Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Recommendation on protecting and promoting the right to freedom of expression and the right to private life with regard to network neutrality

Council of Europe, here

Innovation de rupture, droit et concurrence

Microeconomix, Conférence vendredi 29 janvier 2016, ici

Shops could soon be targeting ads according to your feet

TheGuardian, here

America's top privacy regulator refuses to wear a Fitbit, here

How uses email to keep me as a loyal customer

Econsultancy, here.

"So what is it about the offers and vouchers that get me? They feel relevant. They feel timely. They’re just the right amount of pushy". Email are "personalised, and relevant to trips I have browsed and taken in the past".

Market Study Into the Supply of Legal Services in England and Wales

CMA, here

Unternehmenszusammenschlüsse im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel verringern die Produktvielfalt

E. Argentesi, P. Buccirossi, R. Cervone, T. Duso, A. Marrazzo, hier

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The sorry legacy of Internet Explorer, here

In Pursuit of an Affordable Tablet for the Blind

Technologyreview, here

Meet the Company That Doesn't Want to Know Who You Are

Zdnet, here

A Few Keystrokes Could Solve the Crime. Would You Press Enter?

J. Zittrain, here

Apple’s Android switching plan

Telegraph, here

Skratch Bastid's David Bowie remix takes off on Facebook, here

Italian consumer organizations seek EU antitrust probe into McDonald's franchise

Reuters, here

The College With Mandatory Fitness Tracking Devices

Thedailybeast, here. 

Intelligent Virtual Assistant Market Worth $3.07 Billion By 2020

iCrunchdatanews, here

The three stages of printed pizzas and other wonders

Deloitte, here

Travel Search Site Skyscanner Raises $192M For International Expansion

TechCrunch, here

Thursday, January 07, 2016

VG Media reicht weitere Klage gegen Google ein, hier

Insurance companies prepare to insure Uber drivers

OttawaCitizen, here

Auto Distribution: Current Issues and Future Trends

FTC, here

Law & Order 2045: Here are 3 legal cases from the future

FusionNet, here.

3 Products That Turn Your Fitness Data Into Training Tips, here.

Recht auf Nutzung der persönlichen Daten. Recht auf Kopie

Postulat (vom CH Bundesrat angenommen), hier

Misleading patent office as abuse of dominant position (Israel)

Internationallawoffice, here or here

OLG Frankfurt: Einsatz von Cookies für Werbezwecke erfordert kein Opt-in, hier

Google is Microsoft, after all, here

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

San Francisco’s largest taxi company is edging toward filing for bankruptcy

SFExaminer, here.

Big Data: A Tool for Inclusion or Exclusion? Understanding the Issues

FTC, here.
Read also the Separate Statement of Commissioner Ohlhausen, here

Supermarkt-Fusionen schaden der Produktvielfalt

Handelsblatt, hier.

Studie hier

Forbes, ad blocking, and the promise of an "ad-light experience"

Forbes, here

Artificial Intelligence: What Will the Next 20 Years Bring?

B. Hodjat, here

What We Can Do with Ad Blocking's Leverage

LinuxJournal, here

MLB Faces Antitrust Trial Over Telecasts: Are Small-Market Clubs Doomed By Cord-Cutters?

HollywoodReporter, here

vzbv mahnt Datenschutzerklärung von Google erneut ab, hier.

Friday, December 18, 2015

What Will It Take to Build a Virtuous AI?

TechnologyReview, here

Drawing Causal Inference from Big Data

Arthur M. Sackler Colloquia, Videos here

Smarte Neue Welt


Online privacy tools for the general public

ENISA, here

Competition law at the crossroads in the Digital Economy: is it all about Google?

G. Surblytė, here.

Avis de l'Autorité de la concurrence sur le projet de loi pour une République Numérique


Tesla hacked off by lone hacker’s claims that he made a self-driving car, here

Projet de loi République numérique : publication de l’avis de la CNIL

CNIL, ici.
Voir aussi l'avis du Conseil National du Numérique, ici.
Présentation du projet de loi à l'Assemblée Nationale, Vidéo ici.
Voir aussi le point de vue de Bruno Lasserre au sujet de la loyauté des plateformes (platform fairness) (juillet 2015) ici (depuis 25:21).

