Thursday, October 12, 2017

Automatic image retouching on your phone

MIT, here

Setting innovation free

M. Vestager, here

Google ditches Home Mini's top-touch panel feature after privacy blunder

ZDNet, here

Gericht verurteilt Tapetenhersteller zu Millionenbußen, hier. . 

CMA provisionally clears Just Eat / Hungryhouse merger

CMA, here

Democratic Rep. Seeks Google Info From FTC

Broadcastingcable, here

Kartell-Bedenken gegen Fusion von T-Mobile US und Sprint

FAZ, hier.

Death and taxes

The Bookseller, here.

Slovenia signs the European declaration on high-performance computing

EC, here.

Concerns raised about privacy, GDPR as Lords peer over Data Protection Bill

The Register, here.

OTAs dominate the Chinese travel market with over 70% digital bookings

ChinaTravelNews, here.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Data Governance Regimes in the Digital Economy: The Example of Connected Cars

W. Kerber and J. Severin Frank, here.

For internet gatekeepers, consumer protection laws are better than utility-style regulation

Brookings, here

How Companies Use Personal Data Against People

W. Christl, here

Richard Thaler is a controversial Nobel prize winner – but a deserving one

R. Shiller, here

Exploring Copyright: History, Culture, Industry

FutureLearn, here

As Netflix raises prices, Hulu drops them—and acquires all its old favorites

Quartz, here

UK Lords Artificial Intelligence Committee

Submitted written evidence, here

Amazons größter Konkurrent investiert 15 Milliarden Dollar in Forschung

FAZ, hier

Google’s Home Mini needed a software patch to stop some of them from recording everything

TheVerge, here

What the proposed new EU rules on free flow of non-personal data could mean for businesses

ComputerWorld, here

Law, Virtual Reality, and Augmented Reality

M. Lemley, E. Volokh, here

Was Handydaten über die Psyche sagen

MorgenPost, hier

The Dynamics of Online Hotel Prices and the EU Booking.Com Case

A. Mantovani, C. Piga, C. Reggiani, here

Real Talk About Fake News: Towards a Better Theory for Platform Governance

N. Syed, here

Competencia estudia si las editoriales se repartieron el mercado de los libros de texto

ElDiario, aquì.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Celebrating Wavesblog!

Nike t. Action Sport

RECHTBANK AMSTERDAM, C/13/615474 / HA ZA 16-959, hier.

Yandex introduces Alice, a Alexa-like assistant that speaks Russian

TechCrunch, here.

Strengthening the Position of Press Publishers and Authors and Performers in the Copyright Directive

L. Bently, M. Kretschmer, T. Dudenbostel ,M. del Carmen Calatrava Moreno, A. Radauer for the EP, here.

Merger effects on innovation: A rationale for stricter merger control?

J. Haucap, here.

EU competition law in innovation and digital markets: fairness and the consumer welfare perspective

J. Laitenberger,  here.

I fixed my poor credit score by being a more loyal Alibaba consumer

Quartz, here.

The State of Data Innovation in the EU

Center for Data Innovation, here.

A Union of Equals: competition and growth throughout the EU

M. Vestager, here.

Big Data and Competition

Ecorys, here.

Monday, October 09, 2017

The PSD2 RTS and Open Banking in the EU

PPRO, here.

Tech’s fight for the upper hand on open data

Ft, here.

Euromyths A-Z index

EC, here.

Game Changers? A review of Next Generation Intermediary Services for Citizens Advice

R. Bates, here.


Wired, here.

Die große E-Book-Enttäuschung

FAZ, hier.

Big Data und Wettbewerb

Bundeskartellamt, hier.


Read also here. Watch him here.
9 October: #nudgeday

Beschränkung von Innovation: Kann das ein SIEC sein?

R. Podszun, hier.

Summary report of the public consultation on the evaluation of Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases

EC, here.

Hashtag trademarks: what can be protected?

WIPO, here.

EU raids Polish and Dutch banking groups over fintech access to customer data

FT, here.

