Friday, January 05, 2018

Data take centre stage as Ant Financial fails in MoneyGram bid

FT, here

Fintech leads the way as investment in UK tech firms doubles in 2017

FinExtra, here

Why Google's And Facebook's Dominance Is Normal Market Evolution

AdExchanger, here

Germany vs Elsevier: universities win temporary journal access after refusing to pay fees

Nature, here

How the FTC keeps up on technology

FTC, here

Can This App That Lets You Sell Your Health Data Cut Your Health Costs?

FastCompany, here

EU Copyright Law and the Cloud: VCAST and the intersection of private copying and communication to the public

J.Quintais, T. Rendas, here

The economics of the Bitcoin payment system

VOXEU, here

What Is at Stake with Supreme Court Review of United States v. American Express Co.?

A. Shampine, here

EBA's finalised guidance for banks on outsourcing to the cloud lacks detail, here

Gartner Highlights 10 Uses for AI-Powered Smartphones

Gartner, here

Data aggregators: a solution to open data issues, here

Thursday, December 21, 2017


Wired, here

The price of the bitcoin bubble: Patent trolls are digging into the blockchain

CNBC, here

Brenntag sanctionnée à hauteur de 30 millions d'euros pour obstruction à l'instruction.

Autorité de la concurrence, ici

Apple confirms iPhones with older batteries will take hits in performance

The Verge, here

21st Century Competition Commission Act, here

ECJ puts some fizz in German retail market with ‘Champagner Sorbet’ decision

FT, here

Barclays begins preparations for Open Banking

FinExtra, here

Consumer Watchdog Asks FTC to Act Against Google Home; Amazon Echo Digital assistants for Deception, COPPA Violation

PRNewswire, here

Gemeinsam gegen das Lastwagen-Kartell

FAZ, hier

La banca teme nuevos conflictos con los clientes ante la futura regulación de pagos

CincoDias, aquì

Platform Regulations How Platforms are Regulated and How They Regulate Us

L. Belli and N. Zingales (Eds), here

Génériques de Durogesic: arrivée sur le marché retardée, développement freiné

Autorité de la concurrence, ici

We Can't Find Your Data, But a Hacker Could: How 'Privacy by Design' Trades-Off Data Protection Rights

M. Veale, R. Binns, J. Ausloos, here

Uber Dealt Setback After European Court Rules It Is a Taxi Service

NYTimes, here

Here’s What Happens to a Startup When Google Gets All Up in Its Business

Bloomberg, here

Facebook wants your face data — in the name of privacy, it says

The Washington Post, here

Digitale Handelspolitik: Datenschutz gegen Bananen?, hier

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Fintechs in het betalingsverkeer

ACM, hier (Google translation here; as some of the footnotes got lost in translation, I collected them separately here; for any remaining doubt ask your spouse - if he/she happens to be Dutch or at least Flemish).

Konditionenmissbrauch durch Ausplünderung von Plattform Nutzerdaten

S. Telle, hier

Preliminary assessment in Facebook proceeding: Facebook's collection and use of data from third-party sources is abusive

Bundeskartellamt, here. See also Background information on the Facebook proceeding, here and hier.

Bin mir nicht sicher, ob die Uebersetzung hier überhaupt stimmt:

 Der Bundesgerichtshof hat hier eine Rechtsprechung entwickelt, wonach die Unangemessenheit von Konditionen auch anhand von Wertungen des Zivilrechts, etwa des AGB-Rechts, oder anhand einer grundrechtlichen Interessenabwägung überprüft werden kann. Dies gilt für alle gesetzlichen Wertungen, die den Schutz einer Vertragspartei in einer ungleichgewichtigen Vertragsposition bezwecken. Hieran anknüpfend prüft das Bundeskartellamt die Vertragskonditionen Facebooks anhand datenschutzrechtlicher Wertungen. Denn auch das Datenschutzrecht bezweckt den Schutz des Betroffenen vor ungerechtfertigten Datenverarbeitungen seiner personenbezogenen Daten durch die Marktgegenseite. Es soll gewährleisten, dass ein Nutzer selbstbestimmt und freiwillig über den Umgang mit seinen personenbezogenen Daten entscheiden kann.

