Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Apple explains how it’s making Siri smart without endangering user privacy

FastCompany, here

The Dynamics Of Platform Business Value Creation

E. Garcés-Tolon, here.

Rights on Data: The EU Communication ‘Building a European Data Economy’ From an Economic Perspective

W. Kerber, here.

Chatbot lets you sue Equifax for up to $25,000 without a lawyer

The Verge, here.

An Exit Interview With Richard Posner, Judicial Provocateur

NYTimes, here.

Keeping It Real?

D. Gangjee, here

What does Google know about you? Its new privacy dashboard should reveal all

ZDNet, here

Leaked Draft Regulation on a framework for the free flow of data in the EU


Competition Policy at the FTC in the New Administration

M. Ohlhausen, here

Equifax’s Maddening Unaccountability

NYTimes, here

Bridging Policy, Regulation, and Practice? A Techno-Legal Analysis of Three Types of Data in the GDPR

R. Hu, S. Stalla-Bourdillon, M. Yang, V. Schiavo, V. Sassone, here

How blockchain will finally convert you: Control over your own data

VentureBeat, here

A New Way to Learn Economics

Newyorker.com, here

Monday, September 11, 2017

Current Alliances in International Intellectual Property Lawmaking: The Emergence and Impact of Mega-Regionals

ICTSD, here

Should Amazon buy Nordstrom next?

Recode, here.

La AEPD sanciona a Facebook por vulnerar la normativa de protección de datos

AGPD.es, aquì.

Datenschutz-Grundverordnung: Datenschutzkonferenz veröffentlicht Kurzpapiere zum neuen Datenschutzrecht

BfDI, hier

Blockchain: Is the GDPR Already Outdated?

Scl.org, here

Eine Plattform für die Industrie 4.0

Heise.de, hier.

Network Effects: March to the Evidence, Not to the Slogans

D. Evans, R. Schmalensee, here.

YouTube und Google bei Urheberrechtsverstößen zur Herausgabe von Nutzerdaten verpflichtet

Heise.de, hier

How Facebook Changed the Spy Game

Politico.com, here

You Are the Product

J. Lanchester, here

Blockchain Regulation

M. Finck, here

Verizon will now trade you your personal data for ... concert tickets

Mashable, here

Our Response to the UK Government request for written evidence on A.I.

Robotenomics, here

Kann der Bitcoin die Notenbanken in Bedrängnis bringen?

NZZ, hier

Position paper transmitted to EU27 on Intellectual property rights (including geographical indications)

EC, here

VCAST Limited contro R.T.I. SpA

Conclusioni dell'AG, qui

La face cachée des algorithmes de Facebook et Google dévoilée

A. Laurent, ici

The ‘Internet Of Things’ Is Sending Us Back To The Middle Ages

DailyCaller, here

The Chips Are Down: Intel’s Victory in the European Court of Justice Has Implications on How Anticompetitive Conduct Is Analysed in EU Antitrust Cases

Orrick, here

Artificial Intelligence And Big Data: Good For Innovation?

Forbes, here

Access to “data” – the new competitive battlefield

Antitrust Law Source, here

Spotify: Don't Compare Us to Napster

HollywoodReporter, here

Tagungsprotokoll des Arbeitskreises Kartellrecht vom 6. Oktober 2016 in Bonn

Bundeskartellamt, hier

The GDPR will help or hurt publishers, depending on who you ask

DigiDay, here

Guidelines for Global Antitrust: The Three Cs – Cooperation, Comity, and Constraints

M. Ohlhausen, here

Why do big hacks happen? Blame Big Data

TheGuardian, here

Two sciences tie the knot

MIT News, here

True cost of Amazon pricing revealed

TheTimes, here

40 Techniques Used by Data Scientists

Data Science Central, here

New Software Helps Cars Recognize When You’re Texting and Driving

Futurism.com, here

How Silicon Valley is erasing your individuality

F. Foer, here

Uber Is Said to Face FBI Probe as Compliance Chief Exits

Bloomberg, here

Privacy and Platform Competition

P. Dimakopoulos, S. Sudaric, here

Monday, August 28, 2017

Data property in the system of intellectual property law: Welcome guest or misfit?

B. Hugenholtz, here.

Deutsche Datenplattform Verimi fordert Google & Co. heraus

Heise.de, hier.

Supreme Court asked to nullify the Google trademark

ArsTechnica, here.

Report of Study Group on Data and Competition Policy

Japan FTC, here.

The coming earthquake

Axios, here.

The exchange and protection of personal data

UK Government, here.

Merger Control and Online Platforms: The Relevance of Network Effects

A- Robles Martín-Laborda, here.

YouTube stars win fair use legal battle

BBC, here.

Managing Our Hub Economy

M.Iansiti, K. Lakhani, here.

Declaration of MyData Principles

CMA fines Ping £1.45m for online sales ban on golf clubs

CMA, here.

The Right To Privacy Is Now Public

Bloombergquint, here.