Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Applying blockchain technology in global data infrastructure

ODI, here

Intesa anticoncorrenziale fra operatori di vending (distributori automatici)

AGCM, qui.

Court upholds Obama-backed net neutrality rules

Politico, here.

Why Microsoft bought LinkedIn for $26 billion, in one word: Cortana

PCWorld, here

Going gets tough for GoCompare the SuperMeerkat

FT, here

Liber on the role of publishers in the copyright value chain and on the 'panorama exception

Competencia y regulación eficiente en las universidades españolas

CNMC, aquì

Apple’s response to the chatbot craze doesn’t involve any chatbots

VentureBeat, here.

Apple's differential privacy

Wired, here.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Stealing Books in the Age of Self-Publishing

ThrAtlantic, here.

Microsoft to acquire LinkedIn

Microsoft, here and here

Antitrust settlements: the culture of consent

D. Ginsburg and J. Wright, here

Fidelity rebates - summary of the contributions

OECD, here

Public interest considerations in merger control

OECD Background Note, here

Protecting and promoting competition in response to "disruptive" innovations in legal services

OECD Background Note, here

Summary of Discussion of the Hearing on Across-Platforms Parity Agreements

OECD, here

Ein europäisches Leistungsschutzrecht für Verlagemacht keinen Sinn – eher Anreize für innovative Mehrwertleistungen schaffen

R. Kuhlen, hier

The New Economics of Multi-Sided Platforms: A Guide to the Vocabulary

D. Evans, R. Schmalensee, here

La competencia de la economía colaborativa

ElPais.com, aquì.

The sharing economy and new models of service delivery

OECD Insights, here.

Thursday, June 09, 2016

Marktmacht von Plattformen und Netzwerken

Bundeskartellamt (6. Beschlussabteilung / Think Tank Internet), Arbeitspapier, hier (148 Seiten).

Einstweilige Verfügung für Euroleague Basketball

Gleiss Lutz, hier.
Beschluss hier.

Lufthansa hits back after being reported to US regulator over surcharge discussion

Tnooz, here

Informe económico sobre las restricciones a la competencia incluidas en materia de vehículos de alquiler con conductor

CNMC, aquì

On Human Dignity as a Foundation for the Right to Privacy

L. Floridi, here

Regulation on Interchange Fees

EC, here

Grünbuch Digitale Platformen

BMWi, hier

Behavioral Economics in the Classroom

D. Laibson and J. List, here.

The CMA alleges that Ping has breached UK and EU competition law by operating an online sales ban

Press Release, here.
"Bans on internet trading can be a problem if they seek to prevent retailers reaching a significant proportion of customers. We will now consider any justifications put forward by Ping for the alleged conduct".

Fair compensation cannot be financed by a budgetary scheme such as that established in Spain

Case C-470/14, EGEDA. Press Release here

International Antitrust Enforcement: China and Beyond

T. Horton, here

Google is offering app developers the same revenue sharing terms Apple just announced — with one big advantage

Recode, here.

Expedia’s first bot is for booking hotels

VentureBeat, here.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Oracle v. Google

Order, here.

The role of economics in merger analysis: what can John Oliver teach us?

D. Gelfand (US DoJ), here

El TSJM tumba el decreto ‘anti-Airbnb’ de la Comunidad de Madrid

Sabemos, aquì.

Our public institutions need fair use laws

Smh.com.au, here

Freedom of expression and the private sector in the digital age

UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression to the Human Rights Council, here (Word).
List of submissions, here

The API Industry Supply Value Chain

APIDays, here

Copyright Office Opens Inquiry on Digital Rights for Libraries

Copyrightandtechnology.com, here

Stop the Bots From Killing Broadway

NYTimes, here.
See also here.

A complete list of all the ride-hail, auto and tech companies that have joined forces

Recode, here.

Voici à quoi ressemble l'ensemble des trajets européens de BlaBlaCar en une journée

LeFigaro,  Ici.

Taxi Messenger: Taxi-Bestellung jetzt auch über den Facebook Messenger

Heise.de, hier.

How 16 Companies are Dominating the World’s Google Search Results

ViperChill, here.

IAB Crumbles on legality of AdBlock Detection

Privacy-news, here.

Artificial Intelligence and the Law

BBC Radio 4, Podcast here.

Tuesday, June 07, 2016

Uber fait le plein d’annonces pour séduire ses chauffeurs

Numerama, ici

Who Owns Blockchain-Based Assets? An English Legal Analysis

M. Lavy and D. Khoo, here

Gestione collettiva dei diritti d’autore e dei diritti connessi e concessione di licenze multiterritoriali per i diritti su opere musicali per l’uso online nel mercato interno

AGCM, qui.

"L’Autorità ritiene che, in un contesto economico caratterizzato da profondi cambiamenti tecnologici, la mancata apertura del mercato nazionale della gestione dei diritti d’autore limita la libertà d’iniziativa economica degli operatori e la libertà di scelta degli utilizzatori. A suo parere, il mantenimento del monopolio legale appare in contrasto con l’obiettivo di rendere effettiva la libertà dei titolari del diritto di effettuare una scelta tra una pluralità di operatori in grado di competere con l’incumbent senza discriminazioni." 

Mobile Advertising: Economics, Evolution and Policy

D. Evans, here


K. Matsuda, Video here

Digital Matching Firms: A New Definition in the “Sharing Economy” Space

ESA, here.

Friday, June 03, 2016

EU’s forthcoming Net Neutrality rules Leaked: Here’s The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Netzpolitik, here

Main Provisions and Benefits of the Marrakesh Treaty (2013)

WIPO, here

Awkward Conversation With Facebook

D. Carroll, here

Working together to support fair competition worldwide

M. Vestager, here

An Economic Policy Perspective on Online Platforms

B. Martens (JRC Science Hub), here.

"This report is based on the findings and conclusions that can be drawn from existing economic research literature and evidence; it does not present any new evidence. However, it is not meant to provide an exhaustive economic literature review on platforms; it focuses only on a limited number of issues that may be relevant from a regulatory policy perspective. It focuses on potential market failures in digital platforms and examines to what extent existing regulatory tools and self-regulation in platforms can address these failures, or whether there is a need for additional regulatory intervention."

European Commission Announces eCommerce Package

Cooley, here

There is no Open Science without the use of open standards and Free Software

Blog.3rik.cc, here

You should go check Facebook's new privacy settings ASAP

Wired, here

Économie de partage : des assureurs se disent prêts

Journal-assurance.ca, ici.

Madonna Gets Victory Over 'Vogue' Sample at Appeals Court

Billboard, here.
Decision here

Economía colaborativa: 1.150 respuestas a nuestras recomendaciones

CNMC, aquì

Companies once thought they’d make big money off big data–now it’s their biggest liability

QZ.com, here

Market-Based Finance: Its Contributions and Emerging Issues

FCA, here

Setting the record straight on privacy dimensions in big data

K. El Emam, here

Algorithms: The Future That Already Happened

Lareviewofbooks.org, here