Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Mastercard Enhances Artificial Intelligence Capability with the Acquisition of Brighterion, Inc..

Stockhouse, here.

Digital Single Market conference on the free movement of data: Closing Speech

A Ansip, here


Wired, here

The Rise of The Attribute Economy

Meeco, here


FBI, here.

Hunting Unicorns? Experimental Evidence on Predatory Pricing Policies

A. Edlin, C. Roux, A. Schmutzler and C. Thöni, here

An AI Pattern Language

M. Elish and T. Hwang, here

Intermediaries Could Be Made Liable In EU Copyright Legislation

IP-watch, here.

Germany introduces law permitting automated vehicles

Out-Law.com, here


Wired, here

Digital single market conference on the free movement of data

Agenda here. Video here.
The AU "Productivity Commission Draft Report: Data Availability and Use" mentioned by Katryna (Meeco) is here.

Alex 'Sandy' Pentland (37:57).

Making Europe a Data Economy: A New Framework for Free Movement of Data in the Digital Age

The Lisbon Council, here

Uber Releases Open Source Project for Differential Privacy

Medium, here

Amazon Antitrust Concerns Emerge in Washington and Wall Street

Bloomberg, here

EC sends Statement of Objections to Teva on 'pay for delay' pharma agreement

EC, Press Release, here

Elon Musk: regulate AI to combat 'existential threat' before it's too late

TheGuardian, here

Competition Authorities: Towards More Independence and Prioritisation?

W. Wils, here

Presumptions in EU Competition Law

C. Ritter, here

Horizontal Mergers and Product Innovation: An Economic Framework

G. Federico, G. Langus, T. Valletti, here

The world's libraries tell the W3C that DRM is bad for the web

BoiungBoing, here

Call for tender: Study to raise awareness about algorithms

EC, here

Maas kündigt Urheberrechtsreförmchen zugunsten von Blinden an

Heise.de, hier.

FTC Staff Comment on Net Neutrality

Here. Commissioner McSweeny's dissent here.

Artificial Intelligence and Economic Theories

T. Marwala, E. Hurwitz, here

Amazon may give developers your private Alexa transcripts

Engadget, here

Amazons „Alexa“ womöglich ein Problem

WiWo, hier

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Achieving Digital Maturity

Deloitte, here.

About the cartel screening tool

CMA, here.

The Economic Impact of Data: Why Data Is Not Like Oil

Progressive Policy, here.

Willkommen in der Numerokratie

FAZ, hier.

Private hire and hackney carriage licensing: open letter to local authorities

Gov.co.uk, here.

Droit d'auteur: la création est une chose trop importante pour être laissée à des algorithmes

EPPgroup, here.

Biased Algorithms Are Everywhere, and No One Seems to Care

MIT Technology Review, here.

Impact of OTA Bias and Consolidation on Consumers

B. Edelman, here.

The end of the internet startup

Vox, here.

How Google could win its fight with Brussels

Politico, here.

Groundbreaking study suggests trademark count, rather than patent count, is a better predictor of innovation

Worldtrademarkreview, here.

Nederlandse truckers eisen 250 miljoen euro van fabrikanten

NOS, hier


W. Christl, here

Shooting-Star der künstlichen Intelligenz

FAZ, hier

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Google Academics Inc.

Googletransparencyproject.org, here

Australians urged to 're-wire' brains for saving

FinExtra, here

Kraftstoffpreise in Ferienzeiten: Preisvergleich lohnt sich

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Publicité sur Internet: consultation publique

ADLC, ici

Guidance on the use of Legitimate Interests under the EU General Data Protection Regulation

DPN, here

Philip Morris ordered to pay Australia millions in costs for plain packaging case

Smh.com.au, here

Open Data in Cities 2

European Data Portal, here


M. Ohlhausen, here. 

Weapons of Math Destruction: how big data increases inequality and threatens democracy

C. O'Neil, LSE Podcast here

Brummis gegen Laster-Kartell

FAZ, hier

The news industry is worried Facebook and Google have far too much power

The Verge, here

Leguide.com porte plainte contre Google

BFM.tv, ici

Tim Berners-Lee Sells Out His Creation: Officially Supports DRM In HTML

TechDirt, here

Human-Centered Machine Learning

Google Design, here

Setting prices on online travel agents: advice for hotels

CMA, here

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Googeln für die Wissenschaft

Spiegel.de, hier.

