Thursday, April 14, 2016

Wettbewerbspolitik in digitalen Märkten: Sollte Datenschutz eine Rolle spielen?

N. Jentzsch, hier

Copyright Fight Club, here

Ensure Hyperlinking Will Not Infringe Copyright Law: Advocate General Wathelet’s Opinion On Gs Media, here

Some Online Bargains May Only Look Like One

NYTimes, here

How Australian business views the sharing economy

NAB, here

Deterrence in EU merger policy

J. Clougherty , T. Duso, J. Seldeslachts, here

Perchas iguales, wifi o cafetera… así son las restricciones a la vivienda turística

CNMC, aquì

Argentine capital's gov't says Uber illegal, will be penalized

Latino.FoxNews, here

Personal Data Services Promise User Privacy

Networkcomputing, here

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Opinion 01/2016 on the EU – U.S. Privacy Shield draft adequacy decision

WP29, here

Antworten auf die Fragen für das Fachgespräch „Kartellrecht und Plattformen“

Bundeskartellamt, hier.
J. Haucap, hier.

Verbraucherzentrale Bundesverband (vzbv),  Hier.
A.Baums, hier.

Google weiß, wo die Deutschen surfen

Brisant, Sendung hier

Former FTC Commissioner: UFC investigations, antitrust lawsuit ‘ultimately about consumers’, here

Sorry, but Uber Isn’t Conspiring to Fix Ridesharing Prices

J. Meyer, R. Meyer, here

The era of AI-human hybrid intelligence

TechCrunch, here

Bloops and Blips Ahead for Bots, here

Not So Fast! Qualcomm Cannot Use “Curious Quirk” of U.S. Discovery Law In Korean Antitrust Proceeding

Proskauer, here.

FBI paid professional hackers one-time fee to crack San Bernardino iPhone

WashingtonPost, here

A global guide to antitrust/competition law—what, why, for whom?

D. Gerber, here

The Dynamic Structure or Regulatory Innovation Networks

M. Jennejohn, here


A. Ezrachi, here

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Energy market investigation: Consultation response

Centre for Competition Policy, here

Oxford professor calls for European ethical codes on patient data

TheGuardian, here

Uber pone techo al costo de su servicio en la Ciudad de México

Expansion, aquì. ’s giving $20 million to engineer a better world for the disabled

Wired, here

Freigabe des Zusammenschlusses von Online-Dating-Plattformen

Bundeskartellamt, Fallbericht hier

Finland, the land of vertical search engines

InfoWorld, here

In Bots We Trust?, here

What Is Cognitive Economics? Understanding the World Through New Types of Data

Inverse, here

Using data from social networks to understand and improve systems, here

BMW Launches "Premium Airbnb For Cars"

TheDrive, here

Is Uber even part of the sharing economy?

Fastcoexist, here

Here's How Nike Became a Platform Business

M. Van Alstyne, G. Parker, S. Choudary, here

Why Platform Disruption Is So Much Bigger than Product Disruption

J. Vasquez Sampere, here

Monday, April 11, 2016

Keeping pace with a changing environment: What this means for enforcers

A. Chrisholm, here

Uber is the victim of Judge Rakoff’s curiosity in antitrust case

Reuters, here.
Opinion and Order here.
Original Complaint here.

Deep Learning for Chatbots, Part 1 – Introduction

WildML, here

Quo Vadis FTC? (Endo Complaint)

D. Goldstein, R. Reznick, here

A bunch of big US websites say they're likely to support legal action against ad blockers

Businessinsider, here.

Leading government's 'data revolution'

UKauthority, here

Big data and competition: Facebook faces antitrust probe over privacy terms

Taylor Wessing, here

How to Spot a Monopolistic Search Engine

M. Luca, here

Vermarktungsmodell für die Vergabe der Bundesligarechte ab der Saison 2017/18 gebilligt

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Points de rencontre entre régulation concurrentielle & protection des données

B. Lasserre, Vidéo ici.

Pourquoi l’Autorité française ne se saisit-elle pas aussi de Facebook ?

