Friday, March 29, 2019

Data sharing as pro-competition policy tool

Die Facebook-Entscheidung zum Nachlesen

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Wir Nutzerinnen sind der Kadaver

Matrix, heute hier

Apple Card raises pressure on banks — and fintechs

Payments Source, here

The Legal Challenges of the Data Economy

Conference, video here.
Randy Picker's presentation at 5:34:04, his slides are here

BBC pulls its podcasts from Google Podcasts and Assistant

The Verge, here

Skepsis bei EU-Ministererlaubnis

WiWo, hier

Consumer Data Right Draft Rules

ACCC, here

How big tech designs its own rules of ethics to avoid scrutiny and accountability

D. Watts, here

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Amazon Pay inks Worldpay integration as it branches out in the wider world of e-commerce

TechCrunch, here

Kaspersky Lab files antitrust complaint over iOS Screen Time

The Verge, here

European Commission fines Google €1.49 billion for abusive practices in online advertising


Is Brave The Next Chrome?

Nasdaq, here

Third EU Google decision announced today

Google overhauls European search results to avoid probe

FT, here

Open banking explored in Canada

Law Times, here.
Consultation document here

“I have HIV, now what?” Tracking cookies found on NHS advice pages

Newstatesman, here

Supporting choice and competition in Europe

Google, here.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Google Changes How It Displays Ads in Bid to Please EU

Bloomberg, here

Les abus de dépendance économique seront davantage sanctionnés, ici

An Analysis of Pre-installed Android Software

J. Gamba et al., here

Google's Display Advertising Stack (simplified)

Why are fintechs getting a regulatory pass?

American Banker, here

Tech: economists wanted

AEA, here. The article is here.

Argumente gegen ein Leistungsschutzrecht für Presseverleger

MPI for Innovation and Competition, hier

"Wir brauchen einen faireren globalen Wettbewerb"

Der Tagesspiegel, hier

EU Industrial Policy After Siemens-Alstom

EPSC, here

The Cambridge Analytica scandal changed the world – but it didn't change Facebook

The Guardian, here

Tech investors include #MeToo clauses in start-up deals

FT, here

Margethe Vestager on Recode Decode

Recode Decode, here

Germany's Competition Agency Cracks Down On Facebook: But Is Antitrust The Right Tool For The Job?

Forbes, here

Das schlaue Örtchen – Die Toilette wird Hightech- und Designerprodukt, hier

ACM to complete market study into mobile app stores in April

ACM, here

Margrethe Vestager to hit Google with another fine

FT, here

PSD2: Banken müssen Drittanbieter-APIs für Testphase freigeben, hier.

Trusting in Antitrust: Actions Against Big Tech Are Now Palatable

NYTimes, here

Platforms and the Rule of Reason: The American Express Case

H. Hovenkamp, here

EU citizens being tracked on sensitive government sites

FT, here

Antitrust and Silicon Valley: New Themes and Direction in Competition Law and Policy

Santa Clara University, Schedule and Video.

A Brief History of "Silicon Valley Antitrust" from 3:33:05.

Monopolization and the Problems of Dominance and Anti-competitive Performance from 5:41:50.

Facebook’s Biblically Bad Week

K. Swisher, here

Apple responds to Spotify with words, but no real answers

Charged, here

Break up Google, says News Corp, here

Apple Defends App Store Policies After Spotify’s Antitrust Complaint

NYTimes, here

Antitrust Limits on Startup Acquisitions

K. Bryan, E. Hovenkamp, here

GDPR and AdTech with Brave

The Capitol Forum, here

Addressing Spotify’s claims

Apple, here

Investment platforms market study: Consultation Paper

FCA, here

Furman Review: Access to data is a new tool against monopoly

ODI, here.

Competition and Europe’s digital future

M. Vestager, here

How big data really fits into lending

FT, here

Google has quietly added DuckDuckGo as a search engine option for Chrome users

TechCrunch, here

UK competition regulator to examine digital advertising

FT, here

ACCC Preliminary report submissions: selected extracts and key points

NewsMediaWorks, here

Competition policy must change to help startups fight ‘winner takes all’ platforms, says UK report

TechCrunch, here

Spotify files EU antitrust complaint against Apple

Reuters, here.
See also here.

