Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Google Now Card Offers Movie Piracy Advice

Torrentfreak, Here.

Platform regulation — ex-ante versus ex-post intervention: evolving our antitrust tools and practices to meet the challenges

A. Chisholm & N. Jung, Here.

Bußgelder im Sanitär-Kartell

Bundeskartellamt, hier

CrowdSignals Aims to Create a Marketplace for Smartphone Sensor Data

NYTimes, here

Almost everyone is doing the API economy wrong

TechCrunch, here

Kartellamt nimmt DFB ins Visier

FAZ, hier

My Take on FBI’s “Alternative” Method

J. Zdziarski, here

Energy market investigation - Provisional decision on remedies

CMA, here (758 pages).

PCW: 357-391.

Consumers’ Privacy Choice in the Big Data Era

S. Dengler, J. Prüfer, here.

Regulierung von Digitalen Vermittlungsplattformen für Privatfahrer

vzbv, hier

Google’s right-side Adpocalypse: What really happened (DATA)

SearchEngineLand, here.

On newspapers and ebooks, the Justice Department's antitrust theory is obsolete

LATimes, here.

Monday, March 21, 2016

The Global Privacy Enforcement Network

Annual Report (2015), here

Automating the Professions: Utopian Pipe Dream or Dystopian Nightmare?

F. Pasquale, here

Taxi And Private Hire Car Licensing – Consultation on The Impact of Modern Technology

The Scottish Government, here

Lufthansa says other airlines will follow GDS surcharge move

Tnooz, here

How the FCC's Privacy Proposal Could Affect More Than ISPs

AdAge, here. 

Data Protection Practitioners' Conference 2016

Recordings and Presentations here

Apple ‘privacy czars’ grapple with internal conflicts over user data

VentureBeat, here

La menace d’une saisie du code source des iPhone serait crédible

Numerama, ici

Google looks to big data to cut traffic and create new product

SiliconBeat, here

Why real-time search algorithm updates may be bad news

SearchEngineLand, here

Spotify inks “no copyright claim” royalty deal with music publishers

ArsTechnica, here

No, the On-Demand Economy Isn’t About to Implode

WIRED, here

The death of Instagram for brands

TechCrunch, here

Newsonomics: In Southern California’s newspaper chaos, is anyone really speaking for the readers?

NiemanLab, here

Renzi puts brakes on Italy taxi reform

FT, here

Geo-blocking practices in e-commerce

EC, here

EU-Kartellrechtsuntersuchung: Geoblocking grassiert im Netz

Heise.de, hier

Data Wars: The banks awaken

AFR, here

Friday, March 11, 2016

The CMA’s Energy Market Provisional Remedies: Right Direction but Inadequate, and Missing an Important Trick

D. Deller, here.
Also here.

LG Düsseldorf: Like-Button und Social-Plugins sind rechtswidrig (FAQ zum Urteil)

T. Schwenke, hier

Online Privacy and ISPs: ISP Access to Consumer Data is Limited and Often Less than Access by Others

P. Swire, J. Hemmings, A. Kirkland, here

Google says 'not now, not ever' will it become an OTA

Travelweekly, here

Resultados preliminares del estudio sobre los nuevos modelos de prestación de servicios y la economía colaborativa

CNMC, aquì.
Consulta pública aquì

UK and the EU: Benefits, Misconceptions and Alternatives

Lawyers-In for Britain, here.

Berichtsflut über Preisinsel Schweiz

NZZ.ch, hier

Strategia per il mercato unico digitale in Europa

G. Pitruzzella, here

Italy to adopt first "Sharing Economy Act" in Europe -- but does it share EU law principles?

R. Cohen, here.
See also here (in Italian)

Uber seems to offer better service in areas with more white people. That raises some tough questions

WashingtonPost, here

A vision for Market Research in an Information Age

CitizenMe, here

Two Powerful Mental Models: Network Effects and Critical Mass

T. Griffin, here

Bitcoin and Diversity

Stratechery.com, here

The intersection of data protection and antitrust law - finally a spot on case in the EU

M. Hall, here.

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Counterfeit crackdown: Microchips hidden in luxury heels & bags

TheMemo, here.
See also here.

Even the UNWTO is talking about the sharing economy

TNooz, here

Potential Antitrust Implications of MFN Clauses

It's Your Data: Empowering Broadband Consumers to Protect Privacy

T. Wheeler, here

Do stricter environmental policies hurt export competitiveness?

OECD, here

Competing fairly in business – why it matters to start-ups

CMA, here.

Yeah, sure, think Skoosh for instance.

A State-Powered Green Revolution

M. Mazzucato, here

German Regional Court: Consent necessary when implementing the Facebook Like-Button

C. Piltz, here

The evolution of advertising: a technology tipping point

Ctrl-shift.co.uk, here

Appfail:Threats to Consumers in Mobile Apps

Norwegian Consumer Council, here

The New Mind Control

R. Epstein, here.

Cited article here

Opera integriert Adblocker

Heise.de, hier.

La donnée, nouveau carburant de l’économie

Lenouveleconomiste, Ici.

What Airbnb’s blockchain authentication proposal means for privacy online

TheStack, here.

CMA sets out energy market changes

CMA, here.

Wednesday, March 09, 2016

The inner workings of Digital Disruption

@PlatRevolution, here

Biometrics Are Coming, Along With Serious Security Concerns

Wired, here

Services de géolocalisation des VTC

Conseil d’État, ici

Instagram kills newly launched ‘Being’ app, which saw 50K downloads its first week

TechCrunch, here

Lonely Journey: From Economics to Law and Back

F. Jenny, Video here

Web Scale Analysis of Third-Party Tracking

T. Libert, Video, here.

Google’s New Mobile Tool Lets You Compare Destinations by Price

Skift.com, here

Facebook se lance dans la course aux droits sportifs

Numérama, ici

Data brokers and profiling in the Netherlands

F. Kreiken, here

Crowd-Based Capitalism? Empowering Entrepreneurs in the Sharing Economy

A. Sundararajan, here

The One-Way Mirror: Public attitudes to commercial access to health data

Ipsos Mori for the Wellcome Trust, here.

liqz-Studie beleuchtet die Gefahren von Tracking für die Privatsphäre

Mittelstand-nachrichten.de, hier

Competition: raising the anti

Lawgazette.co.uk, here

Google Search gets Destinations

VentureBeat, here.