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Let’s take back control of our data – it’s too precious to leave to the tech giants

R. Naik, here.

Vernetzte Autos: Erbitterter Kampf um die Daten

Digital-Fairplay, hier.

Règlement européen sur la protection des données : un guide pour accompagner les sous-traitants

CNIL, ici.

Patenting the Output of Autonomously Inventive Machines

R. Abbott, here.

How Copyright Law Can Fix Artificial Intelligence's Implicit Bias Problem

A. Levendowski, here.

Algorithmic Pricing Agents and Tacit Collusion: A Technological Perspective

A. Ittoo, N. Petit, here.


K. Boudreau, here.

Vivrons-nous demain au moyen-âge ?

LINC, ici.

CMA issues strong warning as information sharing fine is upheld

CMa, here.

Virginie Rozière : « Sur le géoblocage, la Commission a compris que musique et livres sont une ligne rouge pour les États »

Contexte Numérique, ici.

L'AI, intelligence artificielle, va bouleverser le monde de la création graphique, motion, art -

Kob-one, ici.

Liens hypertextes : la justice allemande en rébellion contre la CJUE

Droit-technologie, ici.

Un accord entre Google et l'ALPA pour un meilleur respect du droit d'auteur, here.

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Tenth Annual Conference on Antitrust Economics and Competition Policy: Conference Summary

TAP, here.

Regulating big data. The guidelines of the Council of Europe in the context of the European data protection framework

A. Mantelero, here.

IMF Head Foresees the End of Banking and the Triumph of Cryptocurrency, here.

The Google comparative shopping case

Clifford Chance, here.

Information Technology and Industry Concentration

J. Bessen, here.

High Court asks European Court of Justice to examine Facebook case

The Irish Times, here.
Executive summary by the Court here. See also here.

Artificial intelligence and copyright

A. Guadamuz, here.

Here’s the due diligence report Alphabet wants to use in its lawsuit against Uber

Recode, here.

The Information Economy Report 2017: Digitalization, Trade and Development

UNCTAD, here.

Users must own their love lives

TheGuardian, here.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Privacy, Poverty, and Big Data: A Matrix of Vulnerabilities for Poor Americans

M. MADDEN, M. GILMAN, K. Levy, A.  MARWICK, here.

Competition law case studies

CMA, here.

In AI We Trust?

U. Gasser, here.

Mergers Are Bad for Innovation, Says Tommaso

ProMarket, here.

EU legal mechanism may help expose how Big Data firms get their information

The Guardian, here.

EC fines Lithuanian Railways €28 million for hindering competition on rail freight market

Press Release, here.

For everyone to benefit from technology, we need to ensure the free flow of information

J. Brill, here.

Service public de la donnée: les données du cadastre sont maintenant disponibles sur

Etalab, ici.

Striking the right balance in the enforcement of competition rules

J. Laitenberger, here.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Google makes changes amid wider antitrust fire, here.

S.E.C. Hacking Response Provides Road Map for Compromised Companie

NYTimes, here.

Google pulls YouTube off the Amazon Echo Show

The Verge,.here.

Getting your data out of Tinder is really hard – but it shouldn't be

P.-O. Dehaye, here.

Commission fines Scania €880 million for participating in trucks cartel

EC, here.

Watchdog to meerkats: comparison is not the same as competition

FT, here.

Pfizer sues Johnson & Johnson, alleging anticompetitive practices to maintain a drug monopoly

The Washington Post, here.

China’s security chief calls for greater use of AI to predict terrorism, social unrest

SCMP, here.

Google now lets you mute an ad because it 'knew too much', here.

Ford arbeitet mit Uber-Konkurrent zusammen

FAZ, hier.


B. Van Alsenoy, here.

Behavioral Insights and Trends for Millennials in the UK, France and Germany

EMarketer, here.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Mergers: Commission opens in-depth investigation into proposed merger between Essilor and Luxottica

Press Release, here.

Google Splits Off Shopping Service to Meet EU Demands

Bloomberg, here.

Personal Data Economy

E. Hafen, Video here.

How the Russian search market looks now

SearchEngineLand, here.

