Wednesday, April 11, 2018

And @wavesblog antitrust writing award 2018 goes to...

Image result for oscar

(Hopefully, the bottle will be delivered at the next Ascola Conference - NYU 2018)

Rethinking competition in the Digital Economy

Cofece, here.

EU approves changes to Bayer commitments over Monsanto deal

Reuters, here.

Competition policy in a globalized and digitalized world. Challenges of today and tomorrow

Bundeskartellamt, Podiumsdiskussion, Video here

Wettbewerb, Verbraucher, Arbeitsplätze – wen oder was schützen Wettbewerbsbehörden?

Bundeskartellamt, Interview Video hier

GDPR's right of access

Babbage, here (from 00:48).

Ontwikkelingen digitale revolutie zowel kans als risico

ACM, hier

Kartellamt befragt Hotels zu

AHGZ, hier

Deux députés relancent la possibilité de proposer des alternatives à Google dans les smartphones, ici

The Lundbeck Case and the Concept of Potential Competition

S. Marco Colino, N. Dunne, K. Fournier, S. Pais, D. Ritzmann, here

Commission confirms unannounced inspections concerning distribution of sports media rights and other related rights

EC, here.
Murdoch's Fox, and who else? VodafoneZiggo is another investigated company.

2033: How Mark Zuckerberg Fixed Facebook, here

The Long Run: Maximizing Innovation Incentives Through Advocacy and Enforcement

M. Delrahim, here

Facebook's China Argument Revealed in Zuckerberg's Hearing Notes

Bloomberg, here

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Google appeals Indian antitrust watchdog's 'search bias' verdict: sources

Reuters, here. Ruling here.
See also this comment.

Artificial Intelligence, Economics, and Industrial Organization

H. Varian, here

Summary report of the consultation on the review of the directive on the re-use of public sector information

EC, here

Creation without consequence: How Silicon Valley made a hot mess of progress

J. Bryson, here


Baker McKenzie, here


M. Angeli, here

EU Member States to cooperate on European strategy for Artificial Intelligence

EC, here. Declaration here

What 40 Years of Research Reveals About the Difference Between Disruptive and Radical Innovation

HBR, here

Paul-Olivier Dehaye and the Raiders of the Lost Data, here


AI Now, here

Singapore: Competition watchdog to study online travel booking sector, data portability issues

Today Online, here

Amerika erlaubt größte deutsche Auslandsübernahme

FAZ, hier

Blockchain to enable medical data to be stored and transmitted safely and effectively

EC, here. here.

What Should Congress Ask Zuckerberg? Nothing.

NyTimes, here

A Member State is not required to extend a prohibition on the extradition of its own nationals to the United States to every EU citizen travelling in its territory

Judgment in Case C-191/16 Romano Pisciotti v Bundesrepublik Deutschland, here

The UberPop service does not constitute an information society service

Judgment in Case C-320/16, here

Monday, April 09, 2018

Uber seeks Dutch payments licence in drive to diversify

Sky News, here

Using Digital Platforms and Artificial Intelligence to Outpace Rivals

Oracle, here

Joint Submission to Treasury on the Open Banking Review Final Report

K. Kemp, D. Vaile, here

New ways to trade data

The Economist, here

Big Data aus wettbewerbs- und ordnungspolitischer Perspektive

J. Haucap, hier

Here Are All the Reasons It’s a Bad Idea to Let a Few Tech Companies Monopolize Our Data

M. Stucke, here

Software Interface Copyright

Harvard J of L&T, Special Issue, here

Hey, Alexa, What Can You Hear? And What Will You Do With It?

