Thursday, December 14, 2017

Berlin regrets EU decision on airline Niki as insolvency looms

Reuters, here.

Guidelines on Consent and transparency

Art29WP, here and here.

Validating scraped data using goodtables

Ofnlabs, here.

Bundeskartellamt will Lufthansa-Preise prüfen

FAZ, hier.

The Consumer Welfare Standard in Antitrust: Outdated or a Harbor in a Sea of Doubt?

US Senate, here.

Demain ce sera: à. Chacun son prix !

E. Combe, TEDxMarseille, ici.

Connected Cars: What Happens To Our Data On Rental Cars?

Privacy International, here.

ICANN; No, you can't

Article 29WP, here.

33 Theses for an Economics Reformation

Rethinking Economics, here.

Der Todes-Algorithmus

Tagesschau, hier.

The Rhetorical “We” and the Ethics of Technology

M. Sacasas, here.

Bing soll schlauer suchen – dank KI und Reddit, hier.

Wiedergabe von Vorschaubildern in Google-Bildersuche

BGH I ZR 11/16, hier.

Mytaxi pide flexibilizar horarios y tarifas para dinamizar el taxi

CincoDías, Aquí

Competition policy in the digital era (with a special focus on the challenges raised by algorithms)

A. Capobianco, Presentation here

"Unfaire Praktiken": Spotify, Deezer & Co. beschweren sich über Apple bei der EU, hier

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Artificial intelligence is guiding venture capital to start-ups

FT,  here.

Federal Advisory Committee on the Development and Implementation of Artificial Intelligence

A Bill, here

Google is opening a China-based research lab focused on artificial intelligence

TechCrunch, here

EBay acquires Terapeak to provide more analytics to marketplace sellers

TechCrunch, here


Wired, here

Lufthansa zieht Angebot für Niki zurück, hier

Amazon is coming. Game over for the insurance industry?

InsurTechNews, here

10 Things you wish you didn't know about elections (and what to do about them), here.

What Would You Pay to Keep Your Digital Footprint 100% Private?

HBR, here

ICN Merger Workshop 2017

COFECE, Videos here

Monday, December 11, 2017

Comment on Canada's Big Data and Innovation White Paper

Antonin Scalia Law School, here.

A different model for personal data

D. Alexander, here

Birkenstock beliefert Amazon nicht mehr

FAZ, hier

Platform Market Power

K. Bamberger, O. Lobel, here

Brits flock to digital-only banks

FinExtra, here

Merger and national security concerns

City of London Law Society, here


K. M. Künstner, hier

Mercedes: „Datenschutz ist für uns ein Vorteil“, hier

Patents and the Fourth Industrial Revolution

EPO, here

In Your Face: China’s all-seeing state - A Must Watch

BBC, here

Antitrust Examining Google Dominance on Web Advertising

Haaretz, here

Saturday, December 09, 2017

Monday, December 04, 2017

10 years on from the Financial Crisis: Co-operation between Competition Agencies and Regulators in the Financial Sector

OECD Background Note, here.

Competition Policy and Sector-Specific Regulation in the Financial Sector

M. Hellwig, here.

How are companies preparing for GDPR?

Computer World, here.

How Can the Data Economy Be Regulated to Promote New Emerging Markets?

J. Drexl, Video here.

Artificial intelligence and behavioral economics

C. Camerer, here.

Ryanair sues Expedia, accusing online travel giant of illegally scraping its site to sell flights

GeekWire, here.

Australia to probe Facebook, Google over media disruption

Reuters, here.

A way to poke Facebook off its uncontested perch

T. Harford, here.

When Our Thoughts Are No Longer Our Own

NYTimes, here.

The right to data portability in the GDPR: Towards user-centric interoperability of digital services

I. Sanchez et al., here.

Australia to legislate to open up access to consumer data across sectors, here.

Praktische Umsetzung des Rechts auf Datenübertragbarkeit

Stiftung Datenschutz, hier.