We have a press release and a very nice interview with Competition Commissioner Bonakele (with a shut out to Sec. 19a GWB).
Dear all,
This blog/feed has always been for us to be well informed. Sadly, I'm no longer able to update it - simply too much going on. I might be transitioning it to a real blog.
Interview with Lina Khan, here (an enforcer - and still very much an academic IMHO, not a politician or an activist - she might want to learn a couple of tricks from Margrethe though, if she has the time...).
Digitalezivilgesellschaft.org, hier.
Hayek-Vorlesung mit Ernst Fehr, hier.
Subcommittee on Competition Policy, Antitrust, and Consumer Rights, here.
@wavesblog, Study commissioned by MEP Martin Schirdewan, here.
Guest Lecture (online) by Christian D'Cunha
3 December, 9 AM CETExpert Opinion Commissioned by the Landesanstalt für Medien NRW, here.
Video here (@BeterOpDeFiets from 18:27).
Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik, hier.
Dear Oliver and Juliane Mendelsohn, here.
Legal Opinion commissioned by Germany, here.
[My bet: contrarian legal opinion by Ireland soon...]