NYTimes, here

A German Approach to Antitrust for Digital Platforms

J. Haucap, here.

The Uber-Grab merger and the potentially anti-competitive consequences of the battle for ride-hailing dominance

CoRe Blog, here

On Uber Selling Southeast Asia Business to Grab

B. Edelman, here

eDistortions: How Data-opolies Are Dissipating the Internet’s Potential

A. Ezrachi, M. Stucke, here

Vertical restraints, digital marketplaces, and enforcement tools

J. Laitenberger, here

Apple Just Poached Google's AI Chief. Now Maybe Siri Will Get Smarter

Fortune, here

Synchronised swimming versus competition in banking

ACCC, here

FB drama hits open banking

InnovationAus, here

Technology & Competition law: A conversation with Stephen King

Audio here.

Facebook, Cambridge Analytica, and the Regulator’s Dilemma: Clueless or Venal?

D. Vladeck, here

Rethinking Antitrust Tools for Multi-Sided Platforms

OECD, here

Tech Giants Breakup

N. Petit, Video here

Online platforms and abuse of dominance – the case of Funda Real Estate

D. Mandrescu, here

Trade Associations, Information Exchange, and Cartels

Spencer Weber Waller, here

Data Lords: The Real Story of Big Data, Facebook and the Future of News

TPM, here

Procedimento istruttorio nei confronti di Facebook Inc. per presunte pratiche commerciali scorrette

AGCM, qui.

Following Singapore, Philippines regulator forces Grab to delay closing Uber’s app

TechCrunch, here

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Does big data increase prices in China?

The Age of Artificial Intelligence

EPSC, here.

How Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Can Impact Market Design

P. Milgrom, S. Tadelis, here.


Case M.8306, here.  

The Impact of Machine Learning on Economics (January 2018)

S. Athey, here

Food Data Driven Business Innovation, here

KBC app lets customers check accounts at other banks; Citi takes aggregation route

FinExtra, here

The Impact of the EU’s New Data Protection Regulation on AI

Center for Data Innovation, here

Governments must intervene to build trust in data use

FT, here.
But...the GDPR isn't about data ownership.

Computational Power and the Social Impact of Artificial Intelligence

T. Hwang, here

Monday, March 26, 2018

Künstliche Intelligenz: EU-Kommission plant umfassende europäische Initiative, hier.
Draft: Maximising the benefits of artificial intelligence, here.

Sprachen Baufirmen über Jahre ihre Preise ab?, hier.

The Innovation Theory of Harm: An Appraisal

V. Denicolo, M. Polo, here

Huawei wins IP injunction against Samsung in China

The Register, here

Durchleuchtet, analysiert & einsortiert? Wie Unternehmen Daten über unseren Alltag erfassen und gegen uns einsetzen

Kitchen Talks, Video hier (und der Wiener Akzent ein echter Genuss !).

This Is So Much Bigger Than Facebook

The Atlantic, here

Plataformas chilenas de criptomonedas llaman a la ABIF a tomar definiciones sobre la industria, aquì.

To comply with GDPR, Google asks publishers to manage user-data consent for ad targeting in EU

Search Engine Land, here

An Empirical Study of Affiliate Marketing Disclosures on YouTube and Pinterest

A. Mathur, A. Narayanan, M. Chetty, here

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Why have we given up our privacy to Facebook and other sites so willingly?

The Guardian, here.

The Facebook scandal isn’t just about privacy. Your economic future is on the line

The Guardian, here.

Brazil antitrust watchdog to investigate Brazilian banks on fintech complaint

Reuters, here.

'A grand illusion': seven days that shattered Facebook's facade

The Guardian, here.

ICN 2018 New Delhi - Wrap-up

CUTS Int., here.

How Google is eroding consumers’ freedom to choose

Beuc, here.

Robot Regulators. What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Bloomberg, here.

Bundesdatenschutzbeauftragte bezweifelt Facebooks Datenschutzversprechen, hier.

Facebook largement en tête chez les agriculteurs, ici.

Is Your Blockchain Business Doomed?

Bloomberg, here.

After the Cambridge Analytica scandal, advertisers rethink Facebook data

Digiday, here.

Horizontal mergers and innovation: why I agree with Tommaso Valletti

Chilling Competition, here.

-International Skating Union’s Eligibility rules

CASE AT.40208, here.

Should We Be Concerned About Data-Opolies?

