Saturday, June 09, 2018

IBM's world-class Summit supercomputer gooses speed with AI abilities

 Cnet, here.

Merkel auf digitalem Glatteis

FAZ, hier

Microsoft will ‘lose developers for a generation’ if it stuffs up GitHub, says future CEO

The Register, here

Survey: Consumer trust may be Amazon’s true competitive advantage

Search Engine Land, here

Australia’s cozy banking market feels some heat

FT, here

Reference re digital exhaustion

Case C-263/18, here

‘Big Tech’ Isn’t One Big Monopoly

Project Disco, here

The Value of Everything review: How to end the we make, they take economy

The Irish Times, here

How Ant Financial grew larger than Goldman Sachs

Cnbc, here

Chart of the Week: The Rise of Corporate Giants

IMF Blog, here

Technology, Political Economy, and the Role(s) of Law

J. Cohen, here

Thursday, June 07, 2018

Google Pay startet Ende Juni in Deutschland – mit der Commerzbank

Handelsblatt, hier

Several measures announced aimed at streamlining and simplifying mergers' procedures for companies

Autorité de la concurrence, here

The Internet: To Regulate or Not to Regulate?

CMA, here.

Inquiry here

The effect of market consolidation on innovation in the HDD industry

A.R. Bennato, S. Davies, F. Mariuzzo, P. Osmosi, here

Taxi, ride-sourcing and ride-sharing services - Summaries of Contributions

OECD, here

The Facebook comma

Transparency and the Marketplace for Student Data

C. Russell, J. Reidenberg, E. Martin, T. Norton, here

Airbnb removes 80% of Japan home-share listings

Asian Review, here

Wednesday, June 06, 2018

EU Competition Law Goals and the Digital Economy

A. Ezrachi, here.

Facebook Gave Device Makers Deep Access to Data on Users and Friends

NYTimes, here. See also 

It’s all happening in Australian competition law

Australian Competition Law, here.

Paul Francis: “We can achieve very good anonymity and still provide useful analytics”

LINC, here.

Automated individual decision-making and profiling?

ICO, here.

Google’s mobile web dominance raises competition eyebrows

Politico, here.

The Cost of Developers

Stratechery, here.

Control, Alt or Delete?


Citi opens API sandbox

Finextra, h.

The Guardian view on Amazon: not a normal monopoly

The Guardian, here.

Deutsche Verbände zur ePrivacy-Verordnung


R. Dewenter, H.Lüth, hier.

Killer Acquisitions

C. Cunningham, F. Ederer, S. Ma, here.

Unlockd will 'cease to exist' if Google blocks the app

Financial Review, here

Monday, June 04, 2018

A Letter to the FTC re Google

K. Ellison, here

Entry, Innovation and Productivity Growth in the U.S. Economy: Facts and Open Questions (i.e., Puzzles)

J. Haltiwanger, Presentation here

GitHub users are already fuming about the company’s sale to Microsoft for $7.5bn

Quartz, here., hier: "Mal losgelöst von steuerlichen Erwägungen, die aus Microsoft-Sicht für die Akquisition sprechen, mag es für die Redmonder wohl auch darum gehen, die riesige Zahl der registrierten GitHub-Anwender – die Rede ist von 27 Millionen – zu den eigenen Angeboten insbesondere im Azure-Umfeld zu locken. Wie verheißend mag für Microsoft ein direkt aus GitHub nach Azure führender Deploy-Button sein!"

(Follow the data?)

Amazon and PayPal more trusted amongst younger generation than banks to hold their personal data

RFi Group, here

The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda

NBER, Conference Papers here

Taking control of personal data is about your rights, not owning it

J. Tennison, here

A Study of NASA Scientists Shows How to Overcome Barriers to Open Innovation

HBR, here

Could the Steward Health v. BCBS Trial Revitalize Monopolization Law?

C. Sagers, here

So you think Alipay is just for the Chinese?

The Finanser, here

La rivoluzione copernicana del 25 maggio 2018 in materia di privacy

G. Buttarelli, here

U.S. Antitrust Law Could Break OPEC's Collusion On Oil Production Deals

Seeking Alpha, here

Evident Internet Market Failure To Protect Consumer Welfare

S. Cleland, here

Digital Capitalism’s War on Leisure

Democracy Journal, here

N26 will im Herbst in Amerika starten

FAZ, hier

Facebook Gave Device Makers Deep Access to Data on Users and Friends

NYTimes, here

Erste Bank will Google Pay anbieten

Die Zeit, hier

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Unternehmensberatung soll Renault und Peugeot bei Preisabsprachen geholfen haben, hier

An American Alternative to Europe’s Privacy Law

T. Wu, here.

Privacy by Design

EDPS, Opinion here.

Antitrust via Rulemaking: Competition Catalysts

T. Wu, here.

Consumer Costs of Anticompetitive Regulations

Open Markets Institute, Comments here.

Vestager: “Tiene sentido que las empresas paguen a los usuarios por sus datos”

ElPais, aquì.

A framework for the moderation of user-generated online content that puts human rights at the very centre

Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression, here

Susan Athey: Why Business Leaders Shouldn’t Have Blind Faith in AI, here

Europe’s bank bosses stress need for consolidation

FT, here

Los bancos europeos piden poner coto a las tecnológicas

Expansion, aquì.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

On First Day of GDPR, Ad Industry's Fears About Google Come True

Bloomberg, here

Cyber crooks claim to hit two big Canadian banks

Reuters, here

Justice department approves Bayer-Monsanto merger in landmark settlement

Washington Post, here. DoJ here

BancoEstado reabre cuenta a plataforma de criptomonedas

LaTercera, aquì. Background here.
TDCL: Demanda aquì; Resolución, aquí

Die Buchpreisbindung in einem sich ändernden Marktumfeld

Monopolkommission, hier. S. auch hier

From Open Banking to Open Everything

J. Fingleton, here

Microsoft is creating an oracle for catching biased AI algorithms

MIT Technology Review, here


L. Specht, W. Kerber, hier

ICANN goes to Court


Legal Engineering on the Blockchain: 'Smart Contracts' as Legal Conduct

J. Goldenfein, A. Leiter, here

Angela Merkel fordert Besteuerung von Daten, hier

Why China’s Payment Apps Give U.S. Bankers Nightmares

Bloomberg, here