Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Court: Google Can Arrange Search Results Any Way It Damn Pleases

Gizmodo.com, here

The Uncertain Scope of the Public Performance Right After American Broadcasting Companies v. Aereo, Inc.

M. Sag, here


UK House of Commons Library Research Paper, here

The Competitive Effects of Across-Platform Parity Agreements

Paolo Buccirossi
LEAR, Rome

Friday, 28th November, 2014 – 1.45 p.m.

Room 2B
Department of Economics and Management
Trento University, Italy

Airbnb and Hotels: What to Do About the Sharing Economy?

Wired.com, here.

Autorité de la concurrence saisie sur les relations contractuelles entre les hôteliers et les centrales de réservation sur internet

Reuters, ici.

Silicon Valley Antitrust: Syllabus

H. Kaiser, here.

Confessions of a price fixer

AutoNews.com, here.

The Ladies Vanish

Thenewinquiry.com, here

High-Cost Generic Drugs — Implications for Patients and Policymakers

J. Alpern, W. Stauffer, and A. Kesselheim, here

Au ministère de la Culture, inquiétudes autour du marché de l’occasion numérique

NextImpact, ici.

Est-ce que les juges européens seront moins frileux et plus imaginatifs que la plupart des politiciens nationaux? De toute façon, bon sujet à débattre dans le cadre de la Concertation nationale sur le numérique.

Internet of Things – Top 10 privacy and data protection concerns

JDSupra, here.

Federal Circuit: Novelty in Implementation of an Abstract Idea Insufficient to Overcome Alice

Patentlyo, here.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Google v. Oracle ~ Brief of Amici Curiae Intellectual Property Professors


In Twist, Publishers Appeal Their ‘Win’ in GSU Copyright Case

Publishersweekly.com, here

Big Data and the Underground Railroad

Slate.com, here.

Re-Balancing Copyright: Insights from the EU Consultation

L. Dobusch, here.

Justice Department Probes Generic Companies After Price Hike Reports

Blogs.wsj.com, here

Competition Law Risk: A Short Guide

IRM and CMA, here.

Germany and Britain agree on closing 'patent box' loophole: officials

Reuters, here.
Statement here.

The 18 Companies Going After Airbnb Internationally

CBInsights, here

European Union Approves Directive on Antitrust Damages Actions

JonesDay, here

Rate Parity: Challenging the Authority of Competition Authorities

Dorian Harris, Skoosh.

4th December, 2014
10.30 a.m.

Trento University
DEM - Conference Room
Via Inama, 5
Trento, Italy

Australian Smokers Now Support Plain Packaging Of Tobacco

Businessinsider.com.au, here

Copyleft and the GNU General Public License: A Comprehensive Tutorial and Guide

Copyleft.org, here.

Sony Developing New DRM to Make Used eBooks Viable

GoodEReader, here.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Ban free bank accounts, say Tesco and Virgin: Watchdog urged to force Big Four to start charging monthly fees

Thisismoney.co.uk, here

Netzneutralität: Obama als Vorbild für Merkel?

Digitalegesellschaft.de, hier

Challenges ahead for CMA's competition enforcement

S. Branch, here.

Net Neutrality: President Obama's Plan for a Free and Open Internet

WhiteHouse.gov, here

Judge OKs Antitrust Suit Against Oracle Over OS Updates

TheRecorder, here.

Order here

CJEU asked to rule on copyright liability of operators of free and open Wi-Fi networks

Out-law.com, here

European Commission welcomes Council adoption of Directive on antitrust damages actions

Press Release, here

Logiciels, algorithmes, robots : journalisme sous influence

Méta-Media, ici

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Retail banking: Current concern

TheEconomist, here.

Android Investigation

S. Ashall and T. Soames, Presentation here

BGH-Urteil: Die „kostenlose Zweitbrille“ ist jetzt verboten

Faz.net, hier

FTC Settlement Bars Patent Assertion Entity From Using Deceptive Tactics

FTC, here.

Statement by European Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager on tax state aid investigations

European Commission, here.

(Pronunciation reminder here).

Google Search and the Law on Dominance in the EU. An Assessment of the Compatibility of Current Methodology with Multi-Sided Platforms in Online Search

M. Herz, here

How To Measure Success: Agency Design and the FTC at 100

M. Ohlhausen, here

Is Expedia playing hardball on hotel rate parity with Hyatt, Starwood?

Tnooz.com, here

Open Research Data

Epsiplatform.eu, here

Defining the internet of things - time to focus on the data

TheGuardian, here