CMA welcomes Furman Review recommendations

CMA, here.
Furman Review here

Amazon, MFNs, and Second-Best Antitrust

R. Woodcock, here

Why regulation needs an overhaul

Nesta, here

Calling on Apple and Google to improve information on personal data in their app stores

Forbrukertilsynet, here

Google Gets Serious On Travel Bookings

AdExchanger, here


P. van Cleynenbreugel, here

Amazon to end price practice critics said could violate antitrust law

Axios, here

Digital Conglomerates and EU Competition Policy, here


Video, here

Technology vs. trust: Why this Wharton professor thinks blockchain’s time is yet to come

The Inquirer, here

Mark Zuckerberg announces his firm’s next business model

The Economist, here

Four possible loopholes in the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA)

Brave, here

Hearing on Exploring the Effects of Consolidation and Anticompetitive Conduct in Health Care Markets

Video here

Since when is Apple owning the App Store a problem?

J. Gans, here

Google Search Dominance Has Businesses Paying for Their Name

Bloomberg, here

Beware of the Update Uproar (bit more than one week)

Friday, March 08, 2019


V. Lindberg, here

When breaking up makes no sense

J. Gans, here

Here’s how we can break up Big Tech

E. Warren, here

This could be the beginning of the end for Facebook’s social network

Recode, here

Zuckerberg’s new privacy essay shows why Facebook needs to be broken up

MIT Technology Review, here

FCO Facebook Quadriptych

V. Robertson, A. Burnside, D. Auer, R. Nazzini, here

Cookie walls don’t comply with GDPR, says Dutch DPA

TechCrunch, here

12 women shaping AI

Nesta, here

The Servant Economy

The Atlantic, here

Data Trusts

K. O'Hara, here

Thursday, March 07, 2019

‘The industry has to hit the reset button’: Advertisers’ annual gathering sees new solutions to old problems

DigiDay UK, here


The European Union Blockchain Observatory & Forum, here

The Limits of Ethical A.I

J. Ito, Video here

What does the world look like to AI?

The Verge, here

EC accepts commitments by Disney, NBCUniversal, Sony Pictures, Warner Bros. and Sky on cross-border pay-TV services

EC Press Release, here

How and why consumers buy cryptoassets

A Report for the FCA, here

Trump’s Big Tech Bluster

Open Markets Institute, here

German fintech Raisin buys bank

FinExtra, here

The political economy of Facebook’s platformization in the mobile ecosystem: Facebook Messenger as a platform instance

D. Nieborg, A. Helmond, here

The case against Amazon, here

Facebook’s pivot to privacy has huge implications — if it’s real

The Verge, here. See also here.
Some more background, perhaps: here.

Wednesday, March 06, 2019

Mexican central bank in talks with Amazon about new mobile payments

Reuters, here

Just desserts: CADE fines company for exclusivity practices in ice cream market

ILO, here

Autokonzerne sahen Dieselkrise kommen – „Ohne Bescheißen werden wir es nicht schaffen“

Handelsblatt, hier

RPT-Indian central bank fines 19 lenders for non-compliance on SWIFT use

Reuters, here

Companies Falsely Labeled Products ‘Made in U.S.A.’ Their Financial Penalty? $0.

NYTimes, here



False negatives' recalibration

D. Malamed, here

Binge-Bying and the Rest

J. Kwoka, here

COMESA Competition Commission Closes Investigation into Resale Price Maintenance in the Distribution Agreements between Coca-Cola Beverages Africa Proprietary Limited and its Distributors

COMESA, here

Who’s Really Winning the Direct Booking Wars Between Hotels and Online Travel Agencies?

Skift, here

Missing Link: KI - die Künstlichen Idioten des digitalen Kapitalismus, hier.

Autokonzerne suchen Heil in Koalitionen, hier

Tuesday, March 05, 2019

The State of AI 2019: Divergence

MMC Ventures, here

El poder popular i la ciutat

F. Bria, Video here.

"Industriepolitik der Bundesregierung würde deutsche Exportunternehmen gefährden"


Platforms, American Express, and the Problem of Complexity in Antitrust

C. Sagers, here

Audizione della Commissaria europea per la Concorrenza, Margrethe Vestager

Documentazione per le Commissioni, qui.  

