjuger des actions nécessaires pour faire respecter l’ensemble des droits, le CESE est favorable à l’imposition des bénéfices qu’ils réalisent sur le territoire et à la création d’une taxe pour les entreprises qui exercent une forme exclusive de captation des données personnelles ». Afin de compenser en partie les atteintes à la création qu’entraînent l’explosion du numérique et le partage illégal, il pourrait être prévu le fléchage d’une partie des impôts prélevés sur les GAFA vers un fond de soutien à la création musicale, théâtrale et chorégraphique, des arts visuels, du livre."

Data Flows – Future Scenarios

Prepared by Policy Department A at the request of the European Parliament’s Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), here

Open Data Maturity in Europe 2017

European Data Portal, here

Streit über Wetter-App: "WarnWetter" des DWD muss Geld kosten, hier

Making human organs through 3D printing

BBC, here.

Data Portability and Data Control: Lessons for an Emerging Concept in EU Law

I. Graef, M. Husovec, N. Purtove, here

Finance's Tech Revolution Risks Being Stymied by Wary Bosses

Bloomberg, here

Data Protection Commissioner raises CCTV concerns with Garda

IrishTimes, here

The ACCC’s approach to colluding robots

R. Sims, here

Algorithmia now helps businesses manage and deploy their machine learning models

TechCrunch, here

Awake on the Autobahn: Academics, algorithms and accountability

S. Venkatasubramanian et al., here

Taming the masters of the tech universe

FT, here

Digital Economics

A. Goldfarb, C. Tucker, here

Wednesday, November 15, 2017



Albrecht: ePrivacy reg will change business models

Iapp, here

Defending access to lawful information at Europe’s highest court

Google, here

Umfrage KI: „ ...dann werden wir abgehängt“

FAZ, hier

Verbraucherschützer: Online-Bezahldienste erheben zu viele Daten

Ausburger Allgemeine, hier

Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the Rule of Law

The Law Society, here

Facebook Says It’s Policing Fake Accounts. But They’re Still Easy to Spot.

NYTimes, here

Measuring the Information Society Report 2017

ITU, here

"AI: Intelligent Machines, Smart Policies"

OECD, Presentations here

Some EU regulators still don't get internet economics

EUObserver, here

Much ado about endives

CJEU C-671/15, here

"On peut faire beaucoup plus avec les données quand on maitrise le contexte réglementaire"

JournalDuNet, ici

Lead MEP: member states’ slow pace on ePrivacy is unacceptable

Euractiv, here

New legal opinion may have implications for class actions in EU

Iapp, here

Antitrust in a Time of Populism

C. Shapiro, here

Liability for Providing Hyperlinks to Copyright-Infringing Content: International and Comparative Law Perspectives

J. Ginsburg, L. Buduardjo, here


Future of Privacy Forum, here

Google Pays to Put Search Back on Firefox Browser in U.S.

Bloomberg, here.

Regulatory Sandboxes — a Global Stocktake

Latham & Watkins, here.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The role of antitrust law in the context of standard setting organizations

M. Delrahim, here

Democrats Seek Hearings on Trump's Role in AT&T-Time Warner Deal

Bloomberg, here

EU set to rule in favour of speed skaters over ISU ban threat: sources

Reuters, here

The Ivory Tower Can’t Keep Ignoring Tech

NYTimes, here

It’s Time to Tax Companies for Using Our Personal Data

NYTimes, here

The Automated Public Sphere

F. Pasquale, here.

Swiss watchmakers permitted to refuse to supply independent watch repairers

CMS Germany, here

Equifax says it owns all its data about you

The Washington Post, here

Platform Regulation: A Preface

D. Kaye, here

Monday, November 13, 2017

Missourians deserve to know what Google does with their information, here.


G. Rostama for WIPO, here.

Web companies should make it easier to make your data portable: FTC's McSweeny

USA Today, here.

From Bayer to Qualcomm, M&A Gets Costlier in the EU

Bloomberg, here.

Public consultation on fake news and online disinformation

EC, here.

Why people ruin others’ lives by exposing all their data online

New Scientist, here.

Dear Wavesblog Reader,

I'm currently revising and updating my "Competition by Design" ASCOLA conference paper to make it fit for publication. Your suggestions, comments, etc. would be much appreciated! Thank you.