According to the case-law of the German Federal
Court of Justice, civil law principles can also be
applied to determine whether business terms are
exploitative. On principle, any legal principle
that aims to protect a contract party in an
imbalanced negotiation position can be applied for
this purpose. Often, such principles stem from the
legislation on unfair contract terms or the German
Basic Law. Following the Federal Court of Justice's
approach, the Bundeskartellamt also applies data
protection principles in its assessment of
Facebook's terms and conditions. In this regard,
data protection law has the same objective as 
competition law, which is to protect individuals
from having their personal data exploited by the
opposite market side. Data protection legislation
seeks to ensure that users can decide freely and
without coercion on how their personal data are

Hier nicht falsch aber zu unpräzis (Selbstbestimmung=rechtlicher Begriff):

"Der Schaden liegt hier vielmehr in einem Kontrollverlust für den Nutzer: Er kann nicht mehr selbstbestimmt über seine persönlichen Daten verfügen."

" The damage for the users lies in a
loss of control: they are no longer able to control
how their personal data are used."

Monday, December 18, 2017

New letter: Top Uber officials engaged in illegal wiretapping, shady spycraft

ArsTechnica, here

Transmission de données de WHATSAPP à FACEBOOK : mise en demeure publique pour absence de base légale

CNIL, ici

Disney Files Lawsuit Against Redbox Claiming Copyright Infringement

IP Wire, here

How to Build a Better Antitrust Policy

H. Hovenkamp, Podcast and Transcript here

Google Search (Shopping)

CASE AT.39740, here

Can Facebook and Google Be Disrupted?

E. Chiel, here

Chinese tech groups look for edge in using artificial intelligence

FT, here

Netflix and Spotify Ask: Can Data Mining Make for Cute Ads?

NYTimes, here.

Expedia,,, Kayak : comment les Américains imposent leurs lois aux hôtels, restaurants, compagnies aériennes et commerces français?

France Culture, Podcast ici

If you go down to the mall today, you're watched by a thousand eyes

TheAge, here

Pourquoi Bercy assigne Amazon en justice

Le Parisien, ici

La CNIL se prononce sur l'éthique des algorithmes et de l'intelligence artificielle, ici

Europe gears up to play pivotal role in ‘internet of things’

FT, here

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Berlin regrets EU decision on airline Niki as insolvency looms

Reuters, here.

Guidelines on Consent and transparency

Art29WP, here and here.

Validating scraped data using goodtables

Ofnlabs, here.

Bundeskartellamt will Lufthansa-Preise prüfen

FAZ, hier.

The Consumer Welfare Standard in Antitrust: Outdated or a Harbor in a Sea of Doubt?

US Senate, here.

Demain ce sera: à. Chacun son prix !

E. Combe, TEDxMarseille, ici.

Connected Cars: What Happens To Our Data On Rental Cars?

Privacy International, here.

ICANN; No, you can't

Article 29WP, here.

33 Theses for an Economics Reformation

Rethinking Economics, here.

Der Todes-Algorithmus

Tagesschau, hier.

The Rhetorical “We” and the Ethics of Technology

M. Sacasas, here.

Bing soll schlauer suchen – dank KI und Reddit, hier.

Wiedergabe von Vorschaubildern in Google-Bildersuche

BGH I ZR 11/16, hier.

Mytaxi pide flexibilizar horarios y tarifas para dinamizar el taxi

CincoDías, Aquí

Competition policy in the digital era (with a special focus on the challenges raised by algorithms)

A. Capobianco, Presentation here

"Unfaire Praktiken": Spotify, Deezer & Co. beschweren sich über Apple bei der EU, hier

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Artificial intelligence is guiding venture capital to start-ups

FT,  here.

Federal Advisory Committee on the Development and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence

A Bill, here

Google is opening a China-based research lab focused on artificial intelligence

TechCrunch, here

EBay acquires Terapeak to provide more analytics to marketplace sellers

TechCrunch, here


Wired, here

Lufthansa zieht Angebot für Niki zurück, hier

Amazon is coming. Game over for the insurance industry?

InsurTechNews, here

10 Things you wish you didn't know about elections (and what to do about them), here.

What Would You Pay to Keep Your Digital Footprint 100% Private?

HBR, here

ICN Merger Workshop 2017

COFECE, Videos here