10 Ans Autorité de la concurrence: Félicitations!

"La" Conférence ici en direct

Global Data Privacy: The EU Way

P. Schwartz, here

Unfair Disruption

M. Lemley, M. McKenna, here

Exclusionary Conduct in Data-Driven Markets: Limitations of Data Sharing Remedy

V. Kathuria, J. Globocnik, here

Is Ethical A.I. Even Possible?

NYTimes, here

Theranos: How a broken patent system sustained its decade-long deception

ArsTechnica, here

Google rejects ACCC's calls to have tougher scrutiny over Australian operations

ZDNet, here.
And the other submissions here

Keep Politics Out of Europe’s Competition Decisions

J. Tirole, P. Rey, here

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Facebook and Telegram Are Hoping to Succeed Where Bitcoin Failed

NYTimes, here

Chris Sagers on United States v. Apple & the Purpose of Antitrust Law

Ipse Dixit Podcast, here

Algorithms and Collusion: Has the CCI got it wrong?

B. Chandola, here

Understanding the Sharing Economy

D. Coyle & S. O'Connor, here

Non-Price Competition in Digital Markets

OECD Panel, Video here

A philosopher argues that an AI can’t be an artist

MIT Technology Review, here

California could be first state to bar drug makers from paying competitors to delay release

LATimes, here

When competition law met data protection: the Bundeskartellamt’s Facebook decision

F. Bostoen, here

European Champions

IGM Forum, here

BMW und Daimler wollen Roboterauto-Allianz schmieden

FAZ, hier

Why data flows matter to M&A, here

The left needs to get radical on big tech – moderate solutions won't cut it

E. Morozov, here

Insights and Impacts of the ACCC Digital Platforms Inquiry

R. Sims, Video here

Olympische Spiele - auch Sportler dürfen werben, hier


La Quadrature du Net, ici

Ever seen an Unwinding Order before?

CMA. Tobii AB / Smartbox Assistive Technology Limited and Sensory Software International Ltd merger inquiry, here

Why an OECD Competition Open Day (journée porte ouverte) *now*?

A. Capobianco, Video here

Néo-fordisme, retour de l'empire romain... 6 scénarios sur le futur du travail

Usbek & Rica, here

On Price Geysers

P. Marsden, Video here (from 50:25). Do watch it!


And yes, this is the Jet d'Eau (59:58) - it'll always remind me of pills from now on - unsure it's a good thing...

...and this looks like the Lac Vert facing the Mont Blanc Chain (Mer de Glace on the left) (1:00:03) - nice, easy hike if you know the short cut to skip the crowd...

Antitrust Enforcement Needs to Evolve for the 21st Century

EFF, here

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

DSGVO-Bilanz: Erstklassiges Gesetz, mangelhafte Durchsetzung, hier

Experian pulls planned purchase of start-up rival ClearScore

FT, here. More here.

Cade aprova compra da Fox pela Disney com restrições

CADE, aqui

Policy Principles for a Federal Data Privacy Framework in the United States

Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, here

Governing the Game Changer – Impacts of artificial intelligence development on human rights, democracy and the rule of law

COE, Video here

HSBC forges partnership with commercial lending platform NepFin

FinExtra, here

The Responsible Consumer in the Digital Age: On the Conceptual Shift from ‘Average’ to ‘Responsible’ Consumer and the Inadequacy of the ‘Information Paradigm’ in Consumer Financial

C. Stănescu, here

I asked an online tracking company for all of my data and here's what I found

PrivacyInternational, here

Reform des Urheberrechts birgt auch datenschutzrechtliche Risiken, hier

Google Assistant aura doit à son propre bouton sur plusieurs smartphones

Numérama, ici

This Japanese news app quietly pushes traffic to millions

Axios, here


Wired, here

A Skeptical View of Information Fiduciaries

L. Khan, D. Pozen, here

Third-Party Data Is A Bad Habit We Need To Kick

AdExchanger, here

Why 65 Intellectual Property Scholars Filed an Amicus Curiae Brief in Support of Google’s Petition for Cert in the Oracle Case

P. Samuelson, here

Brave Will Reward Its Browser Users With a Way to Earn Offers From Brands

AdWeek, here

US drugmakers defend pricing under fire in Senate

FT, here

Let’s Tackle Real Antitrust Problems. AT&T Isn’t One.

