Tuesday, June 02, 2015

App Maker Files EU Complaint Against Google, Alleging Abuse of Android Dominance

WSJ.com, here.

"Disconnect said Google abused its dominant position in Europe’s mobile market to unfairly discriminate against Disconnect and favor its own privacy and security software. The moves limited Europeans’ access to competing privacy and security software, while letting Google and others track and collect Android users’ information for advertising, Disconnect said...The app maker alleged Google pulled Disconnect because the software disrupted Google’s tracking and advertising efforts, the source of most of the Internet company’s revenue and profit. In an email included in the complaint, a Play store employee said the app was removed because it prevented other apps from delivering ads....A Google spokesman called Disconnect’s claims “baseless.” Google has allowed more than 200 other privacy apps in the Play store, but blocks any apps that alter other apps’ functionality or remove their way of making money, he added, saying Google applies this policy uniformly, with strong support from Android developers...Google abused its dominance in mobile operating systems and the app market by “tying” its own software and security to those platforms, Disconnect said in its complaint. That gave its services an unfair advantage over Disconnect’s rival software, reducing competition and consumer choice in the market for privacy and security software, the developer said. Google’s removal of the app also illegally discriminated against Disconnect because Google’s own privacy and security software, which it includes by default in its Android operating system, isn't held to the same standards, Disconnect argued."

More about Disconnect here

Google добавили статью

Ведомости, вот.

App Developers Alliance Respectfully Disagrees with the Solicitor General in Google v. Oracle

Press Release, here

Apple, Feeling Heat From Spotify, to Offer Streaming Music Service

WSJ.com, here.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

What Google Just Announced Is a Bombshell

Bloomberg, here. See also here. Here on the Assist API.

FTC Settlement of Cephalon Pay for Delay Case

Press release here. Proposed stipulated order here.

How the Internet, the Sharing Economy, and Reputational Feedback Mechanisms Solve the “Lemons Problem”

A. Hobson, C. Koopman, C. Kuiper and A. Thierer, here

May 2015 Author Earnings Report: Amazon's ebook sales

Authorearnings.com, here

Margin Squeeze: An Above-Cost Predatory Pricing Approach

G. Gaudin, D. Mantzari, here

Informe sobre la reutilización de la información del sector público.

CNMC.es, aquí.

How Reasonable Royalties Suppress Patent Licensing

E. Hovenkamp, here.

Informe sobre el reparto de los derechos audiovisuales del fútbol

CNMC, aquí.


FAZ, here.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Platform Shift

M. Van Alstyne, Video here.

Android and Antitrust: Attempts at a “More Technological Approach”

S. Vezzoso (this blog's author), Working Paper here (Wavesblog's readers comments more than welcome).

White House sides with Oracle, tells Supreme Court APIs are copyrightable

ArsTechnica, here

UK businesses' miserable understanding of Competition Law

Prepared for CMA by IFF Research, here

Supreme Court says "patent troll" for first time in Cisco ruling

Fortune, here

Publishers win High Court support in fight against infringement

Societyofauthors.org, here. See also TorrentFreak, here

Wiko, le petit poucet du mobile qui veut croquer Samsung et Apple

LaTribune, ici.

Obama administration asks U.S. top court to decline Google copyright appeal

Reuters.com, here

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Aperta un'istruttoria sui diritti televisivi della serie A

AGCM, Provvedimento qui.

"Le notizie di stampa in atti sembrano indicare che l’assetto finale per l’assegnazione dei diritti audiovisivi per il triennio 2015/2018 come sopra descritto non discenda da un confronto competitivo fra gli operatori interessati, ma sia stato il frutto di un accordo, realizzato successivamente all’espletamento della gara che ha determinato un esito delle assegnazioni diverso da quello inizialmente risultante dalla stessa procedura di gara".

Audible richtet neuen Abo-Pool ein

Boersenblatt.net, hier

Uber Tests Taking Even More From Its Drivers With 30% Commission

Forbes.com, here.

"Because we can".

EC clears acquisition of Jazztel by Orange, subject to conditions

Press Release, here

Collective Redress for Antitrust Damages in the European Union: Is This a Reality Now?

D. Geradin, here

Diritti tv: perquisizioni della Guardia di Finanza in Lega, Sky e Mediaset

Repubblica.it, qui.

Microsoft is interesting again — very

Medium.com, here

Booking.com Implements New Parity Provisions in Germany

Marketwatch.com, here

Twitter met lui aussi votre vie privée en Irlande

Numerama, ici

Who owns your agricultural data?

Datasciencecentral, here

Google “Buy Buttons” Could Start Showing On Mobile Shopping Ads In A Matter Of Weeks

SearchEngineLand, here

Bd4travel Raises $4.2M To Let Online Travel Industry Use Big Data To Personally Target Visitors

TechCrunch, here