Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Federal Cartel Office draft guidelines on resale price maintenance

Internationallawoffice, here Rückendeckung durch das Oberlandesgericht Düsseldorf?

Biztravel, hier.

(Mein Beitrag zum Thema free-riding und Bestpreis-Klausel, hier.)

EU negotiators agree on new rules allowing Europeans to travel and enjoy online content services across borders

Press Release, here

Apple's submission in response to the ACCC's draft determination

Here. Supporting video here

EC fines three companies €68 million for car battery recycling cartel

Press Release, here.

FTC Charges That Shire ViroPharma Inc. Abused Government Processes Through Serial, Sham Petitioning to Delay Generics and Maintain its Monopoly over Vancocin HCl Capsules

FTC, here

Who Will Lead In The Smart Machine Age?

Forbes, here

Droit des robots : « a-t-on besoin d’une nouvelle personnalité juridique ? »

Numérama, ici

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

TV maker VIZIO fined $2M for no-consent tracking of consumer viewing habits

MarketingLand, here

CHATONS, ces hébergeurs alternatifs qui ne collectent pas vos données personnelles

Mashable.france24, ici

Inside Amazon’s robot-run supermarket that needs just 3 human workers

New York Post, here

Artificial Intelligence-Driven Robots: More Brains Than Brawn

Forbes, here

Beamte warnten Regierung vor "Blamage" beim Google-Gesetz, hier

Amazon's Antitrust Paradox

L. Khan, here

Commission stalling on copyright waiver for visually impaired persons

Euractiv, ici

Table-ronde algoéthique

CNIL, Vidéo ici

This Is the First Major Telco to Support Google in Battle With EU

Fortune, here

EU probing Valve and five publishers for geo-blocking games

Engadget, here

Rapport d'information: "les objets connectés"

Commission des affaires économiques, Assemblée Nationale, ici.

Australia: Apple “Banks use digital wallets as a revenue source”

CompetitionPolicyInternational, here

Study on the Moral Rights of Attribution and Integrity

US Copyright Office, here

Silicon Valley Hedge Fund Takes On Wall Street With AI Trader

Bloomberg, here

The textbook description of cartels can’t explain what real-world cartels do

AEA, here

The Antitrust Points of View of Supreme Court Nominee Neil Gorsuch

Thelegalintelligencer, here.

Thursday, February 02, 2017

Animation Workers Reach $100 Million Settlement With Disney in Wage-Fixing Suit

Variety, here

European Commission opens three investigations into suspected anticompetitive practices in e-commerce

Press Release, here

Open Banking revolution moves closer

CMA, here

Apple aims to up its AI smarts with iCloud user data in iOS 10.3

TechCrunch, here.

Drug Makers Accused of Fixing Prices on Insulin

NYTimes, here

Judge Gorsuch on Copyright and Technology

J. Grimmelmann, here

Global antitrust in 2017 - Big Data

Freshfields, here

Recap and Analysis: Responsible Art Market Initiative Launched in Geneva

Sullivan & Worcester, here, Expedia face anti-trust probe in South Korea

Korea Times, here

We’re over the digital revolution. This is the age of experience

TheGuardian, here

Facebook Sales Top Estimates on Gains in Mobile Advertising

Bloomberg, here.

Google wins ‘right to be forgotten’ case in Japanese high court

SearchEngineLand, here

Big Data an Ongoing Concern for EU Competition Law

Skadden, here

A New Structured Rule of Reason Approach for High-Tech Markets

T. Schrepel, here

Metro-Tochter greift Kundendaten ab, hier

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Luckily, bots’ conquest of knowledge is not yet complete

D. Coyle, here.

Diritti TV, rigettate linee guida Lega Calcio assegnazioni 2018-2021

Provvedimento qui.

(Already on my next year's syllabus...)

Irish competition watchdog to investigate sale of tickets for live events

IrishTimes, here

How the Internet Got Donald Trump Elected

IICom, here

AAI urges the Supreme Court to reverse decision sharply restricting the patent exhaustion doctrine.

Press Release, here.
Amicus Brief here

Compliance Programs – The Italian Competition Authority Highlights the Importance of an Effective Implementation and Update

McDermott Will & Emery, here

Korean Ruling Places Qualcomm’s Business Model at Risk

Mintz Levin, here

It’s Official: TRIPS Health Amendment In Effect, First Ever To A WTO Agreement

IP-Watch, here

Experten im Bundestag: "Soziale Netzwerke verdienen sehr gut an Fake News", hier

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Hollywood Anti-Trust Probe in Europe Might Be Softened, Commissioner Vestager Hints

Variety, here

Google Privacy-Policy Change Faces New Scrutiny in EU

WSJ, here and here.

President Trump Told That Strong Copyright Laws Are in His Interest

TorrentFreak, here

Hinweise zum Preisbindungsverbot im Bereich des stationären Lebensmitteleinzelhandels

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Guidelines on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data in a world of Big Data

Council of Europe, here

Rise of the Digital Regulator

R. Van Loo, here

Competition Law Risk

CMA and IRM, here

Antitrust Policy for a New Administration

M. Ohlhausen, here

General Opinion on the EU Copyright Reform Package

European Copyright Society, here

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Avoiding disqualification: advice for company directors

CMA, here

Kartellgesetz-Novelle stößt bei Experten auf ein geteiltes Echo

Deutscher Bundestag, hier

TransAlgo : une plate-forme scientifique pour juger de la transparence des algorithmes

Sciencesetavenir, ici

Portugal Asks European Court To Determine What Criteria Are Required For Discriminatory Pricing To Be An Abuse Under Article 102 TFEU, here

Google, Mobile And Competition: The Current State Of Play

B. Edelman, here

Competition Law and Big Data: Do Competition Authorities Know How To Do It?

A. Lamadrid, S. Villiers, here

EC seeks feedback on commitments offered by Amazon in e-book investigation

Press release, here

BMW changes policy on car comparison sites following CMA action

CMA, here