New Draft Action Plans On Copyright Limitations And Exceptions At WIPO

IP-Watch, here.

Missouri AG Josh Hawley launches investigation of Google, here.

Use of algorithms must respect competition rules, says EU competition official, here.

Who’s responsible for what happens on Facebook? Analysis of a new ECJ opinion

L. Woods, here.

Report on Artificial Intelligence and Human Society

Japan's Advisory Board on Artificial Intelligence and Human Society, here.

UK competition regulator builds new tech team

UK, here.

Leyes estatales de notarios ganadoras del Premio para identificar el obstáculo regulatorio más absurdo para competir y emprender

Cofece, aquí.

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Conference: Antitrust in Developing Countries

M. Delrahim, keynote speech (from 06:21), video  here.; text here. Q&A from 41:42.
Work at the DoJ:
- review of live consent decrees (1400!);
- draft whistleblower legislation: comments provided, good improvement

The feasibility of measuring the sharing economy: November 2017 progress update

UK ONS, here.

Kara Swisher interviews Margarethe Vestager

Web Summit, video here.
"Some of these algorithms will have to go to law school before they are let out. You have to teach your algorithm what it can do and what it cannot do, because otherwise there is the risk that the algorithm will learn the tricks...we don't want the algorithms to learn the tricks of the old cartelists...we want them to play by the book also when they start playing by themselves"

Watch also the press conference, here.
"One of the  discussions I'm trying to enable is the discussion about compliance. Just as much as we hope to see privacy by design I also hope to see compliance by design when we talk about self learning machines... they shouldn't learn the tricks of the old cartelists... they should learn the compliance of the best in the market...we don't propose any rule of that at the moment  but we want the debate to take place  because  it would be sort of paradox when we end up in a situation saying well what happens in the black box remains in the black box...because whatever machine...there is still a business or person who are responsible for what happens..."

Why Blocking the AT&T-Time Warner Merger Might Be Right

T. Wu, here.

AT&T-Time Warner redraws faultlines on antitrust enforcement

FT, here.

Algorithms and Competition at the Websummit

Video, here.


G. Manishin, part 1 and 2.

Competencia se pronunciará sobre el conflicto FIBA-Euroliga,  Aquí

Panel: Pharmaceutical Drugs Prices

H. First summarizes, Video here.
"The invisible hand got stuck in the pocket"

Ist die Datenschutz-Grundverordnung doch schon anwendbar? Zwei Gerichte sagen: ja.

De Lege Data, hier.

Equifax faces hundreds of class-action lawsuits and an SEC subpoena over the way it handled its data breach

Washington Post, here.

ICAP wins fight against EU yen Libor cartel ruling, fine annulled

Reuters, here.
Ruling here.

Facebook, show us your secret recipe

WashingtonPost, here.

Google: Our hunt for hackers reveals phishing is far deadlier than data breaches

ZDNet, hier.

Thursday, November 09, 2017

Sippel: ePrivacy reg should 'abolish surveillance-driven advertising'

iapp, here

Diagnosing the Treatments: Issues in Post-Patent Pharmaceutical Markets

M. Ohlhausen, here.

The fight over antitrust’s soul

A. Ezrachi, M. Stucke, here

Berlin court rules Facebook data transfers to third parties violate data protection law

TelecomPaper, here

How Facebook Figures Out Everyone You've Ever Met

Gizmodo, here

Recent Data Protection Developments in Brazil and Latin America

Linked In, here

Datenschützer kritisieren jahrelange Speicherung von Fluggastdaten, hier

The Pulse of Fintech Q3 2017

KPMG, here

This stupid patent was going to be used to sue hundreds of small businesses

ArsTechnica, here

Blocked: Why Some Companies Restrict Data Access to Reduce Competition and How Open APIs Can Help

Center for Data Innovation, here


Wired, here

Supreme Court to Decide First Antitrust Case in Two Years

Antitrust Advocate, here

Margrethe Vestager, Wise Digital Hygienist

Politico, here

US: Sen. Klobuchar urges probe for online travel agencies

competitionpolicyinternational, here.

Innovationen – Herausforderungen für die Kartellrechtspraxis

Bundeskartellamt, hier.

