Monday, April 11, 2016

A bunch of big US websites say they're likely to support legal action against ad blockers

Businessinsider, here.

Leading government's 'data revolution'

UKauthority, here

Big data and competition: Facebook faces antitrust probe over privacy terms

Taylor Wessing, here

How to Spot a Monopolistic Search Engine

M. Luca, here

Vermarktungsmodell für die Vergabe der Bundesligarechte ab der Saison 2017/18 gebilligt

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Points de rencontre entre régulation concurrentielle & protection des données

B. Lasserre, Vidéo ici.

Pourquoi l’Autorité française ne se saisit-elle pas aussi de Facebook ?

B. Lasserre, Vidéo ici.

Bots, explained, here

Here’s why the music labels are furious at YouTube. Again., here

Friday, April 01, 2016

How Google Plans to Solve Artificial Intelligence

T. Simonite, here

Why ad blocking, a form of digital self-defense, is not a net neutrality violation

Strand Consult, here

The Conspiracy of Algorithmic Price-Fixing

A. Rosenblat, here

New Decision in Georgia State University E-Reserves Case Released; 41 of 48 Claims of Infringement Found to Be Fair Uses

ARL Policy Notes, here

Tech Giants and Civic Power

M. Moore, here.

Updated Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines

Competition Bureau Canada, here

How Antitrust Law Could Reform College Football: Section 1 of the Sherman Act and the Hope for Tangible Change

M. Edelman, here

Uber CEO must face price-fixing lawsuit by passengers: U.S. judge, here

Smart Homes and the Internet of Things

Atlantic Council, here

Shifting Perspectives: Redesigning Regulation For The Sharing Economy

MaRS Solution Lab, here

FTC Sues Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Others for Illegally Blocking Lower-Cost Generic Versions of the Branded Drugs Opana ER and Lidoderm

Press Release, here

Thursday, March 31, 2016

The technology industry’s dirty secret: most products are frighteningly insecure

M. Kleppmann, here

Design of Search Engine Services: Channel Interdependence in Search Engine Results

B. Edelman, Z. Lai, here

Issues Paper On Foresight for Digital Development

UNCTAD, here

KLM now uses Facebook Messenger for boarding passes, flight info, and customer service

VentureBeat, here

Hollywood Deals in Spotlight as EU Builds Antitrust Film Case

Bloomberg, here

A Typology of Privacy

B.-J. Koops, B. Clayton Newell, T. Timan, I. Škorvánek, T. Chokrevski, M. Galič, here.

Patent licencing: CCI can look into cases if allegations of abuse of dominance are involved, says Delhi HC, here.
Judgment here

EU Privacy Reg Data Portability May Affect Controllers

S. Gardner, here

LG Berlin: Amazon haftet für urheberrechtswidrige Bilder seiner Marketplace-Verkäufer, hier

Off-Topic: Scientists for EU Campaign – Written evidence, here

Why Microsoft just made a big bet on bots

The Verge, here.

(Interestingly, MS fought hard against the browser replacing the desktop OS as the new platform, as every antitrust scholar knows; now MS - not alone, though - is "on the other side" and pushing hard for the bot store to replace the app store. Reactions from the incumbents at risk of being displaced or general and rather peaceful transition towards the new largely AI-fueled paradigm?).

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Microsoft is bringing bots to Skype — and everywhere else

TechCrunch, here

This student put 50 million research articles online. And they’re free.

WashingtonPost, here

Microsoft CEO: ‘Bots are the new apps'

Mashable, here.

Clippy’s Back: The Future of Microsoft Is Chatbots

Bloomberg, here

Consumer Protection in E-commerce - OECD Recommendation

Pipelines, Platforms, and the New Rules of Strategy

M. Van Alstyne, G. Parker, S. Choudary, here.

Monopolizing Water in a Tsunami: Finding Sensible Antitrust Rules for Big Data

D. Balto, M. Cameron Lane, here

How would Brexit affect EU patent protection?

