Zu den mit dem Referentenentwurf vorgeschlagenen Änderungen im Kapitel 2 „Bußgeldsachen“ im dritten Teil des GWB, hier; zu den Regeln
des EU-Kartellrechts für horizontale Vereinbarungen, hier.
Adjective Pronunciation: 📢 here and -ly at the end
Examples for vestagerly
1. Such a vestagerly speech...
2. Another vestagerly decision.
3. Watch out for a vestagerly reaction!
4. A vestagerly interaction with Students.
5. Vestagerly European champions: "the champions we need are not just the biggest companies. What we need are businesses, big or small, that are the best in the world at what they do - and that share that success with Europeans, by creating jobs and paying taxes here"
Shaping Europe's digital future, here.
White Paper: On Artificial Intelligence - A European approach to excellence and trust, here.
Communication: A European strategy for data, here.
Report on the safety and liability implications of Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of
Things and robotics, here.
Towards a European
strategy on
data sharing for
the public interest, here.
Thisis the extended abstract of an upcoming paper: I'd love to hear if you have any suggestion with regard to further questions the paper could investigate. Thank you!