The Next Battle in Antitrust Will Be About Whether One Company Knows Everything About You

Hbr, here.

Antitrust as Disruptive Innovation in Health Care: Can Limiting State Action Immunity Help Save a Trillion Dollars?

W. Sage & D. Hyman, here.

Nothing Comes Of Nothing -- The New Loyalty Reality

MediaPost, here

The European Union votes on the implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty

IFLA, here

Les hôtels contre les tarifs imposés par Booking.com

Rtbf.be, ici

Promoting privacy with innovation within the law

E. Denham, here

Facebook beats privacy lawsuit in U.S. over user tracking

Reuters, here. 

Io sono cultura - 2017

Fondazione Symbola, qui

EC alleges Merck and Sigma-Aldrich, General Electric, and Canon breached EU merger procedural rules

Press Release, here

Communication, expectations, innovation: maintaining public support for new technology

UK National Data Guardian (WT..), here

Agents' Mutual Ltd v Gascoigne Halman Ltd (t/a Gascoigne Halman)

CAT, 1262/5/7/16 (T) , here

Monday, July 03, 2017

To tackle Google’s power, regulators have to go after its ownership of data

E. Morozov, here

Will Amazon-Whole Foods Survive Antitrust Scrutiny Under Trump?

Forbes, here

Europe’s Geo-Blocking Debate: Booksellers on the Ropes

PublishingPerspectives, here

Off-Topic: Bill Clinton at the Helmut Kohl Memorial in Strasbourg

Video, here.
"He loved being an European"

Jetzt will Maas an die Algorithmen

Spiegel.de, hier.

Royal Free - Google DeepMind trial failed to comply with data protection law

ICO, here.

A Way to Own Your Social-Media Data

L. Zingales, G. Rolnik, here

Yelp’s Six-Year Grudge Against Google

NYTimes, here

The EU’s Google Decision: Algorithms Are Hard

M. Patterson, here

EU considers tough new competition powers

FT, here

UK urged to clarify data rules from connected cars

FT, here

Korea’s FTC may look at Google antitrust practices

Koreajoongangdaily.joins.com, here.

Big Tech is cut off from the real world

FT, here

Friday, June 30, 2017

Protecting IP in the Blockchain Sector

S. Jalfin, here.

Die höchste Strafe in der Geschichte des EU Kartellrechts: Was bedeutet der Fall...

T. Duso und H. Ullrich, hier

Urheberrecht für Wissenschaft und Bildung: Bundestag beschließt Reformen

iRightsInfo, hier

How we’re using behavioural insights to give better energy advice

Citizens Advice, here

Germany approves plans to fine social media firms up to €50m

TheGuardian, here

Internet of Humans - How we would like the internet of the future to be

R. Viola, here

Some reactions to the European Commission’s decision on Google Shopping

CEPIC, here

Was Sie über das Gesetz gegen Hass im Internet wissen müssen

FAZ, hier

Wer zahlt für das Schienenkartell?

FAZ, hier

Google v. Equustek: Unnecessarily Hard Cases Make Unnecessarily Bad Law

A. Katz, here

How AI will make smartphones much smarter

VentureBeat, here

What Amazon really wants from Whole Foods is data about you

DallasNews, here

India and the Visible Hand of the Market

K. Basu, here

What's wrong with the Copyright Office's DRM study?

BoingBoing, here

Quand Heineken achète tes data pour personnaliser ta bière

L'ADN, ici

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Recent Trends in International Antitrust Enforcement

Judiciary Committee, here (live streaming).

Google ein „Leuchtturmfall“

Welt.de, hier.