B. Lasserre, Vidéo ici.

Bots, explained, here

Here’s why the music labels are furious at YouTube. Again., here

Friday, April 01, 2016

How Google Plans to Solve Artificial Intelligence

T. Simonite, here

Why ad blocking, a form of digital self-defense, is not a net neutrality violation

Strand Consult, here

The Conspiracy of Algorithmic Price-Fixing

A. Rosenblat, here

New Decision in Georgia State University E-Reserves Case Released; 41 of 48 Claims of Infringement Found to Be Fair Uses

ARL Policy Notes, here

Tech Giants and Civic Power

M. Moore, here.

Updated Intellectual Property Enforcement Guidelines

Competition Bureau Canada, here

How Antitrust Law Could Reform College Football: Section 1 of the Sherman Act and the Hope for Tangible Change

M. Edelman, here

Uber CEO must face price-fixing lawsuit by passengers: U.S. judge, here

Smart Homes and the Internet of Things

Atlantic Council, here

Shifting Perspectives: Redesigning Regulation For The Sharing Economy

MaRS Solution Lab, here

FTC Sues Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Others for Illegally Blocking Lower-Cost Generic Versions of the Branded Drugs Opana ER and Lidoderm

Press Release, here

Thursday, March 31, 2016

The technology industry’s dirty secret: most products are frighteningly insecure

M. Kleppmann, here

Design of Search Engine Services: Channel Interdependence in Search Engine Results

B. Edelman, Z. Lai, here

Issues Paper On Foresight for Digital Development

UNCTAD, here

KLM now uses Facebook Messenger for boarding passes, flight info, and customer service

VentureBeat, here

Hollywood Deals in Spotlight as EU Builds Antitrust Film Case

Bloomberg, here

A Typology of Privacy

B.-J. Koops, B. Clayton Newell, T. Timan, I. Škorvánek, T. Chokrevski, M. Galič, here.

Patent licencing: CCI can look into cases if allegations of abuse of dominance are involved, says Delhi HC, here.
Judgment here

EU Privacy Reg Data Portability May Affect Controllers

S. Gardner, here

LG Berlin: Amazon haftet für urheberrechtswidrige Bilder seiner Marketplace-Verkäufer, hier

Off-Topic: Scientists for EU Campaign – Written evidence, here

Why Microsoft just made a big bet on bots

The Verge, here.

(Interestingly, MS fought hard against the browser replacing the desktop OS as the new platform, as every antitrust scholar knows; now MS - not alone, though - is "on the other side" and pushing hard for the bot store to replace the app store. Reactions from the incumbents at risk of being displaced or general and rather peaceful transition towards the new largely AI-fueled paradigm?).

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Microsoft is bringing bots to Skype — and everywhere else

TechCrunch, here

This student put 50 million research articles online. And they’re free.

WashingtonPost, here

Microsoft CEO: ‘Bots are the new apps'

Mashable, here.

Clippy’s Back: The Future of Microsoft Is Chatbots

Bloomberg, here

Consumer Protection in E-commerce - OECD Recommendation

Pipelines, Platforms, and the New Rules of Strategy

M. Van Alstyne, G. Parker, S. Choudary, here.

Monopolizing Water in a Tsunami: Finding Sensible Antitrust Rules for Big Data

D. Balto, M. Cameron Lane, here

How would Brexit affect EU patent protection?

TheGuardian, here

Vertical restraints: new evidence from a business survey

Accent and Oxera for the CMA, here.
See also the Summary note of the CMA roundtable on vertical restraints 16 January 2015, here.

"What vertical restraints are businesses using and what are their main motivations for doing so?"
Seriously, did they expect businesses to answer "for anti-competitive reasons"?

Blockchain: Spider or Starfish Effect?

R. French, here

Using Adblock Plus to block ads is legal, rules German court—for the fifth time

ArsTechnica, here

What is a Robot?

The Atlantic, here

Commitment Decisions in Antitrust Cases

OECD Secretariat, here

Fidelity Rebates

OECD Secretariat, here

In the wake of Apple v FBI, we need to address some uncomfortable truths

J. Powles, E. Chaparro, here

The Platform Revolution

Interview with G. Parker, Here.

Snapchat update targets rivals’ territory

FT, here