TheGuardian, here

Vertical restraints: new evidence from a business survey

Accent and Oxera for the CMA, here.
See also the Summary note of the CMA roundtable on vertical restraints 16 January 2015, here.

"What vertical restraints are businesses using and what are their main motivations for doing so?"
Seriously, did they expect businesses to answer "for anti-competitive reasons"?

Blockchain: Spider or Starfish Effect?

R. French, here

Using Adblock Plus to block ads is legal, rules German court—for the fifth time

ArsTechnica, here

What is a Robot?

The Atlantic, here

Commitment Decisions in Antitrust Cases

OECD Secretariat, here

Fidelity Rebates

OECD Secretariat, here

In the wake of Apple v FBI, we need to address some uncomfortable truths

J. Powles, E. Chaparro, here

The Platform Revolution

Interview with G. Parker, Here.

Snapchat update targets rivals’ territory

FT, here

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Google Now Card Offers Movie Piracy Advice

Torrentfreak, Here.

Platform regulation — ex-ante versus ex-post intervention: evolving our antitrust tools and practices to meet the challenges

A. Chisholm & N. Jung, Here.

Bußgelder im Sanitär-Kartell

Bundeskartellamt, hier

CrowdSignals Aims to Create a Marketplace for Smartphone Sensor Data

NYTimes, here

Almost everyone is doing the API economy wrong

TechCrunch, here

Kartellamt nimmt DFB ins Visier

FAZ, hier

My Take on FBI’s “Alternative” Method

J. Zdziarski, here

Energy market investigation - Provisional decision on remedies

CMA, here (758 pages).

PCW: 357-391.

Consumers’ Privacy Choice in the Big Data Era

S. Dengler, J. Prüfer, here.

Regulierung von Digitalen Vermittlungsplattformen für Privatfahrer

vzbv, hier

Google’s right-side Adpocalypse: What really happened (DATA)

SearchEngineLand, here.

On newspapers and ebooks, the Justice Department's antitrust theory is obsolete

LATimes, here.

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Global Privacy Enforcement Network

Annual Report (2015), here

Automating the Professions: Utopian Pipe Dream or Dystopian Nightmare?

F. Pasquale, here

Taxi And Private Hire Car Licensing – Consultation on The Impact of Modern Technology

The Scottish Government, here

Lufthansa says other airlines will follow GDS surcharge move

Tnooz, here

How the FCC's Privacy Proposal Could Affect More Than ISPs

AdAge, here. 

Data Protection Practitioners' Conference 2016

Recordings and Presentations here

Apple ‘privacy czars’ grapple with internal conflicts over user data

VentureBeat, here

La menace d’une saisie du code source des iPhone serait crédible

Numerama, ici

Google looks to big data to cut traffic and create new product

SiliconBeat, here

Why real-time search algorithm updates may be bad news

SearchEngineLand, here

Spotify inks “no copyright claim” royalty deal with music publishers

ArsTechnica, here

No, the On-Demand Economy Isn’t About to Implode

WIRED, here

The death of Instagram for brands

TechCrunch, here

Newsonomics: In Southern California’s newspaper chaos, is anyone really speaking for the readers?

NiemanLab, here

Renzi puts brakes on Italy taxi reform

FT, here

Geo-blocking practices in e-commerce

EC, here

EU-Kartellrechtsuntersuchung: Geoblocking grassiert im Netz, hier

Data Wars: The banks awaken

AFR, here

Friday, March 11, 2016

The CMA’s Energy Market Provisional Remedies: Right Direction but Inadequate, and Missing an Important Trick

D. Deller, here.
Also here.

LG Düsseldorf: Like-Button und Social-Plugins sind rechtswidrig (FAQ zum Urteil)

T. Schwenke, hier

Online Privacy and ISPs: ISP Access to Consumer Data is Limited and Often Less than Access by Others

P. Swire, J. Hemmings, A. Kirkland, here

Google says 'not now, not ever' will it become an OTA

Travelweekly, here

Resultados preliminares del estudio sobre los nuevos modelos de prestación de servicios y la economía colaborativa

CNMC, aquì.
Consulta pública aquì

UK and the EU: Benefits, Misconceptions and Alternatives

Lawyers-In for Britain, here.