Kontroverse um Piraterie-Studie der EU-Kommission, hier.

Trivago bought an AI startup that eased peoples’ fears about giving up data

FastCompany, here.

A Data Commons for Food Security

J. Baarbé, M. Blom, J. de Beer, here.

AI and Privacy

C. Tucker, Video here; slides here. Discussant's slides here.

Apple switches from Bing to Google for Siri web search results on iOS and Spotlight on Mac

TechCrunch, here

Digital comparison tools: Competitive landscape and effectiveness of competition

CMA, here

CMA steps in to give people a better deal on comparison sites

CMA, here

I asked Tinder for my data. It sent me 800 pages of my deepest, darkest secrets

TheGuardian, here

Monday, September 25, 2017

Pioneers of Artificial Intelligence

NBER Conference, Video here (from 06:08).

A patent on convolutional 
nets was filed in 1989, which then expired in 2007. 
 Clément Ader, you know?


EU-competitionlaw, here

Deloitte hit by cyber-attack revealing clients’ secret emails

TheGuardian, here

Antitrust gets the John Oliver treatment

Axios, here.

Video here

Artificial Intelligence and Competition

H. Varian, C. Shapiro, Video here.
Interesting disagreement between Varian and Shapiro on how easy it is to "purchase data specific to the application" (16:38).

Book Review : What if we could reimagine copyright? Let's fix copyright.

IPKat, here

Première plainte contre « l’obsolescence programmée » : « La loi risque d’être difficile à mettre en œuvre »

Numérama, ici

Photo marketplace Picfair raises £1.5M, aims to ‘weaponise’ photographers

TechCrunch, here.

European Conference on Data Ethics


Friday, September 22, 2017

Women used this fertility app more after AI learned when best to ping them

FastCompany, here.

Hackers broke into SEC computer systems and may have traded on the stolen information

Quartz, here.

BGH: Googles Bildersuche verletzt Urheberrecht nicht, hier.

Search Engines and Data Retention: Implications for Privacy and Antitrust

L. Chiou, C. Tucker, here.

Industrie 4.0: Verfassungsschutzchef warnt vor Massendaten im "Hochrisikoraum", here.

Why Google is spending $1.1 billion to acq-hire 2,000 HTC engineers

Recode, here.

Do Tech Companies Really Need All That User Data?

W.Frick, here.

iOS 11: toggling wifi and Bluetooth in Control Centre doesn't actually turn them off

The Guardian, here.

Mitfahrgelegenheiten: Google bindet BlaBlaCar in Maps ein, here.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Data governance: Landscape Review

Royal Society, here.

Warum Google HTC will

FAZ, hier

Estimating displacement rates of copyrighted content in the EU

EU, here

Japan to certify big-data providers to drive innovation

Asia.nikkei, here

How competition can build trust in our societies

M. Vestager, here

Music Industry Recovery Continues, Powered by a Surge in Subscriptions

WSJ, here

Competition policy from a European perspective: A conversation with EU Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager

AEI, here

The ICO craze, explained

Recode, here

What’s affiliate marketing? Should I care?

FTC, here

Data management and use: Governance in the 21st century

 British Academy and Royal Society, here

The implications for Australian companies navigating the new section 46 misuse of market power test after the European court of justice decision in intel

Clifford Chance, here

Google confirms it will pay $1.1 billion to acquire HTC's Pixel team and license technology

AndroidPolice, here


Wired, here

Netflix and Escobar Family in Bitter Trademark Dispute Over 'Narcos'

HollywoodReporter, here

Big Tech's power remains unchallenged

FT, Audio here.

Hal Singer on the Digital Show

Audio here

Waymo wants Uber to pay $2.6 billion in damages—just for starters

ArsTechnica, here

What Role for Economists in Policy-Making?

A. Bénassy-Quéréa , O. Blanchardb and J. Tirole, here

Amazon Reviewing Site After Algorithm Suggests Bomb Supplies

Bloomberg, here

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Time for a Conservative Anti-Monopoly Movement

TheAmericanConservative, here.

