Thursday, August 11, 2016

Adblock Plus has already defeated Facebook's new ad blocking restrictions

TheVerge, here.

Google Fined for Breaking Russian Antitrust Rules With Android

NYTimes, here.

(438 млн 067 400 рублей...).

Ökonomische Auswirkungen einer Bildungs- und Wissenschaftsschranke im Urheberrecht

J. Haucap, I. Loebert, G. Spindler, S. Thorwarth, hier.

The View from the Shop— Antitrust and the Decline of America’s Independent Businesses

S. Mitchell, here.

Boundedly rational entrepreneurs and antitrust

A. Tor, here.

Facebook Blocks Ad Blockers, but It Strives to Make Ads More Relevant

NYTimes, here.

Curbing the New Corporate Power

Forum, Boston Review, here.

Will Uber Rouse the Trustbusters?

Slate, here.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

FTC Sues 1-800 Contacts For Restricting Competitive Keyword Advertising

E. Goldman, here.

Decentralizing the Web: Two Technological Approaches

Digitaltrends, here.

Copyright and Distributive Justice

J. Hughes, R. Merges, here.

Data-Generating Patents

B. Simon, T. Sichelman, here.

Privacy scandal haunts Pokemon GO's CEO

The Intercept, here.

Protecting the Olympic Properties

M. Wüthrich, here.

FTC Sues 1-800 Contacts, Charging that It Harms Competition in Online Search Advertising Auctions and Restricts Truthful Advertising to Consumers

FTC, here.

US Government Now Has An Official Open Source Software Policy

TechDirt, here.

GPL-Klage gegen VMware abgewiesen, hier.

HEIST is a big DEAL

D. Carroll, here.

Apple versus the banks, here.

How Uber Manages Drivers Without Technically Managing Drivers

FastCompany, here.

Yelp, TripAdvisor: Google’s mobile ‘best-of lists’ hide our content

SearchEngineLand, here.

Instagram castrated Snapchat like Facebook neutered Twitter

TechCrunch, here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

"Our job is to align supply and demand in time and space"

Take Eat Easy, here.

What Is the Decentralized Web? 24 Experts Break it Down

iSchool@Syracuse, here.

Credit card market study: Final findings report

FCA, here.

Commission accepts commitments by Paramount on cross-border pay-TV services

EC, here.

Successful opening of German gas markets allows early termination of E.ON commitments

EC, here.

Can you own digital data?

Datalandscape, here.

Big data company Teradata acquires UK’s Big Data Partnership

TechCrunch, here.

Platform Wars: The Final Score

B. Evans, here.

Hotels vs. Airbnb: Let the Battle Begin

NYTimes, here.

Monday, July 25, 2016

The joy of data

BBC documentary, here.

A must-watch for my students - and almost everybody else!

Big Data first mentioned at 46:33.

Possible "concerns" get 4 seconds (hours in my course).

Coffee and donuts in first US commercial drone delivery, here.

The Economist asks: Richard Thaler

The Economist, Podcast here.

Indien: Ringing Bells hat erste 3-Euro-Smartphones ausgeliefert, hier.

After buying Yahoo for nearly $5 billion, Verizon is now in the search business

SearchEngineLand, here.

Chatbots: Fad Or The Future?

TechDirt, Beach Podcast, here.

Big Data: How Computers Are Collecting Our Personal Details

BigIssue, here.

Apple lays the groundwork to kill online advertising

TechCruch, here.

(Un)Fairness of Risk Scores in Criminal Sentencing

Forbes, here.

Metal 3D printing takes flight

TechCrunch, here.

Pokemon Gone

Bloomberg, here.

Understanding Online Markets and Antitrust Analysis

D. Sokol, here.

Spotify joins basically every other app maker in selling your data to advertisers

TechRadar, here.

Standard de la preuve et abus de position dominante : Le test du concurrent aussi efficace

Concurrences, ici.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Snowden designs device to warn when an iPhone is ratting out users

ArsTechnica, here

Truck Makers Hit With Record EU Fines for Price-Fixing in Europe, here

Everything is amazing — and no one at the European Commission is happy

G. Manne, here.

Personality, privacy and our digital selves

TheGuardian, here.

What's So Special about Two-Sided Markets?

B. Hermalin, M. Katz, here

Antitrust Balancing

H. Hovenkamp, here

Public Policy and Breach of Competition Law in International Arbitration: A Competition Law Practitioner's Viewpoint

D. Geradin, ici.

Reverse Payments: An EU and US Perspective

F. Maier-Rigaud, N. Bialock, O. Gannon, here.

The Theory of Abuse in Google Search: A Positive and Normative Assessment Under EU Competition Law

P. Akman, here.

Big data, small problem. Is the antitrust toolkit compatible for data?

Bird&Bird, here.

Trade and Privacy: Complicated Bedfellows

K. Irion, s. Yakovleva, M. Bartl, here.

How the internet was invented

TheGuardian, here.

La CNMC impugna el Acuerdo del Gobierno de Aragón sobre enseñanzas universitarias, que restringe la competencia en el sector universitario

CNMC, aquì.

Online booking platforms, MFN clauses: To regulate or not to regulate?, here.

vzbv mahnt Entwickler von Pokémon Go ab

vzbv, hier

Pokémon Go has revealed a new battleground for virtual privacy

Inforrm's Blog, here.

Les compagnies aériennes face au défi du Big Data

LaTribune, ici

Windows 10 : la Cnil donne 3 mois à Microsoft pour être moins intrusif, ici.

When will AI bots replace virtual assistants?

Information-age, here.

"It is a paid world"

Skift, here.

EU Data Protection Law May End The Unknowable Algorithm, here.

Airbnb hires ex-U.S. Attorney General to help shape anti-discrimination policy

VentureBeat, here

GAO's Patent Reports

Managingip, here

The Financial Times is testing blocking the adblockers by blocking actual words from its stories

NiemanLab, here

Monday, July 18, 2016

Tout comprendre à l’économie du XXIe siècle avec Pokemon Go, ici.

Online seller admits breaking competition law

CMA, here

Pokémon Go: Kritik von deutschen Datenschützern, hier

What Google Can Learn From Microsoft’s Antitrust Problems

N. Economides, here

The email, data and privacy implications of Microsoft’s acquisition of LinkedIn

TechCrunch, here

LEGO passt Rabattsystem an. Künftig fairere Bedingungen für den Online-Handel

Bundeskartellamt, hier

What history tells us about the future of artificial intelligence—and how society should respond

TheEconomist, here

There is now freedom of panorama in Belgium, here

Australia’s first criminal cartel charge laid against NYK

ACCC, here

Is it time for authors to leave SSRN?

AuthorsAlliance, here

WTO Law and Economics and Restrictive Practices in Energy Trade: The Case of the OPEC Cartel

A. Marhold, here

Macht der Online-Buchungsportale nimmt weiter zu

Hotrec, hier