Windows 10 : clôture de la procédure de mise en demeure à l’encontre de MICROSOFT CORPORATION

CNIL, ici.

GDPR : les actions indispensables de conformité

T. Devergranne, ici.

Connected Cars

M. Ohlhausen, here.

Worldwide de-indexing order against Google upheld by Supreme Court of Canada

B. Sookman, here.

The Google Case: First Comments by Haucap, Kersting, Podszun

D-Kart.de, here.

CMA accepts commitments offered to address online auction concerns

CMA, here.

Preisvorgaben: Kartellamt weist Beschwerde gegen McDonald’s zurück

Mobil.cafe-future, hier.

Antitrust Worries? Amazon Hires Former Justice Department Experts For Whole Foods Deal

IBTimes, here

Data, algorithms, and EU competition law

C. Ritter, Presentation here


D. Keller, here

How Margrethe Vestager went after Google

Politico.eu, here

Google Faces Record Fine for Monopolistic Search Practices

EPIC, here

Merkel - Digitalwirtschaft erfordert neues Kartellrecht

Reuters.de, hier

Learning Analytics : quelles sont les données du problème ?

LINC, ici

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Google case shows how Europe is still playing catch-up

FT, here

Amazon Starts Charm Offensive as Merchants Defect to Wal-Mart

Bloomberg, here.

Three Thoughts On EU's $2.7 Billion Antitrust Google Fine

M. Masnick, here.

Google must block websites of company accused of stealing another business’s trade secrets: Supreme Court

TorontoStar, here.

Channel 4 on Google Shopping

Video here.

The internet of things: industry’s digital revolution

FT, here (and here).

Why Europe got tough on Google but the U.S. couldn’t

Washington Post, here

State aid and fair competition worldwide

M. Vestager, here

Competition Commission finds that online shopping platform violates Competition Act (Pakistan)

Vellani&Vellani, here

Consumer Watchdog Calls on U.S. Antitrust Authorities to Act Against Google’s Anti-Competitive Practices After European Commission Hits Internet Giant with Record $2.7 Billion Antitrust Fine

ConsumerWatchdog, here

Regulation of Big Data: Perspectives on Strategy, Policy, Law and Privacy

P. Casanova, L. de Koker, D. Mendelson, D. Watts, here

Facebook’s Secret Censorship Rules Protect White Men from Hate Speech But Not Black Children

ProPublica, here

European authorities fine Google for search tactics

Freedom to Tinker, here

CCI dismisses allegation of abuse of dominance against WhatsApp

ILO, here

Ends, Means, and Antitrust

Stratechery, here.

Datenschutzgrundverordnung: Böses Erwachen der Domainverwaltung ICANN

Heise.de, hier

How Weak Mobile Health App Privacy, Security Affects Patients

Healthitsecurity.com, here

U.S. antitrust lawsuit against Qualcomm to proceed, judge rules

Reuters, here

Initial Reactions to the Infringement Decision in Google Search

P. Akman, here

These are the next industries that will go the way of taxis and hotels

MarketWatch, here

How data is set to replace people behind the wheel in driverless cars

TheHill, here

The EU isn't splitting up Google. But it is sending a message

Wired, here

Google Shopping Decision- First Urgent Comments

A. La Madrid, here

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

AI and the Law: Setting the Stage

U. Gasser, here.

Law for the Platform Economy

J. Cohen, here.

Margrethe Vestager’s Google decision risks messy endgame

Politico.eu, here.

IBM is telling Congress not to fear the rise of an AI ‘overlord’

Recode, here.

L’obsolescence programmée, l’autre virus du secteur IT

GreenPeace, here.

Washington lobbyists pushed anti-EU letter ahead of Google decision

Politico.eu, here.

Amtsgericht: Weitergabe von Kontaktdaten an WhatsApp unzulässig

FAZ, hier.

Canadian Supreme Court Doesn't Like Facebook Clickwrap in Big Privacy Suit

Hollywood.com, here.

The European Commission decision on online shopping: the other side of the story

Google, here.