M. Stucke, here.


AGCM, Qui.

Campaigners hit Cambridge Analytica where it hurts

FT, here.

Facebook’s Cambridge Analytica problems are nothing compared to what’s coming for all of online publishing

Doc Searls, here.

EU plans to pull ‘free’ digital services under consumer protection rules

Euractiv, here.

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Beware the Big Five

T. Shaw, here.

Meet the data war whistleblower

The Guardian, here.

“Facebook could see it was happening,” says Wylie. “Their security protocols were triggered because Kogan’s apps were pulling this enormous amount of data, but apparently Kogan told them it was for academic use. So they were like, ‘Fine’.”

The Video is also quite instructive, but, wait a minute, he doesn’t even trust HIS OWN  MUM ?!?

Saturday, March 17, 2018

50 million Facebook profiles harvested for Cambridge Analytica in major data breach

The Guardian, here.

The “New Madison” Approach to Antitrust and Intellectual Property Law

M. Delrahim, here.

ICN Vertical Mergers Survey Report

ICN, here.

Facebook has suspended Cambridge Analytica, the data analytics firm that helped Donald Trump get elected

Recode, here.

China to bar people with bad 'social credit' from planes, trains

Reuters, here.

Diritti TV per la Serie A: via libera a Mediapro, ma sia intermediario equo, trasparente e non discriminatorio

AGCM, qui.

Markttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe; Jahresbericht 2017

Bundeskartellamt, hier.

'Hipster antitrust' movement is all action, no plan

D. Balto, M. Lane, here.

MasterCard and IBM to set up European ‘data trust’

FT, here.
*warning*: more than avarage legal errors in the article, but the news is there

Probe urged into break-up of big four accountants

FT, here.

DOJ v. AT&T: Transcript of Discussion & Preview of Key Arguments at Trial

Capital Forum, here.

Robotergehirne brauchen Regeln

SZ, hier.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Google targeted under EU plan to regulate search engines

FT, here

FinTech: Commission takes action for a more competitive and innovative financial market

EC, here. FinTech Action Plan here

Horizontal Mergers and Innovation

B. Jullien and Y. Lefouili, here


Wired, here

Warum die Politik künstliche Intelligenz regulieren will

Handelsblatt, hier

Liability of Online Service Providers for Copyrighted Content – Regulatory Action Needed?

J. Nordemann for the EP, here

How to Economize Consumer Protection

M. Baye, J. Wright, here

An Updated Antitrust Review of the Bayer-Monsanto Merger

M. Stucke, A. Grunes, here


A. Cicala, K. Haegeman, R. Cuff, here


Symposium, Video here (6:15:48).

Friday, March 09, 2018

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Susan Athey: Applying Machine Learning to the Economy

Stanford Business, here

Klöckner darf digitale Plattform für Stahlprodukte starten

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Inside the Engine Room of Digital Platforms: Reviews, Ratings, and Recommendations

P. Belleflamme, M. Peitz, here

Telegram Triples Price in Largest Initial Coin Offering

Bloomberg, here

Economic approach to privacy and data security issues

M. Ohlhausen, here. 

Corporate America Is Suppressing Wages for Many Workers

A. Kruger, E. Posner, here

Mobile Security Updates: Understanding the Issues

FTC, here

Amazon circles home security market with $1bn Ring deal

FT, here. See also here (Reuters).

Daten einfach übertragen: Ihr Recht auf Datenportabilität

Stiftung Datenschutz, hier

Content Analysis of Cyber Insurance Policies: How do carriers write policies and price cyber risk?

S. Romanosky et al., here

Is the Market for Digital Privacy a Failure?

