Friday, September 22, 2017

Women used this fertility app more after AI learned when best to ping them

FastCompany, here.

Hackers broke into SEC computer systems and may have traded on the stolen information

Quartz, here.

BGH: Googles Bildersuche verletzt Urheberrecht nicht, hier.

Search Engines and Data Retention: Implications for Privacy and Antitrust

L. Chiou, C. Tucker, here.

Industrie 4.0: Verfassungsschutzchef warnt vor Massendaten im "Hochrisikoraum", here.

Why Google is spending $1.1 billion to acq-hire 2,000 HTC engineers

Recode, here.

Do Tech Companies Really Need All That User Data?

W.Frick, here.

iOS 11: toggling wifi and Bluetooth in Control Centre doesn't actually turn them off

The Guardian, here.

Mitfahrgelegenheiten: Google bindet BlaBlaCar in Maps ein, here.

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Data governance: Landscape Review

Royal Society, here.

Warum Google HTC will

FAZ, hier

Estimating displacement rates of copyrighted content in the EU

EU, here

Japan to certify big-data providers to drive innovation

Asia.nikkei, here

How competition can build trust in our societies

M. Vestager, here

Music Industry Recovery Continues, Powered by a Surge in Subscriptions

WSJ, here

Competition policy from a European perspective: A conversation with EU Commissioner for Competition Margrethe Vestager

AEI, here

The ICO craze, explained

Recode, here

What’s affiliate marketing? Should I care?

FTC, here

Data management and use: Governance in the 21st century

 British Academy and Royal Society, here

The implications for Australian companies navigating the new section 46 misuse of market power test after the European court of justice decision in intel

Clifford Chance, here

Google confirms it will pay $1.1 billion to acquire HTC's Pixel team and license technology

AndroidPolice, here


Wired, here

Netflix and Escobar Family in Bitter Trademark Dispute Over 'Narcos'

HollywoodReporter, here

Big Tech's power remains unchallenged

FT, Audio here.

Hal Singer on the Digital Show

Audio here

Waymo wants Uber to pay $2.6 billion in damages—just for starters

ArsTechnica, here

What Role for Economists in Policy-Making?

A. Bénassy-Quéréa , O. Blanchardb and J. Tirole, here

Amazon Reviewing Site After Algorithm Suggests Bomb Supplies

Bloomberg, here

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Time for a Conservative Anti-Monopoly Movement

TheAmericanConservative, here.

Study: EU-US Privacy Shield Essential to Leading European Companies

FPF, here

National Data Opt-out Programme

NHS, here

US Cross-Border Data Deal Could Open Surveillance Floodgates

HRW, here

No university needed: A Stanford-born company is equipping India’s youth for well-paid tech jobs

Quartz, here

Founder of the information age

Enlightenmenteconomics, here

Drugmaker AbbVie Can’t Convince Judge on ‘Sham’ Lawsuits

Bloomberg BNA, here

Focus on Google DeepMind under the GDPR’s Lens

Hogan Lovells, here

On a testé les premiers pas de l’Open Data « par défaut »

NextImpact, here

Response to calls for automated takedowns of online extremist content

ORG, here.

Synthèse de la consultation publique sur la transmission de certains titres financiers au moyen de la technologie "blockchain

Trésor, ici

The State of the Data Protection Union

EDPS, here

The first autonomous drone delivery network will fly above Switzerland starting next month

TheVerge, here

Alt-Right Twitter App Developers Sue Google After Gab.Ai App Is Kicked Out Of The Play Store

TechDirt, here

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Synopsis report of the public consultation on building a European data economy

EC, here. Annex here. Position papers here

Closer together: The Case for International Cooperation

J. Laitenberger, here.

Brexit and Competition Policy (and the Google Case)

House of Lords and CMA, watch here.
CMA Submission here

Me, my data and I: The future of the personal data economy

Decode Project, here.

Now Apple needs to reinvent the digital economy

FT, here.

Auswirkungen der Markttransparenzstelle für Kraftstoffe (MTS-K): Änderungen im Anbieterund Nachfragerverhalten

J. Haucap, U. Heimeshoff, C. Kehder, J. Odenkirchen, S. Thorwarth, hier.

Swiss Crypto Valley Association Calls for ‘Careful’ ICO Regulation

CryptoCoinsNews, here.

Artificial Intelligence's Fair Use Crisis

B. Sobel, here.

Automotive Data Treasure

Deloitte, hier.

Whole Foods Is Becoming Amazon’s Brick-and-Mortar Pricing Lab

H. Simon, here.

Apple is facing questions from the U.S. Senate on the privacy protections in iPhone X and Face ID

Recode, here.

The Amazon Monopoly Problem: Prime Time For Antitrust Action Vs. These Internet Giants?

Investors, here.

Big data and Innovation: Implications for Competition Policy in Canada

Competition Bureau, here

EFF Resigns From W3C After DRM In HTML Is Approved In Secret Vote

TechDirt, here

How competition can build a better market

M. Vestager, here

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Evaluating market consolidation in mobile communications

C. Genakos, T. Valletti and F. Verboven, here.

The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Innovation

I. Cockburn, R. Henderson, S. Stern, here.

Economics of Artificial Intelligence

NBER Conference, here. Videos here.

US: Trump blocks Lattice Semiconductor’s $1.3 billion sale to China

CPI, here

The robots are coming for Mozart

Qz, here

Facial recognition is here. The iPhone X is just the beginning

The Guardian, here.

Questions on Article 13 and Recital Art. 38 of the Proposal for a Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market

MPI, Contributions here.

Data will be oil for robot cars so these humans are hoarding it now

FastCompany, here.

Flux raises $1.5 million as Starling Bank opens fintech Marketplace

FinExtra, here.

On the Equifax Data Breach, here.

U.S. agency demands endorsement info from Instagram 'influencers'

Reuters, here.

Autortiesību un komunicēšanās konsultāciju aģentūra / Latvijas Autoru apvienība v Konkurences padome,

CJEU, C-177/16, here.

Opinion Paper on Cryptocurrencies in the EU

ENISA, here.

The Amazon Monopoly Problem: Prime Time For Antitrust Action Vs. Internet Giants?, here.

Acxiom’s European Privacy Officer (Mostly) Demystifies GDPR

AdExchanger, here.

Equifax Isn’t A Data Problem. It’s A Political Problem

M. Stoller, here.

Apple is facing questions from the U.S. Senate on the privacy protections in iPhone X and Face ID

Recode, here.

Der Google-Staat, here.

Wednesday, September 13, 2017