Bloomberg Opinion, here

FTC brings its first case against fake paid reviews on Amazon

TechCrunch, here

Equifax and harm created by data breach

Enlightening Video Clip, here

Key Antitrust Lawmaker Sees ‘Reawakening’ in Congress to Perils of Big Tech

Variety, here

Google completely terminated our new business via our Google Play Developer Account

M. Dodson, here

Platforms, promotion, and product discovery: Evidence from Spotify playlists

L. Aguiar, J. Waldfogel, here

Comments/critiques on the EU's High Level Expert Group on AI's "ethical guidelines"

J. Bryson, here

More Internal Facebook Documents Leak Online, Revealing How Facebook Planned to Sell User Data

GizModo, here

Bundeskartellamt erwirkt Öffnung der Werbemöglichkeiten für deutsche Sportler und ihre Sponsoren während der Olympischen Spiele - IOC und DOSB verpflichten sich zu Änderung der Werberegeln

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Innovation in the mass entertainment industry: maybe ask the Romans

IPKat, here

EU-Kommission will Gegengewicht zu Mastercard und Visa schaffen

Handelsblatt, hier

New FTC task force to tackle competition in tech sector

FT, here

Examining the impact of digital platforms on competition in media and advertising markets

R. Sims, here

The Bundeskartellamt’s Facebook Decision- What’s not to like? Well…

ChillingCompetition, here

Confessions of a location data exec: ‘It’s a Ponzi scheme’

DigiDay UK, here

How Amazon took 50% of the e-commerce market and what it means for the rest of us

TechCrunch, here

Online advertising

OECD Digital Economy Paper, here


OECD Digital Economy Paper, here.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Mozilla Asks Supreme Court to Protect App Development

Mozilla, here

FTC’s Bureau of Competition Launches Task Force to Monitor Technology Markets

FTC, here.

Appeals court upholds decision allowing AT&T to buy Time Warner

CNBC, here.  Ruling here

The "Vestager Effect"

Data Portability

Personal Data Protection Commission in collaboration with Competition and Consumer Commission of Singapore, here

APPLICATIONS MOBILES : clôture de la mise en demeure à l’encontre de la société VECTAURY

CNIL, ici

OECD Competition Open Day 2019

27 Feb. 2019, Live Webcast here: don't miss it! 


Google v. Oracle, here

California wants Silicon Valley to pay you a data dividend

Cnet, here

Uber Under The Antitrust Microscope: Is There A 'Firm Exemption' To Antitrust?

Forbes, here.

Monday, February 25, 2019

EDPS Guidelines on assessing the proportionality of measures that limit the fundamental rights to privacy and to the protection of personal data

EDPS, here

UK cannot examine Facebook until it has clarity on Brexit timing - CMA

Reuters, here

The Shaping of a European Consumer Welfare Standard for the Digital Age

A. Reyna, here

India proposes new e-commerce regulations with focus on data rules

Reuters, here

Summary of proposals from Andrew Tyrie, CMA Chair, to the Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy

CMA, here.
And the whole letter here (HT @RegCom_UChile)

What consumers need to know about the upcoming credit card from Apple and Goldman Sachs

MarketWatch, here

Schmutzige Tricks und Betrug: So brutal ist der Kampf auf dem Amazon-Marktplatz

Etailment, hier.

UK competition regulator seeks more power

FT, here

EC salmon price-fixing probe

UCN, here.

Lina Khan, a Top Antitrust Thinker, Joins Democratic Staff in the House, Putting Silicon Valley On Alert

Daily Beast, here

How Big Data Is Changing The Nature of Consumer Lending

Smart Data Collective, here

The real reason why Facebook and Google won’t change

S. Zuboff, here

A mixed manifesto for EU industrial policy

FT, here

Facebook needs regulation – here’s why it should be done by algorithms

E. Giovannetti, here

Bosses face tougher sanctions under radical CMA overhaul

SkyNews, here

What is the economic value of data?

Mydex, here

Up and Down the Stack Through a Nerd’s Eyes: Making The Internet Better the Internet Way

A. Sullivan, here

Les API c’est bien… en abuser ça craint !

