Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Ddl concorrenza: sì all'emendamento sugli hotel (narrow MFN)

IlSole24Ore, qui.

Art. 32. 1.
(Nullità delle clausole contrattuali che vietano alle imprese ricettive di offrire prezzi e condizioni migliori rispetto a quelli praticati da piattaforme di distribuzione online).
  1. È nullo ogni patto con il quale l'impresa turistico-ricettiva si obbliga a non praticare alla clientela finale, con qualsiasi modalità e qualsiasi strumento, prezzi, termini e ogni altra condizione che siano migliorativi rispetto a quelli praticati dalla stessa impresa per il tramite di soggetti terzi, indipendentemente dalla legge regolatrice del contratto. 

ФАС России выдала Google предписание

Fas.gov.ru, Вот
Резолютивная часть решения, Вот.

Haunted By Data

M. Cegłowski, here

The Court of Justice of the European Union invalidates the EU Commission Safe Harbor Decision

WP29, here

Apple Approves An App That Blocks Ads In Native Apps, Including Apple News

TechCrunch, here

Amazon commands almost half of all product searches, and marketers are ignoring omnichannel

VentureBeat, here

The Arrival of Algorithmic Business

Gartner.com, here

Digitale Ökonomie – Internetplattformen zwischen Wettbewerbsrecht, Privatsphäre und Verbraucherschutz

Bundeskartellamt, hier

Monday, October 05, 2015

Investigation of the online travel agency Expedia closed

Konkurrensverket, here

Comment of the Global Antitrust Institute, George Mason University School of Law, on the Korea Fair Trade Commission's Revised Review Guidelines on Unfair Exercise of Intellectual Property Rights

IoT: Enterprises, not consumers, the likely beneficiaries

Deloitte, here

Functionality and Expression in Computer Programs: Refining the Tests for Software Copyright Infringement

P. Samuelson, here

"Prep document" ahead of the CJEU ruling on Safe Harbor

M. Schrems, here

The European Commission’s ISU antitrust investigation explained

Asser.nl, here

Schrems gegen Facebook: "Offline gehen ist keine Lösung"

Diepresse.com, hier

DMCA doesn't block reverse engineering of vehicle diagnosis software but TM might

Tushnet.blogspot.ch, here

Lufthansa stellt sich der Kritik an Buchungskosten

Heise.de, hier

Commission opens formal investigation into International Skating Union's eligibility rules

Press Release, here

Friday, October 02, 2015

Tracking not allowed (unless you’re Google)

A. Grunes, here

Huaweï v ZTE – Judicial Conservatism at the Antitrust and IP Intersection

N. Petit, here

Searching for harm or harming search? A look at the European Commission’s antitrust investigation against Google

A. Renda, here

Competition in telecom markets

M. Vestager, here

Protocole d'accord pour un développement équitable de la musique en ligne : Les Artistes disent oui

Lagam.org, ici

Macht das Kartellrecht deutsche Internetunternehmen kaputt?

Diskussionsrunde zum Kartellrecht, Video hier

The values of competition policy in Europe

M. Vestager, here

Des taxis robots testés dès aujourd'hui au Japon

Numerama.com, ici

Amazons alberne Argumente

Heise.de, hier.

Newsonomics: The Washington Post offers an Arc in the storm

Niemanlab.org, here.

The price of the Internet of Things will be a vague dread of a malicious world

Ieet.org, here

Thursday, October 01, 2015

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Broadening the Lens on Investigating Potential Collusion in the U.S. Airline Industry

AAI, here

How big (and bad) adblocking could get – and why news sites should sell adblockers

TheOverspill, here

The Arrival of Artificial Intelligence and “The Death of Contract”

I. Kerr, here

European Court Adviser Calls Trans-Atlantic Data-Sharing Pact Insufficient

NYTimes, here

Stellungnahmen zur Sektoruntersuchung Nachfragemacht im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel

Bundeskartellamt.de, hier

The Web as Platform Data: Flows in Social Media

A. Helmond, here

If cars cheat, what else?

NYTimes, here

The Internet of Everything: Data, Networks & Opportunities

M. Ohlhausen, here.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

VW scandal highlights irony of EPA opposition to vehicle software tinkering

ArsTechnica, here.

See also EFF, here

Who owns the road? The IoT-connected car of today—and tomorrow

Deloitte, here

Airlines' privacy policies do little to protect consumers' personal data

LATimes, here

Big Data and smart devices and their impact on privacy

European Parliament, Study for the LIBE Committee, here

The Macron Law: what it changes in Competition Law

Eversheds.com, here

Les chiffres qui expliquent pourquoi Uber cartonne

LeMonde, ici

The Digital Single Market, consumers and EU competition policy

J. Laitenberger, here

Upcoming OECD buoyant roundtable: Competition and across platform parity agreements!

OECD, here.

Facebook’s Restrictions on User Data Cast a Long Shadow

WSJ, here

Friday, September 18, 2015

Uber Files Antitrust Suit Against Taxi Commission; Defiantly Turns On UberX

Stlouis.cbslocal.com, here

Airlines not trying very hard to fight intermediaries in Google search

Tnooz, here

Uber accused of price-fixing in $150M lawsuit by Edmonton taxi companies

CBC.ca, here. Legal filing here (competition, §§ 348 ff.).

Transfer fees could go if Fifpro wins legal action against Fifa

TheGuardian, here

Huawei v ZTE – No More Need To Look At The Orange Book In SEP Disputes

White & Case, here

BlaBlaCar, Airbnb : le Sénat veut fiscaliser les revenus supérieurs à 5.000 euros

LesEchos.fr, ici

Herzensbrecher - Dating-Plattform Lovoo im Fake-Verdacht

Heise.de, hier