Berichtsflut über Preisinsel Schweiz, hier

Strategia per il mercato unico digitale in Europa

G. Pitruzzella, here

Italy to adopt first "Sharing Economy Act" in Europe -- but does it share EU law principles?

R. Cohen, here.
See also here (in Italian)

Uber seems to offer better service in areas with more white people. That raises some tough questions

WashingtonPost, here

A vision for Market Research in an Information Age

CitizenMe, here

Two Powerful Mental Models: Network Effects and Critical Mass

T. Griffin, here

Bitcoin and Diversity, here

The intersection of data protection and antitrust law - finally a spot on case in the EU

M. Hall, here.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Counterfeit crackdown: Microchips hidden in luxury heels & bags

TheMemo, here.
See also here.

Even the UNWTO is talking about the sharing economy

TNooz, here

Potential Antitrust Implications of MFN Clauses

It's Your Data: Empowering Broadband Consumers to Protect Privacy

T. Wheeler, here

Do stricter environmental policies hurt export competitiveness?

OECD, here

Competing fairly in business – why it matters to start-ups

CMA, here.

Yeah, sure, think Skoosh for instance.

A State-Powered Green Revolution

M. Mazzucato, here

German Regional Court: Consent necessary when implementing the Facebook Like-Button

C. Piltz, here

The evolution of advertising: a technology tipping point, here

Appfail:Threats to Consumers in Mobile Apps

Norwegian Consumer Council, here

The New Mind Control

R. Epstein, here.

Cited article here

Opera integriert Adblocker, hier.

La donnée, nouveau carburant de l’économie

Lenouveleconomiste, Ici.

What Airbnb’s blockchain authentication proposal means for privacy online

TheStack, here.

CMA sets out energy market changes

CMA, here.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

The inner workings of Digital Disruption

@PlatRevolution, here

Biometrics Are Coming, Along With Serious Security Concerns

Wired, here

Services de géolocalisation des VTC

Conseil d’État, ici

Instagram kills newly launched ‘Being’ app, which saw 50K downloads its first week

TechCrunch, here

Lonely Journey: From Economics to Law and Back

F. Jenny, Video here

Web Scale Analysis of Third-Party Tracking

T. Libert, Video, here.

Google’s New Mobile Tool Lets You Compare Destinations by Price, here

Facebook se lance dans la course aux droits sportifs

Numérama, ici

Data brokers and profiling in the Netherlands

F. Kreiken, here

Crowd-Based Capitalism? Empowering Entrepreneurs in the Sharing Economy

A. Sundararajan, here

The One-Way Mirror: Public attitudes to commercial access to health data

Ipsos Mori for the Wellcome Trust, here.

liqz-Studie beleuchtet die Gefahren von Tracking für die Privatsphäre, hier

Competition: raising the anti, here

Google Search gets Destinations

VentureBeat, here.

Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Google Sides With Facebook Amid Data Dominance Probe

Bloomberg, here.

Brexit - Gaining or losing the competitive edge?

Allen & Overy, here.

Highlights from the Competition Bureau’s Workshop on Emerging Competition Issues

Competition Bureau Canada, here

Copyright, Competition, and  the Digital Single Market

P. Ibanez Colomo, here

Google nimmt Anzeigen direkt auf seine Seite

FAZ, hier

Passenger rail services: competition policy project

CMA, here

ACLU Urges Feds To Adopt Privacy Rules For Broadband And Cable

FastCompany, here

Did Apple do a shady deal to get more movies/music in the Middle East?

VentureBeat, here

IAB Creates Guide for Publishers to Combat Ad Blocking, here

Complaint regarding unfair contractual terms in the Terms of Use for the mobile application Tinder

 Norwegian Consumer Council, here.

Does working at Google give you access to the data of users?

