Tuesday, February 14, 2017

When Competition Policy Meets Science Fiction (Part 2)

(Part 1 here)

Further discussions in London focused on a second constellation, characterized as “Hub and Spoke”, in which competitors do not predetermine the pricing rules themselves but outsource this function to a third party. The main differences between this and the “Messenger Scenario” (as described above with reference to the UK poster case) are that the parties here a) use the same automated repricing tool and b) the computer programme calculates prices based on its own blueprint and not directly executing the rules set by the human sellers. As noted by some of the conference speakers and thoroughly discussed in the book Virtual Competition, the use by competing sellers of automated repricing capabilities offered by a single provider can lead to some measure of de facto price alignment. This result is potentially worrisome and competition enforcers should be prepared to address it in a suitable way. This shouldn’t be too difficult where the dampening of price competition produced by the automated repricing tool is intentional on the side of the competitors, meaning that it is the original reason why they have chosen the same algorithmic tool, or that they are at least aware that the technology as concretely employed has or could have this effect. In this case, the automated repricing software jointly employed by the sellers could be seen as the hub (or "brain") that facilitates collusion by controlling the wheel's spokes.

Also amidst the gales of technological change, therefore, the notion of awareness is likely to remain central to the assessment of collusive behaviour, as recently stressed by the CJEU in Eturas, where the Court applied Art. 101(1) TFEU to an online travel booking system used by 30 travel agencies in Lithuania. The administrator of the booking system posted a notice in the system mailboxes informing the agencies of a technical (and automatic) restriction on the discount rates they could offer their own clients. The first preliminary question addressed to the CJEU by the referral national court asked whether the simple proof of the system notice allows the presumption that the “economic operators were aware, or ought to have been aware, of the system notice introduced into the computerised information system”. According to the CJEU, it is up to national law to decide if proof that a message has been sent to the booking system’s mailboxes is sufficient to prove that the addressees were aware, or ought to have been aware, of its content. The presumption of innocence however precludes the referring court from deducing the undertaking's awareness of the message content from the mere dispatch of the message in the booking system. Instead, a presumption of awareness may be based on ‘other objective and consistent indicia’ that the undertaking tacitly assented to an anticompetitive action (for instance, in this case there had been prior communication between the system administrator and the travel agencies regarding a possible capping of discount rates). If awareness of the content of the message can be demonstrated, the acquiescence in that initiative may be inferred unless the undertaking opposes to it (e.g., by reporting the initiative to the authorities). In a nutshell, the “unusual method of communication” between the undertakings concerned, namely the system notice, is a sufficient basis for the finding of a concerted practice aiming to a discount restriction provided that the travel agencies were aware of the content of the communication. This also means that, as argued by the Advocate General Szpunar, “the mode of communication in itself is not relevant, especially since the participants in collusion may be expected to avail themselves of the possibilities offered by the advance of technology”.

On a slightly different note, it should also to be highlighted that future cases are likely to be substantially more challenging than the one considered by the CJEU in Eturas, which had some rather rudimentary technology at its core. Thus, the provider of a jointly employed, big data-fueled repricing tool like for instance Feedvisor could work out profit maximization strategies for the benefit of its high-paying clients that are much more sophisticated (and opaque) than a bare price alignment, based on rich and complex sources of market data, the ranking criteria (algorithms) employed by the marketplaces, the flow of information coming from the sellers, in-depth consumer data, etc. Among the many tactics creatively employed by the automated repricing tool, only a few – difficult to spot, and for intermittent periods of time – could possibly be considered price dampening by way of horizontal collusion.

Also discussed as at least tangentially part of the “Hub and Spoke Scenario” was the so called Uber Dilemma. By joining the car service platform, the driver agrees to charge her riding services according to the fares worked out by Uber’s algorithm. This is a simple, middling vertical agreement between the platform and the driver. Once the platform acquires market power, other drivers could become aware that by joining the platform they would feast on supracompetitive prices (higher fares and, subsequently, higher commissions earned by the platform). At this point, that is likely to materialize after the platform has already tipped into dominance, competition enforcers could detect the familiar scent of horizontal collusion in the market, possibly by way of hub-and-spoke conspiracy. But as soberly intimated by one distinguished competition enforcer and keynote speaker at the conference, “intervening after tipping may be futile”.

(Part 3 never followed, c'est la vie, folks!).

The EU, acting on its own, may conclude the Marrakesh Treaty

Court of Justice of the European Union, Opinion C-3/15, here.