Wednesday, November 08, 2017

Understanding Competition in Prescription Drug Markets: Entry and Supply Chain Dynamics

FTC, Workshop here. Live webcast here. Presentation slides here

Fairness in platform-to-business relations

EC, Inception impact assessment here


Wired, here

Big Data Poses Special Risks for Children, Says UNICEF

TechnologyReview, here

Google-Manager Eric Schmidt warnt vor China

FAZ. hier

The Economics of Attention Markets

D. Evans, here

TÜV kritisiert Autohersteller für den Umgang mit Daten

FAZ, hier

Eigentumsordnung‘ für Mobilitätsdaten

Telemedicus, Stellungnahme hier


Süddeutsche Zeitung, hier

Datenschutzbeauftragter schlägt Gütesiegel für Gesundheits-Apps vor, hier

Technology-led innovation and emerging services in the Canadian financial services sector

Competition Bureau, here (my own pdf here).

Artificial Intelligence Has Officially Infiltrated the Fintech Industry

Inc, here

May Your Drug Price Be Ever Green

R. Feldman, C. Wang, here

Amazon found an ingenious new way to undercut its competitors ahead of the holidays

Quartz, here

Google and Salesforce sign massive strategic partnership

VentureBeat, here

Datenmärkte in der digitalisierten Wirtschaft: Funktionsdefizite und Regelungsbedarf?

H. Schweitzer, M. Peitz, hier

Foundem on Google's Auction-Based Proposal


Piracy site for science research dinged again in court—this time for $4.8M

ArsTechnica, here

Computer says no: why making AIs fair, accountable and transparent is crucial

TheGuardian, here

Clearing the path for innovation

M. Vestager, here

The EU’s competition chief explains why punishing Big Tech is good for innovation

Quartz, here


NYT Magazine, here

7th Circuit confronts antitrust in the age of Big Data

Reuters, here

UK Data Protection Bill vs EU General Data Protection Regulation

ComputerWeekly, here

IP Europe’s Disingenuous Case for Giving its Members a License to Discriminate

Actonline, here

Why we need to regulate the tech platforms and how

FT, here


Musically, here

Vergleichsportale in Deutschland

WIK-Consult, hier

Paying for Privacy and the Personal Data Economy

S.-A. Elvy, here

FIFA and FIFPro sign landmark agreement and announce measures to enhance professional football

FIFA, here

Unobserved collusion: warning signs and concerns

R. Marshall, here

Monday, November 06, 2017

Fintech, Access to Data, and the Role of Competition Policy

S. Vezzoso (this blog's author), Presentation here.
(Paper in the pipeline - if you have any comment so far, please let me know).

Wednesday, November 01, 2017

PSD2: Commission Provides Long-Awaited Update on RTS and Screen-Scraping

Vasco, here.

Two roads diverged in the woods: on non-personal data as a legal category in the EU

J. Jache, here

Google remembers it has an air-fares API, takes the usual action

TheRegister, here

Inside the ePrivacy Regulation's furious lobbying war

iapp, here

Privacy and public transit usage: comments on Metrolinx' revisions to privacy policy

TeresaScassa, here

Are Canada’s grocers fixing bread prices?

TheStar, here

Coders of the world, unite: can Silicon Valley workers curb the power of Big Tech?

TheGuardian, here

Tech on the Hill: Five takeaways from the first of three hearings this week.

Recode, here

Scaling Nudges with Machine Learning

C. Risdon, here

How Washington Should Regulate Facebook

H. Singer, here

Belgique – Le prix unique du livre papier et numérique adopté

idBook, ici

How National Governments Can Help Smart Cities Succeed

Certer for Data Innovation, here

Seattle Woman Says Her Identity Has Been Stolen 15 Times Since Equifax Data Breach

HuffPost, here

Innovation, Openness, and Platform Control

G. Parker, M. Van Alstyne, here

Portugal bans use of DRM that limits access to public domain works

EDRi/EFF, here

Action brought on 11 September 2017 – Google and Alphabet v Commission


“We own your name” government tells Amazon in explosive slapdown

DomainIncite, here

Level and open markets are good for business

J. Laitenberger, here.
"Algorithm should be designed to comply with competition rules in the first place. Respect for the rules must be part of the algorithm that a company configures and for whose behaviour the company will be ultimately liable"

Smart Technologies: Connected Cars & Beyond

G. De Stefano, Presentation here (waiting for the Video...).

Intellectual Property for the Twenty-First-Century Economy

J. Stiglitz, D. Baker, A. Jayadev, here

There’s precedent for Amazon competing with so many companies. It doesn’t end well.

