Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Highlights from the Competition Bureau’s Workshop on Emerging Competition Issues

Competition Bureau Canada, here

Copyright, Competition, and  the Digital Single Market

P. Ibanez Colomo, here

Google nimmt Anzeigen direkt auf seine Seite

FAZ, hier

Passenger rail services: competition policy project

CMA, here

ACLU Urges Feds To Adopt Privacy Rules For Broadband And Cable

FastCompany, here

Did Apple do a shady deal to get more movies/music in the Middle East?

VentureBeat, here

IAB Creates Guide for Publishers to Combat Ad Blocking

AdAge.com, here

Complaint regarding unfair contractual terms in the Terms of Use for the mobile application Tinder

 Norwegian Consumer Council, here.

Does working at Google give you access to the data of users?

B. White, here.

(In the "good reasons" we trust).

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Competition Challenges in the Consumer Internet Industry

CEP, here.

Mitigating the existing imbalance between data-rich and data-poor companies

G. Oettinger,  here.

Google’s AMP Is Speeding Up the Web By Changing How It Works

Wired, here

Bruxelles adresse ses critiques à l’encontre du projet de loi Lemaire

NextImpact, here.

Quick Take on Justice Scalia’s Legacy on Antitrust Law

A. Naik, Here.

Daten­schutz im Check: Viele Hintertüren bei Google, Netflix & Co

Stiftung Warentest, hier

CMA responses to consultations on the Digital Single Market (all in one place)

CMA, here

Landgericht Berlin: Urteil im Kartellrechtsstreit von Presseverlagen gegen Google (PM 14/2016)

Berlin.de, hier.

Sci-Hub: How Does It Work?

Scholarlykitchen, here.

Making communications work for everyone

Ofcom, here

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The new new competition - How digital platforms change competitive strategy

M. Van Alstyne, S. Choudary, G. Parker, Presentation here

The right way—and wrong way—for cities to regulate Uber

Macleans.ca, here

Google AMP Is Less About Beating Facebook at News, More About Gobbling Up the Mobile Web

Recode, here

Streetmap.EU Limited v Google

J. Morrison, here

Fed Up With Uber And Lyft, Drivers Plan To Launch Competing App

FastCompany, here

Business models in the Peer-to-peer economy

P. Belleflamme, Presentation here

Government must help end 'heartbreaking' Amazon dominance, former Number 10 adviser says

TheTelegraph, here.

Google weiß, wo die Deutschen surfen

FAZ, hier.

Cyanogen’s New MOD Platform Will Allow Developers To Deeply Integrate Their Apps Into Its OS

TechCrunch, here

Why Authors Alliance Supports A Broader View Of Fair Use Than The Authors Guild

P. Samuelson, here

Uber and the economic impact of sharing economy platforms

Bruegel, here

The making available right in the United States

Register of Copyrights, here

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

PTO Weighs In on Digital First Sale

Copyrightandtechnology.com, here.

U.S.-EU Data Privacy: From Safe Harbor to Privacy Shield

US Congressional Research Service, here.

Competition Commission of India suspects Monsanto abused dominant position

Timesofindia, here.

Getting Around Section 230

E. Goldman, audio here; slides here. . 

How will acceding to the Marrakesh Treaty benefit Canadians?

Government of Canada, here

World’s cheapest Android smartphone goes on sale for just $3.67

ArsTechnica, here.

Netflix says going global has improved its personal recommendations

VentureBeat, here

Données personnelles : le virulent réquisitoire de la CNIL contre Facebook

Le Monde, ici.

A message to our customers regarding backdoors

Apple, here.

Linux and White House together to improve open source security

CIO.com, here

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Nothing Is Free, Not Even Facebook Free Basics

O. Malik, here

What if we don’t need advertising at all?

D. Searls, here.

AU: Options to strengthen the misuse of market power law

Submissions here.
ACCC here

Platforms, is there a need to regulate?

Digital4EU 2016, Thursday 25 February 2016, 16:15 – 17:25, webstream here..

Juno hasn’t even launched, but it’s already creeping me out with its data collection

Medium.com, here

Stealth Startup Juno Will Take On Uber By Treating Drivers Better

Forbes, here

Why does everybody hate competition so much?

C. Sagers, here

Uber CEO delivers stinging attack to city regulators at TED

Wired, here

It’s time to break the teeth-whitening monopoly

Washington Post, here.

European Union Competition Law in the Digital Era

M. Kadar, here

CCI rejects complaints of unfair practices against Ola, Uber

Moneycontrol, here.
Orders here and here.

So dynamisch sind die Preise im Netz

WISO, hier

Friday, February 12, 2016

FCC chairman talks set-top boxes, consumers' right to choose

Washington Post, Video here.

UK's Streetmap loses 'anticompetitive' search abuse case against Google

The Guardian, here.
Decision here.

Microsoft retreats from EU antitrust fight against Google (?)

ArsTechnica, here

74 OEMs pre-install MS apps and services on Android devices

BusinessInsider, here.

(OEMs/MS agreements anyone?)

Personal data in exchange for free services: an unhappy partnership?

Norwegian Data Protection Authority, here.

The European Collaborative Economy Industry to the Presidency of the EU Council

Letter, here.

(Inspiring list of signatories).

Error 53 lawsuit

'Pay for delay' fined in the UK

CMA, here.

Facebook and the New Colonialism

The Atlantic, here.

Online Platforms and the EU Digital Single Market: Mydex supplementary evidence

Mydex, here