Monday, June 26, 2017

Expedia loses hotel rate parity case in France

TravelWeekly, here


Wired, here

Warnungen vor Freihandelsabkommen mit Japan

FAZ, hier

To Survive Amazon, Supermarkets Need to Get to Know You

Bloomberg, here

Media Companies Are Getting Sick of Facebook

Bloomberg, here

The Real Threat of Artificial Intelligence

NYTimes, here bleibt im Streit über Bestpreisklauseln hart, hier

Why Wall Street still needs human traders

Axios, here

The information age is over, welcome to the machine learning age

VentureBeat, here

Ordnungspolitik in der digitalen Welt

J. Haucap, U. Heimeshoff, hier

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Amazon’s Nike deal takes a billion dollar bite out of competing retailers

Recode, here.

Three Ways the Internet of Things Is Shaping Consumer Behavior, here.

Copyright Law Shouldn’t Pick Winners

EFF, here.

New data governance and compliance solution for GDPR released

Iapp, here.

Too Big to Control? The politics of mega-mergers and why the EU is not stopping them

Corporate Europe Observatory, here.

Economic impact of competition policy enforcement on the functioning of telecoms markets in the EU

EC, here.

Bundestag: Deutscher Wetterdienst kann Unwetter- und Katastrophendaten gratis anbieten, hier.

With Whole Foods Purchase, Amazon Just Bought a Playground for Big Data

Entrepreneur, here.

"Wir werden vier Stunden am Tag arbeiten“

FAZ, hier.

Raising good robots

Aeon, here.

US Copyright Office Releases Report on Section 1201

Report of the Cross-sectional System Study Group for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Provisional translation)

METI, here.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


Wired, here.

UK to Align Itself with the GDPR Despite Brexit

Hogan Lovells, here

Microsoft admits it disables anti-virus software in response to Kaspersky's EU complaint

TheVerge, here.

Amazon Will Let Customers Try On Clothes Before Buying

NYTimes, here.

Hollywood Studios Are Suspicious of VidAngel's New Filtering App

HollywoodReporter, here

Ce que va changer le RGPD : le principe de portabilité des données personnelles

ZDNet, ici

Uber Can’t Be Fixed — It’s Time for Regulators to Shut It Down

B. Edelman, here.

Apple uses Supreme Court decision to attack Qualcomm

FT, here and here.
Complaint here.

The Rise and Fall of the Word 'Monopoly' in American Life

TheAtlantic, here

Amazon bringt 50 neue Dash-Buttons, hier

The industry reacts to Apple’s podcast changes

NiemanLab, here

A Silicon Valley Congressman Takes On Amazon

TheAtlantic, here

Yes, for AI, it really is all about the data

Venture Beat, here

Big Data et éthique : premier meetup réussi à DigitYser

IntoTheMinds, here

Copyright reform against the background of Pay TV and Murphy

ChillingCompetition, here

Beim Shoppen auf Schritt und Tritt überwacht

VZBV, hier

Amazon Bites Off Even More Monopoly Power

L. Khan, here

How artificial intelligence can deliver real value to companies

McKinsey Global Institute, here

It's time to break up Amazon

fastCompany, here.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Computational Propaganda Worldwide: Executive Summary

Oxford Internet Institute, here.

America’s Amazon Problem

M. Stoller, here.


P. Ohm, here.
'I will never again think of a model without thinking of O’Neill’s lovely example of the model she uses to select what to cook for dinner for her children' how true:

Pg. 19 "The input to my internal cooking model is the information I have about my family, the ingredients I have on hand or I know are available, and my own energy, time, and ambition. The output is how and what I decide to cook. I
measure the success of a meal by how satisfied my family seems at the end of it, how much they’ve eaten, and how healthy the food was. Seeing how well it is received and how much of it is enjoyed allows me to update my model for the next time I cook. The updates and adjustments make it what statisticians call a “dynamic model.”

Microsoft and the UN to provide digital IDs for undocumented people (blockchain)

Engadget, here.

World Retail Banking Report 2017

Capgemini, here.

Competition Law: Convergence in Uncertainty are We Where We Thought We Were?

D. Gerber, here.

Lighting company fined £2.7 million for restricting online prices

CMA, here.