B. White, here.

(In the "good reasons" we trust).

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Competition Challenges in the Consumer Internet Industry

CEP, here.

Mitigating the existing imbalance between data-rich and data-poor companies

G. Oettinger,  here.

Google’s AMP Is Speeding Up the Web By Changing How It Works

Wired, here

Bruxelles adresse ses critiques à l’encontre du projet de loi Lemaire

NextImpact, here.

Quick Take on Justice Scalia’s Legacy on Antitrust Law

A. Naik, Here.

Daten­schutz im Check: Viele Hintertüren bei Google, Netflix & Co

Stiftung Warentest, hier

CMA responses to consultations on the Digital Single Market (all in one place)

CMA, here

Landgericht Berlin: Urteil im Kartellrechtsstreit von Presseverlagen gegen Google (PM 14/2016), hier.

Sci-Hub: How Does It Work?

Scholarlykitchen, here.

Making communications work for everyone

Ofcom, here

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The new new competition - How digital platforms change competitive strategy

M. Van Alstyne, S. Choudary, G. Parker, Presentation here

The right way—and wrong way—for cities to regulate Uber, here

Google AMP Is Less About Beating Facebook at News, More About Gobbling Up the Mobile Web

Recode, here

Streetmap.EU Limited v Google

J. Morrison, here

Fed Up With Uber And Lyft, Drivers Plan To Launch Competing App

FastCompany, here

Business models in the Peer-to-peer economy

P. Belleflamme, Presentation here

Government must help end 'heartbreaking' Amazon dominance, former Number 10 adviser says

TheTelegraph, here.

Google weiß, wo die Deutschen surfen

FAZ, hier.

Cyanogen’s New MOD Platform Will Allow Developers To Deeply Integrate Their Apps Into Its OS

TechCrunch, here

Why Authors Alliance Supports A Broader View Of Fair Use Than The Authors Guild

P. Samuelson, here

Uber and the economic impact of sharing economy platforms

Bruegel, here

The making available right in the United States

Register of Copyrights, here

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

PTO Weighs In on Digital First Sale, here.

U.S.-EU Data Privacy: From Safe Harbor to Privacy Shield

US Congressional Research Service, here.

Competition Commission of India suspects Monsanto abused dominant position

Timesofindia, here.

Getting Around Section 230

E. Goldman, audio here; slides here. . 

How will acceding to the Marrakesh Treaty benefit Canadians?

Government of Canada, here

World’s cheapest Android smartphone goes on sale for just $3.67

ArsTechnica, here.

Netflix says going global has improved its personal recommendations

VentureBeat, here

Données personnelles : le virulent réquisitoire de la CNIL contre Facebook

Le Monde, ici.

A message to our customers regarding backdoors

Apple, here.

Linux and White House together to improve open source security, here

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Nothing Is Free, Not Even Facebook Free Basics

O. Malik, here

What if we don’t need advertising at all?

D. Searls, here.

AU: Options to strengthen the misuse of market power law

Submissions here.
ACCC here

Platforms, is there a need to regulate?

Digital4EU 2016, Thursday 25 February 2016, 16:15 – 17:25, webstream here..

Juno hasn’t even launched, but it’s already creeping me out with its data collection, here

Stealth Startup Juno Will Take On Uber By Treating Drivers Better

Forbes, here

Why does everybody hate competition so much?

C. Sagers, here

Uber CEO delivers stinging attack to city regulators at TED

Wired, here

It’s time to break the teeth-whitening monopoly

Washington Post, here.

European Union Competition Law in the Digital Era

M. Kadar, here

CCI rejects complaints of unfair practices against Ola, Uber

Moneycontrol, here.
Orders here and here.

So dynamisch sind die Preise im Netz

WISO, hier

Friday, February 12, 2016

FCC chairman talks set-top boxes, consumers' right to choose

Washington Post, Video here.

UK's Streetmap loses 'anticompetitive' search abuse case against Google

The Guardian, here.
Decision here.

