Monday, July 25, 2016

After buying Yahoo for nearly $5 billion, Verizon is now in the search business

SearchEngineLand, here.

Chatbots: Fad Or The Future?

TechDirt, Beach Podcast, here.

Big Data: How Computers Are Collecting Our Personal Details

BigIssue, here.

Apple lays the groundwork to kill online advertising

TechCruch, here.

(Un)Fairness of Risk Scores in Criminal Sentencing

Forbes, here.

Metal 3D printing takes flight

TechCrunch, here.

Pokemon Gone

Bloomberg, here.

Understanding Online Markets and Antitrust Analysis

D. Sokol, here.

Spotify joins basically every other app maker in selling your data to advertisers

TechRadar, here.

Standard de la preuve et abus de position dominante : Le test du concurrent aussi efficace

Concurrences, ici.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Snowden designs device to warn when an iPhone is ratting out users

ArsTechnica, here

Truck Makers Hit With Record EU Fines for Price-Fixing in Europe, here

Everything is amazing — and no one at the European Commission is happy

G. Manne, here.

Personality, privacy and our digital selves

TheGuardian, here.

What's So Special about Two-Sided Markets?

B. Hermalin, M. Katz, here

Antitrust Balancing

H. Hovenkamp, here

Public Policy and Breach of Competition Law in International Arbitration: A Competition Law Practitioner's Viewpoint

D. Geradin, ici.

Reverse Payments: An EU and US Perspective

F. Maier-Rigaud, N. Bialock, O. Gannon, here.

The Theory of Abuse in Google Search: A Positive and Normative Assessment Under EU Competition Law

P. Akman, here.

Big data, small problem. Is the antitrust toolkit compatible for data?

Bird&Bird, here.

Trade and Privacy: Complicated Bedfellows

K. Irion, s. Yakovleva, M. Bartl, here.

How the internet was invented

TheGuardian, here.

La CNMC impugna el Acuerdo del Gobierno de Aragón sobre enseñanzas universitarias, que restringe la competencia en el sector universitario

CNMC, aquì.

Online booking platforms, MFN clauses: To regulate or not to regulate?, here.

vzbv mahnt Entwickler von Pokémon Go ab

vzbv, hier

Pokémon Go has revealed a new battleground for virtual privacy

Inforrm's Blog, here.

Les compagnies aériennes face au défi du Big Data

LaTribune, ici

Windows 10 : la Cnil donne 3 mois à Microsoft pour être moins intrusif, ici.

When will AI bots replace virtual assistants?

Information-age, here.

"It is a paid world"

Skift, here.

EU Data Protection Law May End The Unknowable Algorithm, here.

Airbnb hires ex-U.S. Attorney General to help shape anti-discrimination policy

VentureBeat, here

GAO's Patent Reports

Managingip, here

The Financial Times is testing blocking the adblockers by blocking actual words from its stories

NiemanLab, here

Monday, July 18, 2016

Tout comprendre à l’économie du XXIe siècle avec Pokemon Go, ici.

Online seller admits breaking competition law

CMA, here

Pokémon Go: Kritik von deutschen Datenschützern, hier

What Google Can Learn From Microsoft’s Antitrust Problems

N. Economides, here

The email, data and privacy implications of Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn

TechCrunch, here

LEGO passt Rabattsystem an. Künftig fairere Bedingungen für den Online-Handel

Bundeskartellamt, hier

What history tells us about the future of artificial intelligence—and how society should respond

TheEconomist, here

There is now freedom of panorama in Belgium, here

Australia’s first criminal cartel charge laid against NYK

ACCC, here

Is it time for authors to leave SSRN?

AuthorsAlliance, here

WTO Law and Economics and Restrictive Practices in Energy Trade: The Case of the OPEC Cartel

A. Marhold, here

Macht der Online-Buchungsportale nimmt weiter zu

Hotrec, hier

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Microsoft to Acquire LinkedIn: Overview for Investors

Microsoft, here

Assessing Mergers on Innovative Markets: Do we Need Innovation-Specific Methods of Analysis?

W. Kerber, Presentation here

Why is Apple so stingy about opening up the NFC API?, here.

EC Commission accepts commitments by container liner shipping companies on price transparency

Pree Release, here

ReLIRE : la numérisation des livres indisponibles considérée illégale par l'Europe

ActuaLitté, ici.
Conclusions de l'AG ici.

