Monday, March 27, 2017

Commission clears merger between Dow and DuPont, subject to conditions

Press Release, here

Winner-Take-All Digital Platforms / Big Data and Competition

Stigler Center, 28 March 2017, 3.30 pm Trento Time, live streamed, links here

The online advertising market in the EU

European Audiovisual Observatory, here

Conduct in the modelling sector

CMA, Case CE/9859-14, Decision here suspected of cartel activity in GVH probe

BBJ, here

Defining 'Big Data' in Antitrust

X. Boutin, G. Clemens, here.

What giants?" Asked Sancho Panza.
"The ones you can see over there," answered his master, "with the huge arms, some of which are very nearly two leagues long."
"Now look, your grace," said Sancho, "what you see over there aren't giants, but windmills, and what seems to be arms are just their sails, that go around in the wind and turn the millstone."
"Obviously," replied Don Quijote, "you don't know much about adventures.

Elon Musk’s Billion-Dollar Crusade To Stop The A.I. Apocalypse

VanityFair, here

BT to be fined £42m for breaching contracts with telecoms providers

OFcom, here

Whither Antitrust Enforcement in the Trump Administration?

S. Salop, C. Shapiro, here

Friday, March 24, 2017

Why American Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors With Ukrainian Firmware

MotherBoard, here

Maurice Stucke discussing "Virtual Competition" at Harvard University

Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at 06:00 pm Trento Time, Video here.

Alleged Collusion Cloud Over Airline Industry Shows Some Signs of Dissipation

Holland & Knight, here

Health Law, IP and Human Rights: Standardised Packaging of Tobacco

S. Palmer, Presentation here (slides and video)

Vestager: “We have found in more than one case, that there was a case of misleading information”

WSJ, here

Using Intellectual Property Tools to Achieve Human Rights Ends: The Example of the Marrakesh VIP Treaty

L. Helfer, Presentation here.

Big data in social sciences: a promise betrayed ?

The Undercover Historian, here

Mining Is The New Reading

IP-Watch, here

Banks and Tech Firms Battle Over Something Akin to Gold: Your Data

NYTimes, here

Monday, March 20, 2017

Case M.8323 - AT&T / TIME WARNER

EC, here.

“There Is Convincing Evidence That Concentration Has Been Rising”

Interview with J. Kwoka, here

Weißbuch Digitale Plattformen

BMWi, hier

Conference: Vestager, Posner, and Top Scholars Ask If There Is a Concentration Problem in America, here

Volvo autonomous cars ‘won’t make moral decisions’ for occupants, here

Merkel fordert einheitliche Regelung bei Eigentum an digitalen Daten, hier

Google ad controversy: what the row is all about

TheGuardian, here.

CMA launches campaign to crack down on cartels


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Surveillance capitalism's companies disappointed by EU laws meant to protect people

Fortune, here

7 Reasons Why Europe's Antitrust Cases Against Google Are A Big Deal

Forbes, here

The Dystopian Future of Price Discrimination

C. O'Neil, here

Google DeepMind and healthcare in an age of algorithms

  • H. Hodson, J. Powles, here

New Study Is Scathing Of DeepMind’s Use Of Patient Data

HuffingtonPost, here

Algorithms and competition

M. Vestager, here.

Large friendly letters?
"It's true that the idea of automated systems getting together and reaching a meeting of minds is still science fiction (emphasis added)". This excruciatingly reminds me that it has been rather long since I've been back from a refreshing break and that I've still a couple of posts pending...

EC introduces new anonymous whistleblower tool

Press Release, here.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

International Competition Policy Expert Group: Report and Recommendations


Personalisierte Medizin und Datenschutz

V. Kull, hier

Streit um Bierpreis-Obergrenze für die Wiesn eskaliert

FAZ, hier

Russia finds Apple guilty of iPhone price-fixing, potentially facing fines

9to5mac, here

For a Facts-Based Analysis of Uber's Activities in the EU: Addressing Some Misconceptions

D. Geradin, here

The Implications of Brexit for Uk Competition Law: Practical Issues and Priorities

The City of London Law Society, here

Advertisers look forward to buying your Web browsing history from ISPs

ArsTechnica, here

EDPS sees opportunity for stronger consumer and data protection

Press Release, here.
Opinion here

Friday, March 10, 2017

Will We Need A Chief Innovation Officer If We Have AI?