Microsoft retreats from EU antitrust fight against Google (?)

ArsTechnica, here

74 OEMs pre-install MS apps and services on Android devices

BusinessInsider, here.

(OEMs/MS agreements anyone?)

Personal data in exchange for free services: an unhappy partnership?

Norwegian Data Protection Authority, here.

The European Collaborative Economy Industry to the Presidency of the EU Council

Letter, here.

(Inspiring list of signatories).

Error 53 lawsuit

'Pay for delay' fined in the UK

CMA, here.

Facebook and the New Colonialism

The Atlantic, here.

Online Platforms and the EU Digital Single Market: Mydex supplementary evidence

Mydex, here

The Big Data Dilemma

UK Parliament, here.

Drive Motors Lets You Actually Buy A Car Online. How Did This Not Exist?

TechCrunch, here.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Digital Platforms: To Regulate or Not To Regulate?

A. Strowel, W. Vergote, here.

Online Platforms and the EU Digital Single Market: Uber supplementary evidence

Uber, here.

Apple in ACCC's sights over bricked iPhones

ITNews, here.

Thinking Inside the Box, here.

Who Will Own The Virtual Reality Interface?

TechCrunch, here

“Happy Birthday” is public domain, former owner Warner/Chapell to pay $14M

ArsTechnica, here.

The Case That Won’t Be Forgotten

J. Powles, here

Optimising romance

TheEconomist, here

Online review sites commit to improve practices

CMA, here.

La impugnación de normas como instrumento para eliminar barreras a la economía colaborativa

CNMC, aquí

The Research Pirates of the Dark Web

The Atlantic, here.

Thursday, February 04, 2016

Developments in the Prescription Drug Market: Oversight.

M. Merritt, here

Living fully human lives online is all about taking control, here

AI is Trasforming Google Search, here

Google removes Samsung's first Android ad blocker from the Play Store

TheVerge, here

Using Antitrust Law to Challenge Turing's Daraprim Price Increase

M. Carrier, N. Levidow, A. Kesselheim, here

Drug Firms Expected to Defend Huge Price Increases in House Testimony

NYTimes, here

Cisco To Buy Jasper Technologies For $1.4 Billion

TechCrunch, here

How Age UK pocketed £6m bung from E.ON and pushed expensive power deals to OAPs

TheSun, here

Fertility Industry Group Settles Lawsuit Over Egg Donor Price Caps

Blogs.wsj, here

Privacy in the EU and US: A Debate between Max Schrems and Peter Swire

Audio here

Apple Ordered To Pay $625M To Patent Troll In FaceTime Lawsuit

TechCrunch, here

UK challenger bank Mondo releases API to let customers play with their own data

Finextra, here

Power to the people – is privacy the future of online marketing?

moreaboutadvertising, here.

Tuesday, February 02, 2016

“EU US Privacy Shield” (Safe Harbor 1.1) “European Commission may be issuing a round-trip to Luxemburg

M. Schrems, here

EU Commission and United States agree on new framework for transatlantic data flows: EU-US Privacy Shield

Press Release, here.

Here It Comes: The Myanmar Competition Act

Allenovery, here

Competition and innovation

A. Crisholm, here

Gorgeous New 4-D Printing Process Makes More Than Just Eye Candy, here

“Of data and men”: fundamental rights and freedoms in a world of big data

A. Rouvroy, here

Investigation into Tesco

Groceries Code Adjudicator, here

Don’t Panic. Making Progress on the “Going Dark” Debate

Berkman Center for Internet & Society, here.
Keys under doormats Report here

People are turning their smartphones into spying devices for just $5/month, here

Winners & Losers in the Global App Economy

Caribou Digital, here

Every Step You Fake: A Comparative Analysis of Fitness Tracker Privacy and Security

Open Effect, here

Monitoring the Digital Economy & Society 2016 - 2020

EC, here

Alphabet: Suchmaschine treibt das Geschäft, hier

Google Search Probe by U.S. Should Get New Look, Utah Says

Bloomberg, here

The Internet of Emotions: Putting the person back into personalization

Mashable, here

Mastering The Fourth Industrial Revolution, here

HRS kritisiert fehlende Gleichberechtigung

Tophotel, hier.

