Friday, June 03, 2016

EU’s forthcoming Net Neutrality rules Leaked: Here’s The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Netzpolitik, here

Main Provisions and Benefits of the Marrakesh Treaty (2013)

WIPO, here

Awkward Conversation With Facebook

D. Carroll, here

Working together to support fair competition worldwide

M. Vestager, here

An Economic Policy Perspective on Online Platforms

B. Martens (JRC Science Hub), here.

"This report is based on the findings and conclusions that can be drawn from existing economic research literature and evidence; it does not present any new evidence. However, it is not meant to provide an exhaustive economic literature review on platforms; it focuses only on a limited number of issues that may be relevant from a regulatory policy perspective. It focuses on potential market failures in digital platforms and examines to what extent existing regulatory tools and self-regulation in platforms can address these failures, or whether there is a need for additional regulatory intervention."

European Commission Announces eCommerce Package

Cooley, here

There is no Open Science without the use of open standards and Free Software, here

You should go check Facebook's new privacy settings ASAP

Wired, here

Économie de partage : des assureurs se disent prêts, ici.

Madonna Gets Victory Over 'Vogue' Sample at Appeals Court

Billboard, here.
Decision here

Economía colaborativa: 1.150 respuestas a nuestras recomendaciones

CNMC, aquì

Companies once thought they’d make big money off big data–now it’s their biggest liability, here

Market-Based Finance: Its Contributions and Emerging Issues

FCA, here

Setting the record straight on privacy dimensions in big data

K. El Emam, here

Algorithms: The Future That Already Happened, here

Monday, May 23, 2016

Theranos teaches Silicon Valley a hard lesson about accountability

WashingtonPost, here

Control Mechanisms for CRM Systems and Competition Law

R. Hilty, T. Li, here.

CMA response to BIS consultation on moving Land Registry operations to the private sector

CMA, here

Saisine d’office pour avis portant sur l’exploitation des données dans le secteur de la publicité en ligne

Autorité de la concurrence, Décision ici.
A voir aussi:
fiche 1 : le secteur de la publicité en ligne en chiffres
fiche 2 : les acteurs de la publicité programmatique
fiche 3 : big data et publicité sur internet

Machine Bias, here.

International enforcement cooperation in mergers: main principles and recent experiences

EC, Competition policy brief, here.

Q&A: The impact and evolution of the sharing economy

PewResearchCenter, here

Copyright reform comes a little closer in Ireland

E. O'Dell, here

Platform Privacy: The Missing Piece of Data Protection Legislation

M. Westerlund and J. Enkvist, here

The rise of APIs

TechCrunch, here

Germany’s supreme court ruling on online games and bots could affect entire EU

VentureBeat, here

Regulating Revolution: An Introduction to 3D Printing and the Law

A. Daly, here

Internet Competition & Regulation of Online Platforms

CPI and Computer and Communications Industry Association, here

Friday, May 20, 2016

How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds — from a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist

T. Harris, Here.

Google answered some of our questions about its fancy new AI chip

Recode, Here.

Istruttoria nei confronti di Net Service per ipotesi di abuso della posizione dominante

Provvedimento qui.

La CNMC impugna el Decreto sobre viviendas vacacionales en Canarias

CNMC, here.

Oracle-Google Dispute Goes to Heart of Open-Source Software

NYTimes, here

Kartellrechtliche Beschränkung von Online-Verkäufen über Amazon und eBay, hier.
Vorlagebeschluss hier.

Goodreads is finally cashing in on its devoted community

Wired, here

UK High Court on Plain Packaging

"The" Expert
Worthwhile read for your week-end.

Read also here.

"I earn a living fronting an organization that kills one thousand two hundred human beings a day; twelve hundred people. We're talking two jumbo jet plane loads of men, women, and children. I mean there's Attila, Genghis, and me, Nick Naylor the face of cigarettes, the colonel Sanders of nicotine. This is where I work, the Academy of Tobacco Studies. It was established by seven gentlemen you may recognize from C-Span. These guys realized quick if they were gonna claim cigarettes were not addictive they better have proof. This is the man they rely on, Erhardt Von Grupten Mundt. They found him in Germany. I won't go into the details. He's been testing the link between nicotine and lung cancer for thirty years, and hasn't found any conclusive results. The man's a genius, he could disprove gravity."
Thank you for smoking

Third Circuit Provides Guidance on Loyalty Discounts

Schiff Hardin, Here.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Google's Data Dominance

M. Kearns, here.

Big Data Enters the Agenda of EU Antitrust Authorities

Skadden, here.

Technology‑led Innovation and Emerging Services in the Canadian Financial Services Sector

Competition Bureau, here.

Google’s chatbot strategy is missing something important

VentureBeat, here

Data Mobility at the Intersection of Data, Trade Secret Protection and the Mobility of Employees in the Digital Economy

G. Surblyte, here.

Google Appeals French Right-To-Be-Forgotten Ruling

NYTimes, here.

The Dutch parliament bans zero rating

EDRi, here.

Shared, Collaborative and On Demand: The New Digital Economy

Pew, Study here

TTIP on Competition

Wikileaks, here

The CMA is right to place its faith in tech, not gimmicks, here

Majority of accommodation providers in the EU offer online booking

Eurostat, here