Study: EU-US Privacy Shield Essential to Leading European Companies

FPF, here

National Data Opt-out Programme

NHS, here

US Cross-Border Data Deal Could Open Surveillance Floodgates

HRW, here

No university needed: A Stanford-born company is equipping India’s youth for well-paid tech jobs

Quartz, here

Founder of the information age

Enlightenmenteconomics, here

Drugmaker AbbVie Can’t Convince Judge on ‘Sham’ Lawsuits

Bloomberg BNA, here

Focus on Google DeepMind under the GDPR’s Lens

Hogan Lovells, here

On a testé les premiers pas de l’Open Data « par défaut »

NextImpact, here

Response to calls for automated takedowns of online extremist content

ORG, here.

Synthèse de la consultation publique sur la transmission de certains titres financiers au moyen de la technologie "blockchain

Trésor, ici

The State of the Data Protection Union

EDPS, here

The first autonomous drone delivery network will fly above Switzerland starting next month

TheVerge, here

Alt-Right Twitter App Developers Sue Google After Gab.Ai App Is Kicked Out Of The Play Store

TechDirt, here

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Synopsis report of the public consultation on building a European data economy

EC, here. Annex here. Position papers here

Closer together: The Case for International Cooperation

J. Laitenberger, here.

Brexit and Competition Policy (and the Google Case)

House of Lords and CMA, watch here.
CMA Submission here

Me, my data and I: The future of the personal data economy

Decode Project, here.

Now Apple needs to reinvent the digital economy

FT, here.

Auswirkungen der Markttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe (MTS-K): Änderungen im Anbieterund Nachfragerverhalten

J. Haucap, U. Heimeshoff, C. Kehder, J. Odenkirchen, S. Thorwarth, hier.

Swiss Crypto Valley Association Calls for ‘Careful’ ICO Regulation

CryptoCoinsNews, here.

Artificial Intelligence's Fair Use Crisis

B. Sobel, here.

Automotive Data Treasure

Deloitte, hier.

Whole Foods Is Becoming Amazon’s Brick-and-Mortar Pricing Lab

H. Simon, here.

Apple is facing questions from the U.S. Senate on the privacy protections in iPhone X and Face ID

Recode, here.

The Amazon Monopoly Problem: Prime Time For Antitrust Action Vs. These Internet Giants?

Investors, here.

Big data and Innovation: Implications for Competition Policy in Canada

Competition Bureau, here

EFF Resigns From W3C After DRM In HTML Is Approved In Secret Vote

TechDirt, here

How competition can build a better market

M. Vestager, here

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Evaluating market consolidation in mobile communications

C. Genakos, T. Valletti and F. Verboven, here.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Innovation

I. Cockburn, R. Henderson, S. Stern, here.

Economics of Artificial Intelligence

NBER Conference, here. Videos here.

US: Trump blocks Lattice Semiconductor’s $1.3 billion sale to China

CPI, here

The robots are coming for Mozart

Qz, here

Facial recognition is here. The iPhone X is just the beginning

The Guardian, here.

Questions on Article 13 and Recital Art. 38 of the Proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market

MPI, Contributions here.

Data will be oil for robot cars so these humans are hoarding it now

FastCompany, here.

Flux raises $1.5 million as Starling Bank opens fintech Marketplace

FinExtra, here.

On the Equifax Data Breach, here.

U.S. agency demands endorsement info from Instagram 'influencers'

Reuters, here.

Autortiesību un komunicēšanās konsultāciju aģentūra / Latvijas Autoru apvienība v Konkurences padome,

CJEU, C-177/16, here.

Opinion Paper on Cryptocurrencies in the EU

ENISA, here.

The Amazon Monopoly Problem: Prime Time For Antitrust Action Vs. Internet Giants?, here.

Acxiom’s European Privacy Officer (Mostly) Demystifies GDPR

AdExchanger, here.

Equifax Isn’t A Data Problem. It’s A Political Problem

M. Stoller, here.

Apple is facing questions from the U.S. Senate on the privacy protections in iPhone X and Face ID

Recode, here.

