Monday, October 09, 2017

The PSD2 RTS and Open Banking in the EU

PPRO, here.

Tech’s fight for the upper hand on open data

Ft, here.

Euromyths A-Z index

EC, here.

Game Changers? A review of Next Generation Intermediary Services for Citizens Advice

R. Bates, here.


Wired, here.

Die große E-Book-Enttäuschung

FAZ, hier.

Big Data und Wettbewerb

Bundeskartellamt, hier.


Read also here. Watch him here.
9 October: #nudgeday

Beschränkung von Innovation: Kann das ein SIEC sein?

R. Podszun, hier.

Summary report of the public consultation on the evaluation of Directive 96/9/EC on the legal protection of databases

EC, here.

Hashtag trademarks: what can be protected?

WIPO, here.

EU raids Polish and Dutch banking groups over fintech access to customer data

FT, here.

Saturday, October 07, 2017

Let’s take back control of our data – it’s too precious to leave to the tech giants

R. Naik, here.

Vernetzte Autos: Erbitterter Kampf um die Daten

Digital-Fairplay, hier.

Règlement européen sur la protection des données : un guide pour accompagner les sous-traitants

CNIL, ici.

Patenting the Output of Autonomously Inventive Machines

R. Abbott, here.

How Copyright Law Can Fix Artificial Intelligence's Implicit Bias Problem

A. Levendowski, here.

Algorithmic Pricing Agents and Tacit Collusion: A Technological Perspective

A. Ittoo, N. Petit, here.


K. Boudreau, here.

Vivrons-nous demain au moyen-âge ?

LINC, ici.

CMA issues strong warning as information sharing fine is upheld

CMa, here.

Virginie Rozière : « Sur le géoblocage, la Commission a compris que musique et livres sont une ligne rouge pour les États »

Contexte Numérique, ici.

L'AI, intelligence artificielle, va bouleverser le monde de la création graphique, motion, art -

Kob-one, ici.

Liens hypertextes : la justice allemande en rébellion contre la CJUE

Droit-technologie, ici.

Un accord entre Google et l'ALPA pour un meilleur respect du droit d'auteur, here.

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Tenth Annual Conference on Antitrust Economics and Competition Policy: Conference Summary

TAP, here.

Regulating big data. The guidelines of the Council of Europe in the context of the European data protection framework

A. Mantelero, here.

IMF Head Foresees the End of Banking and the Triumph of Cryptocurrency, here.

The Google comparative shopping case

Clifford Chance, here.

Information Technology and Industry Concentration

J. Bessen, here.

High Court asks European Court of Justice to examine Facebook case

The Irish Times, here.
Executive summary by the Court here. See also here.

Artificial intelligence and copyright

A. Guadamuz, here.

Here’s the due diligence report Alphabet wants to use in its lawsuit against Uber

Recode, here.

The Information Economy Report 2017: Digitalization, Trade and Development

UNCTAD, here.

Users must own their love lives

TheGuardian, here.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Privacy, Poverty, and Big Data: A Matrix of Vulnerabilities for Poor Americans

M. MADDEN, M. GILMAN, K. Levy, A.  MARWICK, here.

Competition law case studies

CMA, here.

In AI We Trust?

U. Gasser, here.

Mergers Are Bad for Innovation, Says Tommaso

ProMarket, here.

EU legal mechanism may help expose how Big Data firms get their information

The Guardian, here.

EC fines Lithuanian Railways €28 million for hindering competition on rail freight market

Press Release, here.

For everyone to benefit from technology, we need to ensure the free flow of information

J. Brill, here.

Service public de la donnée: les données du cadastre sont maintenant disponibles sur

Etalab, ici.

Striking the right balance in the enforcement of competition rules

J. Laitenberger, here.

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Google makes changes amid wider antitrust fire, here.

S.E.C. Hacking Response Provides Road Map for Compromised Companie

NYTimes, here.

Google pulls YouTube off the Amazon Echo Show

The Verge,.here.

Getting your data out of Tinder is really hard – but it shouldn't be

P.-O. Dehaye, here.

Commission fines Scania €880 million for participating in trucks cartel

EC, here.

Watchdog to meerkats: comparison is not the same as competition

FT, here.

Pfizer sues Johnson & Johnson, alleging anticompetitive practices to maintain a drug monopoly

The Washington Post, here.

China’s security chief calls for greater use of AI to predict terrorism, social unrest

SCMP, here.

Google now lets you mute an ad because it 'knew too much', here.

Ford arbeitet mit Uber-Konkurrent zusammen

FAZ, hier.


B. Van Alsenoy, here.

Behavioral Insights and Trends for Millennials in the UK, France and Germany

EMarketer, here.

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Mergers: Commission opens in-depth investigation into proposed merger between Essilor and Luxottica

Press Release, here.

Google Splits Off Shopping Service to Meet EU Demands

Bloomberg, here.

Personal Data Economy

E. Hafen, Video here.

How the Russian search market looks now

SearchEngineLand, here.

Kontroverse um Piraterie-Studie der EU-Kommission, hier.

Trivago bought an AI startup that eased peoples’ fears about giving up data

FastCompany, here.

A Data Commons for Food Security

J. Baarbé, M. Blom, J. de Beer, here.

AI and Privacy

C. Tucker, Video here; slides here. Discussant's slides here.

Apple switches from Bing to Google for Siri web search results on iOS and Spotlight on Mac

TechCrunch, here

Digital comparison tools: Competitive landscape and effectiveness of competition

CMA, here

CMA steps in to give people a better deal on comparison sites

CMA, here

I asked Tinder for my data. It sent me 800 pages of my deepest, darkest secrets

TheGuardian, here