Quartz, here

Communications Sector Market Study

ACCC, Draft Report here

Competition and Regulatory Trends in Digital Markets

A. Chirita, here

Données, algorithmes et transparence des plateformes

Autorité de la concurrence
Vendredi 24 novembre 2017
2 Avenue de l’Observatoire 75006 Paris
Programme ici.
Les débats seront filmés et mis en ligne sur le site Internet de l'Autorité.

CMA launches consumer law investigation into hotel booking sites

CMA, here

Google and Facebook: EU’s Draft ePrivacy Regulation Passes Committee and Parliament Vote

Capitol Forum, here

The ‘Amazon Effect’ Is Slicing Into Bayer's U.S. Consumer Business

Bloomberg, here

Would you donate your data for the collective good?

FT, here

Cartels and Chicken Paprikash

The Chopping Board Economist, Video here

Friday, October 27, 2017

Feasibility study on the microeconomic impact of enforcement of competition policies on innovation

P. Osmosi, A. Bennato, S. Davies and F. Mariuzzo, here.

Concorrência e Inovação (ICYRAAI)

06 de novembro de 2017
 Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie
Rua da Consolação, 896, portão 7 ou
 Rua Itambé, 135, portão 1
 Auditório Mackgraphe
São Paulo
Programa aqui.

In case you are around and interested

Tuesday 31 October 9.30-11

Alberto Parrella (former Uni Trento/Pisa master student and much more)
Data Analyst, Twitter
"Data driven businesses: how social media empower products through data".
Contamination Lab
Piazza Fiera, 4

Google antitrust remedy falls short of EU demands

FT,  here.

Google outwits the European Commission once again

G. Reback, here.

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Dutch telco KPN wins appeal against cable rivals’ merger

FT, here.
GC's Ruling here

Top German court seeks comments on patent court challenge, here


Laboratoire.agencedunumerique, ici


CopyBuzz, here

Facebook launches Marketplace for cars with dealers and Blue Book pricing

Techcrunch, here

Gesundheitsportal in Dänemark macht Patienten zu gleichberechtigten Partnern, hier

International data transfers – A recap

E. Ustaran, here

Großbritannien führt Data Protection Bill ein: Prepare for Brexit

Spirit Legal, hier

A smart city in China tracks every citizen and yours could too

New Scientist, here

Wie die Umkleidekabine der Zukunft aussieht

FAZ, hier

Lessons learned from WP29's letter to WhatsApp

iapp, here.

What competition can do – and what it can't

M. Vestager, here

The Future of Online Dating Is Unsexy and Brutally Effective

Gizmodo, here


J. Band, here

EDPS recommendations on specific aspects of the proposed ePrivacy Regulation

EDPS, here

Google Targeted Again as EU Is Said to Weigh Search-Result Rules

Bloomberg, here.

From the Commission's Agenda 2018, here:
Proposal on fairness in platform-to-business relations (legislative, incl. impact assessment, Art. 114 TFEU, Q1 2018); an initiative addressing online platform challenges as regards the spreading of fake information (non-legislative, Q1 2018); 

How behavioral economics is being used against you

MarketWatch, here

Current account switching at new low

BBC, here

Kartellamt durchleuchtet Internet-Vergleichsportale

FAZ, hier

Privacy Shield: EU-Datenschützer distanzieren sich von der Kommission, hier

Lufthansa muss wegen Air-Berlin-Übernahme wohl Strecken abgeben

FAZ, hier

Intellectual Property Rights in the Recreational Cannabis Market

Jeremydebeer, here

CJEU opens way to mounting data protection rules for Facebook

FT, here

A Computer Scientist Makes the Case for Speculative Fiction

LAreviewofbooks, here

Spotify’s Discover Weekly: How machine learning finds your new music

HackerMoon, here. 