(And shame on those EU States still opposing the conclusion of the Treaty.)

Booking contourne-t-il ses engagements envers les hôteliers ?

JournalDuNet, ici

Monday, February 13, 2017

Optimisation fiscale : Piketty favorable à une taxe sur les données personnelles

Numérama, ici

The Federal Trade Commission's Inner Privacy Struggle

C. Hoofnagle, here

Oracle refuses to let Java copyright battle die – another appeal filed in war against Google

TheRegister, here

Debunking the “No Human” Myth in AI

M. Turk, here

Significant Impediment to Industry Innovation: A Novel Theory of Harm in EU Merger Control?

N. Petit, here

Oracle launches apps to surface predictions and insights from IoT sensor data

VentureBeat, here

Robotics, AI, and the Macro-Economy

J. Sachs, Video here.

See also Implications of AI for the Economy and Society, here

How Online Competition Affects Offline Democracy

A. Ezrachi, M. Stucke, here

Friday, February 10, 2017

Judge, Citing Harm to Customers, Blocks $48 Billion Anthem-Cigna Merger

NYTimes, here

The Dawn of the Big Data Monopolists

A. Miller, here

European Parliament opinion slams European Commission for unbalanced copyright proposal

Communia, here

Algorithm impacts by 2026

PewResearchCenter, here

AI and the Legal Renaissance

Artificial Lawyer, here

DG Comp’s E-Commerce Sector Inquiry Leads To First Enforcement Action — Could Online Marketplace Bans Be Next In Line?

Project-disco.org, here

EC gets serious about geo-blocking

EU-competitionlaw.com, here

How tech companies are blurring the lines over who actually owns your devices

VentureBeat, here

ReDigi Renews Battle With Capitol Over 'Used' iTunes Tracks

MediaPost, here

In the age of Uber and Snapchat, antitrust law needs an update

Los Angeles Times, here

Facebook Commits to Audit of Its Ad Metrics by Media Watchdog

Bloomberg, here

Carnegie Mellon researchers want to fix app permissions once and for all

TheVerge, here

Konkurrenz oder Kooperation: DeepMind erforscht KI-Tendenzen

Heise.de, hier

Thursday, February 09, 2017

Platforms have benefited greatly from special legal and regulatory treatment

TheEconomist, here and here

European Advocate General says web-blocking is just fine

Completemusicupdate, here

Millions of non-privacy compliant apps could soon be purged from Google Play Store

Thenextweb, here

Premier bilan d'étape concernant les engagements pris par Booking.com

Autorité de la concurrence, ici

When Competition Policy Meets Science Fiction (Part 1)

The algorithmic economy is the new digital economy, in case you hadn’t noticed. Companies use the outcome of sophisticated data analytics in order to enhance internal monitoring, better tailor marketing strategies, cut processing costs, deploy new or refurbished products and services, and determine sale prices. On their side, consumers have been embracing algorithm-based services such as search engines (e.g., Google and Bing), aggregators (Booking.com and Amazon Marketplace), rating services (e.g., Tripadvisor and Yelp), recommender systems (e.g., Deezer and Spotify) and bidding agents (e.g., eBay’s ) to help them navigate the web and make purchase decisions, both online and offline. Moreover, recent advances in the area of artificial intelligence (AI), combined with Gargantuan strides in computing storage and processing power, open new opportunities to employ algorithms along the economic value chain and to further automate market transactions. Parallel developments in the so called Internet of Things (IOT) are likely to intensify these trends. IOT devices and personal digital assistants fed by artificial intelligence and big data troves are deployed to make purchase and other decisions on the consumer’s behalf by directly communicating with other systems through the internet and, possibly, with decreasing amounts of human involvement. Sergey Brin, Google’s co-founder, recently envisaged a possible future in which automation will alleviate “some of the more mundane tasks”, allowing people to “find more and more creative and meaningful ways to spend their time.”

A recent event organized by Concurrences  in London (available slides here) gathered an impressive quantum of human intelligence in order to, among other things, have a good look at the algorithmic economy through the lens of competition policy. By rooting still rather futuristic technologies in the more familiar framework of markets and economic power, the excellent conference speakers painted some vivid scenarios in which potential issues could play out. At the creepier end of the spectrum, discussions even hinted at questions reminiscent of the most intriguing sci-fi books and movies, such as whether AI-enabled, increasingly autonomous market tools could “address” the profit maximizing objective differently from how (even hyperintelligent) human agents would do.

