Friday, August 19, 2016

Forget Uber: Fly over traffic jams at the push of a button

The mythical Paperinik, gem of Italian creativity
AirBus, here.

Scholar behind 'net neutrality' joins White House as competition policy adviser

TheHill, here.
See also here.

Prison breakthrough

TheEconomist, here.

Pirates in the Library – An Inquiry into the Guerilla Open Access Movement

B. Bodó, here.

Proyecto para regular apps es "redundante" y anticompetitivo

ElObservador (Uruguay), aquí.

Digital Single Market Update: The European Commission’s Proposal to Revise the Audiovisual Media Services Directive

Morrison & Foerster, here.

The Olympics and IP

ManagingIP, here.

White House Kept Close Tabs on FTC Google Probe

Google Transparency Project, here.
(Mails have some interesting attachments)

A New Approach to Copyright Exceptions and Limitations

J. Band, here.

ACCC continues its review of banks’ application for authorisation to collectively bargain with Apple

ACCC, here.

The Getty Museum's Lessons Learned From Opening Up Content

TecHDirt, here.

Banks v. Bots

Forbes, here.

Fitch: CMA Remedies Could Mean Slow Profit Erosion at UK Banks

Reuters, here.

Market definition and the sharing economy

C. Ortiz, here.

El modelo de Denominación de Origen y restricciones a la competencia

CNMC, aquí

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Attention Brokers

T. Wu, here

Expect Little Antitrust Challenge to Walmart’s Bid for

NYTimes, here

Intel Cuts the Cord With New VR Headset Called Project Alloy

Bloomberg, here.

Intel creates quasi Hollywood studio for sports and entertainment VR

VentureBeat, here

Price Discrimination Markets Lead Antitrust Enforcers to Increased Success

McDermott Will & Emery, here

MIT Media Lab Launched Disobedience Award, Funded By Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn)

TechCrunch, here.

Media, sports companies rattled by planned EU copyright shake-up

Euractiv, here and Reuters here (spot the differences). 

EU to crack down on online services such as WhatsApp over privacy

TheGuardian, here.

La fin de la prise jack sur l’iPhone 7 ouvrirait une nouvelle ère pour l’écosystème Apple

Numérama, ici.

La confiance est-elle une donnée personnelle comme les autres ?

LINC, ici.

The Internet Value Chain

A.T. Kearney for the GSMA, here.

Researchers track the trackers through 20 years of the archived web

TechCrunch, here.

Audi vernetzt seine Autos in den USA mit Ampel-Infrastruktur, hier.

Internet Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Trackers: An Archaeological Study of Web Tracking from 1996 to 2016

A. Lerner, A. Kornfeld Simpson, T. Kohno, and F. Roesner, here.

XS4ALL and KPN end privacy violations digital TV

Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens, here

Google lets any publisher apply to have “Critic Reviews” of local businesses

SearchEngineLand, here.

Supermärkte sollen ihre Einkaufspreise offenlegen

FAZ, hier.

Internet of Things strategies are going from general to specialized and vertical

Recode, here.

Der Adblocker und die Pressefreiheit

Handelsblatt, hier.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Werner Herzog’s meditations on a connected world

TechCrunch, Videos (trailer and interview) here.

Clausewitz: "Der Krieg ist mit seinem Resultat nie etwas Absolutes
Endlich ist selbst die Totalentscheidung eines ganzen Krieges nicht immer für eine absolute anzusehen...
10. Die Wahrscheinlichkeiten des wirklichen Lebens treten an die Stelle des Äußersten und Absoluten der Begriffe"

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

FTC Sues 1-800 Contacts For Restricting Competitive Keyword Advertising

E. Goldman, here.

Decentralizing the Web: Two Technological Approaches

Digitaltrends, here.

Copyright and Distributive Justice

J. Hughes, R. Merges, here.

Data-Generating Patents

B. Simon, T. Sichelman, here.

Privacy scandal haunts Pokemon GO's CEO

The Intercept, here.

Protecting the Olympic Properties

M. Wüthrich, here.

FTC Sues 1-800 Contacts, Charging that It Harms Competition in Online Search Advertising Auctions and Restricts Truthful Advertising to Consumers

FTC, here.

US Government Now Has An Official Open Source Software Policy

TechDirt, here.

GPL-Klage gegen VMware abgewiesen, hier.

HEIST is a big DEAL

D. Carroll, here.

Apple versus the banks, here.

How Uber Manages Drivers Without Technically Managing Drivers

FastCompany, here.

Yelp, TripAdvisor: Google’s mobile ‘best-of lists’ hide our content

SearchEngineLand, here.

Instagram castrated Snapchat like Facebook neutered Twitter

TechCrunch, here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

"Our job is to align supply and demand in time and space"

Take Eat Easy, here.

What Is the Decentralized Web? 24 Experts Break it Down

iSchool@Syracuse, here.

Credit card market study: Final findings report

FCA, here.

Commission accepts commitments by Paramount on cross-border pay-TV services

EC, here.

Successful opening of German gas markets allows early termination of E.ON commitments

EC, here.

Can you own digital data?

Datalandscape, here.

Big data company Teradata acquires UK’s Big Data Partnership

TechCrunch, here.

Platform Wars: The Final Score

B. Evans, here.

Hotels vs. Airbnb: Let the Battle Begin

NYTimes, here.