4 Important Lessons You Can Learn Now That 3-D Printing Is Dying

Inc., here

Oracle says it is 'committed' to Java EE 8 – amid claims it quietly axed future development

TheRegister, here

Une plainte est déposée en Suisse contre Apple Pay pour abus de position dominante

LeTemps, ici.
Stiftung für Konsumentenschutz SKS hier.
NZZ, hier.
CapGemini Presentation here.
"Der Verzicht auf die Erhebung von Kundendaten werde durch höhere Umsätze ausgeglichen. Eine repräsentative Studie gibt es dazu allerdings nicht"
"Fürs Bezahlen in Anwendungen kann man auch ein iPad Pro, Air 2, mini 3 oder 4 benutzen. Wie viele davon in der Schweiz im Umlauf sind, das hätten auch Apples Partner vor dem Start gern erfahren. Doch das Unternehmen hat es ihnen nicht verraten."

"Near Field Communication (NFC) is an international standard (ISO/IEC 18092) that specifies an interface and protocol for simple wireless interconnection of closely coupled devices operating at 13.56 MHz (see

"Apple-Pay-Chefin Jennifer Bailey machte Twint und Co im Gespräch auch wenig Hoffnung: «Wir werden NFC nicht für Drittanbieter von Bezahldiensten öffnen – aus Sicherheits- und BedienkomfortgründenFinews Kfür Konsumentenschutzonsumentenschutz

Researchers build a smart privacy app to keep you safe

TechCrunch, here

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

Scientific Proof That Buying Things Can Actually Lead To Happiness (Sometimes)

FastCompany, here.

Rebate for IoT thermostat requires that you give permission to your utility to read "all data"

BoingBoing, here.

UK Competition Law after Brexit

B. McGrath, here.

Federal Trade Commission Privacy Law and Policy - Chapter 6 Online Privacy

C. Hoofnagle, here.

How “consumer choice” can unify the fields of competition and consumer protection law

N. Averitt, here.

“Freedom of choice”: the emergence of a powerful concept in European competition law

P. Nihoul, here.

Motion pictures, markets, and copylocks

J. Hughes. here.

The 'Frightful Five' in the Market for Digital Assistants

CheatSheet, here.

EU citizens might get a ‘right to explanation’ about the decisions algorithms make, here.

The Data Spectrum

ODI, here.

Comment la vente en ligne rebat les cartes de la concurrence traditionnelle

LesEchos, ici.

Online Tracking

FTC, here.

Can I block online tracking?

Consumers can learn about tracker-blocking browser plugins which block the flow of information from a computer to tracking companies and allow consumers to block ads. They prevent companies from using cookies or fingerprinting to track your internet behavior.

To find tracker-blocking plugins, type “tracker blocker” in your search engine. Then, compare features to decide which tracker blocker is best for you. For example, some of them block tracking by default, while others require you to customize when you’ll block tracking.
Remember that websites that rely on third party tracking companies for measurement or advertising revenue may prevent you from using their site if you have blocking software installed. However, you can still open those sites in a separate browser that doesn’t have blocking enabled, or you can disable blocking on those sites.

Brexit: Stay Calm - Effects on Antitrust Expected to be Limited

K & L Gates, here.

MasterCard facing £19bn damages claim over inflated card charges

TheGuardian, here.

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

Comcast will let customers get Netflix on its set-top box (which is a very big deal)

Recode, here.

Why Bigness Became a Bipartisan Cause on Capitol Hill

Time, here.

National privacy research strategy

The White House, here.

Smart Contracts, Bitcoin, and Blockchain Technology

Legaltalknetwork, Beach Podcast here.

How eBay Survived While Other Disruptive Markets Disappeared

Fortune, here.

'Learning platforms': vendors learning how to effectively collude?

Online freedom is a 'human right' that must be protected, says UN

Wired, here.

Still in celebration mood, despite the EU: my 2014 musings on the WIPO Marrakesh Treaty and the three-step test

The Quiet Old Lady Who Whispers "Fair Use"

Planet Money, Beach Podcast here.

Beschränkung von Online-Bezahldiensten durch die deutsche Kreditwirtschaft verstößt gegen das Kartellrecht

Bundeskartellamt, hier.

Car hire comparison websites issued transparency warning

TravelWeekly, here.

Kartellamt ermittelt gegen mehrere Autobauer

FAZ, hier.
"An average car contains around 900kg of steel" FT.

Call for £2 a pint cartel in town centre, here.