The underlying script of at least two conference panels was largely provided by the bedside book (in the sense of livre de chevet) “Virtual Competition”, recently written by Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice Stucke, two of the distinguished conference speakers. While keeping abreast of fast-moving technological developments should never be an afterthought, the Authors convincingly argue that there is a responsibility on competition enforcers and other stakeholders to up their game in order to meet the challenges posed by increasingly algorithm-based markets and protect consumers. 

New digital technologies hold innumerable promises, but they can also present some perils, such as when firms selling online employ algorithmic tools that prevent consumers from enjoying truly competitive prices. To start with, competition authorities in the UK and in the US, in two separate investigations, found out that online sellers of posters (or wall décor) implemented anticompetitive arrangements restricting price competition by the use of automated repricing software. Between the two online sellers investigated by the CMA there was clear agreement to facilitate price coordination, with ample evidence that they aimed not to undercut each other’s prices. As to the chosen tools for ensuring price co-ordination, these were software packages offered by different providers. As explained in the Decision, the software employed by one of the sellers could be configured in such a way (“rule 55”) that her prices would match the price of the other seller (identified by the Amazon Merchant ID number) provided that a) there was no cheaper third party seller on Amazon UK and b) the price did not go below the seller’s unilaterally set minimum price. Where the price fixing arrangement did not apply, the software was configured to undercut competing products on Amazon UK Marketplace. The automated repricing software employed by the second seller was programmed in such a way that the usual undercutting rule (“compete rules”) did not apply to the first seller (“ignore list”). What Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice Stucke in their book call the "Messenger Scenario" was unanimously considered a "no-brainer" by the conference speakers. In fact, in the poster cases mentioned above, as well as in previous instances in which the collusion was facilitated and monitored by computers, human market actors are clearly liable for the restriction of competition.

While this is certainly true, and further scenarios such as the "Predictable Agent" and the "Digital Eye" pose a number of unequivocal challenges to competition enforcers (more on them later), how powerful online intermediaries are continuously reshaping competition dynamics in the digital economy is also worth the attention of many a conference panel. As marketplaces offer customers the possibility to easily compare prices of products without incurring significant cost, sellers’ pricing decisions become increasingly crucial. At the click of a mouse, sellers employing algorithmic tools can choose with whom to compete and with whom not to compete in the marketplace. Thus, for instance, a seller may decide that it is not worth competing with sellers shipping from distant regions, as many of her potential customers are likely to prefer a faster shipping time. Prices displayed on the marketplace go up and down, also many times in a single day, fluctuating according to highly inscrutable parameters. In many instances, these fluctuations are the likely result of strategic sellers trying to “game” their competitors pricing tactics (both algorithmic and non-algorithmic), but also trying to acquire higher ranking and product visibility on the platform (e.g., being featured in Amazon’s Buy Box, “the most valuable small button on the Internet today”, as more than 80% of sales on Amazon go through it). Moreover, the poster cases have shown that sellers could employ algorithmic pricing in order to achieve anticompetitive results and that, rather alarmingly, collusion can literally be one click away. For these and other reasons, there is the pressing need to better understand the behaviour of algorithmic sellers in specific competitive scenarios such as marketplaces, where the rules of the game are largely decided by the platform (“Truman Show”).

(Part 2 ).

What is Data Ethics?

L. Floridi, M. Taddeo, here

The inside story of the rise and rise of Uber

TechCrunch, here

Your Browsing History Alone Can Give Away Your Identity

TheAtlantic, here

Reddit’s /r/worldnews community used a series of nudges to push users to fact-check suspicious news

Niemanlab, here

U.S. Department of Justice, Petition of the United States for Rehearing in U.S. v. American Express

Matchmakereconomics, here

La place du numérique dans l'économie moderne

J. Tirole, Vidéo ici

Epsilon and Others Scramble for Alexa Data from Amazon

AdAge, here

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Federal Cartel Office draft guidelines on resale price maintenance

Internationallawoffice, here

Booking.com: Rückendeckung durch das Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf?

Biztravel, hier.

(Mein Beitrag zum Thema free-riding und Bestpreis-Klausel, hier.)

EU negotiators agree on new rules allowing Europeans to travel and enjoy online content services across borders

Press Release, here

Apple's submission in response to the ACCC's draft determination

Here. Supporting video here

EC fines three companies €68 million for car battery recycling cartel

Press Release, here.