InnovationEnterprise, here

The Taking Economy: Uber, Information, and Power

R. Calo, A. Rosenblat, here

GOP senators’ new bill would let ISPs sell your Web browsing data

ArsTechnica, here

Kommentar: Wenn die Künstlichen Intelligenzen Einstein und Watson sich paaren, finden User sich in einem Alptraum wieder

Heise, hier

DeepMind says no quick fix for verifying health data access

TechCrunch, here

OLG München zu Werbeblockern: Gute Zeichen für Adblock Plus

Heise, hier

Why the Trump administration hates multilateral trade agreements the most

WashingtonPost, here

Stephen Hawking: We need a 'world government' to stop the rise of dangerous artificial intelligence

BusinessInsider, here

Segnalazione in merito alla riforma del settore della mobilità non di linea

AGCM, here

Acquisition of Canexus by Chemtrade will not be challenged

Competition Bureau Canada, here

Thursday, March 09, 2017

Framing the Issues: AI and Consumer Protection

D. Mulligan, here (heavy pptx) and here (pdf). 

ShyBot, le robot qui fuit tous les êtres humains

Numérama, ici

Bundestag stimmt über Änderungen im Wettbewerbsrecht ab

Deutscher Bundestag, hier.
S. auch Entschließungsantrag der Grünen, hier

Does Regulation Build Trust or Entrench Cliques? Lessons From Merchant Guilds and the Taxi Industry

ProMarket, here

CJEU: no right to be forgotten in respect of personal data in the companies register

Judgment in Case C-398/15, Press Release here

When Algorithms Don’t Account for Civil Rights

TheAtlantic, here

Merger control and innovation: are emerging concerns justified?

Chillingcompetition, here

Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Bigger Data Isn’t Always Better Data

C. O'Neil, here.

Was die neuen Regeln im Zahlungsverkehr für Verbraucher bedeuten

FAZ, hier

What has competition ever done for us?

M. Grenfell, here

The big data revolution: embrace it but proceed with caution

A. Holt, here

IBM, Salesforce Strike Global Partnership on Cloud, AI

Fortune, here

Age of Algorithms: Data, Democracy and the News

Kavli Conversation, Video here (from 07:12).

('Outrage is the new porn'; 'everyone wants to hand off the responsability for extremely difficult decisions'; apps disentangling algorithms as transparency).

Announcing A New Open-Source Privacy Standard For The Internet Of Things

Consumerist, here

Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook, Microsoft: Market concentration - competition - innovation strategies

U. Dolata, here

L’économie fantôme de l’opéra

F. Lévêque, ici

Good things come to those who wait? – The German Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy submits a draft bill for a so-called “register of competition”

Blomstein, here

Retractable Technologies, Inc. v. Becton, Dickinson and Co.

ScotusBlog, here

Facebook suspends location-sharing feature after Italian copyright suit

Reuters, here

The Antitrust Jurisprudence of Neil Gorsuch

J. Newman, here

Competing with Big Data

J. Prüfer, C. Schottmuller, here

Monday, March 06, 2017

The Myth of Data Monopoly: Why Antitrust Concerns About Data Are Overblown

ITIF, here

Watchdog to launch inquiry into misuse of data in politics

TheGuardian, here

Les actions privées en réparation du dommage concurrentiel

Entretien avec Irène Luc, ici

The FCC Helped Make the Internet Great: Now, It’s Walking Away

K. Werbach, here

From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds

D. Dennett, Video here

‘Artificial Intelligence’ Has Become Meaningless

The Atlantic, here

Bierpreisdeckel für Münchner Wiesn rechtlich zulässig, hier

EU's Margrethe Vestager on Facebook Probe, Google Cases

Bloomberg, Video here

Droit à la désindexation : le Conseil d’Etat s’en remet à la CJUE

Legalis, ici

Daten als neue Währung?

