Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Europe’s new privacy regime will disrupt the adtech Lumascape

Pagefair, here.

The Ripple Effects of Online Marketplace Bans

A. Ezrachi, here (research supported by the Computer and Communications Industry Association - CCIA).

I Think, Therefore I Invent: Creative Computers and the Future of Patent Law

R. Abbott, here

AI at Facebook

A. Bordes, Video here

The Trick Data Scientists Use To Know You’re Paying Attention To Beyoncé

FastCompany, here


H. Singer, Presentation here

Privacy is an essentially contested concept: a multi-dimensional analytic for mapping privacy

D. Mulligan, C. Koopman, N. Doty, here

Les applications de messagerie sortent leurs « bots » pour séduire les marques

LesEchos, ici

Clicks and mortarboards: how can higher education make the most of digital technology?

Nesta, here

Google, Facebook Move to Punish Fake News Sites With Ad Rules

Bloomberg, here

‘I’m sorry, my friend, but you’re implicit in the algorithm…’ Privacy and internal access to #BigDataStream

An interview with Giovanni Buttarelli, European Data Protection Supervisor, here

Artificial Intelligence and Ethics – Who does the thinking?

IEEE AI & Ethics Summit 2016, here

Die Union will der Ministererlaubnis Zügel anlegen

FAZ, hier.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Russia to Block Access to LinkedIn Over Alleged Legal Violations

Bloomberg, here.

Microsoft-LinkedIn deal gets approved in South Africa

Mybroadband.co.za, here.

FTC Seeks Comment on Proposed Changes to Contact Lens Rule

FTC, here.

Google sanctioned in Italy for abuse of economic dependence

Preiskel & Co, here.

Skating on Thin Ice: The European Commission challenges the governance rules of an international sports association as being incompatible with European antitrust rules

P. Alexiados, P. Figueroa, here.

Twitter and Facebook go soul-searching after Trump's win

Bloomberg, here.

CJEU annuls EUIPO decision on registration of Rubik’s Cube shape as EU trade mark

Judgment in Case C-30/15 P Simba Toys GmbH & Co. KG v EUIPO, here

The Data Said Clinton Would Win. Why You Shouldn’t Have Believed It.

NYTimes, here

Algorithmic accountability and transparency in the digital single market

European Parliament Hearing, Video here

Rapport de la mission de réflexion sur la création d’un droit voisin pour les éditeurs de presse

L. Franceschini, ici

Why we should worry about WhatsApp accessing our personal information

ICO for the Guardian, here

Siri can now send money via PayPal

TechCrunch, here

Ergebnisse der 92. Konferenz der unabhängigen Datenschutzbehörden

Pressemitteilung, hier

Parallels Between Europe’s Antitrust Cases Against Google and Microsoft

NYTimes, here.

Bradley Tusk points out the bright side of Trump presidency in memo to portfolio companies

TechCrunch, here.

Future of Big Mergers Under Trump? Like Much Else, It’s Unclear

NYTimes, here.

Robots and the Developing World

UNCTAD, here

Le prêt d'ebook assimilable au prêt d'un livre papier, sous conditions

Actualitte, ici.
Judgment in Case C-174/15, here.  

Looking beyond transatlantic data transfers

Brookings, here.

Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Guidelines on the protection of personal data processed by mobile applications provided by European Union institutions

EDPS, here.

Apple says Australian banks are ‘not interested’ in promoting mobile payments competition

Nfcworld.com, here. Apple's submission here. Other submissions here

U.S. Chief Data Scientist DJ Patil: Data can help everyone

Recode, Podcast here.

Commission to open probe into tech companies’ algorithms next year

EurActiv, here.

The Role of Demand-Side Remedies in Driving Effective Competition: A Review for Which?

A. Fletcher, here

The Brilliance of Spotify Internal APIs to Mitigate Payments

Nordicapis, here

FCC Releases Order Imposing New Privacy Rules on ISPs and Telcos

Paulhastings.com, here

Start-ups sollen Bahn helfen, sich zu digitalisieren

Heise.de, hier

Monday, November 07, 2016

Competition and Data Protection Policies in the Era of Big Data: Privacy Guarantees as Policy Tools

N. Jentzsch, here.

Guidelines on the protection of personal data processed through web services provided by EU institutions

EDPS, .here.