The Race Is On to Challenge Google-Facebook ‘Duopoly’ in Digital Advertising

WSJ, here and here

What to know about Europe’s antitrust fracas with Google

DigiDay, here

Données clients : les banques cherchent le bon modèle, ici

Amazon:such problems

FT, here and here

How Amazon Is Changing the Whole Concept of Monopoly

NewRepublic, here

One Model To Learn Them All

Google (+Toronto U.), here

Private Power, Public Values: Regulating Social Infrastructure in a Changing Economy

K. Rahman, here

Amazon-Whole Foods deal could mean new phase of retail

USAtoday, here

No more ‘OK Google’: Cortana can now be the default assistant on Android

SearchEngineLand, here

Accountability and governance

ICO, here

The History of the General Data Protection Regulation

EDPS, here

Fahr doch auf einen Kaffee bei Starbucks vorbei

FAZ, hier

Monday, June 19, 2017

Court Turns Down "Dancing Baby" Copyright Case

Hollywood Reporter, here

FCA Releases Discussion Paper on Distributed Ledger Technology

ReedSmith, here

Kartellamt übernimmt Verbraucherschutz

"DÜSSELDORF, 12. Juni. Nach dem Inkrafttreten des reformierten Wettbewerbsgesetzes baut das Bundeskartellamt eine Abteilung für den Verbraucherschutz auf. Sie soll vor allem im Internet für den Datenschutz und einen lauteren Wettbewerb sorgen. Für die zusätzlichen Aufgaben sind noch keine Stellen bewilligt, so dass die neue Abteilung anfangs mit einer Handvoll Beamten auskommen muss. Geleitet wird sie von Carsten Becker, bisher verantwortlich für die Energie- und Mineralölwirtschaft. Das wichtigste Instrument sind Sektoruntersuchungen, die bei begründetem Verdacht auf Verstöße eingeleitet werden können. Damit durchleuchtet das Kartellamt die Marktbedingungen, um eine Grundlage für ein konkretes Eingreifen zu gewinnen. Gerade in der Internetwirtschaft gebe es Fälle, in denen Unternehmen durch eine einzige rechtswidrige Maßnahme Millionen Verbrauchern auf einmal schaden können. Hier sei es sinnvoll, den vorwiegend privatrechtlich organisierten Verbraucherschutz zu unterstützen"

Umfrage: Mehrheit in Deutschland für Gesetze gegen "Fake News", hier.

Scoring: Digitale Diskriminierung

ZDF, Video hier

Interview with Johannes Laitenberger, Director-General for Competition, European Commission

The Antitrust Source, here

Amazon Patent Would Block Comparison Shopping In Stores

Fortune, here


CIS, here

The Trump Executive Order on drug prices: not what was promised nor needed, and contrary to US self interest

J. Love, here

Big data and competition – big deal or no deal?

Conversation witt Richard Whish, here

How Artificial Intelligence is set to disrupt our legal framework for Intellectual Property rights

IPWatchDog, here

A discussion about AI’s conflicts and challenges

TechCrunch, here

Does Amazon's Acquisition of Whole Foods Check Out?

Harvard Business School, here

The Internet of Things Connectivity Binge: What Are the Implications?

Pew Research Center, here

Drones Go to Work

C. Anderson, here

Datenschutzrechtliche Empfehlungen zum automatisierten und vernetzten Fahren

Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit, hier

A discussion about AI’s conflicts and challenges

TechCrunch, here.

Bibliography on antitrust and algorithms

C. Ritter, here.
...and I could think of a few more ;-)

Oracle v. Google: The amicus briefs filed in support of Google:, here

Decision: Unfair pricing in respect of the supply of phenytoin sodium capsules in the UK

CMA, Case CE/9742-13, here

Predatory Innovation: A Response to Suzanne Van Arsdale & Cody Venzke

T. Schrepel, here

View on digital giants: they farm us for the data

TheGuardian, here

Amazon's New Customer

Stratechery, here

How Barcelona’s citizens will control the use of their data

GovInsider, here

Réflexions sur les remèdes concurrentiels applicables aux moteurs de recherche: doit-on enjoindre d’ajuster les algorithmes?

F. Marty, ici

Is breaking its ‘free cancellation’ pledge?

TheGuardian, here

Tim Cook Says Apple Focused on Autonomous Systems in Cars Push

Bloomberg, here

Wednesday, June 14, 2017