Der Google-Staat, here.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Algorithms and Collusion: Competition policy in the digital age

OECD, here

What percentage will consent to tracking for advertising?

PageFair, here

Apple explains how it’s making Siri smart without endangering user privacy

FastCompany, here

The Dynamics Of Platform Business Value Creation

E. Garcés-Tolon, here.

Rights on Data: The EU Communication ‘Building a European Data Economy’ From an Economic Perspective

W. Kerber, here.

Chatbot lets you sue Equifax for up to $25,000 without a lawyer

The Verge, here.

An Exit Interview With Richard Posner, Judicial Provocateur

NYTimes, here.

Keeping It Real?

D. Gangjee, here

What does Google know about you? Its new privacy dashboard should reveal all

ZDNet, here

Leaked Draft Regulation on a framework for the free flow of data in the EU


Competition Policy at the FTC in the New Administration

M. Ohlhausen, here

Equifax’s Maddening Unaccountability

NYTimes, here

Bridging Policy, Regulation, and Practice? A Techno-Legal Analysis of Three Types of Data in the GDPR

R. Hu, S. Stalla-Bourdillon, M. Yang, V. Schiavo, V. Sassone, here

How blockchain will finally convert you: Control over your own data

VentureBeat, here

A New Way to Learn Economics, here

Monday, September 11, 2017

Current Alliances in International Intellectual Property Lawmaking: The Emergence and Impact of Mega-Regionals

ICTSD, here

Should Amazon buy Nordstrom next?

Recode, here.

La AEPD sanciona a Facebook por vulnerar la normativa de protección de datos, aquì.

Datenschutz-Grundverordnung: Datenschutzkonferenz veröffentlicht Kurzpapiere zum neuen Datenschutzrecht

BfDI, hier

Blockchain: Is the GDPR Already Outdated?, here

Eine Plattform für die Industrie 4.0, hier.

Network Effects: March to the Evidence, Not to the Slogans

D. Evans, R. Schmalensee, here.

YouTube und Google bei Urheberrechtsverstößen zur Herausgabe von Nutzerdaten verpflichtet, hier

How Facebook Changed the Spy Game, here

You Are the Product

J. Lanchester, here

Blockchain Regulation

M. Finck, here

Verizon will now trade you your personal data for ... concert tickets

Mashable, here

Our Response to the UK Government request for written evidence on A.I.

Robotenomics, here

Kann der Bitcoin die Notenbanken in Bedrängnis bringen?

NZZ, hier

Position paper transmitted to EU27 on Intellectual property rights (including geographical indications)

EC, here

VCAST Limited contro R.T.I. SpA

Conclusioni dell'AG, qui

La face cachée des algorithmes de Facebook et Google dévoilée

A. Laurent, ici

The ‘Internet Of Things’ Is Sending Us Back To The Middle Ages

DailyCaller, here

The Chips Are Down: Intel’s Victory in the European Court of Justice Has Implications on How Anticompetitive Conduct Is Analysed in EU Antitrust Cases

Orrick, here

Artificial Intelligence And Big Data: Good For Innovation?

Forbes, here

Access to “data” – the new competitive battlefield

Antitrust Law Source, here

Spotify: Don't Compare Us to Napster

HollywoodReporter, here

Tagungsprotokoll des Arbeitskreises Kartellrecht vom 6. Oktober 2016 in Bonn

Bundeskartellamt, hier

The GDPR will help or hurt publishers, depending on who you ask

DigiDay, here

Guidelines for Global Antitrust: The Three Cs – Cooperation, Comity, and Constraints

M. Ohlhausen, here

Why do big hacks happen? Blame Big Data

TheGuardian, here

Two sciences tie the knot

MIT News, here

True cost of Amazon pricing revealed

TheTimes, here

40 Techniques Used by Data Scientists

Data Science Central, here

New Software Helps Cars Recognize When You’re Texting and Driving, here

How Silicon Valley is erasing your individuality

F. Foer, here

Uber Is Said to Face FBI Probe as Compliance Chief Exits

Bloomberg, here

Privacy and Platform Competition

P. Dimakopoulos, S. Sudaric, here

Monday, August 28, 2017

Data property in the system of intellectual property law: Welcome guest or misfit?