Evidence to the Royal Society and British Academy on Data Governance

The Royal Statistical Society, here.

Facebook agreed to pause using data from UK WhatsApp users for advertisements or product improvement purposes.

ICO, here.

If Facebook earns 1.2 dollars for every user, how come users of CitizenMe can earn more than Facebook profits pro capita?

CitizenMe, here

CMA warns online sellers about price-fixing

CMA, here


Wired, here

The state of debate – what to expect from the EU e-commerce sector inquiry

Squire Patton Boggs, here.

Friday, November 04, 2016

Examination of differential pricing practices related to Internet data plans

CA Competition Bureau, here.

LinkedIn Deal Exposes Dominance In The CRM Market

Forbes, here.

Lost in the splinternet

TheEconomist, here.

Will Open Banking trigger the API of Me?

C. Wood, Video here. Read also here.
More about Figo here.

News of Charges in Price-Fixing Inquiry Sends Pharmaceuticals Tumbling

NYTimes, here.

Digital Exhaustion: North American Observations

A. Katz, here.

Les données personnelles: entre protection et exploitation

G. Buttarelli, ici.

China internet authority formalizes regulations for live-streaming industry

Reuters, here.

Tenth Circuit Rules That Invocation of IP Rights Is Presumptively Valid Defense to Antitrust Refusal to Deal Claims

Orrick, Here.

Sozial geschickte Chatbots

TechnologyReview, hier.

Consumers Need To Pay More Attention To Monetizing Their Personal Data

TheMerkle, here.

Thursday, November 03, 2016

Sole and despotic dominion

C. Doctorow, here.

Sen. Al Franken asks Uber and Lyft about alleged racial discrimination against passengers

TechCrunch, here

Slapped wrists for “privacy law breakers” Fitbit, Jawbone, Garmin, and Mio

ArsTechnica, here

Abgegriffene Browserdaten: Mozilla entfernt "Web of Trust"

Heise.de, hier

Uber's redesigned app wants to mine personal information on your phone

LATimes, here

Microsoft/LinkedIn deal notified for EU merger control clearance: Will it be smooth sailing?

Lavoielegal.eu, here

The Competitive Landscape for Machine Intelligence

Bloomberg Beta, here

Google and Facebook are booming. Is the rest of the digital ad business sinking?

Recode, here

These Apps Let Anyone Build a (Dumb) Chatbot

Bloomberg, here

EU-U.S. Privacy Shield challenged

White & Case, here

Cloud: Datenschützer prüfen Speicherung von Unternehmensdaten im Ausland

Heise.de, hier

Reform des europäischen Urheberrechts: Viel Luft nach oben

VZBV, hier

Court challenge to Privacy Shield will have wide reverberations

The Irish Times, here

Carnegie Mellon to open research center focused on AI ethics

ZDNet, here

Review: ‘The Attention Merchants’ Dissects the Battle for Clicks and Eyeballs

NYTimes, here

Walmart joins antitrust suit alleging tuna collusion

Under Current News, here.

Improving Quality Isn’t Anti- Competitive, Part II

Google, here.

The German Bundesgerichtshof changes its concept of parody following CJEU Deckmyn v. Vrijheidsfonds/ Vandersteen

Kluwercopyrightblog, here

Europe rewrites the rules for Silicon Valley

FT, here.

Flywheel Taxi sues Uber for antitrust violations

SF Gate, here.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Managing the Machines

 A. Agrawal, J. Gans, and A. Goldfarb, here

It’s Finally Legal To Hack Your Own Devices (Even Your Car)

Wired, here.

Merger trends in innovation markets on the two sides of the Atlantic

F. Jenny, Presentation here

Ninth Annual Conference on Antitrust Economics and Competition Policy: Conference Summary

Techpolicy, here

Facebook clamps down on piracy as it wipes out several music-sharing groups

TheNextWeb, here

Justice Department Sues DIRECTV for Orchestrating Information Sharing Agreements with Three Competitors

DOJ, here

Competition watchdog criticised by MPs over bank reform

TheGuardian, here

How big will big data be under the GDPR ?

Iapp, here

Will The FCC’s Privacy Regs Actually Change The Status Quo On Consent?

AdExchanger, here

Facebook isn't looking out for your privacy. It wants your data for itself

TheGuardian, here.