C. Quest, here

Apple closes two Dallas stores in apparent bid to ward off patent trolls

ArsTechnica, here

Everyone can have an opinion, but to write an Opinion you need conviction

N. Wahl, here

Consumer Data Right in Energy

ACCC, here

Datenschutz ist wichtiger als Eigenstumsrechte an Daten

FAZ, hier

Digital platforms: The need to restrict surveillance capitalism

G. Greenleaf at al., here

Facebook and Google Are the New Data Brokers

C. Hoofnagle, here

WhatsApp wird 10: Wie ein Messenger die Welt eroberte

Heise, hier

Facebook verweigert trotz BGH-Urteil den Zugriff auf das Konto einer Toten

Heise, hier

Facebook decided which users are interested in Nazis — and let advertisers target them directly

Los Angeles Times, here

California leads the way on data regulation

FT, here

Friday, February 22, 2019

Eigentlich sind die beiden deutschen Luxusautohersteller Konkurrenten. Nun machen sie gemeinsame Sache

FAZ, hier

The new ecosystem of trust

Nesta, here

Decision 19-MC-01 of 31 January 2019 on the request by Amadeus for interim measures

Autorité de la concurrence, here

Wer hat ApplePay das verraten?

BargeldlosBlog, here

EPIC demand: It's time for Google to fly the Nest after 'forgetting' to mention home alarm hub has built-in mic

The Register, here

Complements and/or substitutes? The competitive dynamics between news publishers and digital platforms and what it means for competition policy

D. Geradin, here

Apple could be working with Goldman Sachs on a credit card

TechCrunch, here

Tackling Online Harms

Tech UK, here

Even the IAB warned adtech risks EU privacy rules

TechCrunch, here

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

At Harvard Law, Zittrain and Zuckerberg discuss encryption, ‘information fiduciaries’ and targeted advertisements

Harvard Law Today, here

ICO regulatory sandbox

ICO, here

EU's Vestager says not precluding Facebook case in future

Reuters, here

High-tech toilet seat monitors your heart as you sit on the can

ArsTechnica, here

Shoshana again, this time with Kara

Recode, Audio here.

Kara asks: "I know they are sneaky bastards...What do we do?"

2019 Draft commentaries on 6 articles of the GDPR

C. Kuner et al., here.

Google says the built-in microphone it never told Nest users about was 'never supposed to be a secret'

Business Insider, here

Privacy activists say online ad industry knowingly violated GDPR

Mashable, here

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Why a focus on "fake news" and Facebook misses the internet's real problems - and solutions

OpenDemocracy, here

Vanguard of the Techlash: Will antitrust offer a way forward?

Yelp's event, video here

Amazon’s Winner-Take-All Approach to Small Business

Bloomberg, here.

France, Germany Seek Veto for EU Governments on Antitrust Cases

NYTimes, here.

Artificial intelligence: challenges for the financial sector

ACPR, here

Bradesco cierra cuentas a operadoras de criptomonedas locales

CPI, aqui.

Once hailed as unhackable, blockchains are now getting hacked

Technology Review, here.

Cinco euros al mes para Bankia si no cedes tus datos: "Es una barbaridad, se saltan la ley"

El Confidential, aquí.

Fintech for the people

B. Cœuré, here

Social networks to become liable for content on their platforms under government plans

Sky, here.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Putting Technology to Good Use: The Role of Corporate, Competition, and Tax Law

J. Armour et tres viri, hic. 

Google 12.11.18 Hearing QFR Responses

Google partially backtracks on Chrome changes that would break ad blockers

ArsTechnica, here

Der Finanzminister grübelt über die Blockchain

FAZ, hier.

Discrimination in the Age of Algorithms

J. Kleinberg et al., here.

Data Trusts and other shaggy dog shortcuts

Mydex, here.

Real-time bidding and the GDPR

J. Ryan, here.

Darkening of the digital dream

The Hindu Business Line, here.


FinExtra, here

UK says Huawei is manageable risk to 5G

FT, here

My apologies to @WavesBlog Readers for the rather chaotic blog update

El “puzzle” de frases que marcaron la Jornada Fintech de la CNMC

CNMC Blog, aquí.

“Hollywood is now irrelevant,” says IAC Chairman Barry Diller

Recode, here. 