B. Hugenholtz, here.

Deutsche Datenplattform Verimi fordert Google & Co. heraus, hier.

Supreme Court asked to nullify the Google trademark

ArsTechnica, here.

Report of Study Group on Data and Competition Policy

Japan FTC, here.

The coming earthquake

Axios, here.

The exchange and protection of personal data

UK Government, here.

Merger Control and Online Platforms: The Relevance of Network Effects

A- Robles Martín-Laborda, here.

YouTube stars win fair use legal battle

BBC, here.

Managing Our Hub Economy

M.Iansiti, K. Lakhani, here.

Declaration of MyData Principles

CMA fines Ping £1.45m for online sales ban on golf clubs

CMA, here.

The Right To Privacy Is Now Public

Bloombergquint, here.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Apple, Facebook, Google and other tech giants tell the Supreme Court to protect cellphone data in a key, upcoming case

Recode, here

HUK Coburg: "kein Datenmonopol für die Industrie", hier

Digital platforms force a rethink in competition theory

FT, here

Who will own the data from your autonomous car?

NakedSecurity, here


FPF, here

Common Ownership And The New Antitrust Movement, here

If an AI creates a work of art, who owns the rights to it?

Quartz, here.

Automated decision making shows worrying signs of limitation, here

Antitrust Provides a More Reasonable Framework for Net Neutrality Regulation

J. Wright, here

Friday, August 11, 2017

Amazon Moving Into US Ticket Sales, Threatens Ticketmaster Dominance

IBtimes, here. Read also here as trademark

District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia, 1:16-cv-425 (LMB/IDD), here

Artificial Intelligence Policy: A Roadmap

R. Calo, here

How people spend time on social platforms globally, in 5 charts

DigiDay, here

Tobacco giants threaten to 'undermine' Ireland's economy in an attempt to block plain-packaging laws, here

Was KI leisten soll: Putzen und schwere Arbeiten übernehmen, hier

Edeka klagt gegen Behörde, hier

Toyota, Intel and others form big data group for automotive tech

TechCrunch, here

Elsevier Continues To Build Its Monopoly Solution For All Aspects Of Scholarly Communication

TechDirt, here.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Pizza over privacy? Stanford economist examines a paradox of the digital age

Stanford News, here.

Trade Secrets and Algorithms as Barriers to Social Justice

CDT, here.

Google launches privacy website ahead of new European data protection rules

Google, here.

The Great Data Protection Rebranding Exercise

O. Lynskey, here.

The New Copycats: How Facebook Squashes Competition From Startups

Wsj, here.

Fairy Dust, Pandora’s Box… or a Hammer

C. Watney, here.

„Eigentumsordnung“ für Mobilitätsdaten?

Bundesministerium für Verkehr und digitale Infrastruktur, hier.

Orrin Hatch turns on his own kind

TheIntercept, here.

The Amazing Ways Google Uses Deep Learning AI

Forbes, here.

FTC Asked to Investigate Google’s Matching of “Bricks to Clicks”

Jdsupra, here.

EBA’s approach to financial technology (FinTech)

Discussion Paper, here.

Tuesday, August 01, 2017

'some of the world's smartest minds are working to undermine the agency we have over our minds'

Wired, here.

Your Robo-Adviser May Have a Conflict of Interest

Bloomberg, here.

Definitions of Big Data

Opentracker, here.

Brexit is distracting political parties from the real threat facing the UK – digital inequality

The Independent, here.

Good luck with that: Steve Bannon wants Facebook, Google 'regulated like utilities'

TheIntercept, here.

Marktmacht und Datenhoheit im Recht - Algorithmentransparenz bei Vertragsbeziehungen im Internet schaffen

Konferenz der Justizministerinnen und Justizminister am 21. und
22. Juni 2017 in Deidesheim,  hier.