Thursday, December 17, 2015

The UK Supreme Court makes clear its belief that competition law should be interpreted in terms of its economic substance

P. Davis, here.

EU Data-Privacy Law Raises Daunting Prospects for U.S. Companies

WSJ, here.

The next opportunity for app developers: Turning anonymous data into ad sales

VentureBeat, here

Purchase details leaked to PayPal

S. Preibusch, T. Peetz, G. Acar, B. Berendt, here

Computer learns like a human and (sort of) beat the Turing Test, here

3D Printing: Looking Through the Hype

Deloitte, here

Why Ebooks Will Eventually Replace Print

Bookbusinessmag, here

Compensation and the Damages Directive

S. Peyer, here

Einsatz von Uber Black wettbewerbswidrig

Kammergericht, Urteil vom 11. Dezember 2015 - 5 U 31/15, hier.

Mobile Identity – The Fusion of Financial Services, Mobility and Identity

Telstra, here

Patterns of disruption

Deloitte, here

BBC Uses Artificial Intelligence to Track Down New Audiences for ‘Sherlock’, here

Online platforms and data protection

EDPS, here.

"Despite the essential role cloud services play for the deployment of online services, EU consumers still do not seem to fully trust cloud-based services...As a result, finding privacy-friendly solutions for cloud computing services represents one of the main challenges for online platforms... Boosting research and marketing of solutions increasing transparency and user's control over their data (such as “personal data management systems”) is essential to offer a higher level of protection and thus increasing users' trust.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Mergers in the Dutch grocery sector: an ex-post evaluation

Lear for the ACM, here

Agreement on Commission's EU data protection reform will boost Digital Single Market

EC, Press Release, here

Personal Data Management Systems

R. Oostrum, here

Auto Distribution: Current Issues and Future Trends

FTC, here

Internet of Things: Another Industry Patent War?

K. Ho, here

Einheitliche Glühweinpreise: Kartellamt ermittelt, hier

Web Privacy Census 2015

I. Altaweel, N. Good, and C. Hoofnagle, here

Software-Enabled Consumer Products Study: Notice and Request for Public Comment

U.S. Copyright Office, here

Competition Tribunal Gives Go Ahead for Price Maintenance Claim Against Music Industry Giants

M. Geist, here

Is Privacy The Future of Online Marketing?

 S. Milyaeva and D. Neyland, here

Your Algorithmic Self Meets Super-Intelligent AI

TechCrunch, here

Web Scraping: Applications and Tools

EPSI, here

The European hospitality industry launches a campaign: ‘Book Direct’, here

'Internetstandards' sollen nicht für internetbasierte Vermittlungsportale gelten

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Le partenariat entre la SNCF et Airbnb ulcère les hôteliers

Numérama, ici

Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Der Bürger als Datenproduzent

Faz,  morgen:

"Warum soll Persönlichkeit, die in einem Lichtbild(werk) verkörpert ist, mit Blick auf die Verwertung auch schutzbedürftiger sein als reine persönliche Daten, wie der Pulsschlag ?"

Digital Content Next Research Indicates 33% of Consumers Likely to Try Ad Blocking Software in Next Three Months

DigitalContentNext, here.

“The more bits you use, the more you pay”: Comcast CEO justifies data caps

ArsTechnica, here

This is why Microsoft cuddled up to Cyanogen, the startup trying to take Android 'away from' Google, here

Le "cartel de l'endive" renvoyé devant la justice européenne, ici

Guarding and growing personal data value

Accenture, here

Uber, Airbnb and Amazon

House of Lords, Video here

The vision of a digital Europe: challenges and opportunities

M.Vestager, here.

Tuesday, December 08, 2015

Digital Regulation

B. Lasserre, Video here.

Growth Through Trust

The CMA, the slave trade and the commercial use of consumer data

MyDex, here.