C. Fuller, here

Privacy Expectations and Preferences in an IoT World

P. Emami-Naeini et al., here

Bayer to win EU approval for $62.5 billion Monsanto deal

Reuters, here

Italian marketplace Eataly gets own payments app with Mastercard

FinExtra, here

Antitrust enforcement: equal contributions of legal and economic analysis

M. Delrahim, here

Google Shopping: letter from comparison shopping services and others calling on the EC to reject current


EU: Ban on unjustified geo-blocking expected to apply as of late 2018

BakerMcKenzie, here

GDPR will have positive ripple effect, says US consumer group, here

Switzerland: Spotlight On Copyright Issues Of Blockchain Technology

Mondaq, here

Blockchain technology is on a collision course with EU privacy law

Iapp, here

Goethe-Uni entwickelt Datenschutz-App für das Smartphone, hier.

Opening statement at the PC public hearing into Competition in the Australian Financial System

ACCC, here

Facebook’s data collection in Germany caught in antitrust spotlight

MLex Podcast, here

Monday, February 26, 2018

Ohio v. AmEx - SCOTUS Oral arguments transcript


Data Protection and data analytics: what is Art. 29 WP really saying to businesses wanting to innovate with data?

Peep Beep! , here.

Das nächste Instagram? Social-App Vero lockt immer mehr Nutzer an, hier

Digital Platforms Inquiry - Issues Paper

ACCC, here

EBA Rules out Secure Open Banking?

KuppingerCole, here

Why Financial Institutions Are Turning To Chief Data Officers To Generate More Value Out Of Data

Forbes, here

How GDPR could weaken, not strengthen, the duopoly

DigiDay, here

Data Ready

FSB, here

Aura: Telefónica lässt eigenen digitalen Assistenten von der Leine, hier

Booking Flights: Our Data Flies with Us, here

Antitrust World Eyes Justices On AmEx Steering Case

Law360, here. See also this argument preview.

Medicines Innovation And Access: Swiss Stimulate New Thinking

IP-Watch, here

Sunday, February 25, 2018


FAZ, hier.
Wer einmal seine Daten auf einer Akte einer Kasse habe, der sei auch im Fall von Beitragssatzerhöhungen wenig geneigt, den Anbieter zu wechseln...Die Daten müssten übertragbar bleiben...”

Der Spion flirtet mit

FAZ, hier.

The British couple that cost Google £2.1 billion

Wired UK Podcast, here. And Jeff Jarvis discussing “The Case Against Google” here (from 1:02:18)

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Antitrust Remedies for Labor Market Power

S. Naidu, E. Posner, G. Weyl, here.

Snips brings its privacy-focused voice assistant to cars

TechCrunch, here.



Car companies are preparing to sell driver data to the highest bidder

ArsTechnica, here.

Why should I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google?

Duck&DuckGo, here.

Digital R&D

Deloitte, here.

No free rides? Platform bans in light of the Coty case

Oxera, here.

To Give A.I. the Gift of Gab, Silicon Valley Needs to Offend You

NYTimes, here.

Les Agtech poussent les murs du Salon de l'agriculture

La Tribune, ici.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Merger Policy and the Consumer Welfare Standard: Time for a Change?

George Mason Law Review 21st Annual Antitrust Symposium, Video here

Revisiting Vertical Antitrust Enforcement

George Mason Law Review 21st Annual Antitrust Symposium, Video here.

What are the Goals of Antitrust? What Should They Be?


George Mason Law Review 21st Annual Antitrust Symposium, Video here (discussion from 47:36).

The Court of Justice of the European Union has reached a decision on the collusive practices carried out in Italy by Roche and Novartis when marketing the medicinal products Avastin and Lucentis

Osborne Clarke, here

Anticompetitive Mergers in Labor Markets

I. Marinescu, H. Hovenkamp, here

Die Wettbewerbs- Erklärer

FAZ, hier.

La CNMC incoa expediente sancionador contra Atresmedia y Mediaset

CNMC, aquí.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Good Times, Bad Times, Trust Will Take Us Far: Competition Enforcement and the Relationship Between Washington and Brussels

M. Delrahim, here.

The Antitrust Logic of Biologics

S. Ghosh, here.

A Solution in Search of a Problem at the Biologics Frontier

E. Lietzan, here.

Progressive Antitrust

H. Hovenkamp, here.

Brief comment : “channeling” innovation is not an antitrust goal, but “protecting” innovation is. 

