Thursday, February 01, 2018

Competition, Intellectual Property, and Economic Prosperity

M. Delrahim, here.

Antitrust Enforcement in an Interconnected World

R. Alford, here

OLG Frankfurt a.M.: Kaufvertrag über Daten wegen fehlender Einwilligung nach dem BDSG unwirksam

Delegedata, hier

The dreary secrets of Amazon’s success

FT, here

AI offers opportunity to increase privacy for users

iapp, here

Discrimination and Data Ethics

DTL 2017, Video here

Brazilian general Bill on the protection of Personal Data

iapp, here

New China Data Privacy Standard Looks More Far-Reaching than GDPR

CSIS, here

Bundeskartellamt startet Untersuchung der Marktverhältnisse bei Online-Werbung

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Online advertising

Bundeskartellamt, here

EU Blockchain Observatory and Forum

EC, here

Transatlantic Digital Economy Dialogue

CCIA, Video (from 42:10), here

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Antitrust and the Platform Economy

Tech Policy Institute, Video here

Lessons from the EU General Data Protection Regulation to contribute to the global discourse on data protection

AccessNow, here

AmEx Supreme Court Amici Curiae: 28 Profs of Antitrust

Tech Policy: A Closer Look at GDPR

Capitol Forum, here

Germany threatens curbs on Facebook’s data use

Ft, here.

Facebook has...questioned the timing of the German authorities’ move, months before the EU implements its General Data Protection Regulation, a law that introduces sweeping data protection rules. Under the GDPR, businesses must give customers more information about which companies their data are shared with and to what end. “With the GDPR, Europe is already putting in place strong enforcement measures that hold Facebook and other companies accountable for privacy and data protection,” Facebook said. “We will comply with these new rules, just as we have complied with existing data protection law in Europe.”

A conversation with regulators on innovation in payment services

Hosted by ESB, here

Fairness, Competition, and Knitting

M. Vestager, here

ASICS dealers allowed to use price comparison engines - Federal Court of Justice confirms Bundeskartellamt's decision

Does it look like a luxury item to you? Where is the aura?
Bundeskartellamt, here.
Decision here

Monday, January 22, 2018


A. Casilli, P. Tubaro, ici

Fusionieren Foodora und Lieferando?

FAZ, hier

Data is power: Towards additional guidance on profiling and automated decision-making in the GDPR

E. Bietti, F. Kaltheuner, here

“BREXIT” passes EU trademark test

WIPO Magazine, here

Algorithms that change lives should be trialled like new drugs

New Scientist, here

Big Tech’s trust issues at the forefront of Davos debate

FT, here

Focus on the User

United States v. Microsoft Corp.

Briefs amici curiae here

The Introduction of Data Breach Notification Legislation in Australia: A Comparative View

A. Daly, here

Ethics, algorithms and self-driving cars – a CSI of the ‘trolley problem’

A. Renda, here

EU antitrust regulators clear Qualcomm purchase of NXP

Reuters, here

The Future Computed - Artificial Intelligence and its role in society

Microsoft, here. See also here.

The quest for truly user centric services

D. Alexander, here

Google, Tencent Agree to Share Patents in Global Tech Alliance

Bloomberg, here

The Right to Privacy, 70 Years On

BSR, here

Wie der Mensch die Kontrolle über den Algorithmus behalten kann

Netzpolitik, hier

Seminario "Economia digitale e Big Data"

Università Bocconi, presentazioni qui.

How to tame the tech titans

The Economist, here

Judgement from the Swedish Patent and Market Court - Nasdaq dismissed of all allegations

Nasdaq, here.
The Decision by the Swedish Competition Authority is here.

Companies race to gather a newly prized currency: Our body measurements

Washington Post, here

Transparency of Automated Decisions in the GDPR: An Attempt for Systemisation

E. Bayamlıoğlu, here

Global antitrust in 2018

Freshfields, here

Is Your Company’s Data Actually Valuable in the AI Era?

A. Agrawal, J. Gans, A. Goldfarb, here

Broken data: Conceptualising data in an emerging world

S. Pink1 , M. Ruckenstein, R. Willim and M. Duque, here

‘We get audience data at virtually no cost’: Confessions of a programmatic ad buyer

DigiDay, here


R. Calo, A. Rosenblat, here

Big businesses band together in urging lawmakers to sell out your privacy

Los Angeles Times, here

Artificial Intelligence is Trade Policy's New Frontier

Cigionline, here

Alexa, What Are You Doing with My Family's Personal Info?

Scientific American, here

Fangt die Internetgiganten ein!

SZ, hier

Terms of service and human rights: an analysis of online platform contracts



K. Williams, here

Fintech, Access to Data, and the Role of Competition Policy

S. Vezzoso (this blog's author), here.

Abstract: The revised EU Directive on payment services in the internal market (PSD2) entered into application on 13 January 2018. The PSD2 introduces a sector-specific data portability rule dubbed access to account, or XS2A. Under the PSD2, specific categories of third parties (“Fintechs”) are allowed to access bank account data to provide payment-related services requested by the customer.
The Paper first outlines how the PSD2 intends to tackle well-known market failures and other issues in the EU payment sector. Second, it discusses the role of competition enforcement in the shadow of the PSD2. Finally, the Paper asks whether the XS2A rule could serve as a template for further access regimes in the data economy.

Alternative title: The Devil in Data Access Regimes