Thursday, October 22, 2015

Follow the user - digital news in a digital world

Googlepolicyeurope, here

Users are the real winners of the Google books case

K. Brown, here

Switching Principles

CMA, Call for Evidence here.

Development of the Joint Strategic Plan on Intellectual Property Enforcement

Google, here

AC‑Treuhand AG v.European Commission

Case C‑194/14 P, here

Open Data Handbook, here

Hotel chains disagree over open marketplace concept

TNooz, here

Net Neutrality in Europe: Now or Never!

LaQuadrature.Net, here

Appeals court reverses itself, gives Amazon a trademark win over watchmaker

ArsTechnica, here

How Walmart Can Start Competing Online, here

Retail banking market investigation

CMA, Summary of provisional findings report, here.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Irish privacy regulator concedes must investigate Facebook data, here

Gesellschaftliche Konfliktlinien im Kontext von Big Data am Beispiel von Smart Health und Smart Mobility

 H. Lahmann, hier

Pour les VTC, gérée par les VTC: Des chauffeurs Uber lancent une application "made in France", ici

UK’s largest online pharmacy fined £130,000 for selling patients’ data to scammers

MedConfidential, here.

ICO's "Monetary Penalty Notice" here.

"35. Pharmacy2U has obtained personal data unfairly because its online registration form and privacy policy did not inform its customers that it intended to sell their details to third party organisations, in addition to sending out its own marketing material. It would not be within a customer’s reasonable expectation that this form of disclosure would occur, even if they were willing to agree to the receipt of marketing material from Pharmacy2U itself. If a customer wished to take up Pharmacy2U’s offer to opt out of “Selected company data sharing”, they also had to go to the trouble of logging into their account and changing the setting.
36. In addition, Pharmacy2U did not provide the further information that was necessary to enable the processing in respect of its customers to be fair.
37. In the circumstances, Pharmacy2U’s customers did not give their informed consent to the sale of their personal data to third party organisations. Therefore Pharmacy2U did not have a lawful basis for processing the data under Part I of Schedule 2 to the DPA.
73. The Commissioner has decided that it is appropriate to issue a monetary penalty in this case, in light of the nature and seriousness of the contravention, Pharmacy2U’s shortcomings in terms of its DPA duties and the risks posed to a number of individuals. He has also considered the importance of monetary penalties in dissuading future contraventions of the DPA and encouraging compliance, in accordance with his policy."

Researchers find 256 iOS apps that collect users’ personal info (in breach of platform's rules)

ArsTechnica, here

Monday, October 19, 2015

Le.TAXI platform launched: Open Data to foster innovation in French taxi services

EpsiPlatform, here

France hailed as pioneer with landmark agreement

Musicweek, here.

Amazon sues 1,000 'fake reviewers'

TheGuardian, here

Google ordered to disclose personal data shared with 3rd parties in S. Korea, here

Ofgem investigates energy price comparison sites, here

Why Internet Platforms Don’t Need Special Regulation

ITIF, here

Publishers Straddle the Apple-Google, App-Web Divide

NYTimes, here

Cartels involving intermediate goods

Background Paper by the OECD Secretariat, here.

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Data Protection Commissioner gets extra €1.2m funding, here

Lyft Adds Ride History With Map Details, Price Breakdown, Tips, And Lost & Found, here.

Amazon reaches deal with deaf rights group to caption all video

ArsTechnica, here

Applied Infonomics: Why and How to Value Your Information as an Asset, here

Netflix’s excuse for its slow growth is a head-scratcher

Wired, here

The Role of Consumer Protection in a Fair Market Economy

W. Kovacic, Presentation here 

How Machines Learn (And You Win)

HBR, here

How to listen to (and delete) everything you've ever said to Google, here

European Commission signs best practices merger cooperation framework with China

Press Release, here

Consumers are no longer 'Googling' products, they're 'Amazoning' them, here (research by BloomReach, co-founded by former Google scientist).

Europe’s big data protection opportunity

G. Buttarelli, here

Deterrence and macroeconomic impact of the work of competition authorities

Motivation and purpose of the conference explained here. Conference presentations, here..

Ordnungspolitik und Kartellrecht im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung

J. Haucap, hier

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Vertical agreements between suppliers and retailers that specify a relative price relationship between competing products or competing retailers

M. Hviid for the OECD, here .

Contributions to the October 2015 OECD hearing by Italy, France, Germany, Sweden, UK, US (to be updated). Two key contributions (still?) missing: Australia and the European Union...

Thursday, October 08, 2015

Data-Driven Innovation: Big Data for Growth and Well-Being

OECD, here (read only - no search, offline reading, etc.; PDF available, 73 EUR).

Amazon now wants to sell you yogurt soaps and handmade cat lamps, too

ArsTechnica, here

Google denies Android Auto car system sends it user's driving data

TheGuardian, here.

Volkswagen’s emissions cheating scandal has a long, complicated history

ArsTechnica, here

Competition Commission of Pakistan to probe fare raise by private airlines, here

Panels: WTO Could Play Crucial Role In Challenges Facing Global Digital Trade, here

The Brussels Court Judgement in Commission v Elevators Manufacturers, or the Story of How the Commission Lost an Action for Damages Based on its Own Infringement Decision

J. Marcos Ramos, D. Muheme, here

Expedia defends hotel contracts being scrutinised by ACCC, here

Get AMP’d: Here’s what publishers need to know about Google’s new plan to speed up your website

NiemanLab, here.