Les monopoles : un danger pour les États-Unis ?

Banque de France, ici.

Dead Reckoning: Navigating Content Moderation After “Fake News”

Data Society, here.

UK’s FCA Inks FinTech Collaboration With CFTC

Pymnts, here

How consumers Value Digital Privacy: New Survey Evidence

C. Fuller, here

Datenschutz als Dienstleistung

Adzine, hier

"Diese Marken sind für Edeka zu wichtig", hier

Should we treat data as labor? Let’s open up the discussion

Brookings, here

Free flow of non-personal data in the European Union

EPRS, here

Supreme Court declines to review pay-for-delay ruling

Reuters, here.

Disney Misused 'Star Wars,' 'Frozen' Copyrights, Says Judge

Hollywood Reporter, here

Driverless cars: mapping the trouble ahead

FT, here.

Data, Innovation, and Potential Competition in Digital Markets – Looking Beyond Short-Term Price Effects in Merger Analysis

T. McSWEENY; B. O’DEA, here.

Unusually strong words and some concrete proposals. 

Opinion by Former Senior Government Officials and Leading Antitrust Experts on the Significant Antitrust Risks Posed by Broadcom’s proposed takeover of Qualcomm

Nobody Wants to Let Google Win the War for Maps All Over Again

Bloomberg, here

Alibaba’s social credit rating is a risky game

 FT, here.

Is MyData a Force or Counter Force?

A. Jogi Poikola, here.

The Malicious Use of Artificial Intelligence: Forecasting, Prevention, and Mitigation


The Case Against Google

The NYTimes, here

Das Microsoft-Dilemma

Das Erste, Video hier

The Rise of Amazon, Facebook May Be Bad News for the Economy

Bloomberg, here.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Crunching Car Data for Cash: An Israeli Startup Takes on Google

Bloomberg, here.


Fiaregion1, here

Tracking-Methoden werden brutaler, Browser-Hersteller schauen weg, hier

Nokia is re-evaluating its wearables division

TechCrunch, here

Ärztin klagt erfolgreich auf Löschung aus Bewertungsportal, hier.

A further letter to Makan re IP and Antitrust


EU Court ruling on how off-label use is to be analysed under competition law

White & Case, here

Goldrausch in der Schweiz

FAZ, hier

Amex loses its final appeal – it must cut its fees to retailers who accept BA, SPG and Nectar cards, here

The Deeply Human Core of Roche's $2.1B Tech Acquisition - And Why They Did It

Forbes, here.

Monday, February 19, 2018

Big data and innovation: key themes for competition policy in Canada

Competition Bureau, here.

Tech investor Roger McNamee: 'I would like Google to be broken up into 8 or 10 different monopolies'

CNBC, video here.

Mes data sont à moi. Pour une patrimonialité des données personnelles.

Génération libre, ici.

A qui confier notre portefeuille de données personnelles ?

Du grain à moudre (France culture), Podcast ici

Is consumer 3D printing over before it begins?

ITNews, here.

Whatsapp Beta allows users to download the information it has collected and stored about them, here.

Dateneigentum – Eine gute Idee für die Datenökonomie?

Stiftung Neue Verantwortung, hier.

Hunting the Big Five: Twenty-first Century Antitrust in Historical Perspective

R. Langlois, here.

Innovation Policy Pluralism

D. Hemel, L. Larrimore Ouellette, here

Energy bills, switching, and a coconut roulade

The Chopping Board Economist, here

Google Shopping: beware of ‘selffavouring’ in a world of algorithmic nudging

N. Zingales, here

Canadian Regulator On Innovation’s Slow Roll

Pymnts, here.