FTC Charges That Shire ViroPharma Inc. Abused Government Processes Through Serial, Sham Petitioning to Delay Generics and Maintain its Monopoly over Vancocin HCl Capsules

FTC, here

Who Will Lead In The Smart Machine Age?

Forbes, here

Droit des robots : « a-t-on besoin d’une nouvelle personnalité juridique ? »

Numérama, ici

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

TV maker VIZIO fined $2M for no-consent tracking of consumer viewing habits

MarketingLand, here

CHATONS, ces hébergeurs alternatifs qui ne collectent pas vos données personnelles

Mashable.france24, ici

Inside Amazon’s robot-run supermarket that needs just 3 human workers

New York Post, here

Artificial Intelligence-Driven Robots: More Brains Than Brawn

Forbes, here

Beamte warnten Regierung vor "Blamage" beim Google-Gesetz

Spiegel.de, hier

Amazon's Antitrust Paradox

L. Khan, here

Commission stalling on copyright waiver for visually impaired persons

Euractiv, ici

Table-ronde algoéthique

CNIL, Vidéo ici

This Is the First Major Telco to Support Google in Battle With EU

Fortune, here

EU probing Valve and five publishers for geo-blocking games

Engadget, here

Rapport d'information: "les objets connectés"

Commission des affaires économiques, Assemblée Nationale, ici.

Australia: Apple “Banks use digital wallets as a revenue source”

CompetitionPolicyInternational, here

Study on the Moral Rights of Attribution and Integrity

US Copyright Office, here

Silicon Valley Hedge Fund Takes On Wall Street With AI Trader

Bloomberg, here

The textbook description of cartels can’t explain what real-world cartels do

AEA, here

The Antitrust Points of View of Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch

Thelegalintelligencer, here.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Animation Workers Reach $100 Million Settlement With Disney in Wage-Fixing Suit

Variety, here

European Commission opens three investigations into suspected anticompetitive practices in e-commerce

Press Release, here

Open Banking revolution moves closer

CMA, here

Apple aims to up its AI smarts with iCloud user data in iOS 10.3

TechCrunch, here.

Drug Makers Accused of Fixing Prices on Insulin

NYTimes, here

Judge Gorsuch on Copyright and Technology

J. Grimmelmann, here

Global antitrust in 2017 - Big Data

Freshfields, here

Recap and Analysis: Responsible Art Market Initiative Launched in Geneva

Sullivan & Worcester, here

Hotels.com, Expedia face anti-trust probe in South Korea

Korea Times, here

We’re over the digital revolution. This is the age of experience

TheGuardian, here

Facebook Sales Top Estimates on Gains in Mobile Advertising

Bloomberg, here.

Google wins ‘right to be forgotten’ case in Japanese high court

SearchEngineLand, here

Big Data an Ongoing Concern for EU Competition Law

Skadden, here

A New Structured Rule of Reason Approach for High-Tech Markets

T. Schrepel, here

Metro-Tochter greift Kundendaten ab

Spiegel.de, hier

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Luckily, bots’ conquest of knowledge is not yet complete

D. Coyle, here.

Diritti TV, rigettate linee guida Lega Calcio assegnazioni 2018-2021

Provvedimento qui.

(Already on my next year's syllabus...)

Irish competition watchdog to investigate sale of tickets for live events

IrishTimes, here

How the Internet Got Donald Trump Elected

IICom, here

AAI urges the Supreme Court to reverse decision sharply restricting the patent exhaustion doctrine.

Press Release, here.
Amicus Brief here

Compliance Programs – The Italian Competition Authority Highlights the Importance of an Effective Implementation and Update

McDermott Will & Emery, here

Korean Ruling Places Qualcomm’s Business Model at Risk

Mintz Levin, here

It’s Official: TRIPS Health Amendment In Effect, First Ever To A WTO Agreement

IP-Watch, here

Experten im Bundestag: "Soziale Netzwerke verdienen sehr gut an Fake News"

Heise.de, hier

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hollywood Anti-Trust Probe in Europe Might Be Softened, Commissioner Vestager Hints

Variety, here

Google Privacy-Policy Change Faces New Scrutiny in EU

WSJ, here and here.