Commission fines Google €2.42 billion for abusing dominance as search engine by giving illegal advantage to own comparison shopping service

Press release, here.
Commissioner Vestager's statement here. 

Bundeskartellamt verhängt Bußgelder gegen Hersteller von Industriebatterien in Höhe von insgesamt rd. 28 Mio. Euro

Bundeskartellamt, hier.

Amazon Robots Poised to Revamp How Whole Foods Runs Warehouses

Bloomberg, here.

Yelp, Oracle and News Corp have signed a letter supporting EU action against Google

Recode, here.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Algorithms and Collusion – the debate by the OECD Competition Committee

Cms-lawnow.com, here

Autodesk Generative Design takes in constraints and makes its own 3D models

TechCrunch, here

South Korea: KFTC reviews Google and Facebook’s market dominance

CPI, here

Google to Face EU Antitrust Fine as Soon as Tuesday

Bloomberg, here.
Press conference at 12 pm CET: confirmed. Watch it live, here.

From @WavesBlog's archive:
Brussels, 30 November 2010
Commission probes allegations of antitrust violations by Google, here.

On likely mood beyond the pond here.

EU tests limits of drug pricing freedom in landmark probe

Reuters, here.

The Massive Data Collection by Facebook – Visualized

DataEthics, here.

"Wurstlücke“ – Weitere Bußgelder in Höhe von rund 110 Mio. Euro entfallen in Folge von unternehmensinternen Umstrukturierungen

Bundeskartellamt, hier.

Mydex, data protection, privacy online and, of course, social enterprise.

Kibble, Podcast here


UNICEF, here

The great intellectual property trade-off

T. Harford, here

German Law Paves Way for Self-Driving Cars

Bloomberg BNA, here

Between a Rock and Two Hard Places: Whatsapp at the Crossroad of Competition, Data Protection and Consumer Law

N. Zingales, here

With Whole Foods Purchase, Amazon Just Bought a Playground for Big Data

Entrepreneur, here

Raising good robots

Aeon, here


Ethik-Kommission (eingesetzt durch den Bundesminister für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur), hier.

Vergleichsportale müssen transparenter werden

VZBV, hier

Should Uber’s next CEO be a robot?

RoughType, here

Expedia loses hotel rate parity case in France

TravelWeekly, here


Wired, here

Warnungen vor Freihandelsabkommen mit Japan

FAZ, hier

To Survive Amazon, Supermarkets Need to Get to Know You

Bloomberg, here

Media Companies Are Getting Sick of Facebook

Bloomberg, here

The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence

NYTimes, here

Booking.com bleibt im Streit über Bestpreisklauseln hart

Welt.de, hier

Why Wall Street still needs human traders

Axios, here

The information age is over, welcome to the machine learning age

VentureBeat, here

Ordnungspolitik in der digitalen Welt

J. Haucap, U. Heimeshoff, hier

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Amazon’s Nike deal takes a billion dollar bite out of competing retailers

Recode, here.

Three Ways the Internet of Things Is Shaping Consumer Behavior

BehavioralEconomics.com, here.

Copyright Law Shouldn’t Pick Winners

EFF, here.

New data governance and compliance solution for GDPR released

Iapp, here.

Too Big to Control? The politics of mega-mergers and why the EU is not stopping them

Corporate Europe Observatory, here.

Economic impact of competition policy enforcement on the functioning of telecoms markets in the EU

EC, here.

Bundestag: Deutscher Wetterdienst kann Unwetter- und Katastrophendaten gratis anbieten

Heise.de, hier.

With Whole Foods Purchase, Amazon Just Bought a Playground for Big Data

Entrepreneur, here.

"Wir werden vier Stunden am Tag arbeiten“

FAZ, hier.

Raising good robots

Aeon, here.

US Copyright Office Releases Report on Section 1201

Report of the Cross-sectional System Study Group for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Provisional translation)

METI, here.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Wired, here.

UK to Align Itself with the GDPR Despite Brexit

Hogan Lovells, here

Microsoft admits it disables anti-virus software in response to Kaspersky's EU complaint

TheVerge, here.

