Wednesday, May 18, 2016

The Smoking Gun in Android Antitrust Case

TheInformation, here

Staples/Office Depot: Memorandum Opinion

E. Sullivan, here

TripAdvisor chief on Instant Book, hotel direct campaigns and tours and activities, here

Guide to big data and the Australian Privacy Principles

Office of the Australian Information Commissioner, Consultation Draft, here

Oracle CEO claims it discounted Java by 97.5% to beat out Android on Amazon’s Paperwhite

TechCrunch, here

Less Logic, More Health: How Behavioral Economics Can Improve Incentives

Knowledge@Wharton, here

Training Computer Programs

Wired, here

Colleges Shouldn’t Have to Deal With Copyright Monitoring

P. Samuelson, here

An Introduction to Intellectual Property

M. Lemley P. Menell, R. Merges, here.

Google To Enter The Chat Bot Market With New Developer Tools, Integrations

AndroidPolice, here

EU-wide cybersecurity rules adopted by the Council

Council of the EU, here

Sharing Research Data

S. Summers, Presentation here

Runkeeper: A Message to Our Users

Here. And reply by the Forbrukerådet here.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Polish competition authority declares that Uber does not pose a threat to competition and protection of consumer interests.

A. Stawicki, here.
Statement of UOKiK's position here

Tripadvisor chief Stephen Kaufer sees no threat from direct hotel booking

IrishTimes, here

Waze va concurrencer BlaBlaCar avec un service de covoiturage

Numerama, ici

Pratiques Unilatérales

F. Marty, A. Wachsmann, Chroniques ici

CMA warns UK estate agents against colluding in online portal selection, here.

Elsevier acquires online community SSRN

TheBookseller, here.
See also here.
See Elsevier's post here.
There is somewhere a lesson to be learned about how communities are formed and monetized in the platform society. Moreover, would authors respond/react by increasingly disintermediating (own blog, other more "private" repositories, etc.), possibly? Or what about a broader ArXiv?

Oracle v. Google - Day 5

S. Jeong, Storify here

Die Hotel-Branche soll die Zimmerpreise von Buchungsplattformen wieder unterbieten dürfen, kündigt Wirtschaftsminister

Tiroler Tageszeitung, hier

Retail banking market investigation: Provisional decision on remedies

CMA, here.

Monday, May 16, 2016

Waze brings its carpooling service to the Bay Area

TechCrunch, here.

A brief history of disobedience

Seriously..., Podcast here.

How much of an optimistic disobedient person are you?

Vermieter zeigen Berliner Ferienwohnungs-Verbot bei EU an

Morgenpost, hier.

Made in Roma - Marchi di produzione e di possesso nella società antica

Museo dei Fori Imperiali, Mostra, info qui.
V. anche S. Pastor, Dal “Domo Roma” al “Made in Roma”, qui.

Blockchain startups make up 20% of largest crowdfunding projects

VentureBeat, here.

Tacit Agreement Under Section 1 of the Sherman Act

W. Page, here.

Online Platforms, Competition Rules and Consumer Protection in Travel Industry

M. Colangelo, V. Zeno-Zencovich, here.

European Union Competition Law, Intellectual Property Law and Standardization

D. Geradin, here.

The Problem of Intra-Personal Cost

B. Galle, here.

Hail and Farewell to The Google Books Case

J. Grimmelmann, here.

Forbes Tests New Tactics to Combat Ad Blocking

Forbes, Here.

The inside story of Facebook’s biggest setback

TheGuardian, Here.

Some hope for software patents in the US after the CAFC's Enfish decision, but this is no game-changer

Iam-Media, Here.

How expiring patents are ushering in the next generation of 3D printing

TechCrunch, Here.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Competition Policy in a World of Big Data (again)

S. Vezzoso (this blog's author), here.

Slightly revised and updated version (and yes, this week's FR and D Data Report is also considered).

EU’s Vestager Considers Third Antitrust Case Against Google

A. White, here

Matchmakers: The Future of Online Dating Platforms?

Arstechnica, here

What Platforms Do Differently than Traditional Businesses

D. Evans, R. Schmalensee, here

Draft Study on Copyright Limitations and Exceptions for Educational Activities

D. Seng, here.

Runkeeper tracks users when the app is not in use

Forbrukerradet, here
Ready for the week-end?

Spanish sherry maker fined by for cartel conduct aimed at raising export prices, here (Spanish)

Dispersion of Power as an Economic Goal of Antitrust and Competition Policy

S. Martin, here

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Uber’s Antitrust Problem, here.

In a $9 Billion Trial, Google's Secret Weapon Is a Filing Cabinet

MotherBoard, here

With help from Alexa, Kayak debuts voice-enabled travel search on Amazon Echo

SearchEngineLand, here

Fair use’ test at heart of $9 billion Google-Oracle copyright trial

MLex, here

GDPR and privacy are smokin’ hot for innovation right now

S. Carroll, here

Google to ban payday loan advertisements

WashingtonPost, here.
See also Led Astray, here

An EU exception for Text and Data Mining in the pipeline

Kluwer Copyright Blog, here

Targeted online ads: Do customers benefit from giving out personal information to advertisers?

Stanford Business, here

Patent Trolls: Moral Panics, Motions in Limine, and Patent Reform

E. Lee, here

Android Share Growth is Highest in EU5 (Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Spain) in Over Two Years

Kantarworldpanel, here

3D, yes. But do it yourself not so much.

InsideStory, here

Wal-Mart Takes Another Swipe at Fees for Payment Cards

Bloomberg, here

Innovative uses of consumer data by financial institutions

EBA, Discussion Paper, here

Où est passé le bien commun ?

J. Tirole, ici

Keeping Pace in the Digital Age

T. McSweeney, Video here. Written comments here.

The next AI is no AI

TechCrunch, here

The Information Age is over; welcome to the Experience Age

TechCrunch, here

Monday, May 09, 2016

The creators of Siri just showed off their next AI assistant, Viv, and it's incredible

TheVerge, here.
Demo here.

Personal digital assistants are on the rise (and they want to talk), here

OLG Düsseldorf lässt einstweilig abblitzen, hier

The digital age of data art

TechCrunch, here

How blockchains could change the world

McKinsey, here

Millionenbuße wegen vertikaler Preisabsprachen beim Vertrieb von Bier, hier.
Fallbericht hier.

Disruptive innovations in legal services

OECD Secretariat, Background Note here

New app gives Uber a little disruption of its own

BostonGlobe, here

Vehicle Dealers Allege Car Carrier Price Fixing

Maritime-executive, here.
Complaints here and here

Chasing the Uber model is killing a lot of on-demand companies

VentureBeat, here