Stiftung Datenschutz, hier

Antitrust Analysis Involving Intellectual Property and Standards: Implications from Economics

J. Padilla, D. Ginsburg, K. Wong-Ervin, here

Biologics: The New Antitrust Frontier

M. Carrier, C. Minniti, here

ACCC on dealing with algorithms

InnovationAus, here

EU to probe Apple’s $400m deal for Shazam

FT, here

Retail Banking Remedies

CMA Blog, here

To protect or collect? Germany’s big data divide, here

The House That Spied on Me

Gizmodo, here

Competition Commission of India fines Google for abusing dominant position

Reuters, here.
Decision here.

Bank of Canada warns of threat from Big Data

The Globe and Mail, here. Remarks here.

Review into Open Banking – giving consumers choice

AUS Treasury, here

Angus Deaton on the Under-Discussed Driver of Inequality in America: “It’s Easier for Rent-Seekers to Affect Policy Here Than In Much of Europe”

ProMarket, here

The Copyright Permissions Culture in Software Preservation and Its Implications for the Cultural Record

Association of Research Libraries, here

Google-Nest merger raises privacy issues

BBC, here

Who blinked first in Waymo v. Uber?

The Verge, here

Feedback to the Commission's Proposal on a Framework for the Free Flow of Non-Personal Data

I. Graef, R. Gellert, N. Purtova, M. Husovec, here

Démanteler les GAFA ?

Le Monde, ici

Data Portability Under GDPR: Technical Challenges

Philips, here

Facebook’s German antitrust probe hinges on market power of network effects

mLex, here

Internal Compliance Mechanisms for Firms in the EU General Data Protection Regulation

G. Voss, here

Das erste Urteil zum Lkw-Kartell – Auftakt nach Maß?

R. Velte, hier

Algorithmic Trading Compliance in Wholesale Markets

FCA, here

Koalitionsvertrag und Kartellverfolgung

K. Ost, hier

Kartellrecht, Marktmacht und Facebook

S. Louven, hier.

France: Wikimedia loses constitutional challenge to law protecting images of national buildings

IrishLegal, here.

Vestager kicks off new chapter in Google Shopping probe

Politico, here

Es braucht kein Dateneigentum

iRights, hier

Devices, the weak link in achieving an open internet

Arcep, here

Victoire de la Commission vie privée dans la procédure Facebook

CPVP, ici et here.


VZBV, hier. Ruling hier.

Access to car data – the new battleground that risks consumer choice

Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, here.

Competition in changing times

M. Vestager, here

Terrible Copyright Ruling Over An Embedded Tweet Undermines Key Concept Of How The Internet Works

TechDirt, here

The Tyranny of Convenience

T. Wu, here

Artificial Intelligence and the Good Society

c. Cath, M. Zimmer, S. Lomborg, B. Zegenbergen, here

Third Circuit Says “Umbrella Damages” Bar Does Not Preclude Antitrust Standing Where Product Is Partly Comprised of Materials Not Subject to the Alleged Conspiracy

PBWT, here

Google removes ‘view image’ button from search results to make pics harder to steal

The Verge, here

Only the EU can break Facebook and Google's dominance

G. Soros, here

How to (Re)Use Big Data

S. Leonelli, Video here

Research: A Strong Privacy Policy Can Save Your Company Millions

K. Martin, A. Borah, R. Palmatier, here

Schweppes SA v Red Paralela SL: more details

Marques, here

Global Food Value Chains and Competition Law - BRICS Draft Report

I. Lianos, here

Should the tech giants be broken up?

N. Petit, here

La gran banca engañó a cientos de empresas a lo largo de 10 años

El Mundo, aquì.

Artificial intelligence and privacy

Datatilsynet, here

Saturday, February 03, 2018

Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffett and Jamie Dimon want to fix health care

Cnn, here.

Europe’s new data protection rules export privacy standards worldwide, here.

Blockchain to track Congo's cobalt from mine to mobile

Reuters, here.

If You Can’t Take the Heat Map: Benefits & Risks of Releasing Location Datasets, here.

Tech giants go to med school. Apple and Amazon’s moves in health signal a coming transformation

The Economist, here.