President Trump Told That Strong Copyright Laws Are in His Interest

TorrentFreak, here

Hinweise zum Preisbindungsverbot im Bereich des stationären Lebensmitteleinzelhandels

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Guidelines on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in a world of Big Data

Council of Europe, here

Rise of the Digital Regulator

R. Van Loo, here

Competition Law Risk

CMA and IRM, here

Antitrust Policy for a New Administration

M. Ohlhausen, here

General Opinion on the EU Copyright Reform Package

European Copyright Society, here

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Avoiding disqualification: advice for company directors

CMA, here

Kartellgesetz-Novelle stößt bei Experten auf ein geteiltes Echo

Deutscher Bundestag, hier

TransAlgo : une plate-forme scientifique pour juger de la transparence des algorithmes

Sciencesetavenir, ici

Portugal Asks European Court To Determine What Criteria Are Required For Discriminatory Pricing To Be An Abuse Under Article 102 TFEU

EU-competitionlaw.com, here

Google, Mobile And Competition: The Current State Of Play

B. Edelman, here

Competition Law and Big Data: Do Competition Authorities Know How To Do It?

A. Lamadrid, S. Villiers, here

EC seeks feedback on commitments offered by Amazon in e-book investigation

Press release, here

BMW changes policy on car comparison sites following CMA action

CMA, here

Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Silver Lining Of Anti-Globalism Might Be The Creation Of A True Digital Economy

D. Rushkoff, here

GDPR and accountability (for accountants)

E. Denham, here.

AI: Aufstieg der Computer-Gehirne

FAZ, hier

EC welcomes steps taken by Amazon/Audible and Apple to improve competition in audiobook distribution

Press Release, here.

(Investigation opened in Germany the 16 November 2015: that was quick!)

Economics in Antitrust Enforcement and the Private Benefit of Scholarly Commentators

J. Broulik, here.

This almost 6-year old post is still rather apropos, if I may.

MIT Media Lab to participate in $27 million initiative on AI ethics and governance

MIT News, here

Access to data and competition

Interview with A. Mundt, here

Artificial Intelligence at WEF17

Video here.

"the market is not the right way to make certain decisions"
"most engineers don't even know why governments exist"
"a corporation is a kind of AI, already "

Transparency and Trust in the Cognitive Era

IBM, here

The distributed future is personal

D. Searls, here

Mallinckrodt Will Pay $100 Million to Settle FTC, State Charges It Illegally Maintained its Monopoly of Specialty Drug Used to Treat Infants

FTC, here.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Artificial Intelligence: Balancing Opportunity and Responsibility

WEF17, Accenture, Video here.

WEF Davos: Who Will Own The Knowledge Produced From “Our” Data By Machines?

IP-Watch, here.

On technology and competition

Interview with W. Allan, here.

Why Is Everyone Talking About Algorithms?

DiscoverSociety, here

Une intelligence artificielle globale et agnostique peut-elle exister ?

Numerama, ici

App Store app prices to rise in the UK by >25% following Brexit exchange rate fluctuations

9to5mac, here

Qualcomm allegedly bribed Apple into not making a WiMAX iPhone

TheVerge, here

Trump, Corporatism, and the Dearth of Innovation

E. Phelps, here

VW Diesel Rigging Compared to Horse-Meat Lasagna by Court

Bloomberg, here

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

FTC Charges Qualcomm With Monopolizing Key Semiconductor Device Used in Cell Phones

FTC,  here. Qualcomm's response here.

Five things you should know about Charles Dickens and copyright law

Trademarkandcopyrightlawblog, here

Your research can help the FTC protect consumers

L. Cranor, here

Drugmakers Manipulate Orphan Drug Rules To Create Prized Monopolies

KHN.org, here

L'usine du futur


Devices sprout ears

The Christian Science Monitor, here

New approach needed to tackle rising drug prices

OECD, here

Proposal for a Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications

EC, Presentation here

Kartellsünder zahlen Bahn 400 Millionen Euro

Rp-online.de, hier

Pokémon Go generated revenues of $950 million in 2016

VentureBeat, here

Monday, January 16, 2017

The Missing Role of Economics in FTC Privacy Policy

J. Cooper, J. Wright, here

Trump’s vision for behavioral science in the White House is anyone’s guess

NewYorker, here.

"The President-elect, it turned out, had a gift for the behavioral arts. He intuitively grasped “loss aversion” (our tendency to give more weight to the threat of losses than to potential gains), and perpetually maximized “nostalgia bias” (our tendency to remember the past as being better than it was). He made frequent subconscious appeals to “cultural tightness” (whereby groups that have experienced threats to their safety tend to desire strong rules and the punishment of deviance), and, perhaps most striking, his approach tapped into what psychologists call “cognitive fluency” (the more easily we can mentally process an idea, such as “Make America great again” or “Lock her up!,” the more we’re prone to retain it). Even his Twitter game was sticky: “Crooked Hillary!” “build the wall.”