I can’t manage another word of Shoshana Zuboff’s Surveillance Capitalism

D. Coyle, here

AWS and Microsoft reap most of the benefits of expanding cloud market

TechCrunch, here

Making the data revolution work for us

M. Vestager, here


K. Künstner, hier

Führende Ökonomen kritisieren Peter Altmaiers Industriepolitik, hier

Warum eine "Datenteilungspflicht" kein gutes Instrument ist

S. Louven, hier

India watchdog probes accusations that Google abused Android - sources

Reuters, here

L’UFC-Que Choisir obtient la condamnation de Google

QueChoisir, ici

Japan sets sights on tighter anti-trust regulations for Big Tech

Reuters, here

Ermittlungsverfahren gegen Amazon eingeleitet

BWB, hier

'Tinder for cows' matches livestock in the mood for love

Reuters, here

INTERNET PRIVACY: Additional Federal Authority Could Enhance Consumer Protection and Provide Flexibility

GAO, here

UN report dismisses fintech sandboxes in developing economies

FinExtra, here.
UNSGSA Report here

Facebook, Exploitative business terms pursuant to Section 19(1) GWB for inadequate data processing

Bundeskartellamt, Case Summary here

Porsche warns UK buyers of 10% Brexit surcharge

Yahoo, here

Why bankers should drop their fear of fintech regulatory sandboxes

American Banker, here

'Internet of things' spurs broad interest in standard essential patent licensing

Out-Law, here

Facebook acqui-hires Chainspace team for blockchain push

FinExtra, here

Google’s GDPR Policies Throw Digital Media Into Disarray

AdExchanger, here

Hotel booking sites to make major changes after CMA probe

CMA, here

Commission prohibits Siemens' proposed acquisition of Alstom

EC, here

EU competition rules on vertical agreements – evaluation

EC, here

Overview of Fintech Regulation in the United States

Covington, here

Bundeskartellamt untersagt Facebook die Zusammenführung von Nutzerdaten aus verschiedenen Quellen

Bundeskartellamt, hier.


Wired, here

Privatheit in Zeiten der Digitalisierung

Leopoldina, hier

Personalisierte Manipulation, automatisierte Ungleichheit, quantifiziertes Misstrauen?

W. Christl, Video hier

Schrödinger’s Robot: Privacy in Uncertain States

I. Kerr, here

I Cut the 'Big Five' Tech Giants From My Life. It Was Hell


The New Legal Landscape for Text Mining and Machine Learning

M. Sag, here

Only 17% Of Consumers Believe Personalized Ads Are Ethical, Survey Says

Forbes, here

Is Europe closing in on an antitrust fix for surveillance technologists?

TechCrunch, here

The security of access to accounts under the PSD2

P. Wolters, B. Jacobs, here

The Adtech Crisis and Disinformation

J. Ryan, Presentation here.


J. Newman, here

Brave New World: what will open banking mean for Australia?

Stone and Chalk, here

Executive Order on Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence

White House, here



Nudging Citizens through Technology in Smart Cities

S. Ranchordas, here

On a comprehensive European industrial policy on artificial intelligence and robotics

European Parliament resolution of 12 February 2019, here

Facebook mulled multi-billion-dollar acquisition of gaming giant Unity, book claims

TechCrunch, here

Jack Ma's Ant Buys U.K.'s WorldFirst in a Giant Step Abroad

Bloomberg, here

Agro-Chemical Mega-Mergers and Innovation – Between Competition Law, Regulation and IP Rights

I. Lianos, here

Online platforms required by law to be more transparent with EU businesses

EP, here

The Surveillance Industry and Human Rights

EPIC, here

Emojis and the Law

E. Goldman, video here

A heart-shaped logo cannot be registered as an EU trademark

T-123/18, here.

Amazon's Wish List with Stacy Mitchell, here


E. Bailey, here

Alexa, are you exploiting me?

BEME News, Video here


Francetvinfo, ici

FinTech and market structure in financial services: Market developments and potential financial stability implications

FSB, here

Is Amazon Violating the Sherman Act?