Harvard Business Manager berichtet über Studie der Hochschule Koblenz, hier.

Europäer sollten die richtigen Schlachten schlagen

Criteo, hier.

EU schadet mit Datenschutz den Startups, macht aber Google und Facebook stärker

Gründerszene, hier.

Connected compliance

Bakermckenzie, here.

Two Monkeys Were Paid Unequally: Excerpt from Frans de Waal's TED Talk

Video, here.

How critics say drug companies play "games" to stave off generic competitors

CBS News, here.

« Cookies tiers » et protection des données

C. Perrin, ici.

Oracle could prevail in copyright case against Google based on commercial market harm

K. Riley, here.

Die Geoblocking-Verordnung: kleiner Schritt für digitalen Binnenmarkt

K. Künstner, hier.

Doch nicht so einfach mit der Fahrphysik

Zeit,de, hier.

Eric Posner on Cultural Monopsonies and Data-As-Labor

E. Posner, here.

EU – Price Comparison Methodologies (DS516): Challenging the Non- Market Economy Methodology in Light of the Negotiating History of Article 15 of China’s WTO Accession Protocol

W. Zhou, D. Peng, here.

Thursday, February 01, 2018

Competition, Intellectual Property, and Economic Prosperity

M. Delrahim, here.

Antitrust Enforcement in an Interconnected World

R. Alford, here

OLG Frankfurt a.M.: Kaufvertrag über Daten wegen fehlender Einwilligung nach dem BDSG unwirksam

Delegedata, hier

The dreary secrets of Amazon’s success

FT, here

AI offers opportunity to increase privacy for users

iapp, here

Discrimination and Data Ethics

DTL 2017, Video here

Brazilian general Bill on the protection of Personal Data

iapp, here

New China Data Privacy Standard Looks More Far-Reaching than GDPR

CSIS, here

Bundeskartellamt startet Untersuchung der Marktverhältnisse bei Online-Werbung

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Online advertising

Bundeskartellamt, here

EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum

EC, here

Transatlantic Digital Economy Dialogue

CCIA, Video (from 42:10), here

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Antitrust and the Platform Economy

Tech Policy Institute, Video here

Lessons from the EU General Data Protection Regulation to contribute to the global discourse on data protection

AccessNow, here

AmEx Supreme Court Amici Curiae: 28 Profs of Antitrust

Tech Policy: A Closer Look at GDPR

Capitol Forum, here

Germany threatens curbs on Facebook’s data use

Ft, here.

Facebook has...questioned the timing of the German authorities’ move, months before the EU implements its General Data Protection Regulation, a law that introduces sweeping data protection rules. Under the GDPR, businesses must give customers more information about which companies their data are shared with and to what end. “With the GDPR, Europe is already putting in place strong enforcement measures that hold Facebook and other companies accountable for privacy and data protection,” Facebook said. “We will comply with these new rules, just as we have complied with existing data protection law in Europe.”

A conversation with regulators on innovation in payment services

Hosted by ESB, here

Fairness, Competition, and Knitting

M. Vestager, here

ASICS dealers allowed to use price comparison engines - Federal Court of Justice confirms Bundeskartellamt's decision

Does it look like a luxury item to you? Where is the aura?
Bundeskartellamt, here.
Decision here

Monday, January 22, 2018


A. Casilli, P. Tubaro, ici

Fusionieren Foodora und Lieferando?

FAZ, hier

Data is power: Towards additional guidance on profiling and automated decision-making in the GDPR

E. Bietti, F. Kaltheuner, here

“BREXIT” passes EU trademark test

WIPO Magazine, here

Algorithms that change lives should be trialled like new drugs

New Scientist, here

Big Tech’s trust issues at the forefront of Davos debate

FT, here

Focus on the User

United States v. Microsoft Corp.

Briefs amici curiae here

The Introduction of Data Breach Notification Legislation in Australia: A Comparative View

A. Daly, here

Ethics, algorithms and self-driving cars – a CSI of the ‘trolley problem’

A. Renda, here