Kranker Kapitalismus, hier.

How Will Deep Learning Algorithms Change In The Future?

Forbes, here.

The Internet of Changing Things, hier.

Zuckerberg kauft Start-up für Künstliche Intelligenz

FAZ, hier.

The US Antitrust Counter-Revolution

Bruegel, here.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Making Sense of Our Very Competitive, Super Monopolistic Economy

W. Frick, here.

What data does Facebook share with advertisers?

Quora, here. See also here.

Averting Robot Eyes

M. Kaminski, M. Reuben, C. Grimm, W. Smart, here.

Platform Monopolization by Narrow-PPC-BPG Combination: Booking et al.

F. Wals, M. Schinkel, here.

Das Problem der diskriminierenden Algorithmen

Technology Review, hier.

The Game of Thrones: librarians victorious in fight for the public in the Copyright Wars

M. Rimmer, here.

Your guide to the Google Shopping decision

P.Beneke, here.

Platformverbote: GA Wahl zur EuGH-Vorlage

S.Telle, hier.


Stratechery, here.

Chemiekonzerne unter Kartellverdacht

FAZ, hier.

How Markets in Europe Opened Up as Guild Monopolies Declined in the Sixteenth Century

ProMarket, here.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Biased AI is a threat to civil liberties. The ACLU has a plan to fix it

Co.Design, here

Bundeskartellamt verhängt Bußgelder wegen Preisbindungen bei Bekleidung in Höhe von insgesamt rund 10,9 Mio. Euro

Bundeskartellamt, hier.

Roomba's Next Big Step Is Selling Maps of Your Home to the Highest Bidder

Gizmodo, here.

Open Data : les Archives Nationales optent pour un principe de gratuité

NextImpact, ici.

An assessment of the Commission’s Proposal on Privacy and Electronic Communications

IViR, here.

Roomba vacuum maker iRobot betting big on the 'smart' home

Reuters, here.

Netflix and Go: Expanding Access to Online Content Services when Travelling within the EU, here.

Madrid asks anti-trust watchdog to probe Uber's new airport service

Reuters, here.

Intellectual Property in the New Technological Age: 2017 - Chapters 1 and 2

P. Menell, M. Lemley, R. Merges, here

The European Data Economy

M. Gabriel, here

Google’s payments to partners are the highest in 8 years and Wall Street is not happy

UK.businessinsider, here

The CJEU Pirate Bay Judgment and its Impact on the Liability of Online Platforms

E. Rosati, here

A Better Deal: Cracking Down on Corporate Monopolies and the Abuse of Economic and Political Power

US Democrats, here. See also here

Friday, July 21, 2017

Facebook Challenged by Activist Who Broke EU-U.S. Data Pact

Bloomberg, here.

U.S. House panel approves broad proposal on self-driving cars

Reuters, here.


Friends of Europe, here.

FTC probing allegations of Amazon's deceptive discounting

Reuters, here.

How algorithms make important government decisions — and how that affects you

ABC, here.

Open markets must benefit consumers or distrust will grow

ACC, here.

WhatsApp is building out its business team to start bringing in revenue

Recode, here.

Algorithmen fallen nicht vom Himmel

FAZ, hier.

Amazon will pay full price to US retailers to boost its inventory

ArsTechnica, here.

Brexit: competition

House of  Lords, here

It’s time for our justice system to embrace artificial intelligence

Brookings, here

Report on innovative uses of consumer data by financial institutions

EBA, here


B. Benhamou, ici

LIBE submits more than 800 amendments to ePrivacy Regulation

IAPP, here

Nondiscrimination and Neutrality

R. Picker, Slides (163!), here

Examination script and personal data

AG Kokott, Case C-434/16, here

Will Amazon Take Over the World?

F. Pasquale, here

China Artificial Intelligence Bid Seeks $59 Billion Industry

Bloomberg, here

Judge Rules Milwaukee Flouted U.S. Constitution in Response to 'Pokemon Go' Craze

HollywoodReporter, here