Monday, February 02, 2015

Patents Become A Literal 'Get Out Of Jail Early' Card For Chinese Prisoners

TechDirt, here.

Let the Right 'One' Win: Policy Lessons from the New Economics of Platforms

E. Weyl, A. White, here

Competition Policy and Intellectual Property: Insights from Developed Country Experience

F. M. Scherer, J. Watal, here

Evaluating Appropriability Defenses for the Exclusionary Conduct of Dominant Firms in Innovative Industries

J. Baker, here

Copyright policy and the right to science and culture

Human Rights Council, Report of the Special Rapporteur in the field of cultural rights, here (Word File).

UK IPO Copyright Notice: knitting and sewing patterns (seriously!)


PSI Charging Policy: A Conceptual Framework For EU Guidance to the Member States

M. Ricolfi, here

Friedrich Hayek's Contribution to Antitrust Law and Its Modern Application

T. Schrepel, here

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Off-topic: la légèreté c'est très dur à faire

Cabu interviewé par Charles Sigel,  Podcast ici.

Digital vs. Print: Reading Comprehension and the Future of the Book

J. Tanner, here.

(missing from the analysis, though: tablets powered by great apps like GoodReader, used indoor and positioned at a convenient angle - moreover, not clearly stated that reading and taking notes with whatever medium are two distinct processes)

Thursday, January 08, 2015

The Sharing Economy and Consumer Protection Regulation: The Case for Policy Change

Mercatus Research, here

End of the Authors Guild v. HathiTrust Saga

ARL Policy Notes, here

Marrakesh Treaty: Mali takes the plunge for Africa

Afro-ip.blogspot, here

Switzerland: The library’s document delivery service (scanning and sending journal articles by email to users) complies with copyright law

Kluwer Copyright Blog, here

PMI: Draft final order published for formal public consultation

CMA, draft order here; Draft Explanatory Note here.

(a whole two pages required to explain the prohibition on equivalent behaviour, 14-16)

Googles Dominanz in Amerika bröckelt

FAZ, hier

EU negotiating texts in TTIP

EC, here.

Troll fatigue: Earnest debate on patent abuse at CES

ArsTechnica, here.