Wer verlinkt, muss nicht immer prüfen: Neue Urteile zur Linkhaftung, hier

European General Court rules (again) on Mandatory Access and Interoperability in Software Industry (T-751/15)

Competitionlawblog.kluwercompetitionlaw, here

State aid: Commission opens in-depth investigation into UK tax scheme for multinationals

EC, here

Platforms: Guardians of the Digital Economy

J. Tirole, here

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Le Parlement européen échoue à protéger notre vie privée

La Quadrature du Net, ici.

Songkick To Shut Down, Continue Legal Battle With Ticketmaster/Live Nation

Liveformusic, here.

One simple chart shows why Facebook just bought an anonymous chat app for teens

BusinessInsider, here.

Compromise ePrivacy Regulation text as adopted today in EU Parliament LIBe committee.

ePrivacy – An Outlook on a New Framework

M. Lauristin, here

AI​ ​Now​ ​2017​ ​Report


Kemira reached a settlement with CDC in the damage claim litigation in Dortmund related to hydrogen peroxide business in 1994-2000

Kemira, here

The Recommendation on Measures to Safeguard Fundamental Rights and the Open Internet in the Framework of the EU Copyright Reform

Martin Senftleben,a Christina Angelopoulos,b Gianfranco Frosio,c Valentina Moscon,d Miquel Peguera,e Ole-Andreas Rognstad, here

Why Surge Prices Make Us So Mad: What Springsteen, Home Depot and a Nobel Winner Know

NYTimes, here

EU-Copyright-Reform: Einschränkung von Text- und Data-Mining droht

Heise, hier

Enslaving the Algorithm: From a ‘Right to an Explanation’ to a ‘Right to Better Decisions’?

L. Edwards, M. Veale, here

ACCC welcomes new era in competition law

ACCC, here

Competition through interoperability

C. Riley, here

Hollywood Confronts a Copyright Argument With Potential for Mass Disruption

HollywoodReporter, here

EU-Urheberrechtsreform: Streit über Upload-Filter und Grundrechte

iRights, hier

Trump Picks Joseph Simons, Corporate Antitrust Lawyer, to Lead F.T.C

NYTimes, here

Intelligence artificielle : toujours plus puissant, AlphaGo apprend désormais sans données humaines

Le Monde, ici

Like Uber, for socialism: Chinese leader calls for more use of AI, big data and sharing economy

TheRegister, here

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Der Bundeskartellamt-Chef erklärt, wie er sich gegen Amazon, Facebook & Co. durchsetzen will

BusinessInsider, hier.

Tapetenkartell: Gericht erhöht Bußgelder für Mandanten von Hengeler und Gibson Dunn

Juve, hier.

Competition, Innovation, and Competition Law: Dissecting the Interplay

W. Kerber, here.

Véhicules connectés : un pack de conformité pour une utilisation responsable des données

CNIL, ici

Taiwan targets Google on Android

GCR, here

Qualcomm hit with $773 million fine in Taiwan for antitrust violations

AndroidAuthority, here

Growing the artificial intelligence industry in the UK

W. Hall and Jérôme Pesenti for the UK  Business Secretary and Culture Secretary, here

Guidelines on Personal data breach notification under Regulation 2016/679

WP29, here

Guidelines on automated individual decision-making and profiling for the purposes of Regulation 2016/679

WP29, here

How Can We Reveal Bias in Computer Algorithms?

Theregreview, here

Spotify launches an app for artists with real-time streaming data, audience demographics

TechCrunch, here

Big Data and Canadian Competition Policy

D. Sokol, here



Droits d'auteur, une directive contre productive?

France Culture, ici


EU CASE M.7932, here

Major Studios, Streamers Declare Legal War on TickBox

Hollywood Reporter, here

German researchers resign from Elsevier journals in push for nationwide open access

ScienceMag, here

Vermeer was brilliant, but he was not without influences

The Economist, here (and here). 

Qualcomm Seeks China iPhone Ban, Expanding Apple Legal Fight

Bloomberg, here

American Express Fee Accusations Get U.S.Supreme Court Hearing

Bloomberg, here

Supreme Court entscheidet über die Zukunft der Cloud, hier

Privacy is a competitive advantage

FT, here