Amazon Will Let Customers Try On Clothes Before Buying

NYTimes, here.

Hollywood Studios Are Suspicious of VidAngel's New Filtering App

HollywoodReporter, here

Ce que va changer le RGPD : le principe de portabilité des données personnelles

ZDNet, ici

Uber Can’t Be Fixed — It’s Time for Regulators to Shut It Down

B. Edelman, here.

Apple uses Supreme Court decision to attack Qualcomm

FT, here and here.
Complaint here.

The Rise and Fall of the Word 'Monopoly' in American Life

TheAtlantic, here

Amazon bringt 50 neue Dash-Buttons

Heise.de, hier

The industry reacts to Apple’s podcast changes

NiemanLab, here

A Silicon Valley Congressman Takes On Amazon

TheAtlantic, here

Yes, for AI, it really is all about the data

Venture Beat, here

Big Data et éthique : premier meetup réussi à DigitYser

IntoTheMinds, here

Copyright reform against the background of Pay TV and Murphy

ChillingCompetition, here

Beim Shoppen auf Schritt und Tritt überwacht

VZBV, hier

Amazon Bites Off Even More Monopoly Power

L. Khan, here

How artificial intelligence can deliver real value to companies

McKinsey Global Institute, here

It's time to break up Amazon

fastCompany, here.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Computational Propaganda Worldwide: Executive Summary

Oxford Internet Institute, here.

America’s Amazon Problem

M. Stoller, here.


P. Ohm, here.
'I will never again think of a model without thinking of O’Neill’s lovely example of the model she uses to select what to cook for dinner for her children' how true:

Pg. 19 "The input to my internal cooking model is the information I have about my family, the ingredients I have on hand or I know are available, and my own energy, time, and ambition. The output is how and what I decide to cook. I
measure the success of a meal by how satisfied my family seems at the end of it, how much they’ve eaten, and how healthy the food was. Seeing how well it is received and how much of it is enjoyed allows me to update my model for the next time I cook. The updates and adjustments make it what statisticians call a “dynamic model.”

Microsoft and the UN to provide digital IDs for undocumented people (blockchain)

Engadget, here.

World Retail Banking Report 2017

Capgemini, here.

Competition Law: Convergence in Uncertainty are We Where We Thought We Were?

D. Gerber, here.

Lighting company fined £2.7 million for restricting online prices

CMA, here.

The Race Is On to Challenge Google-Facebook ‘Duopoly’ in Digital Advertising

WSJ, here and here

What to know about Europe’s antitrust fracas with Google

DigiDay, here

Données clients : les banques cherchent le bon modèle

LesEchos.fr, ici

Amazon:such problems

FT, here and here

How Amazon Is Changing the Whole Concept of Monopoly

NewRepublic, here

One Model To Learn Them All

Google (+Toronto U.), here

Private Power, Public Values: Regulating Social Infrastructure in a Changing Economy

