Monday, December 19, 2016

Joint Committee Discussion Paper on the Use of Big Data by Financial Institutions

EBA, EIOPA, and ESMA (the ESAs), here.

Standards project addressing data privacy processes and methodologies

IEEE Standards Association, here

Landscaping study on Standard Essential Patents (SEPs)

IPlytics, here

Transparency, Predictability, and Efficiency of SSO-based Standardization and SEP Licensing

CRA for the EC, here

Actavis Targeted by U.K. for Raising Drug Price by 12,000%

Bloomberg, here

Yahoo would be liable to pay an $198m fine were GDPR already enforced, here

Evernote backs off from controversial privacy policy changes, says it 'messed up'

PCWorld, here

Labour wants tech firms like Google and Facebook to disclose what's under the hood

BusinessInsider UK, here

Building digital trust: The role of data ethics in the digital age

Accenture, here

Study on Big Data in Public Health, Telemedine and Healthcare

EC, here

Alleged Aid to Apple

Decision, C(2016) 5605 final, here

Germany-wide consortium of research libraries announce boycott of Elsevier journals over open access

BoingBoing, here

Protection of press publications concerning digital uses: Unnecessary, undesirable, unclear, unlikely to be effective

UK IP Scholars, here

UN General Assembly Resolution: TRIPS Flexibilities, High-Level Panel On Medicines Access

IPWatch, here

So what does it really mean to be a world-leading competition and consumer agency?

CMA, here

The Whatchamacallit Economy

NYTimes, here

How Much of Health Care Antitrust is Really Antitrust?

S. Weber Waller, here

Does Antitrust Have A Role to Play in Regulating Big Data?

D. Sokol, R. Comerford, here

Effects Analysis in Abuse of Dominance Cases in China – Is Qihoo 360 v Tencent a Game-Changer?

A. Emch, here

Individual Sanctions for Competition Law Infringements: Pros, Cons and Challenges

Concurrences, here

Private Enforcement of EU Antitrust Law and its Relationship with Public Enforcement: Past, Present and Future

W. Wils, here

Exploitative Abuses of Intellectual Property Rights

H. First, here

Access Barriers to Big Dta

D. Rubinfeld, M. Gal, here

How Do App Stores Challenge the Global Internet Governance Ecosystem?

V. Almeida, D. Doneda, C. Rossini, here

Are eBay sellers the ultimate customer, or the ultimate consumable?

M. Sag, here

The Privacy Tools Project

Harvardmagazine, here

How Search Engines Are Killing Clever URLs

TheAtlantic, here

Why you should be afraid of Google’s expansion into hardware

VentureBeat, here

Kartellamt fordert mehr Verbraucherschutz im Netz, hier

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

ClickClickClick : l’étrange site web qui révèle ce que vos clics disent de vous, ici

Mind over matter: is scarcity as much about psychology as it is economics?

Bank Underground (Bank of England), here

Loyauté des plateformes, d’accord, mais loyauté à quoi ?, ici

Entwurf der ePrivacy-Verordnung: Erste Anmerkungen

DeLegeData, hier

Accélérer ensemble la transformation numérique de nos économies

Conférence numérique franco-allemande, ici.  

Mobile phones are transforming Africa, where they can get a signal

TheEconomist, here

Competition cartel settlement decision annuled by Court

Case T‑95/15, here.

Microsoft debuts brilliant Cortana SDK strategy

Searchengineland, here

US privacy rules stir confusion

TheHill, here

Leaked: Draft EU Commission Communication on the Data Economy


U.S. Files First Charges in Generic Drug Price-Fixing Probe

Bloomberg, here

Banks Listen in on Phone Calls to Discover the Best Traders

Bloomberg, here

Should Google Search be subject to the Rule of Law? Absolutely! (Google v Equustek)

Hughstephensblog, here

Preisabsprachen: China kündigt Strafe gegen amerikanischen Autohersteller an

FAZ, hier

Drones mean business

Deloitte, here

How Microsoft and LinkedIn Can Make This Expensive Deal Work

Bloomberg, here

Searchmetrics Google ranking factors study says content gaining while links losing in importance, here

Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v Flight Centre Travel Group Limited

High Court of Australia,  B15/2016, here.
ACCC's Press Release, here

Microsoft is bringing Cortana to fridges, toasters, and thermostats

TheVerge, here

The EU Pass-On Study

P. Hitchings, here

IEEE puts out a first draft guide for how tech can achieve ethical AI design

TechCrunch, here.

What is your experience in trading on online platforms?

EC, Survey, here

Patent Challenge Clauses: A New Antitrust Offense?

M. Gal & A. Miller, here

Monday, December 12, 2016

European Commission fines rechargeable battery producers €166 million in cartel settlement

EC, here

Foundem Response to Google Nov 2016 Blog

Foundem, here

Zur Frage des „Eigentums“ an Daten und Informationen

Deutscher Anwaltverein, hier

Commercial sites must check all their links for piracy, rules Hamburg court

ArsTechnica, here

IoT Security: The Darkest Cloud Yet is Coming

IoTI, here

Linkhaftung 2.0 – Erläuternde Hinweise zu der drohenden Paranoia um das Urteil des LG Hamburg

C. Ulbricht, hier

Datenschutz-Niveau darf nicht abgesenkt werden

VZBV, hier

AT&T’s CEO just made an important promise to his rivals

WashingtonPost, here

With LinkedIn, Microsoft Looks to Avoid Past Acquisition Busts

NYTimes, here

Inside the secret meeting where Apple revealed the state of its AI research, here

You Won’t Believe All the Personal Data Facebook Has Collected on You

L. Kim, here

German judges explain why Adblock Plus is legal

ArsTechnica, here

The Economy’s Hidden Problem: We’re Out of Big Ideas

WSJ, here

Golpe de Airbnb en Cataluña: la Generalitat no podrá multarla por "ilegal"

ElConfidential, aquì.

Tribunal orders CCI to probe Uber for alleged dominance abuse

LiveMint, here

LG Hamburg will Rechtmäßigkeit seiner Online-Inhalte nicht rechtsverbindlich erklären, hier

12 seminal reads on why digital *is* different

Econconsultancy, here

Google Makes So Much Money, It Never Had to Worry About Financial Discipline—Until Now

Bloomberg, here

Thursday, December 08, 2016

Data scientist Cathy O’Neil on the cold destructiveness of big data, here

Pharmaceutical Antitrust: What the Trump Administration Can Do

M. Carrier, here

Excellent, deep series on Uber's Ponzi-scheme economics

BoingBoing, here

Interface between Competition and Intellectual Property Rights: Select Articles

CUTS, here.

Machine learning versus AI: what's the difference?

Wired, here

Design of Search Engine Services: Channel Interdependence in Search Engine Results

B. Edelman, Z. Lai, here

Search engines, big data and network effects

Bruegel, here

Assessing the Operation of Copyright and Related Rights Systems

Cupore, here

Rechtsgutachten zur Kontrolle der Daten bei vernetzten und automatisierten Pkw, hier

In its new Apple v. Samsung ruling, the Supreme Court has changed how patent damages are calculated

Recode, here

A Monopoly Donald Trump Can Pop

NYTimes, here

Online-Distribution: Hotrec gratuliert Frankreich und Österreich, hier

A Short History Of The Most Important Economic Theory In Tech

FastCompany, here.
Article here (spoiler: no guys on horseback in Texas).

Artificial Intelligence Just Broke Steve Jobs’ Wall of Secrecy

Wired, here

Chipmakers Are Racing To Build Hardware For Artificial Intelligence

FastCompany, here

Der Gebührentrick mit dem Trinkwasser

FAZ, hier