Ces avantages majeurs que détient Amazon par rapport à ses concurrents Google et Apple en matière d’innovation

F. Marty, ici (et ici). 

Facebook to roll out fake news tools in Germany

BBC, here

Why Los Angeles made an Alexa skill, and what the city wants to do with it

VentureBeat, here

European Commission finally admits their copyright proposal would levy a link tax for articles shared on social media

OpenMedia, here

6 areas of artificial intelligence to watch closely

N. Benaich, here

Microsoft-Chef Nadella: Künstliche Intelligenz ist eine demokratisierende Technik

Heise.de, hier

What if we could reimagine copyright?

 R. Giblin & K. Weatherall, here

Friday, January 13, 2017


"So to you, our dear readers who took the time to join this endeavor, we thank you. Few get excited about antitrust anymore. But apathy has a price. We cannot assume that the digitized hand will always protect our welfare. It is ultimately up to us to start asking our elected officials and agencies what they are doing to prevent these scenarios from happening." 

Updated Antitrust Guidelines for the Licensing of Intellectual Property

FTC, DOJ, here.

(Still "curiously unhelpful", at first glance).

Bornes pour voitures électriques : l’Open Data devient la règle, sauf pour les données en temps réel

NextImpact, here

A Future That Works: Automation, Employment, and Productivity

McKinsey, here

The Watchers: Assaults on privacy in America

J. Shaw, here

“OK Facebook”—Why stop at assistants? Facebook has grander ambitions for modern AI

ArsTechnica, here

Artificial Intelligence - Law, Policy, & Ethics eJournal


Turkish Competition Authority fines Booking.com

Dailysabah, here

Autonomy and the Collection of Personal Data: Measuring the Privacy Impact Google’s Privacy Policy Change

J. Cooper, here.

A User-Centered Perspective on Algorithmic Personalization

A. Lange,  R. Coen, E. Paul, P. Vanegas, G. Hans, here

Statement on Algorithmic Transparency and Accountability

Association for Computing Machinery, here.  

Software Copyright Litigation After Oracle v. Google

J. Band, here

U.S. appeals court revives Apple App Store antitrust lawsuit

VentureBeat, here.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Global Risks Report 2017: Emerging Technologies

WEF, here

New rules for robots backed by European Parliament committee

Out-law.com, here

A course for these troubled times: Calling Bullshit in the Age of Big Data

C. Bergstrom and J. West, here

Europe’s Data Marketplaces – Current Status and Future Perspectives

IDC, Open Evidence for the EC, here

EPA: Fiat Chrysler diesels have illegal software to thwart emissions controls

ArsTechnica, here

Bayer says had productive meeting with Trump over Monsanto deal

Reuters, here

Bundeskartellamt verhängt Bußgelder wegen vertikaler Preisbindung bei Möbeln

Bundeskartellamt, hier. Fallbericht hier.

"Teilweise ergänzt wurde die Praxis um spezielle „Spielregeln“ für den OnlineHandel, deren formuliertes Ziel es war, ein festes und stabiles Preisgefüge am Markt durchzusetzen und deren Einhaltung überwacht und mit dem Mittel der Androhung und Umsetzung von Liefersperren bzw. der Kündigung der Liefervereinbarung durchgesetzt wurde."

France’s ‘right to disconnect’ is a nice idea, but it’s also pretty vague

TheVerge, here

The Problem with Legacy Ecosystems

M. Wessel, A. Levie, R. Siegel, here

Enter the Data Economy

EPSC Strategic Notes, here.

Amazon changes pricing practices and pays $1.1 million to settle price advertising case

Competition Bureau, here

Flying cars: transforming a dream into reality

WIPO Magazine, here

Data-Driven Discrimination at Work

P. Kim, here

The demand for AI is helping Nvidia and AMD leapfrog Intel

TheVerge, here

Nobel Laureates: Eliminating Rent Seeking and Tougher Antitrust Enforcement Are Critical to Reducing Inequality

Promarket, here

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Who’s responsible for building trust with personal data?