K. Rahman, here

Amazon-Whole Foods deal could mean new phase of retail

USAtoday, here

No more ‘OK Google’: Cortana can now be the default assistant on Android

SearchEngineLand, here

Accountability and governance

ICO, here

The History of the General Data Protection Regulation

EDPS, here

Fahr doch auf einen Kaffee bei Starbucks vorbei

FAZ, hier

Monday, June 19, 2017

Court Turns Down "Dancing Baby" Copyright Case

Hollywood Reporter, here

FCA Releases Discussion Paper on Distributed Ledger Technology

ReedSmith, here

Kartellamt übernimmt Verbraucherschutz

"DÜSSELDORF, 12. Juni. Nach dem Inkrafttreten des reformierten Wettbewerbsgesetzes baut das Bundeskartellamt eine Abteilung für den Verbraucherschutz auf. Sie soll vor allem im Internet für den Datenschutz und einen lauteren Wettbewerb sorgen. Für die zusätzlichen Aufgaben sind noch keine Stellen bewilligt, so dass die neue Abteilung anfangs mit einer Handvoll Beamten auskommen muss. Geleitet wird sie von Carsten Becker, bisher verantwortlich für die Energie- und Mineralölwirtschaft. Das wichtigste Instrument sind Sektoruntersuchungen, die bei begründetem Verdacht auf Verstöße eingeleitet werden können. Damit durchleuchtet das Kartellamt die Marktbedingungen, um eine Grundlage für ein konkretes Eingreifen zu gewinnen. Gerade in der Internetwirtschaft gebe es Fälle, in denen Unternehmen durch eine einzige rechtswidrige Maßnahme Millionen Verbrauchern auf einmal schaden können. Hier sei es sinnvoll, den vorwiegend privatrechtlich organisierten Verbraucherschutz zu unterstützen"

Umfrage: Mehrheit in Deutschland für Gesetze gegen "Fake News"

Heise.de, hier.

Scoring: Digitale Diskriminierung

ZDF, Video hier

Interview with Johannes Laitenberger, Director-General for Competition, European Commission

The Antitrust Source, here

Amazon Patent Would Block Comparison Shopping In Stores

Fortune, here


CIS, here

The Trump Executive Order on drug prices: not what was promised nor needed, and contrary to US self interest

J. Love, here

Big data and competition – big deal or no deal?

Conversation witt Richard Whish, here

How Artificial Intelligence is set to disrupt our legal framework for Intellectual Property rights

IPWatchDog, here

A discussion about AI’s conflicts and challenges

TechCrunch, here

Does Amazon's Acquisition of Whole Foods Check Out?

Harvard Business School, here

The Internet of Things Connectivity Binge: What Are the Implications?

Pew Research Center, here

Drones Go to Work

C. Anderson, here

Datenschutzrechtliche Empfehlungen zum automatisierten und vernetzten Fahren

Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit, hier

A discussion about AI’s conflicts and challenges

TechCrunch, here.

Bibliography on antitrust and algorithms

C. Ritter, here.
...and I could think of a few more ;-)

Oracle v. Google: The amicus briefs filed in support of Google:

Project-disco.org, here

Decision: Unfair pricing in respect of the supply of phenytoin sodium capsules in the UK

CMA, Case CE/9742-13, here

Predatory Innovation: A Response to Suzanne Van Arsdale & Cody Venzke

T. Schrepel, here

View on digital giants: they farm us for the data

TheGuardian, here

Amazon's New Customer

Stratechery, here

How Barcelona’s citizens will control the use of their data

GovInsider, here

Réflexions sur les remèdes concurrentiels applicables aux moteurs de recherche: doit-on enjoindre d’ajuster les algorithmes?

F. Marty, ici

Is Booking.com breaking its ‘free cancellation’ pledge?

TheGuardian, here

Tim Cook Says Apple Focused on Autonomous Systems in Cars Push

Bloomberg, here

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Tuesday, June 06, 2017


AAI, here.

Algorithmic Collusion: Problems and Counter-Measures

OECD Roundtable on Algorithms and Collusion,  Note by A. Ezrachi & M. Stucke, here

Without DOJ Backing, States Pursue AmEx Antitrust Appeal

Bol.bna, here.

Apple adds ad tracker blocker to desktop Safari

TechCrunch, here.

We Need to Talk About the Power of AI to Manipulate Humans

MIT Technology Review, here.

Prioritizing Human Well-being in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

IEEE, here.

Amazon Japan to no longer force vendors to offer lowest price

Nikkei, here.

Algorithms and Competition

CPI Podcast, here

Family ties: the intersection between data protection and competition in EU Law

F. Costa-Cabral, O. Lynskey, here

Why Apple is struggling to become an artificial-intelligence powerhouse

Washington Post, here.

Apple WWDC 2017: all the highlights from Apple's developer conference

Wired, here

When Will AI Exceed Human Performance? Evidence from AI Experts

K. Grace, J. Salvatier, A.  Dafoe, B. Zhang, and O. Evans, here

EC opens formal investigation into distribution practices of clothing company Guess

Press Release, here. 

