Thursday, May 31, 2012

The EU Competition Rules on Intellectual Property Licensing

Slaughter & May, here

The ‘does it matter’ test for competition laws

S. King, here

Interview with Suzanne Scotchmer, here

The Regulation/Competition Interaction

J. Tapia, D. Mantzari, here

Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Libraries & Archives

IFLA, here

18 % des FAI européens brident le P2P

Numerama, ici

Illegal File Sharing - Keysource

Library of the European Parliament, here

Differentiation practices and related competition issues in the scope of Net Neutrality

BEREC, here

Murder they wrote – the Dutch kill ACTA

A. Ramalho, here

Workshop on Data Protection Regulation, here

Vice-President Kroes to propose action on consumer choice and "net neutrality"

Press Release, here

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

TF1 v YouTube

Tribunal de Grande Instance de Paris, JUGEMENT rendu le 29 Mai 2012, N° RG : 10/11205, ici.

Google wants greater French acceptance after winning TF1 copyright case, here

PEER Economics Report

ASK Centre, Bocconi University, here

(Some) Publishers Support Sustainable Open Access, here

Making Open Access a Reality for Science

N. Kroes, here

An Unpopular Solution to the Private Enforcement Problem in the UK

A. Stephan, here

Conclusion of Copyright Debate in Canada Leaves Many What Ifs...

M. Geist, here

Patentability of royalties mechanism concept called into question by US Supreme Court, here

Laboratorio Futuro

L'Espresso, qui (disclosure: lavoro all'Università di Trento).

World Bank Live Event Report: Open Access Policy and Development, here

ECN activities in the food sector

ECN Subgroup Food, here

BMG Rights Management und GEMA schließen Vereinbarung zur Lizenzierung der anglo-amerikanischen Onlinerechte in ganz Europa, hier

»FAZ« und »SZ« mahnen Internet-Monitoringdienst wegen Urheber- und Markenrechtsverletzung ab

Institut für Urheber- und Medienrecht, hier

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

L’exploitation numérique des livres indisponibles du XXe siècle présentée aux belges, ici

Patent wars abuse the system

J. Bessen, here.

Zwölf Thesen für ein faires und zeitgemäßes Urheberrecht

SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Arbeitskreis Urheberrecht,
These N. 11: "Die SPD steht für ein wissenschafts- und bildungsfreundliches Urheberrecht. Dafür müssen die
Rahmenbedingungen  angepasst werden.  Wir brauchen ein Zweitverwertungsrecht für wissenschaftliche Autoren, die ihre Beiträge neben der Verlagspublikation z.B. auf den Seiten der
Hochschule zugänglich machen wollen. Wir treten  außerdem für eine Überprüfung der
Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsschranken ein. Insbesondere die Intranetnutzung in Schulen und
Hochschulen muss dauerhaft auf eine rechtssichere Grundlage gestellt und die
Schrankenbestimmung für die öffentliche Zugänglichmachung für Unterricht und Forschung
entfristet werden."

Competition and Online Search - Blog Symposium Recap

Antitrust & Competition Policy Blog, here

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ouvrir son WiFi n'est pas illégal en Finlande

Numerama, ici

Avviata una consultazione pubblica per la nuova comunicazione sugli impegni

AGCM, qui 

Refusal to dismiss the class plaintiffs’ antitrust claims against Apple and the e-book sellers

Southern District of New York (Cote, J.),  Electronic Books Antitrust Litigation, Case No. 11-MD-2293 (DLC), here.
Apple's "contentions misconstrue the nature of the agreement
described in the Complaint.  Regardless of the nature of the
specific terms of the vertical Agency Agreements when examined
in isolation, the CAC plausibly alleges a horizontal agreement
among the publishers, furthered by Apple, to raise the prices of
eBooks and eliminate retail competition.  A horizontal agreement
to fix or raise prices is per se unreasonable", p. 53.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Structuring Competition in Privacy

R. Picker, presentation here

The GSU Copyright Case: Some Canadian Perspectives

A. Katz, here

AG Mazák on AstraZeneca

Case C‑457/10 P, AstraZeneca AB and AstraZeneca plc v European Commission, here

Hargreaves One Year On - An Assessment: Legal and International Implications

S. Ricketson, presentation here

Exceptions and Limitations to Copyright in the EU Under Pressure

T.  Cook (Bird & Bird), presentation here

As 17 more states join class action against book publishers and Apple, new details revealed, here

La Hadopi a rencontré les équipes de François Hollande, ici

Abandoning the Orphans: An Open Access Approach to Hostage Works

L. Pallas Loren, here

Judge Delivers Mixed Verdict in GSU E-reserves Case, here

On the Security of Cloud Storage Services

M. Borgmann, T. Hahn, M. Herfert, T. Kunz, M. Richter, U. Viebeg, S. Vowe (, here.


UNESCO, here

Friday, May 11, 2012

New Competition Law in Portugal

"A new Competition Law has recently been approved by the Portuguese Parliament. This has overcome some of the main drawbacks of the previous law, and has strengthened the powers of the Portuguese Competition Authority. Moreover, a new specialist Court for Competition, Regulation and Supervision has also been created. We are confident that these two major changes are a significant step towards a more effective application of competition law in Portugal", Manuel Sebastião, here. See also, here

Positionspapier zum Urheberrecht

VG WORT, hier

E-Lending Background Paper

IFLA, here

Markets in IP and Antitrust

H. Hovenkamp, here. Now also as journal article: "Response: Markets in IP and Antitrust" (the question: Is pepsi really a substitute for coke?).

Keeping the Internet Neutral, here

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Strong and independent data protection authorities: the bedrock of the EU's data protection reform

V. Reding, here

Google's Wi-Fi-scanning travails

The Economist, here

Pourquoi la Culture est devenue le mouton noir de l’Open Data en France, ici

Google and Search Engine Market Power

M. Patterson, here

Considering the Role of Data Caps and Usage Based Billing in Internet Access Service

Know your limits, A. Odlyzko, B. St. Arnaud, E. Stallman, M. Weinberg, here

AG Trstenjak: only in the EU established undertakings can register their trade marks as .eu domain names

Opinion in Case C-376/11 Pie Optiek v Bureau Gevers, here.

ACCC to probe petrol price fixing among retailers, here

La guerre du droit de prêt en Belgique, ici

Behavioural Economics and EU Competition Law: Knocking on Open Doors? The Case of Art. 102 TFEU

A. Skourtis, here

Google Wardriving: How Engineering Trumped Privacy, here