"At the risk of sounding hyperbolic, let us draw an analogy. Imagine an 18th century Competition and Markets Authority calling for information about the slave trade. If this 18th century CMA accepted the status quo – that the ‘market’ in question is people being traded rather than people being able to trade in the market in their own right – it might have asked how slaves may generate benefit for their owners, how slaves are collected, bought and sold, what contractual arrangements apply to the trading of slaves (including pricing), what restrictions firms have in acquiring slaves, and so on. In other words, it might have asked the sorts of questions that the CMA is currently asking about personal data – assuming that individuals have no right or ability to use/trade their own data for their own purposes in their own right."

Watch also MyDex's testimony to the House of Lords' EU Internal Market Sub-Committee (Online Platforms and the EU Digital Single Market Inquiry), Video here (from 17:35:15).

Uitgeverijen willen verkoop tweedehands e-book tegengaan

NOS, hier

Uber is still blocked on WeChat in China — and the situation is getting worse

VentureBeat, here

The Internet of Me: An infographic

TheMedium, here

The Data Driven Economy: Toward Sustainable Growth

Ctrl-shift, here

EC sends two Statements of Objections on exclusivity payments and predatory pricing to Qualcomm

Press Release, here.

And Qualcomm's comment, here

Friday, December 04, 2015

Standard Essential Patents: The End of IP Rights Enforcement? - Seminar

Disruptive Innovation and Competition - Seminar

Legal reviews for the ratification of the Marrakesh Treaty for persons with print disabilities in Asia and the Pacific

UN Development Programme, here

Privacy Bridges

CSAIL, Ivir, here

Intellectual Property and Competition Law

ACCC, here

Is Uber disruptive?, here

How behavioral factors influence us to sugarcoat or avoid negative messages

Deloitte, Podcast here

Are Paid & Organic Distinct Channels? Not So Fast., here

New standard for smart appliances in the smart home

EC, here

Thursday, December 03, 2015

Facebook’s least favourite Austrian takes further action

TechCrunch,  here.

Authors side with Apple in e-book price-fixing Supreme Court appeal

ArsTechnica, here

Is Amazon The Next Google?

O. Budzinski & K. Köhler, here

Copyright Principles and Priorities to Foster a Creative Digital Marketplace

S. Aistars, D. Hartline, & M. Schultz, here

6th Report on the Monitoring of Patent Settlements

EC, here

Accusations Fly in Response to NX1 3D Printer Kickstarter, here.

Qualcomm Inks Critical Licensing Deal with China's Xiaomi, here

Facebook bows to Belgian privacy ruling over cookies

BBC, here.

Decision here

Google on Online Platforms and the EU Digital Single Market

House of Lords, transcript of evidence taken, here; Video, here

The mobile adblocking apocalypse hasn’t arrived (at least not yet)

NiemanLab, here

Patent Troll Sues Everyone For Infringing On Encryption-Related Patent By Encrypting Their Websites, here

New Proposal At WIPO SCCR To Explore Use Of Copyrighted Works In Digital Environment, here

Freedom to Innovate (and the Internet of Cranes)

J. Zittrain, Video here

ICLE and leading antitrust scholars urge Supreme Court to review 2nd Circuit ruling in Apple e-books case, here

Qualcomm Said to Face EU Antitrust Complaint on Predatory Pricing, here

Tuesday, December 01, 2015

Competition Advocacy and Disruptive Innovation: The CMA Writes to the FT


"...the proposed rules would undo much of what is novel about these businesses.New taxi business models have the potential to increase choice and deliver what passengers want: shorter waiting times, lower prices and increased responsiveness...

Of course there is a role for regulation, especially where safety is an issue. But technologies, such as satellite navigation, cashless payment systems and user ratings platforms, have the potential to overtake the role of regulation, and safeguard consumers by empowering them with information.The guiding principle of a competitive market is that the consumer is in the driving seat. The job of a competition authority, therefore, is to consider the potential benefit to customers from innovations that enable them to exercise choice — and allow businesses, both new and established, to decide how best to meet demand.
Consumers, who often benefit from technological disruption, can struggle to make their voices heard. But watch what they do, and their actions speak loud and clear.
By March this year, 25,000 people in Liverpool had reportedly downloaded the Uber app. The fact that the service had to wait until August to gain the local authority approval that it needed to begin operating might lead you to question how closely consumers’ preferences had been listened to.