Circular by Design

European Environment Agency, here.

Rise of the machines: who is the ‘internet of things’ good for?

The Guardian, here

Understanding Google’s new online/offline conversion tracking

LINC, here

FairML: Auditing Black-Box Predictive Models

Blog.fastforwardlabs, here

8 Ways Machine Learning Is Improving Companies’ Work Processes

HBR, here

Ad-block argument

Vice News, here

Looking Up in the Data-Driven Economy

A. Ezrachi, M. Stucke, here

Here’s why Whatsapp won an antritrust case in India

Medianama, here

Digital Privacy Is Making Antitrust Exciting Again

Wired, here

AI-augmented government

Deloitte, here

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Algorithms and Explanations

NYU Law, Videos and slides here

The End of Advertising, The Beginning of Relationships

Forrester, here.

Your Movements Shall Be Traced: The New EU Regulation on Cross-Border Portability

M. Trimble, here

Instagram made a Snapchat knockoff. Can they even do that?

Marketplace, here

FTC’s Qualcomm Suit Could Disrupt Innovation Balance

Bloomberg, here

Competition is not for losers — even in the digital era

Financial Times, here

How Uber’s Vestager play fell flat

Politico.eu, here

Leitfaden Zusagen in der Fusionskontrolle

Bundeskartellamt, hier and here

Contracts For The Supply Of Digital Content And Personal Data Protection

EPRS, here

Fair use copyright reforms essential in a world of technological change

R. Sims, here

Monday, May 29, 2017

Results of the Fitness Check of consumer and marketing law and of the evaluation of the Consumer Rights Directive

EC, here

Comment enquêter sur les algorithmes ?

INA Global, ici.

The Digital Clearinghouse gets to work

G. Buttarelli, here

Künstliche Intelligenz richtig erforschen

BMBF, hier

Slave to the Algorithm? Why a ‘Right to Explanation’ is Probably Not the Remedy You are Looking for

L. Edwards, M. Veale, here

Appeals Court Orders Expedited Hearing in ReDigi Case

PublishersWeekly, here

La CNMC recurre el Decreto de la Generalitat de Catalunya sobre las aplicaciones para reservar taxis a través del móvil u otros dispositivos

CNMC, aquì.

L'avis de la CNIL sur le décret Algorithme de la loi Lemaire

NextImpact, ici. Avis ici.
(maintenant "libre")

Statement on Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability

ACM, here

The emerging legal battle over video game streaming rights

VentureBeat, here

Google Assistant will make money from e-commerce

Recode, here

Friday, May 19, 2017

Locally noisy autonomous agents improve global human coordination in network experiments

H. Shirado, N. Christakis, here.

Uber’s Future May Rely on Predicting How Much You’re Willing to Pay

Bloomberg Tech, here.

Public consultation on Building the European Data Economy

MPI, Position Statement, here.

Data protection impact assessments in the European Union: complementing the new legal framework towards a more robust protection of individuals

d.pia.lab, here.

Just Eat and Hungryhouse merger faces competition probe

BBC News, here

The Fall of the Labor Share and the Rise of Superstar Firms

D. Autor, D. Dorn,  L. Katz, C. Patterson, MIT J. Van Reenen, here

This is the age of the Microsoft and Amazon economy

FT, here

Bundestag beschließt halbgares Open-Data-Gesetz

Heise.de, hier

Traité de Marrakech : l'injuste compensation financière pour les oeuvres adaptées

ActuaLitté, ici

Hayek Meets Information Theory. And Fails.

Evonomics, here.

Google says it is ‘rethinking all our products’ for the AI age

FT, here and here

Facebook/WhatsApp merger: BEUC welcomes fine but regrets failure to tackle consumer data concerns

BEUC, here

Merger enforcement: getting the priorities right

C. Esteva Mosso. here

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Belgian Privacy Commission publishes new recommendation relating to the processing of personal data by Facebook through cookies, social plug-ins and pixels

PrivacyCommission.be, here

The Path To Weakening Antitrust Policy

A. Gavil, here

New EU Regulations Could Limit Apple's Control Of The App Store

IBTimes, here

Sanction pécuniaire (franchement ridicule) à l'encontre de Facebook

CNIL, Délibération, ici.
A lire aussi ici.

