Thursday, November 26, 2015

Modernizing Regulation in the Canadian Taxi Industry

Canada Competition Bureau, here.

Consumer Actions after the Adoption of the EU Directive on Damage Claims for Competition Law Infringements

J. Drexl, here

'Exhaustion' in the Digital Age

R. Hilty, here

What is your car saying about you?

Fiaregion1, here.
Video here

Uber and the Rule of Law: Should Spontaneous Liberalization be Applauded or Criticized?

D. Geradin, here

Green Light or No, Nest Cam Never Stops Running, here

Microsoft settles suit tied to compliance with EU antitrust case, here

Mozilla: We’re not getting money from Google any more, but we’re doing fine

ArsTechnica, here

Bundesgerichtshof zur Haftung von Access-Providern für Urheberrechtsverletzungen Dritter

Urteile vom 26. November 2015 - I ZR 3/14 und I ZR 174/14, hier

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

On the IP/Antitrust Interface

A Conversation, Video here.

Whither Uber?: Competitive Dynamics in Transportation Networks

B. Edelman, here.

Google’s investments, acquisitions, and strategy

CB Insights, here

Call for Inputs: Big Data in retail general insurance

FCA, here

Algorithm Predicts Relationship Success Through Couples’ Tone Of Voice

TechCrunch, here

Regulating platforms? A competition law perspective

Chillingcompetition, here

A Car Dealers Won’t Sell: It’s Electric

NYTimes, here

Google Says Local Search Result That Buried Rivals Yelp, TripAdvisor Is Just a Bug, here

Reflections on the use of big data and its implications

Essex University, Submission to the 'Big Data Dilemma Inquiry', here.

Competition Law and the Pharmaceutical Sector in India

S. Mondal and V. Pingali, here

European Data Market

IDC and Open Evidence for the European Commission, DG CONNECT, here.

Consumer groups expose manufacturers for collecting data from connected cars, here

Government Response to the Harper Review, here

Monday, November 23, 2015

Developments in Antitrust Cases Against Sports Leagues

Panel, AAI, Audio  here.

Perspectives on Europe

M. Vestager, Text here. Podcast here.

Superintendência-Geral do Cade instaura processo administrativo contra taxistas no caso Uber, aqui.

The Big Data Dilemma

UK Parliament, Science and Technology Committee, here.

ABA Head Rings Alarm About Amazon Books and Antitrust Laws, here

New international conventions are needed to govern the Internet, here

FOIA'd lobby documents that Dutch Government received regarding Data Protection Regulation, here

The open-data revolution is only getting started

TheEconomist, here

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Qualcomm Sinks as South Korea Accuses Company of Breaking Law

Bloomberg, here.  See also iam, here

Pardon the Interruption: Competition and Disruptive Business Models

S. Weissman, here

The Missing Role of Economics in Privacy Regulation at the FTC

J. Wright, Video here (from 08:15).

Experts compare Duke lawsuit to other antitrust cases, here

Bedingungen für Lieferanten: Kartellamt unterliegt im Streit mit Edeka, hier.

OLG Düsseldorf, VI – Kart 6/14 (V), hier.

'Autorité de la concurrence clôt une enquête à l'encontre d'Adidas

Autorité de la concurrence, ici

The Supreme Court Needs to Intervene and Bring Rationality to Tying Law – and It May Wish to Look at Loyalty Discounts as Well

TruthOnTheMarket, here

More Evidence Of How Copyright Makes Culture Disappear In A Giant Black Hole

TechDirt, here

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Android: Почему мы не согласны с этим решением?

Googlerussiablog, здесь

Phishing for Phools: The Economics of Manipulation and Deception

R. Shiller, Book Talk, Video here.

Phishing ("an attempt to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card details - and sometimes, indirectly, money- often for malicious reasons, by masquerading as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication").
Phools: not in the Indian sense (flowers in Urdu پھول) - just idiots.

Collusion and Cartels: Successes and Challenges

J. Harrington, here

Towards a Broader View of Competition Policy

J. Stiglitz, here. Video, here (from 11:30).

Anti-Monopoly Enforcement: Protection and Promotion of Technology Innovation

S. Ming, here

Perspectives on judging competition law cases: the role of economic evidence

F. Jenny, here

Chinese Anti-Monopoly Guide on Abuse of Intellectual Property Rights: A Comment

K. Wong-Ervin, J. Wright, D. Ginsburg, B. Kobayashi, here

Zwangslizenz: Patentverwerter Sisvel siegt mit Arnold Ruess und Eisenführ, hier

Professor's legal win will make MOOCs more dynamic, here

Small telcos and consumer groups team up against former monopolies

Euractiv, here

Examen, au regard des règles de concurrence, des activités de normalisation et de certification

Autorité de la concurrence, Avis du 17 novembre 2015, ici

Monday, November 16, 2015

What Is Disruptive Innovation?

C. Christensen, M. Raynor, R. McDonald, here

Sprawling? Pssht—no one streamlines everything from books to bots like Amazon

ArsTechnica, here

Platform Cooperativism

Conference, Videos here

Growth in an increasingly intangible-intensive economy

J. Haskel, Video here

Bundeskartellamt leitet Verfahren gegen Audible/Amazon und Apple ein, hier.

ACX marketplace, FAQs, Distribution: "Exclusive to ACX means your finished audiobook will be sold only through Audible, Amazon, and iTunes. Any audiobook made using ACX will be distributed through these online retailers. Note that Audible has an exclusive relationship with iTunes (i.e. to get your product into iTunes' audiobook store, you have to go through Audible)."

Thursday, November 12, 2015

YouTube Launches Its Long-Awaited Music App

TechCrunch, here

Données personnelles, plateformes et concurrence. Quelle régulation par le droit de la concurrence ?

Déjeuner Procédure, Présentations ici.

EU Council approves trademark reform, despite UK and Dutch reservations, here

Securing Private Communications

A. Arnbak, here

Proposed guidance for firms outsourcing to the ‘cloud’ and other third-party IT services

UK Financial Conduct Authority, here.

The UK government embraces open source via a government-centric fork of LibreOffice

Techrepublic, here

The UN launches an app to let you donate a meal to refugee children

VentureBeat, here

Yahoo Updates Search Experience For Firefox Users On Desktop

SearchEngineLand, here

Google’s New “About Me” Page Lets You Control What Personal Info Others Can See

TechCrunch, here

Has the search result ruling stopped the internet working?

ICO, here

Einwilligungslösungen von Google

HmbBfDI, hier