This is not just about one company, one technology or one sector of the economy. New companies in every market will stand or fall on their ability to meet consumer demand — and those that succeed will, in turn, eventually be challenged by new business models.
This is how innovation leads to progress. We do not serve the interests of the public or the wider economy if we slam on the brakes."

WhatsApp Is Blocking Links To Rival App Telegram On Android, here.
See also here

Allergan and New York settle suit over Alzheimer’s drug switching, here

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Ad blockers as industry-wide wake-up call, here

Modernizing Regulation in the Canadian Taxi Industry

Canada Competition Bureau, here.

Consumer Actions after the Adoption of the EU Directive on Damage Claims for Competition Law Infringements

J. Drexl, here

'Exhaustion' in the Digital Age

R. Hilty, here

What is your car saying about you?

Fiaregion1, here.
Video here

Uber and the Rule of Law: Should Spontaneous Liberalization be Applauded or Criticized?

D. Geradin, here

Green Light or No, Nest Cam Never Stops Running, here

Microsoft settles suit tied to compliance with EU antitrust case, here

Mozilla: We’re not getting money from Google any more, but we’re doing fine

ArsTechnica, here

Bundesgerichtshof zur Haftung von Access-Providern für Urheberrechtsverletzungen Dritter

Urteile vom 26. November 2015 - I ZR 3/14 und I ZR 174/14, hier

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

On the IP/Antitrust Interface

A Conversation, Video here.

Whither Uber?: Competitive Dynamics in Transportation Networks

B. Edelman, here.

Google’s investments, acquisitions, and strategy

CB Insights, here

Call for Inputs: Big Data in retail general insurance

FCA, here

Algorithm Predicts Relationship Success Through Couples’ Tone Of Voice

TechCrunch, here

Regulating platforms? A competition law perspective

Chillingcompetition, here

A Car Dealers Won’t Sell: It’s Electric

NYTimes, here

Google Says Local Search Result That Buried Rivals Yelp, TripAdvisor Is Just a Bug, here

Reflections on the use of big data and its implications

Essex University, Submission to the 'Big Data Dilemma Inquiry', here.

Competition Law and the Pharmaceutical Sector in India

S. Mondal and V. Pingali, here

European Data Market

IDC and Open Evidence for the European Commission, DG CONNECT, here.

Consumer groups expose manufacturers for collecting data from connected cars, here

Government Response to the Harper Review, here

Monday, November 23, 2015

Developments in Antitrust Cases Against Sports Leagues

Panel, AAI, Audio  here.

Perspectives on Europe

M. Vestager, Text here. Podcast here.

Superintendência-Geral do Cade instaura processo administrativo contra taxistas no caso Uber, aqui.

The Big Data Dilemma

UK Parliament, Science and Technology Committee, here.

ABA Head Rings Alarm About Amazon Books and Antitrust Laws, here

New international conventions are needed to govern the Internet, here

FOIA'd lobby documents that Dutch Government received regarding Data Protection Regulation, here

The open-data revolution is only getting started

TheEconomist, here

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Qualcomm Sinks as South Korea Accuses Company of Breaking Law

Bloomberg, here.  See also iam, here

Pardon the Interruption: Competition and Disruptive Business Models

S. Weissman, here

The Missing Role of Economics in Privacy Regulation at the FTC

J. Wright, Video here (from 08:15).

Experts compare Duke lawsuit to other antitrust cases, here

Bedingungen für Lieferanten: Kartellamt unterliegt im Streit mit Edeka, hier.

OLG Düsseldorf, VI – Kart 6/14 (V), hier.

'Autorité de la concurrence clôt une enquête à l'encontre d'Adidas

Autorité de la concurrence, ici

The Supreme Court Needs to Intervene and Bring Rationality to Tying Law – and It May Wish to Look at Loyalty Discounts as Well

TruthOnTheMarket, here

More Evidence Of How Copyright Makes Culture Disappear In A Giant Black Hole

TechDirt, here

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Android: Почему мы не согласны с этим решением?

Googlerussiablog, здесь

Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation and Deception

R. Shiller, Book Talk, Video here.

Phishing ("an attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details - and sometimes, indirectly, money- often for malicious reasons, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication").
Phools: not in the Indian sense (flowers in Urdu پھول) - just idiots.