Nesta, here

Windows 10 et vie privée : un nouveau panneau de contrôle en préparation

CNetFrance, ici

Datenschützer schliesst Sachverhaltsabklärung zu Windows 10 ab

Eidgenössischer Datenschutz- und Öffentlichkeitsbeauftragter (EDÖB), hier

Paid Internet advertising in the EU

Eurostat, here

Android, iOS and Market Power – What Does Mobile Platform Competition Really Look Like? – Part Ii

Project-disco.org, here

How Your Medical Data Fuels a Hidden Multi-Billion Dollar Industry

Time, here

‘AI-powered’ is tech’s meaningless equivalent of ‘all natural’

TechCrunch, here

Privacy in Mobile Devices and Web-Applications

DG-JRC, here (p. 36 ff.). 

Mobile Apps Study

FPF, here

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The Constitution Says Nothing About Behavioral Economics

WSJ, here

Why Fake News Is An Antitrust Problem

Forbes, here

The impact of artificial intelligence on the travel industry

Econsultancy, here

Data capitalism is cashing in on our privacy . . . for now

FT, here

Behavioural Insights at the United Nations

UNDP, here

EU proposes rules allowing media companies to freeze out ad blockers

FT, here

Proposal for a Regulation on Privacy and Electronic Communications

EC, here

Daten in Österreich

iab-austria.at, hier

Communication on Building a European Data Economy

EC, here; Commission Staff Working Document (49 pp.), here

Most Exponential Law Firms 2025

R. Talwar, A. Whittington, here

France does not currently need the new 3D printing laws that parliament is considering, say experts

Out-law.com, here

What if the iPhone had never arrived?

TechCrunch, here.

‘Alexa, are voicebots taking over?’

VentureBeat, here.

Top Economists Grapple With Public Disdain for Initiatives They Championed

WSJ, here

The mind-blowing AI announcement from Google that you probably missed.

freeCodeCamp, here and here

Monday, January 09, 2017

The Humans Working Behind the AI Curtain

HBR, here

Behavioural economics – a critique of its policy conclusions

P. Booth, here

Flight Centre: Australian High Court finds agent competed with principal and breached cartel laws

J. Clarke, here

Take Me to Tomorrowland: The Cloud, Big Data, and the Internet of Things

V. Mosco, Video here

European civil law rules in robotics

EP, Study, here

I have seen the future: Alexa controls everything

ArsTechnica.co.uk, here

F.B.I. Arrests Volkswagen Executive on Conspiracy Charges in Emissions Scandal

NYTimes, here

Regard d’un prix Nobel d’économie sur la politique concurrentielle

T. Schrepel, ici

Why go long on artificial intelligence?

N. Benaich, here

Deezer Hires Facebook, Spotify Managers to Fight Bigger Rivals

Bloomberg, here

Data Could Be the Next Tech Hot Button for Regulators

NYTimes, here

Uber Extends an Olive Branch to Local Governments: Its Data

NYTimes, here

What does 2017 hold for open data initiatives?

TheGuardian, here

EC-Karten-Kartell kommt vor den Kadi

Bargeldlosblog.de, hier

Friday, December 23, 2016

Zwischenlösung im Streit über Vergütungsregel für digitale Semesterapparate

Heise.de, hier

How Online Retailers Ripped You Off These Holidays

Interview with A. Ezrachi and M. Stucke, Podcast here (from 3:42).

Intel: Analysing the Advocate General’s Opinion

Concurrences, here

Recent issues in Antitrust in the Pharmaceutical sector

Concurrences, here

2016 Out-of-Cycle Review of Notorious Markets

US Trade Representative, here

Uber explains why it looks like its app is still tracking your location, long after drop-off

TechCrunch, here

We need European regulation of Facebook and Google

L. Andrews, here

Schnelle Eskalation des Patentstreites: Nokia fordert iPhone-Verkaufsstopp

Heise.de, hier

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

New York Appeals Court Rules No Public Performance Rights in Pre-1972 Sound Recordings

HollywoodReporter, here

Discrimination by algorithm: scientists devise test to detect AI bias

Theguardian, here

Übernahme von LinkedIn durch Microsoft: 26 Mil­li­arden Dollar-Daten

lto.de, hier

L'IA est plus artificielle que réellement intelligente, la raison pour laquelle elle est si vulnérable

Linc, ici

Thinking Outside the Blocks

BCG, here

How to Force Our Machines to Play Fair

QuantaMagazine, here.