Lists are the new search

B. Evans, here.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

EDPS starts work on a New Digital Ethics

EDPS, here.

A Search Engine for Your Personal Memories (and Data)

TheAtlantic, here.

12 Big Industries Where Blockchain Could Be Used

CB Insights, here.

The Promise (and Threat) of Algorithmic Accountability

F. Pasquale, Video here

The Future of Legal Services

The Law Society, here

US health insurer Centene loses 950,000 people's records, here

Movidius chips promise to enable real-time image recognition in Android devices

ComputerWorld, here.

The Internet of Arrogant Things (or My First Month with a Nest), here

Behavioral Economics: Past, Present and Future

R. Thaler, Webcast here

Why do technology companies hire economists, and what is their contribution? What kinds of problems do they work on?

S. Athey, here

What will be the impact of machine learning on economics?

S. Athey, here.
NBER session's syllabus here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Automation Paradox

J. Bessen, here

Uber condamné à verser 1,2 million d’euros à l’Union nationale des taxis, ici

"Online Platforms" Etc. Public Consultation: First Brief Results

EC, here

« Pretty Easy Privacy », le chiffrement automatique par défaut pour tous

LeMonde, ici

The Privatization of Human Rights: Illusions of Consent, Automation and Neutrality

E. Taylor, here.

EC fines car parts producers € 137 789 000 in cartel settlement

Press Release, here

Apple Can Still See Your iMessages If You Enable iCloud

MotherBoard, here

Facebook looks to its messaging service Whatsapp to gather more personal data

TheDrum, here.

See also Fortune, here

Ad blocking is more about personal data than on-target ads, here

Google y derecho al olvido: bloqueo por dirección IP

ElFuturo, aquì

International Survey on Private Copying

WIPO and Stichting de Thuiskopie, here

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Fair Share - Reclaiming power in the sharing economy

The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce), here.

La CNMC recurre las Ordenanzas del taxi de las ciudades de Málaga y Córdoba

CNMC, aquì.

Google’s Waze launches API for third-party transportation apps (invite-only, free)

VentureBeat, here

A European survey on the opportunities and risks of data analytics

Vodafone, here.

The Teladoc Case: Antitrust and Telemedicine as "Disruptive Innovation"

Lexology, here.

Le contrôle juridictionnel du Tribunal de l'Union dans le contentieux concurrence,

Concurrences, ici.

End-User Development in Internet of Things: We the People

M. Burnett, T. Kulesza, here.

Datenschutzrechtliche Aspekte bei der Nutzung vernetzter und nicht vernetzter Kraftfahrzeuge

Konferenz der unabhängigen Datenschutzbehörden und Verband der Automobilindustrie, hier.

Two-Way Street: U.S.-EU Parallels Under the General Data Protection Regulation

J. Brill, here.

Nothing for money

Deloitte, here.

The importance of Misbehaving

Deloitte, here.

Friday, January 22, 2016

Big data : l’enjeu est moins la donnée personnelle que la disparition de la personne

LeMonde, ici.

Online Tracking: What's In It For Consumers?

J. Brill, here.

What is the impact of blockchains on privacy?, here.

European Patent Office revokes Monsanto patent on melons, here.

The Collaborative Economy

Scientific Foresight Unit (STOA), European Parliamentary Research Services, here and here and short video here.

An Emerging Competition Law for a New Economy?

K. Coates, here.

How blockchain tech could change the way we do business, here.

Android OS has generated revenue of $31 billion and $22 billion in profit, Oracle says

Bloomberg, here.

Economics and Ideology

The Economist, here.
"Meaningless number-crunching to give a veneer of academic credibility to near-useless theories".