S. Sussman, here

Economics for Inclusive Prosperity: An Introduction

S. Naidu, D. Rodrik, and G. Zucman, here

Economics After Neoliberalism

Boston Review, here

Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Final Report

House of Commons, here

Digital Ad Revenue Tops $26B In Q3 2018

MediaPost, here

Regulators Create Sandboxes as a Place to Foster Fintech

Bloomberg, here

Your Smart Light Can Tell Amazon and Google When You Go to Bed

Bloomberg, here

We’re all being manipulated by A/B testing all the time

Fast Company, here

Ad IDs Behaving Badly

S. Egelman, here

Friday, February 01, 2019



The whistleblower, politician and journo who hauled the banks before a royal commission

ABC News, here

Robotaxis: can automakers catch up with Google in driverless cars?

FT, here

Our Thoughts on Facebook’s WhatsApp + Messenger + Instagram Integration

Public Knowledge, here

Proceeding with caution – a survey on central bank digital currency

BIS, here

Now Your Groceries See You, Too

The Atlantic, here

The Tech Industry Is Dead! Long Live the Tech Monopolies!

TabletMag, here

FTC Decision on Staples' Acquisition of Office Supply Wholesaler Essendant

The Data Inspectorate initiates supervision against Google

Swedish Data Protection Authrity (Google translate), here

Innovation Policy Pluralism

D. Hemel, L.Larrimore Ouellette, here


COE, here

German Court determines the limits of private copying

IPKitten, here

Response to IAB statement

Open Rights Group, here

Comment of the Global Antitrust Institute, George Mason University School of Law, on the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission's Digital Platforms Inquiry, Preliminary Report


Entscheidungen in Zeiten des Internets: "Es braucht den Mut zum Scheitern", hier

Mark Zuckerberg’s Delusion of Consumer Consent

J. Turow, C. Hoofnagle, here

Apple restores Google’s own internal iPhone apps after privacy brouhaha

ArsTechnica, here

Regulatory Sandbox and Competition of Financial Technologies in Taiwan

A. Chen, here

Web Privacy Measurement in Real-Time Bidding Systems. A Graph-Based Approach to Rtb System Classification.

R. van Eijk, here

Tech giants are the new gatekeepers

Axios, here

Wettbewerb schützen

J. Haucap, hier

Andreas Mundt auf Podcast!

LTO, hier

Thursday, January 31, 2019

The American Express Opinion, Tech Platforms & the Rule of Reason

T. Wu, here.

Warning! Everything Is Going Deep: ‘The Age of Surveillance Capitalism’

NYTimes, here.

Huge surge in AI patent applications in past 5 years

FT, here.

Italy 4.0

Deloitte, here

Google a aussi donné des cartes cadeaux à des internautes contre leurs données personnelles

Numérama, ici

Global Financial Innovation Network (GFIN) launched

FCA, here

Artificial Intelligence - Technology Trends 2019

WIPO, here

L'Autorité de la concurrence ordonne des mesures d'urgence à l'encontre de Google

Autorité de la concurrence, ici

Die Zuckerberg-Sandberg-Connection funktioniert doch

FAZ, hier

Competition and engineering

Competition Lore Podcast, here

Two-Thirds of Financial Decision-Makers Believe Tech Giants Will Offer Retail Banking in Five Years

The Fintech Times, here

Sencrop is a data platform to help farmers manage their lands

TechCrunch, here

How to make Google stronger: Punish it, here

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Google and IAB ad category lists show ‘massive leakage of highly intimate data,’ GDPR complaint claims

TechCrunch, here

Google and adtech body criticised over data protection

FT, here

Competition Enforcement in the Pharmaceutical Sector (2009-2017)

EC, here

Gripe to UK, Ireland, Poland: Ad tech industry inhales, then 'leaks' sensitive info on our health, politics, religion

The Register, here

Another tech bubble could be about to burst

FT, here

The Copyright Killer

GCR, here

Bußgeld gegen Fahrradgroßhändler ZEG wegen vertikaler Preisbindung

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Automating Society: Taking Stock of Automated Decision-Making in the EU

AlgorithmWatch in cooperation with Bertelsmann Stiftung, supported by the Open Society Foundations, here

Japan Introduces ”Commitment Procedure” for Alleged Antitrust Violations

Orrick, here

How To Stop Amazon From Swallowing The Internet

H. Singer, here

Apple and Aetna are teaming up on a new app to help track and reward healthy behavior

CNBC, here


The Intercept, here

Public Understanding of GDPR

Open Rights Group, here