What IoT players can learn from software monetization

Deloitte, here

Amazon launches Amazon Pay Balance in bid to increase cashless transactions

LiveMint, here

Qualité des données client : le maillon faible de votre transformation numérique ?

LesEchos, ici.

Commission alleges Facebook provided misleading information about WhatsApp takeover

Press Release, here

Microsoft’s plan to use machine learning to improve eyecare in India

TechCrunch, here

Cost benefit analysis of changes to the Copyright Act 1968 (Fair Use)

Ernst & Young for the AU Department of Communications and the Arts, here

Tom Friedman: The internet is an 'open sewer’

Recode, Podcast here

The limits of parental consent in an algorithmic world

Blogs.lse.ac.uk, here

First take on the leaked e-Privacy Regulations

ORG, here

Kongress "Love and Sex with Robots": Menschen, Maschinen, große Gefühle

Heise.de, hier

Among Nature's 10: The founder of an illegal hub for paywalled papers

Nature.com, here

CWD, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse File Complaint Over Google/Doubleclick Privacy Pledge


Intellectual Property Arrangements: Inquiry Report

Productivity Commission, here

Verbraucherrecht 2.0

Sachverständigenrat für Verbraucherfragen, hier.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Joint Strategic Plan on Intellectual Property Enforcement (FY 2017-2019)

The Office of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, here.

Big Data and The Great A.I. Awakening. Interview with Steve Lohr

R. Zicari, here.

Data and Analytics Strategy Predictions Through 2021

Blogs.Gartner, here.

Designing Competitive Markets for Industrial Data - Between Propertisation and Access

J. Drexl, here.

Amazon wants to cut out the middleman and book freight directly with an app

ArsTechnica, here

'My Other Bag' Appeal Not Looking Promising for Louis Vuitton

TheFashionLaw, here

Joint Committee Discussion Paper on the Use of Big Data by Financial Institutions

EBA, EIOPA, and ESMA (the ESAs), here.

Standards project addressing data privacy processes and methodologies

IEEE Standards Association, here

Landscaping study on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs)

IPlytics, here

Transparency, Predictability, and Efficiency of SSO-based Standardization and SEP Licensing

CRA for the EC, here

Actavis Targeted by U.K. for Raising Drug Price by 12,000%

Bloomberg, here

Yahoo would be liable to pay an $198m fine were GDPR already enforced

Cityam.com, here

Evernote backs off from controversial privacy policy changes, says it 'messed up'

PCWorld, here

Labour wants tech firms like Google and Facebook to disclose what's under the hood

BusinessInsider UK, here

Building digital trust: The role of data ethics in the digital age

Accenture, here

Study on Big Data in Public Health, Telemedine and Healthcare

EC, here

Alleged Aid to Apple

Decision, C(2016) 5605 final, here

Germany-wide consortium of research libraries announce boycott of Elsevier journals over open access

BoingBoing, here

Protection of press publications concerning digital uses: Unnecessary, undesirable, unclear, unlikely to be effective

UK IP Scholars, here

UN General Assembly Resolution: TRIPS Flexibilities, High-Level Panel On Medicines Access

IPWatch, here

So what does it really mean to be a world-leading competition and consumer agency?

CMA, here

The Whatchamacallit Economy

NYTimes, here

How Much of Health Care Antitrust is Really Antitrust?

S. Weber Waller, here

Does Antitrust Have A Role to Play in Regulating Big Data?

D. Sokol, R. Comerford, here

Effects Analysis in Abuse of Dominance Cases in China – Is Qihoo 360 v Tencent a Game-Changer?

A. Emch, here

Individual Sanctions for Competition Law Infringements: Pros, Cons and Challenges

Concurrences, here

Private Enforcement of EU Antitrust Law and its Relationship with Public Enforcement: Past, Present and Future

W. Wils, here

Exploitative Abuses of Intellectual Property Rights

H. First, here

Access Barriers to Big Dta

D. Rubinfeld, M. Gal, here

How Do App Stores Challenge the Global Internet Governance Ecosystem?

V. Almeida, D. Doneda, C. Rossini, here

Are eBay sellers the ultimate customer, or the ultimate consumable?

M. Sag, here

The Privacy Tools Project

Harvardmagazine, here

How Search Engines Are Killing Clever URLs

TheAtlantic, here

Why you should be afraid of Google’s expansion into hardware

VentureBeat, here

Kartellamt fordert mehr Verbraucherschutz im Netz

Heise.de, hier