Collusion and Cartels: Successes and Challenges

J. Harrington, here

Towards a Broader View of Competition Policy

J. Stiglitz, here. Video, here (from 11:30).

Anti-Monopoly Enforcement: Protection and Promotion of Technology Innovation

S. Ming, here

Perspectives on judging competition law cases: the role of economic evidence

F. Jenny, here

Chinese Anti-Monopoly Guide on Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights: A Comment

K. Wong-Ervin, J. Wright, D. Ginsburg, B. Kobayashi, here

Zwangslizenz: Patentverwerter Sisvel siegt mit Arnold Ruess und Eisenführ, hier

Professor's legal win will make MOOCs more dynamic, here

Small telcos and consumer groups team up against former monopolies

Euractiv, here

Examen, au regard des règles de concurrence, des activités de normalisation et de certification

Autorité de la concurrence, Avis du 17 novembre 2015, ici

Monday, November 16, 2015

What Is Disruptive Innovation?

C. Christensen, M. Raynor, R. McDonald, here

Sprawling? Pssht—no one streamlines everything from books to bots like Amazon

ArsTechnica, here

Platform Cooperativism

Conference, Videos here

Growth in an increasingly intangible-intensive economy

J. Haskel, Video here

Bundeskartellamt leitet Verfahren gegen Audible/Amazon und Apple ein, hier.

ACX marketplace, FAQs, Distribution: "Exclusive to ACX means your finished audiobook will be sold only through Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Any audiobook made using ACX will be distributed through these online retailers. Note that Audible has an exclusive relationship with iTunes (i.e. to get your product into iTunes' audiobook store, you have to go through Audible)."

Thursday, November 12, 2015

YouTube Launches Its Long-Awaited Music App

TechCrunch, here

Données personnelles, plateformes et concurrence. Quelle régulation par le droit de la concurrence ?

Déjeuner Procédure, Présentations ici.

EU Council approves trademark reform, despite UK and Dutch reservations, here

Securing Private Communications

A. Arnbak, here

Proposed guidance for firms outsourcing to the ‘cloud’ and other third-party IT services

UK Financial Conduct Authority, here.

The UK government embraces open source via a government-centric fork of LibreOffice

Techrepublic, here

The UN launches an app to let you donate a meal to refugee children

VentureBeat, here

Yahoo Updates Search Experience For Firefox Users On Desktop

SearchEngineLand, here

Google’s New “About Me” Page Lets You Control What Personal Info Others Can See

TechCrunch, here

Has the search result ruling stopped the internet working?

ICO, here

Einwilligungslösungen von Google

HmbBfDI, hier

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Google’s map display box could have boosted traffic to rivals, product manager says

MLex, here

European Ecommerce, here

Guidance on the approval of voluntary redress schemes for infringements of competition law

FCA, here

Processing personal data of people who do not have a Facebook account via cookies and social plug-ins

President of the Court of First Instance in Brussels, Belgium, 9th November 2015, English summary here; ruling in Dutch hier

World Intellectual Property Report 2015 - Breakthrough Innovation and Economic Growth

WIPO, here

Achats et emprunts de livres : quelles sont les habitudes des Français ?, ici

Netflix im Datenschutz-Check, hier

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

The ITC does not have authority over the internet, according to Federal Circuit

TheVerge, here

Critical Algorithm Studies: a Reading List, here

Nike makes changes to running app following investigation by Dutch DPA

CBPweb, hier (Dutch). 

Disney’s smartwatch prototype can identify and track everything you touch

ArsTechnica, here. 

TensorFlow, Google's open source AI, signals big changes in hardware too

Wired, here

Mergers and disruptive innovation

J. Gans, here

Facebook must stop tracking Belgian users within 48 hours, or be fined €250K per day

ArsTechnica, here

Google Faces New Round of EU Probing Over Android Mapping Apps, here

Competition problems provisionally found in private healthcare

CMA, Report here. Notice of possible remedies here

SEPs & FRAND After the CJEU Huawei / ZTE Ruling

Shearman  & Sterling, here.
Presentations here

Monday, November 09, 2015

Ad Blockers and the Next Chapter of the Internet

D. Searls, here

La CNMC y las nuevas tarifas de propiedad intelectual

CNMCblog, aquì.