H. Schweitzer, hier

"DEAL" gefährdet Publikationsvielfalt bei Fachzeitschriften, hier

Big data, artificial intelligence, machine learning and data protection

ICO, here

Artificial data give the same results as real data — without compromising privacy

MIT News, here

Google's Featured Snippets are worse than fake news

TheOutline, here

Turkey to Investigate Antitrust Complaint Against Google

NYTimes, here

Code of Practice on Search and Copyright

Uber's use of Greyball tool: Written question to the European Commission

M. Schaake, here

Should economists be more concerned about Artificial Intelligence?

Bank Underground, here.
Deloitte's Report here

Updated guidance on the CMA’s approach to market investigations

CMA, here

Monday, February 20, 2017

Combative French Plaintiff Obtains Extended Jurisdiction Over Cross-Border Online Marketplace Sales

Bryan Cave, here

Narrow MFN clauses in the EU: Both types of measure (i.e. allowing or prohibiting them) go in the right direction

ECN DGs, here.

(Read the press release for yourself if you don't believe me).

Stunning 'AI brain scans' reveal what machines see as they learn new skills

Wired, here

Can we machine-learn Google’s machine-learning algorithm?

SearchEngineLand, here

On sausages and Facebook/WhatsApp – Germany reforms its antitrust act (part 1 of 2)

R. Podszun, here

The GDPR and All That

B. Tretick, here

Towards a Magna Carta for Data

RIA, here

Bundeskartellamt wird doch keine Verbraucherbehörde

Tagesspiegel, hier

Alexa Skills ecosystem analysis

GetRevue, here

How antitrust enforcement can spur innovation: Bell Labs and the 1956 Consent Decree

M. Watzinger, T. Fackler, M. Nagler, M. Schnitzer, here

Eric Schmidt: AI research needs to be done in the open, not in military labs

ZDNet, here

Wettbewerbshüter sieht Opel-Übernahme gelassen

FAZ, hier

Search engines and creative industries sign anti-piracy agreement

UK IPO, here

Erfolgreiche Kartellverfolgung: Nutzen für Wirtschaft und Verbraucher

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Driving competition and innovation in the financial services sector

Competition Bureau, here

EU Merger Control: BEUC’s comments on jurisdictional thresholds


Comment prouver les pratiques anticoncurrentielles à l’heure de leur optimisation algorithmique ?

LeMonde, ici

A Hippocratic Oath For AI Developers? It May Only Be A Matter Of Time

Thersa, here

"Democracy as Data"?, hier

Hoteliers Comb the Ranks of Tech Workers to Gain an Edge

NYTimes, here

Australian banks go back to ACCC to further delay customers from getting Apple Pay

TheConversation, here

Democracy - Im Rausch der Daten

Film, hier. Post mit sunset clause: Nur noch für 5 Tage!
(VPN möglicherweise erforderlich).

Why Incentives for 'Patent Holdout' Threaten to Dismantle FRAND, and Why it Matters

R. Epstein, K. Noroozi, here

From Holocaust Denial To Hitler Admiration, Google’s Algorithm Is Dangerous

F. Pasquale, here

Autodaten bald teurer als Fahrzeuge selbst, hier

The need for a Digital Geneva Convention

Microsoft, here

The Digital Privacy Paradox: Small Money, Small Costs, Small Talk

S. Athey, C. Catalini, C. Tucker, here

South Korean antitrust investigation looks to determine if Google doomed Samsung’s Tizen platform

VentureBeat, here

Farmers sue big poultry processors

AgriNews, here

Enfin un « upgrade » de l’exception de citation dans la prochaine directive sur le droit d’auteur ?

Scinfolex, ici

Push on to adapt copyright law to provide greater ‘fair use’

TheAustralian, here

Data Ownership

Bird&Bird, here