Thursday, September 17, 2015

E-books: A Tale of Digital Disruption

R. Gilbert, here

Global Innovation Index 2015

WIPO, here

Online Platforms and the EU Digital Single Market: Call for Evidence

UK House of Lords, here

EU Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions: an economic analysis

P. van Wijck, J. Winter, here

Patent Settlements in the Pharmaceutical Industry: What Can We Learn From Economic Analysis?

W. Kerber, S. Frank, here

Searching a Rationale for Search Neutrality in the Age of Google

V. Falce, M. Granieri, here

Public and Private Antitrust Enforcement: Does the EU Directive Preserve Leniency Incentives?

M. Buiten, here

The valuation of unprotected works: A case study of public domain photopraphs on Wikipedia

P. Heald, M. Kretschmer, K. Erickson, here

Justice Department Will Not Challenge Expedia's Acquisition of Orbitz, here

Apple will ask Supreme Court to hear its ebooks price-fixing case, here

Refusal to license intellectual property under Chinese antitrust regime, here

5 Ways Big Data is Making a Splash in the Insurance Industry, here

TV ad on abuse of dominance (India)

Video here.

Thank you CCI! Also a powerful introduction to a course on competition policy for managers.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Offline? How Europe can catch up with US technology

 Centre for European Reform, here

The essence of Josh Wright’s FTC tenure was to ensure that benefits outweigh costs; the rest is commentary

G. Manne, here

Improving quality isn’t anti-competitive

Googlepolicyeurope.blogspot, here

Price Comparison Websites

D. Ronayne, here

Rechtswidrige Beschränkungen des Online-Vertriebs bei Laufschuhen von ASICS

Bundeskartellamt, hier

PRS for Music takes SoundCloud to court, here

Internet and Mobile Association of India Opposes Zero Rating

Press Release, here

Digital Star Chamber

F. Pasquale, here

#BajarPrecioGasolina: 30 recomendaciones de la CNMC

CNMC, aquì

Lobby-Kampf um die EU-Datenschutzreform kommt ins Kino, hier

Digital platforms: Competition and government oversight

Application Developers Alliance, here.