One Click Away? Google Paid Apple $1 Billion to Keep Search Bar on IPhone, here.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Digital DNA: The Nagoya Protocol, Intellectual Property Treaties, and Synthetic Biology

M. Bagley, here

Study hints at how e-Privacy Directive might be reformed – major changes on the way, here.

Study mentioned here.

Sharing Economy, Blockchain Markets & Crowd-Based Capitalism

A. Sundararajan, Video here

Digitale Wirtschaft und Privatsphäre: Der Preis der Personalisierung

N. Jentzsch, hier

The FCO prohibits’s “narrow” best-price clause

S. Heinz, here

The fourth industrial revolution: what does WEF’s Klaus Schwab leave out?

A. Maynard, here

Apple Presses Supreme Court for Appeal Over eBooks Price Fixing, here

The Final GDPR Text and What It Will Mean for Health Data

Hogan Lovells, here

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Blockchain Technology: Principles and Applications

M. Pilkington, here.

Disrupting the Disruptors

Nesta, here.

Emerging Competition Issues: Keeping Pace in a Changing World

CA Competition Bureau, here.

Towards a Digital Single Market Act

EP, here.

How I peeked at the personal data a billion dollar company holds about me

P.-O. Dehaye, here.

As More Pay by Smartphone, Banks Scramble to Keep Up

NYTimes, here

Digital transformations: An introduction

F.-X. Olleros, M. Zhegu, here

WhatsApp as a business channel, here

Competition Law for a Post-Scarcity World

S. Mehla, here.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Privacy and Drone Spying

NYTimes, here

Welcome to the Jungle: The Liability of Internet Intermediaries for Privacy Violations in Europe

B. van der Sloot, here

Information as Property

H. Zech, here

The law and economics of most-favoured nation clauses

F.Gonzalez-Diaz, M. Bennett, here

Which Future for Competition in the Global Trade System: Competition Chapters in FTAs

V. Demedts, here

Drug Wars:A New Generation of Generic Pharmaceutical Delay

R. Feldman, E. Frondorf, here

Antitrust Overhaul

R. Steiner, here

Competition Policy in a World of Big Data

S. Vezzoso, here (this blog's author).

Your comments are more than welcome!

Competition in a big data world

M. Vestager, here

Ad Blocking: A Primer

TechCrunch, here

Tarifs bancaires : Bercy va lancer un comparateur sur Internet

LeParisien, ici

A Note on the Ethics of Nudge

C. Schubert, here

Building the intention economy

ctrlio, here

European Antitrust Chief Takes Swipe at Privacy Issue

NYTimes, here.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Unilever CMO predicts that consumers will be using some sort of virtual assistant in the near future, here.

Stop Chug-a-Lug-a-Lugin 5 Miles an Hour on Your International Harvester: How Modern Economics Brings the FTC's Unfairness Analysis Up to Speed with Digital Platforms

J. Wright, J. Yun, here.

Capitalism’s Biggest Enemies: Elites Who Advocate Free-Market Competition

L. Lessig, here.

UK Government Response to EU public consultation on Digital Platforms

HMGovernment, here.

Un chauffeur de taxi peut aussi être sur Uber. L'article de loi l'interdisant censuré

Conseil constitutionnel, Décision n° 2015-516 QPC du 15 janvier 2016, ici

The Rise of the Platform Enterprise: A Global Survey

P. Evans, A. Gawer, here

IT giants debate on Big Data, Video here

Some Reflections on ‘Switching Principles’ for key regulated sectors

The Centre for Competition Policy (CCP), here.  

Open Letter on Ethical Norms in Intellectual Property Scholarship

R. Feldman, M. Lemley, J. Masur, A. Rai, here

Fair Share: Reclaiming power in the sharing economy

B. Balaram, here

The economic impact of enforcement of competition policies on the functioning of EU energy markets

EC, here

Preisvergleichs- und Bewertungsportale als Verbraucherinformation

Deutsche Bundesregierung, hier

Do Consumers Care About Their Privacy In Practice? The FTC Digs Into The Debate

Adexchanger, here

Digital dividends

World Bank, here