Friday, May 06, 2016

CMA publishes one stop guide to obtaining redress for competition law breaches, here

New regulations for the grocery sector now in force in Ireland

CCPC, here

eBay acquires AI-powered big data processor Expertmaker

TechCrunch, here

An analytical review of text and data mining practices and approaches in Europe

OFE, here

Regulating Patent Hold-Up

LCII Policy Brief, here

3D printing companies request Supreme Court clarification over cheerleader uniform copyright case, here.
Petition here.
Amicus Brief here

Open Data, Privacy, and Fair Information Principles: Towards a Balancing Framework

F. Borgesius, J. Gray & M. van Eechoud, here

Sensay, a chatbot for getting help with any task, passes 1 million users

VentureBeat, here

Merger Remedies Guide

ICN Merger Working Group, here

Government Advocacy and Disruptive Innovations

ICN Special Project Report, here.

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Google AI has access to huge haul of NHS patient data

NewScientist, here.

Liability for robots/AI generated harm

N. Petit, presentations here and here.

Disruptive innovation: Competition enforcement challenges and advocacy opportunities

OECD Forum, contributions here.

Anticipating Disruptive Strategies

Deloitte, here.

Australia should follow Europe against US digital giants

TheAustralian, here.

Los grandes fabricantes alertan: la marca blanca es 'invisible' para Competencia

ElEspanol, aquí

Google y el abuso de posición de dominio: una cronología

CNMC, here.

Online platforms: Commission wants to make the internet more like traditional media

Communia, here.

Google Is Feeding Romance Novels To Its Artificial Intelligence Engine To Make Its Products More Conversational

BuzzFeed, here.

Ever-Litigious Apple Loses Copyright Battle With China Over iPhone

Sputniknews, here.

Accountable Algorithms

J. Kroll, J. Huey, S. Barocas, E. Felten, J. Reidenberg, D. Robinson, and H. Yu, here.

Big Data: A Report on Algorithmic Systems, Opportunity, and Civil Rights

The White House, here.

Friday, April 29, 2016

The boundaries of the “premium sports rights” category and its competition law implications

M. Montejo, here

Online Platforms and the EU Digital Single Market

O. Batura, N. van Gorp, P. Larouche (and L.Filistrucchi), here.
TNO/Ecorys/IViR Report here

Musicians: canaries in the coalmine

J. Lanier, here.
WIPO Magazine, Interview here

Who's downloading pirated papers?, here.

What is the European Commission’s problem with Google and Android?

M. Martyniszyn, here

Will blockchains remove the need for an intermediary?

iDate, here

Airbnb dumps Berlin holiday flats before city crackdown

IrishTimes, here

Bathroom supplier fined £826,000 for restricting online prices

CMA, here.

"The CMA will issue its formal infringement decision shortly."

Google Shuts Out Competitors on Android? Hardly

NYTimes, here

Exploring the Boundaries of Big Data

WRR, here

Google Tests Feature That Lets Media Companies, Marketers Publish Directly to Search Results

WSJ, here

Competition Tribunal rules against TREB in dispute over home sales data, here.
CB's press release, here

PayPal Says Federal Trade Commission Investigating Venmo

Bloomberg, here

Whoa, Amazon isn't just making money. It's making more money than ever.

Wired, here

TripAdvisor acquires HouseTrip as home-rental market consolidates

VentureBeat, here

Waze downplays exploit that let researchers track users

TechCrunch, here

Le Sénat adopte une disposition contre les abus de Google, ici

Buchungsportal darf nicht mit eigenen Hotel-Sternen werben

FAZ, hier

Consumers not breaching copyright by circumventing with VPN, AU Government agency says, here.

Draft Report here

Colgate fined over price fixing

CPI, here.
ACCC's press release, here

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

How GDPR changes the rules for research

The Privacy Advisor, here

Data protection regulations and international data flows: Implications for trade and development

UNCTAD, here

Facebook considering a number of ways to let users earn money from posts

DigitalTrends, here

ICOMP on Statement of Objections against Google Android

7 Top Takeaways from EU’s Google-Android-Tying Charges

S. Cleland, here

Appropriability and the European Commission's Android Investigation

D. Auer, here

Google, Online Search and Consumer Confusion in Australia

A. Scardamaglia, A. Daly, here

EC Statement of Objections on Google's Tactics in Mobile

B. Edelman, here

Paranoid About Android

Bloomberg, here

Android’s Model of Open Innovation

Google, here

Commission sends Statement of Objections to Google on Android operating system and applications

EC, Press Release here.
Commissioner Vestager's Statement here.
Factsheet, here.
Press conference, recordings here (Statement) and here (Q&A)

Negative externality: my paper's massively outdated now.

Hankook Tire fined in China for resale price maintenance

Yonhapnews, here

Competencia y economía colaborativa

ElPeriodico, aquì.

Europe is targeting Google under antitrust laws but missing the bigger picture

J. Powles, here

Advancing the Internet of Things in Europe

EC, here

Fair Use and its politics, at home and abroad

J. Hughes, Presentation here

Statement Regarding Investigation into Alleged Anti-Competitive Conduct by Google

Competition Bureau (Canada), here

Online Platforms and the Digital Single Market

UK House of Lords, here.

Nice, informative read. The irony is, though, that given the actual pace of technological and other developments, some parts of it already feel a bit old.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Judge Andrews permits Microsoft’s SEP-based antitrust claims against InterDigital to proceed (Microsoft v. InterDigital)

Kelley Drye & Warren, here.
Order here.

Trading start-ups are preparing major bank antitrust suits

Reuters, here

Automakers welcome new EU data protection rules

ACEA, here

Data brokers : le pétrole et l’iceberg

CNIL, ici

How to reboot the FTC, here

ABA Antitrust Section’s Spring Meeting—What You Need to Know

Perkins Cole, here

Watermarking and Blockchain Challenges

Copyrightandtechnology, here

Lyft Is Gaining on Uber as It Spends Big for Growth

Bloomberg, here

Das Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger Hintergründe und wesentliche Fragen

T. Kreutzer, hier