DeepMind's Access to U.K. Health Data Deemed `Inappropriate'

Bloomberg Technology, here

The volatility of tech stocks has fallen below the volatility of utility stocks

ATimes, here

Dieser Plan soll die Macht der Superkonzerne zügeln

SZ, hier.
Vorschlag hier

Dutch data protection authority: Facebook violates privacy law

Autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl, here

Monday, May 15, 2017

Consumers Are Losing Confidence In Data Privacy, Healthcare, Car Safety

NationalMemo, here


Provvedimento qui

BEUC applies to join Google Android and Facebook/WhatsApp competition investigations

Press Release, here

EC opens formal investigation into Aspen Pharma's pricing practices for cancer medicines

Press Release, here

Google makes changes to AdSense in a bid to increase transparency for website publishers

TechCrunch, here


T. Schrepel, here

Why Amazon is eating the world

TechCrunch, here

There is a conversation in the US about whether antitrust law should be rethought

FT, here

Sorry, Dave, I can't code that: AI's prejudice problem

TheRegister, here

Designer l'absence

V. Duchatelle, ici

Big Data and Competition Law

Concurrences.com, here

Privacy in Automation: An Appraisal of the Emerging Australian Approach

A. Daly, here

“Be Careful; Things Can Be Worse Than They Appear” — Understanding Biased Algorithms and Users’ Behavior Around Them in Rating Platforms

M. Eslami, K. Vaccaro, K. Karahalios, K. Hamilton, here

E-commerce Sector Inquiry Final Report Heralds Renewed Enforcement by the Commission

Cooley, here


AEPD y ISMS Forum Spain, here

Automated Machine Learning — A Paradigm Shift That Accelerates Data Scientist Productivity @ Airbnb

Airbnb, here

The Uber electronic platform, whilst innovative, falls within the field of transport

AG, Case C-434/15, here

Thursday, May 04, 2017

The data economy demands a new approach to antitrust rules

TheEconomist, here.

Algorithms and Markets: Virtual or Virtuous Competition?"

90th GCLC Lunch Talk, Slides here

Price-bots can collude against consumers

TheEconomist, here.

Data is giving rise to a new economy

TheEconomist, here.

The state of privacy 2017: mid-mandate report

G. Buttarelli, here.

New Seattle cable rule to protect internet data privacy

SeattleTimes, here.

EDPS Annual Report 2016


The many dividends of keeping markets open, fair and contestable

J. Laitenberger, here.

Sektoruntersuchung Submetering

Bundeskartellamt, hier.

EC accepts commitments from Amazon on e-books

Press Release, here.

L’Antitrust si schiera con Uber Taxi in rivolta: «Vergognoso»

Corriere.it, qui.

Monday, May 01, 2017

Someone scraped 40,000 Tinder selfies to make a facial dataset for AI experiments

TechCrunch, here.

Amid Brick-and-Mortar Travails, a Tipping Point for Amazon in Apparel

NYTimes, here.

Un logiciel pour aider les juges à décider

LeParisien, ici.

Social and Ethical Behavior in the Internet of Things

F. Berman, V. Cerf, here.

Facebook helped advertisers target teens who feel “worthless”

ArsTechnica, here.

Uber, les gouvernances fantômes

Internetactu.blog.lemonde.fr, ici

The mind in the machine: Demis Hassabis on artificial intelligence

FT, here

What You Need to Know Before Starting a Platform Business

Interview with R. Schmalensee and D. Evans, here and here.

Artificial Intelligence Pushes the Antitrust Envelope

BNA, here

The Risks of Businesses Learning How Consumers Think

C. Sunstein, here

Algorithmic accountability

TechCrunch, here

Thursday, April 27, 2017