Sharing data to form alliances, here

Competition Policy in International Agreements

EP, Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs, here

Apple Reaffirms Its Superpower Over Android, here

Facebook is censoring links to competitor social network Tsu and deleting old mentions, here

The EU-U.S. Safe Harbor Agreement on Personal Data Privacy: In Brief

US Congressional Research Service, here

Who cares about extended collective licensing?, here

Section by Section Commentary on the TPP - Copyright

K. Weatherall, here

ACCC chair welcomes digital disrupters, here

Thursday, November 05, 2015

Competition enforcement is outside politics

M. Vestager, here

The Amazon bookstore (hi, future!), here

A shift to a decluttered digital economy

D. Coyle, here

The impact of e-commerce on the consumer sector- view from a Bank of England Agent, here

Facebook Plans to Use Your Location to Lure New Advertisers, here

Former Rabobank traders convicted in U.S. trial over Libor rigging

Reuters, here

Academic Search Engine Grasps for Meaning, here

Economía colaborativa

A. Lamadrid, aquì.

Google says EU antitrust charges don't take into account that search is free

TheVerge, here

Napster returns in Canada as music streaming service

FactMag, here

The Changing Economics of App Development, here

Not Just Academics Fed Up With Elsevier: Entire Editorial Staff Resigns En Masse To Start Open Access Journal

TechDirt, here

Sharing Economy: Crowd-Based Capitalism and Platform as a "Neutral" Demand Funnel?, here.

Banning Uber like trying to stop the printing press, says Brussels

FT, here.

Unpaid crowd complementors: The platform network effect mirage

K. Boudreau, L. Jeppesen, here.

Promoting innovation through competition

R. Sims, here.

Copyright Captures APIs: A New Caution For Developers

TechCrunch, here.

Google is not doing enough to stop online piracy, JustWatch research suggests, here.

How Expedia will help HomeAway battle Airbnb

Tnooz, here.

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Firefox Now Offers a More Private Browsing Experience, here

People's Deepest, Darkest Google Searches Are Being Used Against Them

TheAtlantic, here

Creating a copyright exception for education — four principles to keep in mind

Communia, here

Verbraucher würden für mehr Datenschutz zahlen, hier. . 

Trunki v Kiddee: battle over children's luggage reaches supreme court

Theguardian, here

Filmrezension: „Democracy – Im Rausch der Daten“

Netzpolitik, hier

Lufthansa touts Google as big-name partner, direct-connects starting elsewhere, here

Axel Springer: Adblock-Sperre ist ein Erfolg, hier

A cartoonist transforms the iTunes Terms & Conditions into a graphic novel. It's amazing., here

Google Sued by Rival Whose Maps Got Lost on the Internet, here

Towards comprehensive public & private sector whistleblower protection

OECD, Presentation here

Commission consults on boosting enforcement powers of national competition authorities

EC, here

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Roadmap to modernise copyright rules

European Commission, here

Who Owns the Patent on Nutmeg?, here

Das digitale Leben nach dem Tod wird zum Geschäft, hier

Who Knows What About Me? A Survey of Behind the Scenes Personal Data Sharing to Third Parties by Mobile Apps

J. Zang, K. Dummit, J. Graves, P. Lisker, and L. Sweeney, here

Competition and Antitrust in Internet Markets

J.Haucap, T.Stühmeier, here

Kartellrecht und Wettbewerbspolitik für Online-Plattformen

Lisa Hamelmann, Justus Haucap, hier

Amazon opens its first real-world bookshop in Seattle

ArsTechnica, here

UOKiK concludes proceedings in the hotel online booking case, here

Vertical restraints

International Seminar, Programme here; Videos here.
L. Peeperkorn (38:27)
- intrabrand matters, s. softening of competition;
- advice: pick up newer economic literature;
- RPM: inefficient means to achieve efficiencies;

Open Data: Six Stories About Impact in the UK

Omidyar Network, here

Competition Authorities: Views on Disruptive Innovations

Australian Competition & Consumer Commission, here.
Competition Commission of Singapore, here.
European Commission, here
Canadian Competition Bureau, here